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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. 1) Laser or legendary weapon. 2) Ablative armor mod or power armor.
  2. Yes, you can play multiplayer. But EVERYONE needs it. You cant just yeet it on a server and have people connect.
  3. I did Romero Mod too. Otherwise no, not really. Right now, i'm hoping B6 is the last. I was waiting for compo pack to be done but it's taking too long.
  4. Actually i'm gonna lower the duration of that specific buff that disables the regen. Right now, normal demons are basically "Who cares, just shoot it with a coil weapon"
  5. Alright folks, time for a new build! In my testing, it did NOT break my save going from B5 to B6, but be very careful since I did some quest tweaks to fix up a few bugs. V4.02-DEV-B6 - Added 5 new maps! VSmall 2, Small 2, Medium 2, Large 2, XLarge 1. - 14k maps should now be possible to generate. - Lucile now properly causes a bleed effect. - Pistols now properly cause a bleed effect at appropriately high pistol skill usage. - Forge Ahead book should now work as intended. - Workbench Schematic should now work as intended. - Chemistry Station Schematic should now work as intended. - Flammable Oil mod should now work on Knuckles. - Increased food amount of Grilled Yucca to be equal to Baked Potatos since it needs a grill. - Slightly increased food amount of Baked Apples. - Tweaked desert plant spawns. - Flaming arrows/bolts should now properly scale with Demo Expert. - Molotovs now do LESS damage to players with increased levels of Demo Expert. - Added failsafes to all drinks to remove all fire buffs. - Added failsafes to buffExtinguishFire (which is triggered by drinks) to remove all fire buffs. - Anemia should now work correctly. - Fixed the Junk Turret AP ammo bundles not being unlockable and adjusted recipe accordingly. - Fixed a couple of recipes under the Bio Perks/Tech Perks using the wrong items to be made (like demon essence for tech and nanites for bio). - Tweaked a couple of POI's as they were too high. - Added a failsafe to make Acceelerated Healing kick in. - Power armor changed to give 100% fire immunity when all 5 pieces are being used (same as the way hazmat works). - Higher levels of bladed weapons now add more bleed damage than they used to. - Serrated Blade mod now scales off Bladed Weapons skill and adds to it as well. - Increased max bleed stacks... by a lot more than previously. - Rockets should now properly benefit from the Demolitions Expert perk. - Increased the amount of sandwhiches made with recipes that use bread. - Fixed the mag extender not being useable on the coilsniper and laser sniper. - Updated Razor and Eve's quests so they should work more reliably and hopefully show on the compass properly. - Guns that disable demon regen should now also disable the ability for them to throw fireballs while the anti-regen effect is active. Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pfP0ppg7pVo4-muqlDiZMTCSQtmHRdEc/view?usp=sharing
  6. Pretty sure that's fixed in 4.01. EDIT: I was wrong. It's fixed in 4.02 which is currently a dev build.
  7. Yes. It's fixed in an unreleased dev build the testers have been helping with
  8. That was a bug I fixed a while back
  9. Already fixed in a dev build. I just changed the recipe. <recipe name="ammoBundleJunkTurretAP" count="1" craft_time="360" craft_area="workbench" tags="workbenchCrafting"> <ingredient name="resourceScrapIron" count="5000"/> </recipe>
  10. It's actually supposed to be "unlocked." There's no "make crap for cheaper in bundles" recipes in DF. Bundles are only for storage purposes.
  11. They are consumed. Single doors are always green. Double doors are blue or red (they have coloured blocks above them to tell you) For that specific quest, you need at LEAST 2.
  12. They do, Have you checked ALL of the trader? If you wanna edit the prefabs.xml and test the crap out of the scout to make sure everything works properly, sure.
  13. You are correct. Some of them unlock perks, not recipes. I'm working on changing the item descriptions to explicitly state what perks they unlock to help with this confusion.
  14. should work in an existing game You have to use pack mule. Probably but hotkeys wont work
  15. This happens if you dont have a new save due to how i'm tracking it.
  16. I got you. I had it saved. V4.02-DEV-B3 - Zombies should no longer do increased damage based on difficulty level, EXCEPT for Insane (how it was in A18/A19). - Included Krunch's 12k map. - Reduced the amount of Oldwest towns and Country towns that can spawn in RWG so there's more room for proper towns and cities. - Replaced the "Farming" journal entry the player gets when picking up or making seeds with the DF specific "Growing Crops" tip. - Updated the "Growing Crops" tip to explain hoe's and irrigation slightly better. - Made dropped turds a little smaller. - Redid blood draw kit a little so players should be able to use it more reliably. - Redid how food recovers anemia so it should hopefully be more reliable. - All custom zombies remade with new controller to stop "rubber banding." - Textures on Football Player and Cowboy (both strippers, yes this is intended, stop reporting it) are fixed. - Fixed Pulse Rocket falling at the players feet. - Increased Pulse Rocket damage. - Added new legendary item: Jason's Machete. - Serrated Blade can now be installed with Tempered Blade. - Ergonomic Grip and Fortifying Grip can now be installed at the same time. - Fortifying Grip can now be installed in bows. - Increased max bleed stacks... by a lot. - Added a "remove" for every single bleeding buff I can find in the buffs file to all bandage-based items since people are apparently still reporting that. - Added bundles of dye for storage purposes. - Rain catchers now require being outside and on dirt. This was necessary to potentially fix the bug with them randomly not working. - Added some blocks that were apparently missing despite the game never crashing. - Added missing level tag to Get Off My Land that stopped the run speed working. - Added a scarecrow that works as a chunk loader, which should help with plant and rain catcher progression irregularities.
  17. If it's a random gen map, there's not a lot I can do about that. I have tested them on the DF maps and they work. That's intended. The proper method to increase XP was broken on servers. I need to see if it's ever been fixed.
  18. No because the mod has a junction box that does the same thing?
  19. Never seen a strip-o-gram who dress in costumes? 😛
  20. No, that zombie ID is not wrong. DFFarmingBookDesc,Learn how to craft various seeds and animal coops.\nThis book unlocks the Farming Tips perk by 1 level per book. That's what it should be. Fixed
  21. I did tweak progression and recipes as well... and one small tweak to the actual vehicles xml
  22. If you're on an existing save, read skill books WILL show as unread due to the workaround I had to do in order to get it to work. That will only appear on a NEW save. Demons are NEVER going to be fixed. Ever. They use the same code as YOUR molotovs.
  23. They're at the bottom of the file as they were updated. That screenshot is not helpful.
  24. Didn't for me, so you should be fine
  25. New dev build out and such. V4.02-DEV-B4 - Fixed Rain Catchers again. - Fixed incorrect unlockedby on Ablative Armor. - Reduced Titan block damage by 25% (from 4000 to 3000). - Gave titanium blocks an extra 5k hp. - Added working version of Myth's Bloodmoon Vehicle Buster mod. - Adjusted the pipe baton so it's stats match the wooden club. - Rod and Spring and Armor Shredder can now be installed in junk turrets. - Despawning vehicle issue seems to be mostly fixed. - Changed the winchester to use desert vulture sounds since it's a .44 gun so it should be louder. - Very slightly lowered the damage of shotgun and coilshotgun shells. - Very slightly lowered the fire rate of the coilshotgun. - Increased attack speed of Laser Multi-Tool. - Splints should now provide a splinted buff if you have a broken bone, which should prevent the negatives while leaving the debuff in place (still needs a cast to heal). - Removed some unecessary recipes. - Added fixes for Kruch's map. - Added new itemicons provided by Android_Data. - Changed Gotta Go Fast to increase mobility rather than run/walk speed as this should do the same thing. - Fixed missing UI display for Jason's Machete. - Sprained, Broken and Splinted arm should now have a different icon to make it easier to see what's wrong at a glance. - Demon fire effects halved in damage, BUT they can now stack duration. - All books should now show the open/closed icon if the perk is maxed (or not) but requirements are not met. Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KyFIVSwMCyknyRvD8O-pBdlZZlpo4NLB/view?usp=sharing
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