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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Another thought: "Game mismatch" may be misleading, the error message displayed ""Kicked by Steam: Your Authentication data is from another game" is saying something else, i.e. that the server is using authentication from another instance of the game maybe? AFAIK the dedicated server does not use the users id, so what id is it using? I'll have to check my working server and compare. Interesting. It might be a fluke or real progress. We would have to see the new logfile to know. To check for a fluke, first reboot the server and start it again. If it again hangs then it seems no fluke and we did something beneficial and we should look into the logfile again
  2. I edited my post in the meantime with a second idea to improve the startup code.
  3. Do you use pufferpanel as well? Maybe it is their setup code that is the problem. For example it might be a mistake to copy steamclient.so to steam/sdk32/ nowadays even though it once might have fixed a problem. Also steamcmd is extracted from a possibly old version archive every time. I'm sure it will update its version when it is running, but I'm not totally sure the already running steam client is automatically started. Maybe you need to exit first and then it works. Calling the line "steamcmd/steamcmd.sh +login anonymous +force_install_dir .. +app_update 294420 +quit" twice maybe would fix the problem and even if not provide a verify that is recommended anyway. I am running a server on debian and I did not have to do any copying of steamclient.so to anywhere, that I am sure of.
  4. Thanks. I infer from this that blocks actually have a variable byte size, didn't know that. Concerning the flow through: Whether a block shape has that bit set should be shown by background color in the shape UI !! For water and for shooting through. Builders need to know bullet and to a lesser extent water permeability. And now that we have thousands of blocks shapes nobody knows anymore.
  5. If we allow only finished quests to mark a poi as cleared then that would be easy. Though I don't know if they have any dynamic data store per POI anywhere, that would have to be added to the save. That idea was proposed a few times. I think it would be a nice addition to the story quest line that is still to come, but would need rework how the trader quests are selected if TFP uses the easy way above to determine clearance. In any way it would need some work and if they haven't planned to add it already they won't add it now. They try to reach the finish line and release the game.
  6. Good idea. Still adding map markers needs too many clicks (it would need to be a special one-click marker) and I expect most people would forget too often to mark the pois. But with the right people may work.
  7. Faatal said 1) water is finite and 2) "It flows into neighbor blocks that are marked to allow it, like into air blocks" and 3) "Water can fall" Water will not drain to bedrock because full blocks like earth blocks will not be marked to allow water to flow into it. As water is finite and flows into neighbor blocks it will only leave the block it was in if there are no partly filled blocks available. Water would just be defined by one bit and essentially a block would be fully water filled or not. But I would guess that water is at least 2 or 3 bits and therefore would have 3 or even 7 water levels so you can have water flowing naturally and with less blockiness into neighboring blocks. I think that would be a good question to @faatal : How many bits in a block are reserved for water level or is it only 1 bit (on/off) ? It does in 7D2D as well (in principle), but very slowly and often with blocks not getting updated. Just like the SI of buildings where often blocks stay floating
  8. He is happy to not see hundreds of newbies cluttering the forum protesting that their mine vanished suddenly
  9. How would the game find out that you have looted a building? Before you answer, consider that your proposed solution should not involve searching through all the blocks of a POI as that costs lots of performance.
  10. https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/7653-xpath-modding-explanation-thread
  11. Which I haven't (to my knowledge). I said to the OP that his change suggestions were premature. And they are even in your estimation if you agree that we can neither say "it will be fine" nor "it will be a disaster" . Would you agree? See Rolands reply about that. And I was not talking about the feedback that there might be problems. The OP was already in the process of fixing them while he didn't even know how big the potential problem is. Good point. But I see that as a positive: I liked how we had to protect our farms in A15 because a zombies wandering over a plant could destroy it. Wouldn't be bad if something like that comes back to make farming more interesting, more involved. The difficulty is the knowledge. It was something veterans would do (and players who watched veterans on youtube)
  12. Oh, just as we are talking about it, out comes an interview with the owners of TFP and the question of discounts seems to have come up:
  13. Yes, but how difficult? If you want as many filters as possible (unlike Roland in his test), how many filters and with it dew collectors will you have on day 40? Just tell me the number range that (lets say) 80% of players who do this will reach. Also, please tell me the amount of water you typically need for drinking, making food and various other recipes. Note that "veryLow" is not really a fixed chance. It will get you different amounts of this item if you have a lot box with just one other possible item in it or 10 other possible items. Just one of the many things to take into your calculation. Could you do this please? Maybe then we can prematurely calculate whether some players will have a problem. If not, there is still a lot of information missing to get a complete picture. We have enough knowledge to guess that there might be a possible problem, or not. That's about it. I was telling the OP about the possibility to place dew collectors anywhere, not just on top of a base. And I was suggesting that he probably already put similar production thingies on the ground instead of on top of a base when he was playing earlier alphas. And it worked then, so why shouldn't it work now? I know. I explicitly said "...before you could place farms **easily**...".
  14. An architecture student is NOT a pedestrian, but an independant expert.
  15. One big problem with water flowing naturally into open spaces is that someone would have to define for the now thousands of blocks how permeable they are for water in what direction. And it even can depend on what block is adjacent. I.e. a plate would not allow water through the plate but past it. And a plate with a hole would act differently if another plate behind it had the hole at the same or a different place. Another is how to find out whether a water body is finite (like a lake, a puddle or a water tank) or endless like the ocean around a world or a river. You have bedroll and LCB, so you can exclude two places even if nothing changes about LCBs
  16. It sounds very 7D2D in an "open multiplayer server with lots of players" kind of way. But even there I doubt a bit that it will be very beneficial because a full server will have players go almost everywhere in the space of 15 days. I would assume most server operators will set that parameter to less than 15 days. Most players will just ignore this feature like they ignore the zombie-off option. As unholyjoe said it is default off as it should be.
  17. The core difference between a laptop and a PC is that the laptop can not produce as much heat before components have to throttle down. The trivial answer to your question is the laptop with the best cooling. It just isn't that easy to find out which one as it isn't simply the one with the loudest fan 😉 Technically 7D2D is a resource heavy game and if you want to play at highest graphics setting you should look for a laptop marketed as a "gaming laptop". Those laptops usually have stuff like lots of RAM, SSD and dedicated GPU, but are also heavy and thick to get a lot of heat out of the case.
  18. Just a few questions: Do you have feral sense turned on? Do you use heavy armor? Do you often forget to turn off helmet light at daybreak? Do you maybe forget to put points in the shadow perk according to your level and game progression? Do you have a drone companion, I hear it makes stealth fail, might be a bug(??) Just asking to make sure it isn't something else that is killing stealth for you. Because I can sneak quite well in daylight when the zombies are far enough away, but granted, less well than it was in previous alphas and stealth is more random. But to get back to your question: I would suggest looking at the Hide in Shadows perk in progression.xml and maybe just boosting its effect.
  19. The old 7D2D game was published as a finished game by Telltale. Probably nobody knows what they would have done if they didn't went bankrupt. They could have stopped making patches after the two planned ones, or added more patches, or sold a newer port as addon or a completely new game. This is now speculation from me as the new publisher has not said anything about his plans yet: The new port will be done by this new entity with no connections to Telltale and he never got any money from the old console game. As he needs to get money for his efforts as well he can't give out his game to a large percentage of the potential market for free. This is just logical from a business standpoint. He can not take the responsibility for the mistakes and failures of Telltale. If he had to he surely would not have taken over the task of publishing 7D2D for console. What is possible is that the new publisher might give a special deal for people having the old console game. I don't know if he will do that, but it makes sense, even from a business standpoint. But it would also need the help of the console stores to easily find out if someone has bought the old version (probably not a problem though) When you have a game on old xbox and you want to play a version on a new generation xbox that has improved graphics and gameplay, like a remake or directors cut, do you have to buy it and pay again? Even if the publisher doesn't change? If the answer is yes, you definitely should not expect the new much advanced console version to be free in any case.
  20. Isn't this a bit premature to complain about filter availability when nothing is known about that in mid- and late game? Size of the collectors is well-known though. But have you ever made a tree farm? As a builder and miner surely. What about a garden in A16 before you could place farms easily on the top of your base? Did the size of your tree farm ever disturb you? Did you ever complain farms use up too much space to be put on top of your crafting base? Think of a dew collector not as a workstation but as a "water" tree like many mods have apple trees to farm resources off and suddenly placing them somewhere in a garden apart from your base is a natural thing. Again, we don't have first-hand knowledge about the drop rate of specific magazines and how to influence that to really know whether a builder will get into trouble. Sure, it is much more likely that it is detrimental to a pure builder game, but only actual experience playing A21 will show possible solutions. Remember that vending machines can be used by normal scavenger players as well, so if they simply increase the sources for magazines then normal players will craft end-game stuff in early game. Same as above. A21 needed much rebalancing work after the crafting changes (according to the developers). You don't even know whether a lvl1 quest gives 330 dukes and what you can buy with it. 10% more money for a quest may be unneccessary, just right or totally insufficient. We won't know before playing it. And I'm sure there will be stuff that is not balanced well. There are always details that fall through the net of the testers, that is what experimental and EA is for. But you won't know which details are the problem and which are not, until you play it.
  21. The glue-answer you are referring to by schwanz9000 is this, right? That reply was to RipClaw, a long-time forum member. He gets talked to differently than a guy that makes his first post. RipClaw would also know to continue discussing when he is not satisfied with an answer. Which he actually did. And if you continue reading it spawned a discussion with many answers, even a long post by Roland saying how many water jar he found actually raiding 5 kitchens. Anything else someone might want to know has to be found out by playing A21. Now if we are talking about silent readers of the forum getting the wrong idea from this answer then I likewise have to ask why they only see this answer and not all the other discussion that followed that post or all the other talk about glue and water bottles. It is a forum after all where discussions happen. It is not a FAQ or an encyclopedia where you have exactly one answer per question. Where I agree with you is that information policy of TFP could be improved. A central place to find information is missing. Who would know to check the first post in the Dev Dairy thread to get a list of confirmed features if not told by someone? And even that post could be improved with more information about the reasoning of changes. But I'm really astonished at you defending Saven's video when he does nothing but trying to incite a mob with sentences out of context. You seem intelligent enough to know that mob rule is not desireable even when sometimes something good might accidentally come out of it.
  22. I assume the OP was asking what happens when A21 hits. And I told him about the other choice he has besides following the sheep herd.
  23. Here is wrong in any case, modding questions can be asked either in the mod authors thread or in the "Discussions and Requests" subforum. The subforum "Mods" should only contain a list of actual mods.
  24. Wikipedia: "A white dwarf is very dense: its mass is comparable to the Sun's, while its volume is comparable to the Earth's"
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