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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Are you SURE it's not cat related? Try increasing virtual memory.
  2. Yes, yes I would believe that because i've woken up to about 300GB of empty video file thanks to my cats
  3. Regarding the UI, it's the bit in red i've included on this edited screenshot madmole posted earlier. I'm working off the assumption that the crafting section may be using a different UI controller to perks. If we could use THAT bit in perks (just from a modding standpoint, not expecting TFP to use it), that would honestly be amazing. Like, the grid up top to show what items get unlocked, then the name/perk description/etc like it currently is, for example. Also, build 69... nice
  4. This is why I suggested it might be better to have lower levels in the skills, AND the ability to purchase with skill points. That way, players have options. But I guess we'll wait and see how it plays out. ATM, I don't like it, but I DO like the UI change. Can we get that for perks as well please? That would be amazing for us modders who have perks unlock recipes. I can have the icons be displayed.
  5. That's a shame. I was hoping unity and slipped in some secret sauce you folks could use. I've noticed the editor seems to load WAY faster on 2021.3 vs 2020.3.
  6. Did you die? If so, it's the near death debuff. You use a stone hammer, not a stone axe.
  7. No to both. When you die, you lose 10 max HP. It's the wellness function. There is a perk you can take which increases the minimum you can go down to. Otherwise just eat/drink good stuff to get it back.
  8. As far as I know, they do. Check the server log. Wrong map 😛
  9. Nice. Any new features in that release you guys can take advantage of? Or just wanting to stay current?
  10. Apparently I've got a similar amount of cancers, i'm living in a basement at my parents house as a virgin (even though UK houses don't have basements) and also banging my mother at the same time going by some of those users.
  11. That guy was tame compared to the insults I get on the Dead by Daylight forums when users refuse to listen that their system is the problem and not the game One of the other moderators (a friend of mine) has had straight up death threats on the forum, in her inbox and then via twitter after they got banned. Had to get authorities involved.
  12. Yes it works with 20.5. I tested all of them and everything seems good. Yes, everyone needs to install it due to custom models. No idea if it works with other mods. I see no reason why not though since it's just blocks. I can look into that when I get some free time.
  13. Okay? Then I worded it badly. But I said MOSTLY. Not ALL. If YOU feel that YOU are included in that? That's still a you problem. Offense is taken. Not given. AKA - You decided to read it, unilaterally decide it applies to everyone, including you, and took offense. Not my problem.
  14. Here's an easy question. Planning to update the unity version again? I noticed 2021.3 is LTS now, so are you folks planning to update to that, or a 2022.x version?
  15. I enjoy it, but yeah, the community can be REALLY bad. The steam and reddit is even worse.
  16. @Roland One thing I do wanna say, the people who claim this place is full of yes men and toxic have NO IDEA how nice this forum is. The game I work for? Holy crap, the forums are WAY, WAY WORSE. There's a reason I stick to my assigned moderation area and let everyone else deal with the rest.
  17. Am I high? No, but you are. You know why? Because you're blaming ME for repeating what other people have told me regaridng the perception of this forum. So you know how you're being angry and throwing insults at me? Yeah, that's why you're being rude. If you don't like it, go on other social media sites and challenge the people whom i've repeated. Not me. Because I'll just call you out on being rude and impolite since you're "shooting the messenger."
  18. This. This is why people don't like coming to the forums. I'm not being an "arrogant arse-hole". I'm being polite and discussing. If you don't like that, that's a you problem. I don't consider myself a "great modder" or even a good "content creator." I'm a tit with a keyboard and internet access just like everyone else. But what I quoted? That's just being an insulting, pretentious git. And THAT is the attitude a lot of people feel is present on these forums, especially in topics such as this one. And THAT is why people don't like to come here. In other words: Adjust your attitude. And as for my "presumption", it's literally what I've been told by other people. Did I think that in the past? Yes, yes I did. Many years ago. Before I started modding, which is why I didn't participate here much. Therefore, the rest of your sentence is literally just being insulting by calling me arrogant when I'm simply repeating WHAT I HAVE BEEN TOLD. Again, if you don't like it, fine. But now you are literally doing exactly why people say they won't come here. You're not contributing. You're not making the forum a better place.
  19. *sigh* Alright then... if I really have to do this... The assumption is correct because, despite what you said, there is quite literally not enough time in the day to monitor all of the things I said, even taking into account down time for compiles/renders/other things. There's just not. This is why the company I work for has at LEAST 3 social media managers who literally scour all those places (those are the ones I know of). That's their full time job for 5 days/week and then some part timers for the weekend, and even THEY don't reply to everything (like you said the devs dont). I never stated they don't see criticism "at all". I said they can't monitor all of those. Now, maybe I should've clarified a bit better and said "they can't monitor everything on all of those all of the time", which would be a fair assement. But at the same time, YOU could've asked for clarification rather than making your own assumptions. Being completely honest, and with no disrespect and no intent to cause offense... The snark when people make suggestions, and some of your own replies (which come across as very rigid, and the assumptions that YOU make when replying to people), are exactly why people are put off, and why they think TFP won't listen. If you folks actually want feedback and criticism, this needs to be tempered... hard. Because it puts people off, including me. If TFP do take suggestions and criticism, then I strongly suggest putting as such in the patch notes when a change is made. I'm only a modder and that's what I do, and my users appreciate it. The company I work for do something similar. In their case it usually says something "Based on player feed back and gathered statistics, X has been changed to Y." And you know what? Users love it. It makes them feel listened to and valued.
  20. I actually did craft other weapons because RNG hates me so I rarely found about a 5. My wife did though.
  21. Oh yeah, it really is. I went INT on the server me and my wife were playing on and I just sat there building the base (wife went for the mining tree to give me resources) and kitted everyone out with vehicles and stuff. It was insane.
  22. Yep, it does. Went and checked. No it's not. It's the public perception of the forum. If you suggest that folks come here, and give their input in a polite and well structured manner, the response is typically "There's no point because it's a TFP fanboy echo chamber." I'm not kidding. Therefore the phrase is accurate, because that's seriously what a lot of players outside of the forum believe. If you don't like that, then efforts need to be made to change it. It's that simple. Not strictly true. I know a lot of well mannered people, who could offer constrcutive, non-toxic criticism, but won't because they don't want to be attacked by other forum users due to the aforementioned issue above. I am seriously not kidding. I've had people in my discord and twitter tell me that. I've also had folks tell me that on youtube and on facebook. And I would re-read what I said, Roland. I did not assume they ONLY read the forums. I said they can't pay attention to all of the avenues I mentioned, which is true. It's a lot of time. Due to the fact the team MOSTLY respond here (I have seen Fataal and Kin in the 7 Days to Die - PC FB group), it is a fair and reasonable assumption. The only time I see TFP directly interact with fans is here, occasionally facebook and twitch (especially during the streamer event... i'm not counting Prime cos he's a nerd that always streams his own stuff ) Therefore my "assumption" is correct. They cannot possibly read every single piece of feedback on every single social media outlet that the players use, because there just isn't enough time in the day to do that AND work on the game AND have a life. That's straight fact. The problem is the "reason" is never discussed. A lot of people would be less irritable when a change comes if it was. Personally I would LOVE to know the reasons from a straight up design perspective on WHY something was changed, but that's because I want to learn.
  23. Want my opinion then? He's unfortunately right. The forum is mostly full of people who blindly support TFP. This is their primary method of communcation, so that's what they see. Any criticism that is actually well constructed is often shouted down by most folks on the forum, so it can be ignored (it's not ALWAYS ignored, I want to make that clear, but it often is, because TFP will just do whatever they want and folks here just stand around and clap). Other social media, like twitter, discord, facebook, reddit, twitch, youtube... there's often a lot of criticism. I know they obviously cannot monitor all of these, but if you actually tell people to go to the forums and make their grievances in a polite and constructive manner, you know what the typical response is? "There's no point. They won't listen and the forum is full of TFP <insert descriptive noun for supporters here which may or may not be polite>". And I also know they can't listen to everyone. If they did, the game would never be done. The problem is, changes like this are perceived as uncessary. TFP have a habit of doing MAJOR changes (and this is) when only a slight tweak is needed. Which means folks get annoyed, and it drags out the development process. Personally, I'm still on the side of "This is a completely unecessary change" but with a side of "I'm going to see how it plays." Story needs to be done before gold as I believe it's a KS promise. I need to double check that.
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