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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Maybe it isn't always malice when people misunderstand you, maybe you sometimes just explain yourself in ways that can be misleading. After reading it for the third time now I can see that you probably meant to say something totally unrelated and opening up a new discussion in the second paragraph here. But really, a lot of people here have assumed the comment in the second paragraph about "don't need fixing" to be a comment on the water system.
  2. Undocumented feature or bug? I knew there were occasions where stealth worked but my observational powers are 1/sherlock and I never realized it might be their facing away that does it. Run and Gun is a very good counter-argument. So agi already has a special mode of combat that is suitable for horde-night (and useful at other times as well) Gunslinger though is just the normal weapon perk and is (when not used with Run and Gun in a run-and-gun style) a lot weaker than other guns except for INT. But I assume you listed it because a run-and-gunner depends on this perk as well, right?
  3. This is true for players who want to play the game only once. Specialization has a bonus for replayability (for players who actually use the specialization). Sure, you made a survey and a majority does ignore it. Means the game is made for the minority of that group. The game does not always have to be tuned to the biggest group of players, otherwise this game would be a battle royal PvP game.
  4. Could that mean that flurry of blows only works at night? (EDIT: Okay, as we have a very good explanation for the riddle, I drop that as a theory) Another theory would be that they cope with the recipe removal by removing ONE perk from every perk tree as creating enough sensible substitutes for all the recipe perks would be a task they don't have time for. So Strength gets sexrex removed and distributed, agi Flurry of blows. Int would lose one of the recipe perks, I would put my money on the vehicle perk. In perception there are a few perks that come to mind, maybe the lockpicking perk that is useless as long as strength has multiple better ways to open safes, though I doubt that. There are other ways to fix this. And in fortitude the obvious choice would be LotL, though that perk is working well without recipes already. So I would put my money on the hunter perk as the better choice to go and be incorporated into the perception hunter perk.
  5. I don't think it would be sensible for TFP to distribute all buff perks into the trees. Flurry of Blows was a nice perk but not the uberperk nobody could do without like Sexrex (IMO). If this is really it, I'd rate that as disappointing though naturally it has to be seen in context of all changes to the perk tree Looking at the riddle It could also be that the perk is moved somewhere else, but again I don't see that making sense as AGI would need an equal substitute. Especially moving it to strength as substitute for sexrex would not make any sense. My idea (knowing about the "moon" childrens book) is that flurry of blows is changed to only work on blood moon but is made a lot stronger. This would correct the balance problem that AGI is a good attribute under the week but a "handicap" in blood moon because all points in stealth are useless. Is there another name for santa clause that could work for the first picture?
  6. What pretense? What else should bandits be in this game? What do bandits with guns do in other open world games? I'd say hiding behind cover and shooting at you. So Joel has humor and frankly says that bandits will not be the super feature that transforms the game into something completely new (which it shouldn't, this is still a zombie game). 3 years ago some forum users who were missing their "endgame" were so hyped they thought bandits would heal all their grievances with the game. It makes sense to downplay that hype because players with no sense of the complexity of programming and especially AI programming were dreaming of camps of bandits and bandit groups that actually work together and attack your base intelligently as a group. Sorry, but it was clear even then that TFP could not make this happen with their small team. As usual they don't tell us anything about features planned but not in the game. So you won't even find official infos about bandits going into cover. It doesn't make sense to complain about bandits already when nobody knows how they will enhance the game (or not). You were making that complaint about the water change. I haven't been with the game that early so you could be so nice to tell me the alpha where water was scarce (to show it was already fixed and they unfixed it to fix it now). Or were there were no water containers (to show it was reinvented). Bring some facts to the table. Possibly they are not very good at picking the best version immediately. I have the impression many game developers have the same problems as some (even famous ones) bring out a game once in a while that simply doesn't work well and is misconstructed. Maybe the drawing board isn't always the perfect solution for this problem. Maybe at least not for all developers. I can (mostly) distinguish rants from reasoned discourse and the ones that come to mind were rants. I especially look down on rants about "there was no reason to bla bla" when I had heard about a few reasons on this forum and often could think of a few myself. Oh, and I can look down on them as I am not part of TFP and the ranting posters are not my customers.
  7. He didn't either The new system makes water scarce in early game and makes the game more difficult. That was one reason for the change. Among many solutions they also selected the one that fit with other liquid containers not being simulated by the game. For it probably also counted that it was as easy to implement as other solutions. So this shows you why it was fixed and why this particular solution among many others was selected. So could we please drop the "They keep "fixing" systems that don't need fixing" complaint that you hear all the time on steam from people simply too lazy to read up on the real reasons behind a change. It is still not 600 levels and it still is very different from what was in A16 Have you seen zombies ducking behind cover lately? If yes, it seems you have a different version of 7D2D than I have and bandits will bring nothing new. 😉 Here I agree, the block system really was reduced in complexity a bit. But mostly it reduced a lot of unnecessary clicks. Still a controversial change.
  8. Jars? No. How will the world react to the jar meme vanishing? Will a youtuber cry in pain? Will netflix produce of movie about the vanishing? I think nobody will notice the absence of a meme that wasn't there in the first place 😁 Advance engineering improves mining? What strange mushroom have you been smoking?
  9. Lets remember here that you complain that Halcyon is comparing this game to a non-zombie game. . . . Still remember it? Good. Just checking 😉 TFP and Roland have given reasons why they did it, and those reasons were recapitulated by a few forum posters a few times. And since you are frequently here you can't claim you didn't hear about them. If TFP could only ever change what forum posters were complaining about their choices would be severly limited. And actually our main topic, before you made this into a rant about all changes you don't like, was sexrex. And yes, sexrex was broken because it was needed by all attributes but only cheap for strength. Oh look. Still remember your complaint from above? You are comparing 7d2d to a non-zombie game, another non-zombie game (with a small zombie mode in some of them) and another non-zombie game. 😉 What about jars? You were saying that jars were a meme. Do you think "jars" when someone mentions 7D2D? With "sexrex" I actually went to far in my argument, it is very much linked with 7D2D and I sure will mourn it for 2 seconds. But every game actually builds memes or iconic things out of overpowered items or skills, though with sexrex the word sexual in it also might have contributed to it. Either way, OP stuff has to be toned down or removed and memes come and go. All you need is renaming another perk to "buttstroke" or "Power of Jen" and 2 years from now those will be memes and a forum user named Matt319 will say 7D2D can't just remove that as it is an essential meme 😎
  10. A meme is nice when it otherwise doesn't distort or worsen the game. I'm all for keeping the turd or pistols in toilets, the latter could be called a meme by now. But calling everything a meme just to keep it is just the same old fear of change a lot of players here have. Putting jars on a pedestal and calling them a meme is really strange. Why would you think they are a meme now and not just that you became used to them? Sure, anything that you find in the game in the hundreds is burned into your brain. But that doesn't mean it is a meme or if it is that it is a positive meme. There is nothing special about sexrex, except that the name is funny. Exactly the thing you are complaining about in respect to other things in 7D2D.
  11. The increase in balance between attributes is huge. The overall decrease in difficulty is almost negligible, especially if most players simply took Strength to avoid the increased difficulty of paying for sexrex in other attributes. ---> A 99.983% positive change 😉
  12. No way, you are our resident (fake) artist now. 😁
  13. The order of the pictures suggests "onscreen craft tracker". It could be that you see listed in your GUI what's still cooking in your workstations (and backpack?). That it tracks where you are with your magazine reading does not sound as likely as there is already a page in the perk/skill section for that.
  14. You need port 26900 tcp and the ports 26901-26903 upd. The other ports are for special cases I think, not needed for playing or the browser. You also need a current serverconfig.xml and set the new properties "Region" and "Language" to correct values. Disabling both network protocols is an interesting experiment but not helpful if you want it to work. SteamNetworking is for cases where the ports are not forwarded, if you did it right your server should be able to use litenetlib
  15. Bad news: TFP seem not to have gotten the source code when they got the rights back after that auction ~3-4 years ago. Even if they had it would be doubtful they could do much as the game had massive problems running on that relatively weak hardware. TFP will produce (or let someone produce) a new console version up to par with the PC, but it is almost guaranteed (IMHO) that it won't fit on the older console generation even though they kept the possibility open for now.
  16. I don't know, but create a game under proton and give it a distinctive name. Then search for the name with filesystem tools (for example "find / -name 'game name' -print" in a shell). The same way you can find the location of your old game. Compare. Oh, and the launcher should also open the savegame location. Probably the proton save game is at a location where proton simulates a windows directory structure, i.e. it would be somewhere with a name of .../Appdata/Roaming/... So you might find the location without generating a game with "find / -name Roaming -print"
  17. If you define survival sense as anything that helps scrounging then you should have listed agility as well as having none, while perception has. If you define it more general then Int has the medic perk (which is survival related) while agility has none. If you define "getting stuff" in general then trading skills are very much in the thick of it.
  18. Is that a horse-sized groundhog there in the middle?
  19. But they are not repopulated with sexrexy perks because the stamina buff is getting built into the weapon perk itself. The removal of Sexrex has probably nothing to do with the crafting change at all, it is just a reaction from TFP as they are seeing in their telemetry data that almost everyone perks into sexrex no matter which melee weapon he uses. And they probably also see that Strength is the attribute players use most often and second place is far behind. The second attribute after strength that is most often mentioned as overpowered is intellect. So I really don't know what you are talking about. But apart from that: This probably will change in A21 as the utility of intellect is linked with the trader and the trader is getting another long deserved nerf. And naturally Int will see some more changes as all the recipe perks need features to replace the recipes. That means all guesses are off what Int will look like exactly in A21.
  20. I read it as: @Blake, there will be no redesign of the character tree. Remember it is a riddle especially for Blake.
  21. It seems Dall-E doesn't really know how a zombies look like.
  22. added to the main weapon perk. The language on the first page is unambiguous
  23. What I dimly remember: I thought plant growth was independant from day-night cycle and always 3 real-time hours. But recently I think it was revealed that the dew collectors actually take 2 or 3 in-game days, so they could be producing faster or slower depending on the setting. I find it strange that dew collectors would work differently than farm plots so I wouldn't be surprised if one of the two "facts" I listed was wrong in serverconfig.xml you can set LootRespawnDays and AirDropFrequency to in-game durations which means they also get influenced by day length.
  24. It should not be and it isn't. Even LotL 1 is enought to have on average 1.5 plants per farm plot. Really. If you want to calculate it, here is the math: 5 plants convert to 1 seed, so 1 seed is worth 5 plants, and vice versa. Now per farm plot you get 4 plants and with 50% probability 1 seed. That is on average 4 plants + 1/2 seed that convert to 2.5 plants. In sum that is 6.5 plants. You need 5 plants to remake a seed, so you get 6.5 - 5 = 1.5 plants out of a farm plot per harvest. And yes, this is also happening in reality, I have produced food with LotL 1 in more than one game and it works.
  25. Please post something like this in "Discussions and Requests" or the mod authors thread itself. Moved.
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