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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Considering the other fact that some bugs existed for multiple alphas suggests to me that some stuff simply falls behind drawers. A "successful" bug report is what keeps it at least on an important list so it isn't forgotten. But if some tester just said they will look into it there is a real change he just forgot it afterwards and it effectively is lost in time.
  2. Have you checked if the files in the dedicated have new timestamps? Maybe you are looking at the wrong location and steamcmd updated a different directory
  3. I do care whether someone tries to con me or not. And you have a valid point in that I did not list all possible reasons, just the sensible probable ones. People do lots of unlogical stuff though the extreme stuff also gets more attention so we feel it is more common that it really is. For TFP to do that we would have to assume that they are so desperate or crooked to even consider doing it AND that they don't notice that it would be counterproductive in their case. So two rather low chances that you have to mulitply to get at an even lower chance.
  4. I am sure everyone else knew I wanted to see your real face when it turns green after the gyro gets out of control. That video is just a tease ☹️ 😁
  5. Are you sure TFP knows **which** RWG-bug is breaking CP?
  6. Piece-a-cake. TFP will create a wet bandit telling you a story about crafting sliders.
  7. Well, I was listing reasons why a game company would actually manipulate a game to be less fun for long time-players (which by the way fits squarly unter unethical behaviour) as the OP was asking exactly about this (if I am not misreading). Now when you list reasons for something else happening which may in some instances look similar and tell me you disagree with me however mildly, consider me confused. πŸ˜‰ Please post a video of you when your gyro spins out of control 😁
  8. I don't understand your point here. Is this a reply to my post? If it clears anything up I fully agree that TFP like any other game company would like to make any new game they put out look better than the previous one and surely wants players to forget the old one and buy the new one and play it. But that wasn't the topic. And I did not say anything contrary to that in my previous post.
  9. As Arez said. I am not aware of any servers TFP operates. As such the cost of servers does not come into play as an incentive to shorten the life of the game. Once the game is published there will be no running costs (AFAIK) except for costs they might do without being forced, aka bug fixes or dlcs. Instead successful long-running games produce the "long tail" of sales which actually every developer wants to generate a safety net of income for bad times. Without a good reason no developer would endanger that source of income IMHO. The only possible motives for shortening the lifespan would be: * to sell more copies of a successor-game and that they would not like people to stay on playing the old game. A pretty weak motive as the fun people have with the current game would influence their incentive to buy the successor-game negatively. And I doubt any (happy) long-time player of a game would not at least buy the follow-up game to try it out so I doubt this would really generate any additional sales from that group. If at all such a move would have to be done in a patch or dlc AFTER the successor-game was released, not before even the original game is even released and a successor-game isn't even on the far horizon. * or if the successor-game were a subscription game or micro-transaction game where the income is directly linked with the number of actual ative players at the moment. This only works if the successor-game of 7D2D would move to a central server/massively-multiplayer modding-unfriendly system. Such a game would not draw the same crowd as this game, it hardly could be called a successor game to 7D2D Also that this game is so modding-friendly makes it almost impossible to make the game undesirable for veteran players. A player can always install a mod that removes unfun changes or replace changes with something that mimics previous features. It usually is not possible or at least very laborious to implement exact copies of features of old alphas, but it always is possible to make very similar features. And if someone just doesn't like the longer duration of the early-game even the normal options are enough to change this.
  10. The explanation is probably very banal, I suspect that I have slightly increased the text size for this website.
  11. Started up the newest experimental just 10 minutes ago for some other test, loaded a testgame where I was standing in a city square, and actually my first thought was: "Oh, the scenerys looks so good, very sharp colors. Since I changed a setting on my monitor 2 days ago it could have been for that reason though, or both.
  12. * My 21.2(b30) runs perfectly on vulkan. With a 6700 amd card. I use latest Ubuntu LTS. I could check out 23.10 as well on a laptop if necessary. * Here in the forum some people report their game crashing with EAC **on Windows** with the newests versions This does suggest a different culprit, doesn't it? @Strengthinside : Have you tested without EAC? @Jugginator : Can't be that unstable. Since A16 or A17 I have been continually playing with vulkan except for a few months in A17 I think and a few weeks in A21.0. Though I had to disable Reflections or something similar for the earlier alphas.
  13. Did you clear all configuration in the tools-tab after switching back? There seems to be lots of incompatibility between alpha-versions. Did you make sure to delete all mods, if you were using any?
  14. This shows I am far ahead of you πŸ˜‰ 😁
  15. Start the launcher, change into the "tools" tab, and clear all configuration. If you have a game you still want to continue playing then you have to make a backup before you do that. If that doesn't help, start the game without EAC, turn on the "network workaround" in the 7d2d options, then start the game with EAC.
  16. Wrong place. Please post in "General Support" and read the post that tells you how to post. Especially how to include the log file. And include more details, for example how do you start the dedicated server and when does it tell you it wants to start a .bat file Generally I have installed brand new ubuntu 23.10 on my laptop and have noticed problems with applications, for example the newest inkscape has lots of problems with getting libraries of the correct version on 23.10. It would not surprise me if 7d2d has problems finding libraries as well. I would guess LTS would be the better bet at the moment
  17. There is a new stable version of 7d out with changes in the network code. I don't have high hopes but you should check if this changes anything. And please tell us how you start your game. Which platform are you using, steam, xbox or epic launcher?
  18. Could you explain your findings a bit more? For example what window of which program are you showing exactly? With all the japanese kanji-signs it looks very cryptic to me, I can only guess it might be a listing of running processes on the machine, so it might be "task manager" or some alternative program. And what does the text in the explanation boxes in your pictures say? Since you posted pictures we can't read the text, and even if we wanted could not translate them with google translate or similar.
  19. I don't really understand your posting, it seems it is too technical and with not enough context for both google and deepl translator, so they do a bad job with translating it. And my limited windows knowledge does not help either. So did you only find the reason it crashes? Or did you also find the solution how to make it work again?
  20. I am not very familiar with windows so I can only give you general hints. It would be good to know why your client crashes. So I would suggest to open a command shell and start the game from there with steam steam://rungameid/251570 Hopefully there will be a message in the shell why it didn't work. If not, windows logfiles can be accessed with "eventvwr". There usually is some information on crashed programs there but I do not know where to look exactly. Another suggestion: Most of the people helping here are volunteers who do this on their own time and almost all of them speak english (as first or second language). Many of them won't do the additional work of translating your posts, if you want more eyes to see your problem you have to do the translating.
  21. Seems someone else had a similar problem. It isn't certain he had the same issue, but you could try the fix mentioned in that thread by SylenThunder : https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/34382-plz-help-game-crashes-on-launch-with-eac-on/
  22. Use windows explorer to search the whole disk for all files containing "output_log", as that string is followed by a date and time of creation of the file. This is to make sure there really is no output log.
  23. I merged the two posts. Please post a logfile of the failed session, preferable one from both of you, this is explained here: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3956-how-to-report-an-issue-please-read-before-creating-new-threads/
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