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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Randomized but from a limited list. What happens when that list is exhausted? Ok, I see the problem. One can select the "Game Name" freely but when deleting a game the generated world is probably not deleted with it (or is it?) and so you have to delete worlds by hand. If you can script you could make a simple tool that deletes games together WITH their worlds.
  2. Ah sorry, I forgot you can create worlds without starting a game. How does that work when you create many worlds, I thought the randomized names were picked from a limited pool?
  3. The problem seems to be your player file. And since you get the problem even when you start a new game I would suggest to completely delete your player information: Start the game launcher, go to the tools tab, select the last option. At a minimum clean your character profile. If you still have problems, delete everything else too. You will start as lvl1 player again, but in the console you can use "giveselfxp" to get back some levels and in creative menue you can get back equipment you already had.
  4. Another option: Include date/time in the name of your world I always add the alpha version to the name so I never try to start a world in a wrong alpha.
  5. 10 times not getting honey with a 20% change is 0.8 ^ 10 = .107, i.e. a chance of 1 in 10, not 1 in 200.
  6. Ah, sorry, I forgot to add a smiley, the "get in line" is just a "classic" reply but was meant merely tongue-in-cheek. No harm done, such details are impossible to know for relatively new users. The information is real though, I heard at least one dev mention they have to ignore Notifications because they get too many. Sure, but what hinders a casual player to ignore the options page, except for setting overall difficulty?
  7. Only two people in that list are from the dev team and everyone posting ideas here wants the devs to read their posts. Get in line. While I don't know which options will eventually be in the game I'm sure that stuff like your topic 4 will not be among them, at least not in this detail. You would need a dynamic length list for this or 3 static lists of about 18 entries for each of normal, feral and radiated screamer. OR some xml (<--- yes, in other words what a mod does). I don't think a multi-page extravaganza options table for just the screamer hordes alone is probable. Except for 1 and 3 all your option wishes are for a group of options, not a single one, taking much space in the options menue, filling more and more tabs or lengthening the pages so they don't fit on the screen anymore. This is just a guess (!!!) but I would predict that options will stay as simple as now, mostly yes/no switches or a list of values to select from for relatively global settings. In a not too distant future 7D2D will have steam workshop integration so that you can simply add or remove mods from a list. Then adding a mod will be as complex as changing an option.
  8. If you are asking about the connection, read the wikipedia entry on "Native American Gaming"
  9. Did you notice the pictures of an indian chief in the game? This is the Duke. Since you are from the US you probably can connect the dots 😉.
  10. I think there are more important questions: What about underwater newsstands? 😉
  11. You already can adjust zombie damage
  12. Yes, this is my personal worry. Though lets be honest, finding that tier3 recipe early might be the highlight of a game but it is a pyrrhic victory as it often means you walk through the middle game too easy. It is interesting, on one hand I would like surprise finds of OP stuff for variety, but hate them for making the game too easy. 😉
  13. Ok, but in A21 you will still progress in the perk tree through all those activities, so "ONLY" is already wrong. What is true is that a part of the progression, namely crafting, does not depend on all activities anymore. And crafting itself is only one of three sources for stuff. Secondly we had that with crafting already for some recipes. You could get tier 2 and tier 3 weapon recipes ONLY through looting, and there were no shouts of doom.
  14. There exist players older than you (not talking about age necessarily but "player age". Morrowind was the big breakthrough for bethesda into the mainstream AAA market and each successor (including fallout) made them grow substantially. That is one reason why Bethesda switches between their franchises, and wants a third one.
  15. True or not, this has absolutely NOTHING to do with the question whether Bethesda was mod-friendly starting with morrowind. He said "prior to Morrowind modding was hell" meaning modding in morrowind was much better. Naturally that doesn't mean modding support in Morrowind would hold up to todays standards. First of all, how do you know that others shared your view that mods were not important? For example I became interested in playing Oblivion only after hearing about a mod that changed the atrocious leveling system you mention. Wait, what? You just invent penalties in the contract now to support your hypothesis? 😆 As IP holder Microsoft can essentially dictate the contract details, if they don't want to themselves they don't need to bind themselves to any limits at all. Just read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_tail . Every game not totally forgotten has that. People will be buying Skyrim at a budget price as long as there is no successor game. So why would Bethesda make a successor at all? Because then it can sell a game at full price again and even to all the players who already have the old game. And because they don't want a rival developer to bring out a similar game and take "their" players away.
  16. While the question is about number of mods HE specifically talks about the past: He says "Anything prior to Morrowind is a pain to mod, but Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim were designed to be easily moddable.". That is not about now, he talks about the past. "they encouraged players to mod the games. Morrowind had its Construction Set released at the same time the game released". Again a statement about things in the past, not about 2019. "Todd Howard was pretty clear that Morrowind players were getting the same tool that the developers were using". Again a statement about the past. Especially PvP games have the problem that the game is really just a sandbox for the central element, the fights against other players. Balance and fun mechanics is very important, there is often no story. An RPG gets played because of story and quests and discovery. What is true for PvP games is wrong for RPG games. Exactly. People didn't stay with older Fallouts or Skyrim, they tried the new game. And found it lacking. No idea what you are talking about.
  17. You mean the link I posted? Maybe. But what has that to do with the truthfullness of the statement? They were released so fast because Bethesda used the same game engine and only upgraded it a little. But this can't be done endlessly and now they need to program a new one. That is at least what I have heard. If Bethesda wanted a new TES, they could bring out a new one anytime. There are millions of people who would buy a new game, mods or no mods. Many of them don't play mods like you for different reasons. But even those that do play mods would flock to a new game by Bethesda immediately, and even most modders would immediately switch to the shiny new toy. Bethesda would have no problems selling a new game, provided they don't change the proven formula too much (looking at you FO 76) and upgrade the graphics enough so people feel it is totally new and better. Ports of a game is a totally different story, there you simply reach new markets with minimal investment and just a small team. They definitely have enough programmers to do such a task besides main development and if not, they could buy or rent a small studio to do that task. Its called balancing. Don't make a fuss about it. 😉
  18. Strange that I remember morrowind having buttloads of mods already, a long time before Skyrim, and Todd Howard talking about how they like mods as long as I can remember. Just read the answer from Mark Stinson on this page: https://www.quora.com/Why-do-Bethesda-s-games-have-more-mods-than-other-games Unless he is wrong, they already released a Construction Set with morrowind from the start. You must be living in a parallel world, in this dimension Skyrims moddability was anything but an accident Only blind people would have trouble finding a restaurant or bar in 7D2D. I'm not really talking about the first week where you might be on foot. As soon as you are motorized, even just with a slow minibike, the world is open to you.
  19. And that is normal for a moddable game (see role model Elder Scrolls/FO). A part of TFP's people don't add content and instead add low-level features so that the other part of TFP and modders can benefit. And TFP vanilla is the intro version for ALL new players and that means (IMHO) the complexity of vanilla will not increase from their current level and never reach the level DF can provide. TFP for example removed additional crafting stations again because adding complexity for veteran players was not their goal. I actually fear the change of the crafting system will make it less luck based and more like a railroad. Sure, you could get into the situation that specific magazines just don't drop that much, but the most probable case is that whatever you do your crafting will improve with the steady speed and direction of a railroad. But I hope that the influence of specific POIs having more magazines of a specific type (for example mechanics magazine in gas stations) is big enough so you can actually influence it.
  20. Read the information linked to in the red banner above. There will be a new port from the released PC version in a few years.
  21. Considering you are seeing this while driving around data path between RAM and SSD would be the first guess. This doesn't depend on SSD and CPU alone, what generation is your CPU/motherboard? My best guess for the CPU never showing 100% is that the game loop is too big for internal CPU caches. Since you have it running in a virtual machine, maybe the VM has some overhead for anything coming from SSD (i.e. an additional copy operation for all data) ? Normally I would say current VM's should have almost no overhead for this but I don't know enough about that to be sure one way or the other.
  22. If you have a public server, anyone simply can try to connect to your server and he will see your public ip with a network sniffer, even if you don't allow his joining. Encrypting the server browsers information does not help at all except delay the discovery of your IP by 20 seconds. I'm very sorry you had to go through this. I just don't see how the IP address of the server can be concealed. The main defense must be securing all the services that listen at ports and especially the router. Having the router under their control is a powerful weapon in the hands of an attacker. If they entered your PC through the server port of 7D2D then TFP should do something about it.
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