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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. I don't think he is talking about the same issue as you. DuskWolf was not asking for the most efficient way (yet) nor was he rejecting to buy from the trader.
  2. Uhh? I was assuming you were joking when you said something about me saying something yesterday about the alpha release. If that was serious, please show me a link where I said that.
  3. I don't swear in public, it's against my moderator code of conduct 😎
  4. As the game doesn't want to be a simulation you can bring up real-life facts at any time and it will not have an influence on the game.
  5. If someone doesn't follow the development closely then he might get different impressions for what some changes were done. The water change for example is done to improve the survival part of the game. If survival games are not your thing then you might get the impression it is player-unfriendly. But for many other players it means a fix to an unsatisfying situation. Remember that 7D2D is a genre mix. The continued lack of bandits is not a change and is simply a result of the AI programmers having a hard time getting bandits finished. I myself made a post a few weeks ago where I suggested to them that they should publish them even when they would be unfinished, but it seems they have high standards on what to publish and won't add half-finished stuff. And programmers need a lot of time to implement difficult features like AI and players impatience does not help speed that up. Question to you: Would you be happy if TFP ordered their programmers to do lots of overtime hours just to make us happy? Remember how much flak the CD Project Red bosses got when they ordered crunch time for their developers. TFP did not change the zombies to dig to make underground bases difficult to operate. Zombies were able to dig in early alphas but with that early AI zombies dug too often and produced holes everywhere. So it was temporarily turned off and later turned on again. And why shoudldn't zombies be able to dig when they can destroy anything in any other direction? And you are wrong if you think underground bases are gone. They need just a little more effort as a crafting base. In the early game just add lots of spike traps on the surface (their tops must be on the same level as the ground!!). And as soon as you can get SMG or shotgun turrets, add at least one for every cardinal direction. Voila, you have an underground base just like before. Even a horde night base underground is possible, I made one or two already. But they need a lot more work and knowledge about the zombie abilities, granted. But before the zombies could dig players built underground bases simply because they were totally overpowered. Why? Because the ground was used by players as an indestructible wall since zombies simply could not attack it. An indestructable wall that should not exist in a world that calls itself fully destructable. Understandable that players like overpowered stuff, but a developer needs to balance a game so nothing in there is overpowered. Why do you think you need to do quests in A21, by the way? All important items in the game have multiple sources. The new water filters can be found in loot and bought at the trader, you don't need a quest to get one. The new magazines can be found in loot or bought at the trader as well, no need for quests.
  6. Seems I missed that possibility. Yes, very possible that that was a part or even the only reason for the early aggro rooms.
  7. Not sure. When you increase difficulty melee becomes harder in later stages with lots of running zombies and only shooting gives you the dps to not get hit. Heavy armor is a solution as long as the zombies are not too numerous. But only the stealth player has the almost 100% safe combination of 1) being able to deal with most zombie groups one by one, 2) keeping a distance and still have almost no ammo cost and 3) being always faster than the zombies and flight is always the ultimate option. I never had problems on bloodmoon with an AGI character. Maybe because I often (have to) play at a lower level than I could. But also because Desert Vulture and MPG are excellent weapons. You can't stand in an open doorway with them and just mow down zombies like madmole did in one or two videos. But you can kill any zombie with them that tries to destroy any of the important blocks in your horde base. And if you are not out for a record kill count then the only important fact about a horde night is whether you survived it. And that you can do with any of the weapons in the game. And when I get jumped in POIs, then (as I said earlier) I will run, run and jump (if necessary, I love parkour).
  8. Even a strength build will not wake up every zombie in a room when he uses the sledgehammer (I'm almost sure of that). But that is beside the point, I would say that auto-trigger rooms were definitely implemented for stealth players. Exclusively. Why? To make stealth not auto-sleep walking through pois shooting at sleeping puppets. Not that it didn't keep lots of stealth players amused, but a rule TFP designs with is that no gain should come without effort or danger. And maybe stealth was slow to play but it was almost devoid of risk. I would assume that for TFP the "resource" aspect was fullfilled because you save lots of ammo (the equivalent of getting more resources is saving resources). We could argue that that isn't enough, especially since you definitely don't save anything with building materials and horde night is a sore spot for stealthers already. But then I (if I were a developer) would directly fix that by giving some resource gathering perk or making the savings even better. Making stealth cheaper has (IMHO) unwanted consequences, for example the AGI player will be fully perked faster after which the game looses incentive to continue or at least his further perk points loose in value as he can't boost his strengths any further. And it definitely will help everyone else to get stealth abilities cheaper on the side. Now if you can convince TFP that AGI still needs a resource gathering perk they maybe would have to move perk points over from say stealth so the attributes have (somewhat or exactly?) the same points. Then you would get your wish through the back door 😉 Incidentally a resource just became scarce and could benefit from a resource gathering perk: water 😁
  9. I know. So you mean that a Pistol or SMG should be lootable from the start, at the same time as a pipe pistol? That would not be a good design since those weapons are clear upgrades of each other currently. You would have to completely redesign them, otherwise there is no choice between pipe pistol and pistol or smg for example, you always would take the pistol instead of pipe pistol and the smg before any pistol. And an SMG in the first days is overkill to the extreme.
  10. Guys, Fanatical_Meat is talking about the form, not the information in the message. 80% of you replying to FM are knocking on the wrong doors. Oh yes, it is. It is exactly equivalent to "We give out no dates" and everyone with the capacity to understand a circumlocution gets the meaning.
  11. Check your logfile, zombie spawns are listed there as well as the result of killall.
  12. The distribution of loot is not done for realism reasons. This is not a simulation and balance is more important. Now do you really think the police station is soo much more difficult to clean than other tier2 buildings so that you should find better loot? Pipe guns are simply the lowest tier of guns and not a separate class of weapons (I think the police station is more difficult than the standard tier2 building and maybe should actually get a small loot boost. But whether that is enough to get you tier1 weapons? Not sure) I agree that weapon jamming and weapon permanently breaking would be nice additions to the game. But both ideas are very controversial among players with lots of people adamently for or against. TFP seem to have the opinion that controversial features belong into mods so players can choose them after having had an introduction to the game with vanilla. In other words TFP already thought about the idea, certainly discussed it and decided against it (for vanilla). And it was discussed multiple times here in the forum as well. By the way what do you mean with "type of weapon" in your balance tip? For me type of weapon refers to shotgun or rifle or pistol or .... But I think you might refer to tier, i.e. tier0 (=pipe), tier1 (=AK, double barrel), otherwise your "tip" doesn't make much sense.
  13. The difference is about what is regarded as 100% and is 20% subtracted or added. If 100% is your speed at rank 3, and you increase 12.5 seconds by 60% you arrive at 20.
  14. The difference is about what is regarded as 100% and is 20% subtracted or added. If 100% is your speed at rank 3, and you increase 12.5 seconds by 60% you arrive at 20.
  15. I view the hit circle as the RPG type factor because the size and the speed it diminishes are both controlled by RPG-values.
  16. Really a ton? So far you listed zombies. Loot and weather are the only other random events I can think of and currently weather has nearly no consequences. You can manage the current system. By prioritizing finding water and goldenrod and having always goldenrod tea with you. What I like about your proposed system is the randomness mixed in with the managability. Adding a random value to your bar whenever you drink makes it somewhat manageable and gamey. The first few drinks are safe, but the higher the bar gets the more you are gambling and taking risks. For this to work the maximum value added should be high but seldom (for example rnd(2...8)*rnd(2...8) if the dysentery is reached at 100) What I don't like is the idea that zombie attacks add to the bar, for principle reasons. Because zombie attacks already add many conditions like broken bones and infections, for the player it would just be part of the danger a zombie represents instead of a survival issue. Also players have vastly different skills in avoiding zombie hits, but the game should reward all skills a player can bring to the table, not condense your survival completely on how well you fight.
  17. And the newsstand operator is crawling through the small window in front every morning to get inside, right? 😎 If he is slim enough, that is.
  18. I am pretty sure for most players miner69er was not the must-have perk because of crafting tools. It was because it gave a boost to both resource gathering and destroying blocks (important for building, breaking in, opening safes, ...), both combined was and still is a killer feature. Newstands have a door
  19. Huh? "An attack volume sleeper and all his friends in the same volume agro when you trigger the line". That is factually wrong. I thought we are on the same page that they check a few parameters (stealthiness and distance are definitely among them) and only if your stealthiness is low and distance is low compared to the zombies senses then the zombie is aggroed. Yes, all the zombies make that check, but some will still be sitting motionless in their corner after that check and even if the number of these motionless zombies is too small for your taste you can't deny that those zombies are not in an aggro state. Right? Because we are disagreeing on what part of the mechanism the "automation" moniker applies to. For me it isn't automatic anymore. What you are critizising about could be simply fixed through balancing, it isn't an inherent fault of the mechanism. Before that the old mechanism was automatic in all its consequences and there was no balancing possible, no knob to turn to make it different. Yes, you can't really avoid crossing the line so it certainly would deserve the name auto-trigger. But you can avoid aggroing a part of the zombies through perking, armor, not having lights on and the place where you cross the line. And therefore auto-aggro is misleading, as that line is not automatically aggroing all zombies in that room.
  20. Well, for the first silly part, a word has several meanings. And surely "auto"="self" is not the right one for the old "auto-aggro" term. I won't even post a disambiguation page from wikipedia as I assume this was meant as a joke "circumference triggering" can't differentiate between old and new behaviour, certainly a fault. I didn't think very long to get at it and tit shows. But at least it is not inaccurate (in my view). My point is that auto-aggro is not helping us in any way because every zombie gets auto-aggroed if we want to roll with your interpretation of automatic. Every room then is an auto-aggro room whether it has such a trigger line you have to cross or not. Every zombie auto-aggros on you even if its your shooting that he senses, because it still is an automatic reaction to some sensory data for the zombie. Yes, we could still call it auto-aggro because it is a feature that developed out of the old auto-aggro feature and often acts similar, but that makes it very confusing as soon as the differences are important for the discussion. If you want to keep calling it auto-aggro then sure, go ahead. But I can promise you that in 1,2 or 3 months when the topic comes up again you will again confuse me because we have a different understanding of the terms. And we will again have a discussion about definitions and nomenclature instead of the topic itself.
  21. Hi, your picture link leads to google mail. Either this is a phishing attempt or you are linking to your own email account potentially compromising it. Either way I deleted the link , it won't show a picture anyway. Generally please read the pinned thread in this forum and post a logfile with the help of pastepin.com. Posting pictures is a waste of your and our time, in most cases they don't tell the whole story.
  22. Then a zombie waking up normally when you get too close to him must be called auto-aggro as well, because it happens automatically, right? Maybe you are right that the trigger is too sensitive and hardly makes a difference in reality. But the principle difference is there: In A18 "auto" meant that no matter what you do or have perked all zombies wake up when you cross a specific line. Now you have a situation where neither of the first two conditions are true anymore. Only the "specific line" bit is still true. That should count for a rebrand in my opinion. I don't see anything that would deserve the label automatic. The event itself could be called "circumference triggering", the zombie state itself I would call "player-fixated" or "player-aggroed" while if a zombie just went for your location it would be "locaton-fixated" or "location-aggroed". Even if the difference were less, the term auto-aggro is so loaded now. It is as if you wanted to call a new dog race "hot dog" now. No matter what you do everyone will immediately think of a sausage 😉 Sure, by that measure all zombies are automatic always, as they can get into action without you pushing a specific button.
  23. I think one part of the confusion may be your use of "auto-aggro", which is at minimum loaded with wrong expectations from A18s way of having auto-aggro volumes. Also I suspect dropping aggro immediately may be a bug or at least not intentional. Consider that part of the stealth perk is reducing the time before you can restealth. Getting back to stealth immediately whatever your stealth level makes the perks advantage partly irrelevant, is overpowered and confusing as well.
  24. "<remove xpath="">". See first page of this thread for the syntax.
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