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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Time is shown in both logs, your login attempts are shown in both logs (but with different information displayed, the lines are not the same). Only the other players login is shown only in the server log. We need your client log and the server log to get a complete picture. Since we don't know the cause we are searching for clues in all likely places. Having only the server or only the client log is like listening to only one side of a conversation over telephone
  2. If possible, try the following sequence: 1) Note the time and try to login without anyone else on the server. 2) Note the time and let one of the other players login 3) Note the time and login again. It will hopefully show how the unsuccesfull and the succesfull logins differ
  3. If your friend has his server at home (and not somewhere at a server hoster) he should check that he has the ports forwarded in his router like Star69 said. And you should create exclusions for the 7DaystoDie game & saves folder. Also, if you haven't done already, use the launcher, change to the tools tab and clear your settings (you will probably loose any progress on the server with this, but the server owner can give you back xp and items). Then try again. If it still doesn't work, go to a friends house (preferably one who has a different provider) with your computer and try again. If it works, your router or provider may be the problem, otherwise still your PCs setup. Alternatively post again your and the servers logfiles via pastebin, freshly created, and complete this time.
  4. But by asking you are making more out of it than it is. He didn't like your post, just accept it. If he wanted to explain (the rather obvious reason I might add) he would have done that probably.
  5. If that were the case, disabling steamnetworking would simply shut him out completely as his connection with litenetlib fails. See above, that can't work. I can see two possibilities here: 1) No one can connect with litenetlib because the server (on the friends private network probably) has not correctly opened the necessary ports. His friends just have more luck with steamnetworking because steamnetworking works in principle but is very particular on circumstances. 2) Only he can't connect with litenetlib, but then the problem must be at least partly on his side, i.e. his router/network has a problem, he did not create exclusions for the game and saves folders or some other unknown problem that needs to be found and fixed.
  6. So why are you making it a topic in the first place?
  7. As joswha says, that is quite an old cpu. The 16 cores don't help much as unity is still single-core and the game uses 3 more cores max. You should check out the servers logfiles. There is a line with "FPS" in it occasionally. This is actually "server ticks per second" (not frames) and should generally stay above 20. The game is very resource-heavy due to using voxels and each further player adds a lot of stress, especially in A20. And each further alpha added to the load. TFP hired a programmer to improve network performance so partly this may improve somewhat in the next alphas, especially the additional load from more players, but who knows how much that brings. I'd say you have two choices if you want to play with more than 6: Improve the hardware or go back to an earlier alpha, the farther back the better for performance. And you can hope for alpha21 or 22 to improve the situation.
  8. TheFlu posted a video on the bug report. He also posted a way to recreate the bug.
  9. Please post a logfile on pastebin and link it here.
  10. You could ask the author of Apocalypse Now mod how he did it to get his vehicle repair kits working. Or check which external mod he included for this (IF he used a mod from someone else for this) and ask the author of that mod. If it just works in xml without changes in C# (what I would normally expect) you could also just read the code of the mod to learn the secret.
  11. and it would probably fail. You have to write count="0,10" /> i.e. only one string and a closing bracket at the end. You could look at the existing code in vanilla xmls for examples. For example to get the syntax right now I just searched all the textfiles in Data/Config for the string "count" and among all those I immediately found one with a range. Also you can check for errors by looking into the directory ConfigsDump in the savegame after trying out a change. There you will see the resulting xmls. If your change is not there or an error is displayed you know the game did not accept your change.
  12. It is partly information, psycho-test and a way to get posters go through a routine and not forget basic things to do when to test for vanilla (like clearing settings for each new alpha and turning off mods for bug reporting). Especially the four questions are more or less a reminder how to do it correctly. The question about mods or "have you validated your files" have only one correct answer and the complementary answer gets an immediate "Please do ... and test again"-
  13. I assume you know you can do the same search in your generated world and make sure whether they are there at all or not (just search for the string "factory" in the textfile "prefabs.xml" inside your generated world's directory). If you take care to not look at the position numbers you would still have the fun challenge to search for them.
  14. In a few previous alphas the game already had more relaxed settings how far away a quest could be and while it hasn't suited everyone it made people either explore the map or loot POIs outside of quests, which I would see as a positive for the replayability for the game. I would gladly turn on either one of the options suggested by Bachgaman or Hiemfire. In my current MP game I have quests all over the map anyway (by different traders) and do quests for many of them. If one offered me a far away quest there is a good chance it would be near one given to me by a different trader. And it would really help with exploration and having a reason to travel to far away places. The low number of tier5 especially is a problem no quest selection can ever fix, that could only be fixed with a massive production of them. But I really don't see the harm in offering far away tier5s to a mid- to end-game player or even offer less than 5 choices or even none for a while until every building on the map has been done.
  15. The crash seems to be in a routine called Epic.OnlineServices.RTCAudio.RTCAudioInterface:SetAudioOutputSettings . My theory is that the client has voice chat enabled and the call above means that is managed by Epic services. I suppose you get added to a group chat when you enter a group and this is the call. That is the only idea I have where sound and network have a connection. If that is correct the solutions could be to turn off in-game voice chat . Since that isn't easy when you can't enter that menue you might have to edit settings in the registry or per editor on disk. Or maybe change the virtual sound device in the vm if there is an alternative. Turning off sound might be another solution but make the game almost unplayable. Lastly there is a very small chance to avoid the crash by blocking the connection to the EOS sound services if one finds out which server it connects to (network sniffing might be needed for this) In any case (whether my assumption is correct or not) you could make a bug report (see link in above banner) to TFP so they might fix the underlying problem (though they could also say that virtual machine is not an environment they support).
  16. So you think a tester would only try this 2 times after you told him the success rate was about 10-30%? You have a low opinion of testers. On the other hand your repro steps were excellent work and it will be really hard for the testers to miss that now. When you see the average quality of bug reports you know why they want people to fill out that template. The template is not really to get information about the bug but about the poster.
  17. My rationale is that after reloading the game will probably have you look at the exact spot again (+- random recoil) unlike reality. But I haven't tested it and not checked XML whether reload does add another random "recoil" and how big that is. Or even resets the view completely Apart from that I notice in the xml now that it reduces damagefallofrange by 5. So it has a disadvantage for long range too. Grip reducing aim handling, that is where I am reading the xml differently: <passive_effect name="WeaponHandling" operation="perc_add" value=".13"/> <passive_effect name="WeaponHandling" operation="perc_add" value="-.08"> <requirement name="HasBuff" buff="buffHoldBreathAiming01"/> </passive_effect> To me it looks like the first line adds 13% to weapon handling, but then reduces that again when you are aiming by 8%. 13-8 is stll a positive 5% while aiming. And those two lines should be added and not replace each other because in other places of the xml "perc_add" does add up, see for example with guns: <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value="-.15,.15" tags="perkGunslinger"/> <!-- random EntityDmg --> <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value=".1,.5" tier="2,6" tags="perkGunslinger"/> <!-- tier bonus -->
  18. As it is a long range weapon muzzle brake is a must as it plays to the hunting rifles strengths. Using the hunting rifle while running or in close combat is generally a bad idea but may happen hopefully very seldom. Then (according to the XMLs, so spoilers ahead) the fore grip seems to offer a lot more benefits (even some that help for long range shooting too!!) while the retracting stock only increases hip firing accuracy (to the point I am considering whether it might be a bug). And that is even though the fore grip is tier 1 and the retracting stock is tier2. I assume the stock is supposed to be a small supplement to the fore grip.
  19. Why should it need video? The steps to reproduce are very clear to describe in text. Just say something like this for steps to reproduce: 1) spawn a zombie without AI 2) go to him as close as possibe 3) shoot at his face with an arrow 4) the shot goes through (in my test x% of shots went right through without doing damage) If you have anything else that needs to be said, add it to that list, but generally that is so clear even I could reproduce it with my two left hands 😉. For good measure you probably should use the template they provide.
  20. This is when I search for factory buildings in the PREGEN10k map of A20: <decoration type="model" name="factory_lg_02" position="-393,39,-2563" rotation="2" /> <decoration type="model" name="factory_03" position="-1170,24,-2337" rotation="1" /> <decoration type="model" name="oldwest_coal_factory" position="-3767,30,-1181" rotation="1" /> <decoration type="model" name="oldwest_coal_factory" position="3822,32,-1727" rotation="3" /> <decoration type="model" name="factory_lg_01" position="-2470,44,2190" rotation="3" /> lg_01 is shamways, lg_02 is shotgun messiah factory PREGEN8K even has two shotgun messiahs and a shamways. only PREGEN6K has no shamways
  21. Phil did a bug report, but he did not read the explanation what info to provide, did not write how to reproduce. And worst of all he wrote it happens at distance as well so the testers will likely assume he does not know about the hit circle. Since you have found a good way to reproduce it you could add that to the bug report: https://community.7daystodie.com/a20-bug-database/bug-pool/collision-detection-r812/
  22. "when he joins a team". What do you mean by that? Do you mean the in-game grouping of players so they see each others position and can play a quest together? If yes, does it happen when he opens the grouping menue or when he clicks on the icon to accept an invitation?
  23. Agreed. But the climate is naturally positioning winter and desert biome as harder in the survival genre. It just needs to be turned on eventually, i.e. a real downside to being cold or hot. Lets see, if water isn't that readily available it may already get harder in A21 to survive there. Yes, 7D2D always had the problem that difficulty of zombies is rather uneven. Any zombie walker can't compare to even the lowest running zombie. So increase in difficulty is marginal for experienced players if we are talking about a few more hitpoints and damage of a zombie. Once you can actually get a feral in the mix the danger is perceptibly increased, but I don't know if that happens in the other biomes in the first days. And naturally a small chance might not even occur when you try to test it. Vanilla is mainly balanced for novice players and for them a feral is a huge danger and so is the wildlife. For them even zombies with more hitpoints and damage are a danger because without hundreds of arrows they need to melee as well and novices usually do get hit quite more often than experienced players. Buildings in forest biome are usually much closer so you can always reach them easier and try to clear rooms until your arrows are depleted. Mostly it is the end room that presents a danger in a tier5 and I would agree that that end room might then have better loot but not the whole building. There are also some trap rooms and auto-trigger rooms where suddenly a group of zombies emerge but you can find such rooms in all tiers starting at tier2 I think Can't really comment on that as I didn't try it recently. I'd say if you easily find tier2 weapons of a quality above 2 in the first 3 days then you probably are right (for A20). I would have suggested a balancing bug report but at this time that would be useless as A21 is near and might be different. Especially because it is possible that they removed the overlap of lower quality (and tier?) weapons being better than higher quality (and tier?). So play A21 once it is out and if the issue persists do a bug report.
  24. Why are the skeletons in the north territory ALL better fighters than the orcs in the swamps in "Generic Fantasy Game III" ? Why are the people of the Highlands all so much better fighters than the people of the Lowlands and why are the Lowlands not already conquered by the Highlands then? Fact is, they are. 😉 I'm sure there will be a journal entry eventually that tells scavengers of more dangerous biomes. But other biomes have more dangerous zombies, more dangerous animals, more difficult weather. Sure, weather isn't where it needs to be and is currently ignored by players. And I fully agree that animals are not the threat imagined by TFP. They maybe need an ability to throw players from their vehicles. And the old surprise spawn mechanism directly behind you of dog hordes, at least in snow biome. I assume you didn't increase gamma, changed brightness or contrast on your monitor or turned off shadows completely, right? If either of that is the case it isn't really TFPs fault that you can see so well in these biomes. If not, it is difficult to see how that could be improved, except maybe make animals somewhat transparent to simulate stealth Yeah, as if T5 was difficult for an experienced player. Building inaccesible spots, blocking doorways, and especially knowing what to expect, make a T5 as manageable as desert or snow
  25. If the progression is too slow for your taste you could set 200% loot and maybe skip the first part of the game by giving you some xp (via console "giveselfxp" command), a good gun and a stack of ammo from the creative menue. But the game isn't designed as a game you can play for 20 minutes before going to bed. I would suggest puzzle games or rogue-likes like "into the breach", "FTL", "Slay the Spire" for that. It was not done for realism but to make farming failable and less deterministic. In other words make more of a mini-game out of it. In my opinion plants that give back a seed should just stay in the earth instead of going into the backpack (reducing the grind by half), but I like the failure chance.
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