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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. No idea. If you mean engines while wrenching, t's a CHANCE to drop. This is not an issue. It's been like that for ages. Vehicles floating has been fixed in the dev version. It's a CHANCE to leave a corpse behind because people complained when it was 100%.
  2. Any non-vanilla vehicle is not my responsibiltiy nor problem. No, it's not. Largest storage vehicle is the box truck. It's slow, but it's 120 slot. Sounds like you might be missing something. I've been able to modify 71 weapons/tools/etc. Up to you on the mastery books. Traders can teach you mastery too as well at 30 rep and if you have 100k dukes. I'd remove all your modlets, see if the error still occurs and then post a log if it still does. I can't do anything if you've modded the overhaul and just post screenshots.
  3. Yeah, just an extra recipe. No difference
  4. It's set to 24hrs but remember that wandering hordes may not spawn if you're very mobile. They tend to only spawn when you're in 1 place for a long period of time. Depends on your difficulty settings. Higher difficulty = greater chance of infection. Weapons, probably not. Posters and such should be fine.
  5. No, but I added them to loot lists in the dev version.
  6. Vanilla MP bug. Happens with buried supplies quests too. Not fixable. Sorcery isn't compatible yet from what I understand So... don't use it? Not changing it. It's that simple. Work around it. I picked those hold types because they'll work better with the guns when I animate them, and fixing positions requires a lot of time fixing it in unity.
  7. You wont see different options. Just set towns and cities to high, as much flat land as possible and generate. Best way to get big cities
  8. Intended because her next quest isn't finished yet. And no, it's not. Only in the wasteland. Hit rocks or look on the map. Maybe. Will think about it. Can't do anything about the NPC's like Razor/Eve not counting as traders as they need to count as traders for you to be able to talk to them. Fixed in DEV build locally. Go find it in the wasteland with anti-rad pills, hazmat mods or hazmat clothes.
  9. You don't because it's a DF thing
  10. Cos she's a trader. So she'll despawn occasionally. Normally doing a chunk reset or logging out and back in fixes it.
  11. You could F6 spawn him and run his quests.
  12. That's a TFP bug. Seen the same issue in vanilla. If you're getting that error, you may not have a razor POI in your world.
  13. Will double check it for 4.02. IF you're using DFalls-Navezgane rather than just Navezgane, you're fine. It's not a guaranteed 100% immunity. Sounds like you're missing the research lab. Don't question how they do surgery. Will double check the drop rates but I dont think they're gamestaged. I've also added hazmat fiber to their drop lists.
  14. Keeps the chunk it's in, and some around it, "active" even if the player is not nearby. Which means the plants/rain catchers/etc work better.
  15. If thats 4.02-B3, go wrench them and it resets them correctly on the ground. Nope. if you have your own google account, you can copy it to your drive and get access to it that way
  16. Alright folks, B3 is ready for people to kick the tyres and see what falls off in the process. Should be pretty stable, I haven't adjusted anything that should cause loss of progress so this should be save-safe. V4.02-DEV-B3 - Zombies should no longer do increased damage based on difficulty level, EXCEPT for Insane (how it was in A18/A19). - Included Krunch's 12k map. - Reduced the amount of Oldwest towns and Country towns that can spawn in RWG so there's more room for proper towns and cities. - Replaced the "Farming" journal entry the player gets when picking up or making seeds with the DF specific "Growing Crops" tip. - Updated the "Growing Crops" tip to explain hoe's and irrigation slightly better. - Made dropped turds a little smaller. - Redid blood draw kit a little so players should be able to use it more reliably. - Redid how food recovers anemia so it should hopefully be more reliable. - All custom zombies remade with new controller to stop "rubber banding." - Textures on Football Player and Cowboy (both strippers, yes this is intended, stop reporting it) are fixed. - Fixed Pulse Rocket falling at the players feet. - Increased Pulse Rocket damage. - Added new legendary item: Jason's Machete. - Serrated Blade can now be installed with Tempered Blade. - Ergonomic Grip and Fortifying Grip can now be installed at the same time. - Fortifying Grip can now be installed in bows. - Increased max bleed stacks... by a lot. - Added a "remove" for every single bleeding buff I can find in the buffs file to all bandage-based items since people are apparently still reporting that. - Added bundles of dye for storage purposes. - Rain catchers now require being outside and on dirt. This was necessary to potentially fix the bug with them randomly not working. - Added some blocks that were apparently missing despite the game never crashing. - Added missing level tag to Get Off My Land that stopped the run speed working. - Added a scarecrow that works as a chunk loader, which should help with plant and rain catcher progression irregularities. Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OJDN69--Zj_yBJcwTOTbqOnZeS3uEAbG/view?usp=sharing
  17. This is a lot to answer. IIRC the buffs are on the items/mods. But you don't need to mess with it. If you have all 5 hazmat pieces, you have 100% immunity. Already been confirmed by people in the discord. If you don't want to mess with that, just take anti-rad pills. Don't use base_subtract. Use base_add with a negative. So example, if you wanted to reduce damage by 5 points for metal, you'd have... <passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="base_add" value="-5" tags="metal"/> Why? Don't know. But TFP are using that for most of their code, so I follow that. And yes, this means your block damage would be 10 vs anything not metal, 5 vs metal (in my example) For tables you would need to tag all tables with a new tag and then apply that to your item_modifier, which can be a pain. Have a look at my crowbar and how it works vs doors/chests. Takes a while to load off my NVME drive too due to all the extra compressed assets. Sadly not a lot I can do about that. Sorry you're stuck in quarantine, but at least you have something to keep you enteratained... I hope. Books don't always show as unlocked. Check the PERK the book says it unlocks. More often than not, you're missing requirements. I'm trying to see if I can find a way to add some kind of indicator that you've read it, but it's best to just look up the perk for now. Aim for the chest on stalkers. The head hitbox is a little iffy. Try increasing your virtual memory. It might be derping out due to all the blocks. Will look at the stew. Jeep is NOT my problem.
  18. It's definitely working for me and others. Open the console and type this. givequest Razor_Meeting_Eve If the default map is navezgane, you will have 0 DF POI's. Because making items have a material of titanium was breaking sounds when they hit stuff, and particle effects. That recipe is an old recipe that doesn't need to be there so I need to remove it later. I'm pretty sure anna's quest literally tells you how dangerous it is if you go to the quest journal and check it. If not, I can add that. ALso you can just make anti-rad pills. Red means either you died, so all your attributes are lowered by 1, or you aren't the right level, which can depend based on perk (Class is usually 0/10/20, future tech is 75)
  19. If I really have to spell it out... You have to look up that book in recipes, make one (and no, it does NOT take skill notes) and then use it, and the perk only takes effect from level 75...
  20. Look up "The Future Is Now!" 😛
  21. Sure. I don't mind sharing the base mod. Then you can just tweak numbers and experiment. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qeewxlxJsUKW2QopMGc8ILsVU5mB9Y_0/view?usp=sharing Also, you're only a year older than me. You got this.
  22. I mean, feel free to try the mod if you like. It should still work on A20 But from what i've been told it SHOULDN'T be needed
  23. Don't worry, I didn't take offense. I'm just very plain speaking/blunt. Easier to avoid miscommunication that way. I'll have to double check armor penetration, but I believe I changed guns so they don't do that. AP ammo and armor shredder mod does. Most mods won't work with DF, especially anything that changes UI or progression (sorcery is the exception because myself and devrix work together to ensure compatibility). There's more zombie models in A20 already. Not sure if anyone else had added more yet. POI's are easy to add. It should work with 20.4. Is that in experimental now? You can't claim block a trader because the trader protection is TECHNICALLY still there. I just made it a very small area (1x1x1) It's unfortunately required because TFP changed quests to get the position of the trader protection to select appropriate POI's, rather than the trader's position (which is what used to happen)
  24. That shouldn't be needed anymore anyway. It was a workaround for earlier A19 builds where zombies weren't loaded into RAM. I believe they are now. But blocks, items and sounds should all be loaded.
  25. Should be fixed in the next version And nocp means no compo pack
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