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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Alloc, sort of... because I don't like to bother him. Prime, because I like to bother him a lot on twitch and cause endless suffering when he's testing twitch integration. And i've spoken to Fataal a little bit. He helped me get the laser sight working on custom guns.
  2. Instead of being able to have several copies of the game, all loading from their own /Mods folder... all FUTURE copies of the game will only load Mods from %AppData%/7 Days to Die. Which means you can only have 1 mod installed at a time, or vanilla. You can't swap between them. UNLESS we get creative with launch flags and custom XML files to make the game load from other places. It is? Cos I wasn't asked. 😛
  3. Allocs works fine. People are using it in my discord. But they AREN'T using it in a docker. They run the server as a service or spin up a VM just for the server.
  4. Yep, this is why. Which is also why I don't see a good reason to yeet the CURRENT mods folder. That should work fine for Steam/Epic versions. Unless it's an adjustment MS requires that we don't know about.
  5. Don't use a docker. It doesn't play nice. No, I don't know why. Just spin up a VM or run it as a service. Not happening. 1) It adds recipe bloat. 2) You only get 1 item back and I guarantee people will complain and expect me to do some C# patches to return multiple items.
  6. Works for me. I keep my cursor on open and just spam both. Makes it go faster. Other users have installed AutoHotkey and just used that.
  7. I need to test it on 20.4. Might be a couple of small tweaks that I need to do. Just haven't had the time yet.
  8. Check your log. Some people seem to have the various harmony patches loading twice, which is breaking things. As I said, I tested it by downloaded the dedi software and patching it and it works fine for me. Click it with the mouse and press A as well.
  9. Huh, never heard of an error like that before. Yes. I tested it locally before uploading. The map needs the mod.
  10. Yeah. RH and UL are similar in size. That's why users are concerned about their C drive.
  11. He can spawn in RWG. Any of the POI's can. But it's also iffy
  12. Honestly, a lot of DF's size is maps. But the assets folder (models, sounds, etc) is 2.5GB on it's own.
  13. Overhauls are a lot more than 100MB. DF is about 4GB. I'm not kidding.
  14. The answer is yes. HOWEVER. This change also makes it a lot HARDER to install mods (if not using the launcher) due to the strange choice of folder (and i've given my recommendation for one that would work for users, and for TFP, across all operating systems) AND makes it a lot harder for users to be able to run multiple mods AND vanilla if they so wish. It also makes it much harder for modders to be able to have multiple versions to test/experiment with. There are workarounds (And modders should be expected to use them), but it's the end user experience that bothers me the most as this causes issues for both TFP and modders. So we can't just say "Well if the answer is yes, then this is a good thing" without looking at the broader picture.
  15. Yes. It's 2 RL hours no matter what. I don't remember if you need to unlock anything to build the scarecrow
  16. Sphereii, plz. You damn well know they're gonna be on multiple websites and posts anyway
  17. I have ideas on how i'm gonna resolve it myself. I just need to do some tweaks to my mod. Getting there.
  18. Yep, that's what i'm using right now. I had some issues I needed to fix up before the new location can be used. 1 of 3 is fixed. The second I know HOW to fix cos of the first, the third is going to be more difficult, but I have a working theory.
  19. You NEED to get a clean game, and the updated mod, and install that on the clean game to fix it. It's that simple. And no, just clicking "uninstall" on steam is not a clean game, because it leaves the old mod folder behind.
  20. Crops take 2 IRL hours per STAGE and they don't grow if the chunk isn't active. Which is why the scarecrow exists. Crops work fine. I literally harvested some corn in my YT series. The /Mods folder in the game folder still works right now. So use that.
  21. Thanks for reminding me I need to clear out my cache and downloads.
  22. Are you absolutely sure you're on that map and you didn't just put it in as a game name and RWG? Cos she's definitely there on that map. I tested it.
  23. I still maintain that the DOCUMENTS folder is a better location for logs/saves/mods So like C:\Users\<username>\Documents (I think that's the default on windows). Why? Easier to access for the end user. WAY easier. Platform agnostic. It works on Windows, Linux and MacOS with System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments). Windows users can EASILY change the location of their documents folder. I have mine on my D drive, for example. I assume Linux and MacOS can do the same but I'm not experienced enough with those OS'es to comment. I understand this change is coming because of the MS Store version that doesn't allow access to the game folder, but if we HAD TO only have 1 mods folder? That location would be my suggestion for the reasons outlined. Personally I'd leave both locations in. That way you maintain windows store compatibility for those users, and the old location for Steam/Epic users that want multiple game versions and multiple mods easily.
  24. You have to use the console. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, 20.4 is in stable now, so Darkness Falls V4.03 is now released! Patch notes are literally "Updated the mod to work with 20.4" and that's it. Folks running the dev build said saves transfered from 4.02 to 4.03 with no problems. Compo Pack stuff will come later after we've curated the list, so it'll be like 4.03A or something. Download Link: https://dev.azure.com/KhaineUK/_git/DarknessFallsA20 (click the 3 dots, select download as zip) Alt Download Link: https://gitlab.com/KhaineGB/darkness-falls-a20/-/tree/main (click the icon next to clone and then zip) (edited)
  25. Tip. I was looking through the XML and apparently those triple-resource rocks spawn where resources are. So if you find one of those, dig down to stone and look around. There might be a resource. I'll fix it later.
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