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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Yes and it's going to take a while
  2. Yes. We've started going through the POI's to see what's appropriate to include Give her the action skill books and just read them. It's 2 per read
  3. It SHOULDN'T be, but it might... I know for a fact those POI's exist in those maps.
  4. Yeah, cos it works on shortcuts. I tested that
  5. I only tested it with mine, not other peoples. If you mean does it change the wandering horde zombies? Yes. It doesn't touch bloodmoon. Works fine for me. It should do. It did when I tested it. I think I made it scale slower though so people don't just get murdered cos that's no fun. I've only seen this on 20.4 on an EXISTING save. I'll have to look. But I tested it on DF and it was working ok. (on a clean save) Yes but I don't remember why I didn't do it. I think you have to add it to loot containers so that's why it's not been done.
  6. Alright folks, here's an early access dev build! Honestly, there's not a lot of change from 4.03, it's mostly just tweaks to allow DF to work from the new modfolder location for folks who want to do that. V4.03A-DEV-B1 - Added Krunch's 8k map and required POI's. - Scoutsmod updated to run from any folder, and compiled into the main DF DLL file. - Scoutsmod now configurable via blocks.xml (info is at the bottom of the file). - Darkness Falls XML updated to allow it to run from any folder (including the new mod folder). Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zPkbTcnn9LOlpWbQPoGX0tqN2ywgskan/view?usp=sharing This IS save compatible. I tested it. However the amount of zombies the screamers spawn is... a bit high. If you wanna change it, it's at the bottom of blocks XML in 0-DarknessFallsCore/Config If you don't wanna change it... good luck?
  7. I think RH does too. Yeah, this is why I have refused to use anything that requires BepInEx, because I knew it'd be a problem eventually.
  8. This will screw mods that use BepInEx, but that's the only potential issue I can see.
  9. Mods folder, saves and profile DEFINITELY. Haven't tested RWG
  10. On windows, I believe you can edit startdedicated.bat to point to a different file. Right, will do a video on this later. Was going to last night, ended up rescuing a kitten at 11pm. Out to my weekly RPG game today, so it'll likely be tomorrow.
  11. It was partially @SylenThunder too He gave me some good ideas to go poking
  12. Only because i'm a sad old man with no life and nothing better to do
  13. Yeah, just an option added to a shortcut. That's it
  14. Honestly, once this dev build of DF is confirmed stable, i'm going to do a video on an install guide that I think will help.
  15. So, now i've finished patching up Darkness Falls so it'll work from a location other than 7 Days to Die/Mods, I tried adding this to a shortcut on my desktop. -UserDataFolder=D:\DarknessFalls I put the Mods folder in that location, and it worked. I assume this will also work for linux and mac, but I don't have a way to test that. It should also work for the MS Store if that store puts a shortcut on the desktop. You can just copy the shortcut several times and use those for several mods.
  16. I actually did not know this. Thanks roland
  17. I did get a new dev build done today for the testers. May push it out for everyone else in a few... just letting them kick the tyres a bit.
  18. 1) Yep, looks complete. There's fertalizer as well to skip a growth stage, but it's currently bugged (fix scheduled for 4.1) 2) No, it does not. It uses the A19 system where the plant goes back to seed.
  19. ^ this user... needs to git gud at the mod.
  20. Hugh should have them as well. However I did intend for all traders to at LEAST have wood, stone, clay and sand. So I'll be looking into that. Other people have said removing the quest, rebooting the game and talking to him again fixes it. No idea why. TFP always recommend a wipe when you update to a new alpha. There's not a lot I can do about it.
  21. Well I spoke to prime and had an amusing conversation... I'll poke fataal later and see what he thinks.
  22. This is why i'm advocating for TFP to use the Documents folder instead. 1) It's easier to find for users. 2) More technically inclined users can move it easily. 3) It's cross-platform. Like I said, I understand WHY the old way is being removed. I don't like it, but I understand it, and it's not worth arguing against. It's why I'm trying to encourage the devs to consider a different location that's better for the end user.
  23. FOR NOW, you are correct. You can still have a /Mods folder in the game dir and it'll load from there. However, if you ALSO have a /Mods folder in the %AppData% location, it'll load from both, which is causing some issues right now.
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