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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. The quest is repeatable because it's not finished. Other users have said the fire damage IS fixed byt it's causing dehydration for some reason. Not my problem. I'm not responsible for sorcery or it's compatibility patch. You need to ask in their server.
  2. Should be. I dont remember which one but I know it's secret stash and you need appropriate perks
  3. Yeah, they're old ones. I need to remove them. Thanks for reminding me
  4. I think the patch is also in the sorcery discord
  5. Yes. I believe @Devrix has a compatibility patch for Sorcery and DF on A20.
  6. I don't have an XLarge3 either. Vsmall 1 and 2 Small 1 and 2 Medium 1 and 2 Large 1 and 2 XLarge 1 That's it.
  7. I don't have a large 3 in A20. Are you using one of the old A19 maps?
  8. I haven't messed with structural integrity, so no idea. 4.02 doesn't work on 20.4 experimental. Either get 4.03-DEV-B1 (which I think is a page or 2 back) or roll back to 20.3 stable. Your system RAM is the problem. Stick to 6k maps. Increase your virtual memory.
  9. AI is tweaked slightly. Tougher zombies are smarter.
  10. Yep, that's been reported in the discord. I'll be looking into why later since i'm re-writing all the XML anyway
  11. You probably could but i'm not going to walk you through doing that because that's basically going "Hey, you know that progression you crafted? Yeah, I don't care and i'm just gonna toss it out"
  12. I have insomnia, so you folks get this. V4.03-DEV-B1 - Updated DF for A20.4 compatibility Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uKRawP62uxBPpesf4QCziO2n41nv4BK0/view?usp=sharing Yep, that's it. That's all I did. No idea if it's save compatible or not. I THINK it is, but I didn't have time to test.
  13. Here's your advanced warning. A20.4 changes some stuff in various window XML files. This BREAKS DF. Completely. Do not use A20.4 with DF.
  14. Yep, it is. That's the last quest. Pregen6k is a VANILLA map. There are NO MAPS with compo pack right now... because it's not out. So yes, you picked the wrong map. You have to use a map with DFalls in front of it, or risk RWG.
  15. It's not XML only. It's a C# patch. It's the patch I'm removing.
  16. No. I'm removing them. Because people keep doing stuff like that, and complaining that some sites DDOS their servers, etc. It's not worth my headache to support.
  17. No, not really. Because it's just a pain to track stuff down. The signs are going to be disabled eventually because people have been using them to post porn on servers.
  18. You have to remove the cvar requirements in progression.xml It's a bug from trader protection being small/off. You have to reboot the server. It's not an issue in SP, or hasn't been for most players, therefore it's not something I plan to track down.
  19. I'd check the server logs and see if there's any errors. Yep. It's DFammoProjectileDemon in items.xml That's a TFP POI, so nope. I'm not responsible for that one
  20. Alright folks, here we go! Darkness Falls V4.02 is now out for everyone! The patch notes are... kinda girthy, so I put them on a pastebin rather than spam messages in here. Full patch notes going from 4.01 to 4.02: https://pastebin.com/CR4rPMLP Download links are the usual, and manual install is recommended as per usual. Just download the mod, delete the Mods folder, replace with the new one, done. Regarding save compatibility. Going from 4.01 to 4.02 may have some... odd side effects. It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to start a new save. In testing, no character data was wiped, but some items changed due to removing some buggy/unneeded ones. You have been warned. Download Link: https://dev.azure.com/KhaineUK/_git/DarknessFallsA20 (click the 3 dots, select download as zip) Alt Download Link: https://gitlab.com/KhaineGB/darkness-falls-a20/-/tree/main (click the icon next to clone and then zip) Nexus Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/235?tab=files&BH=0
  21. That's not something I added... I think. Sounds like a deco block. Didn't Jawoodle share it in one of his videos? I'm pretty sure he did. He changed the code vs what I had.
  22. Don't use the launcher and stop trying to update the included modlets. You'll break stuff. It is entirely possible for the incubus and succubus to one shot you if they get a direct hit. So better be careful.
  23. Not my vehicle so not my problem 😛 But the game just registers vehicles as "attached" to the player
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