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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Do you want statistics from far away/high latency players too, i.e. for example europe?
  2. Since you are asking the OP specifically, he mentioned in his first post that he did not have any points in those perks. But there is the additional question whether DA is too good? Compare it to Lucky Looter, the perk that boosts looting but doesn't seem to have that much of a loot boost that players would be compelled to perk into it even if they spec into a different attribute. My main reason for speccing into LL is the speed boost.
  3. There is no requirement in the forum to post complete solutions to the whole balance problem 😉. The idea isn't without drawbacks as well as the player would be forced to go through "low-level" POIs again just to reach higher tiers. Probably the walk through the lower tiers would have to be shortened once you finished them once to not make this a grind.
  4. Modderitis Fatalis. The game tries to access Data/Bundles/Other/Items in the game directory which was still in the game as of A19 , but not anymore in A21. Which suggests that at least one mod was not updated for A21. And then there is a NullReferenceException in the routine CustomModManager.UI.XUiC_ModsErrorMessageBoxWindowGroup.ShowMessageBox which makes the game simply close again. And some patches from the mods can't get applied which suggests incompatibilites between mods.
  5. If this is the question you want answered, then my answer would be: Maybe, maybe not. And I would have to say that it is a leading question, a judge would throw it out of the court. In those 5 hours you could actually complain about a real reason, a weakness in the game, while the modder invested 1000 hours for a completely different reason than to fix anything. I once made a mod because I found the idea nice, not because the game was necessarily better for it, not even better for me. I assume BFT has fun modding, so naturally he spends a lot of time modding. And he may have modded for a 1000 hours, but surely not all of that on one issue like making weapons unrepairable, give him some credit please 😁. Did you have fun complaining for 5 hours? Is your hobby to complain? Probably not. Oh, nice comment by BFT about his motivation: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/32964-please-tell-me-what-is-the-deal-with-7dtd/?do=findComment&comment=530778
  6. "being something wrong" is the problem. Someone not liking or wanting to change or changing the aspect of the game is not inherently saying that something is wrong with the game. A motor that doesn't fit into a cars motor compartment does not necessarily say something about the motor compartment being wrong but it may only mean they are not compatible and are not meant to be compatible. If I followed your argument it would mean there could be a game that is perfect and would be played to the end of time by everyone on the planet. Because only if that perfext game existed then nobody would ever have a reason to mod. But the reality is that even if there were a perfect game A for me and a perfect game B for you, it is very likely that A and B would be different games.
  7. Sorry, a face-swap in doom guy is not bringing variety to that game, not how I meant it and not how you should interpret it. I also played mods in other games I was fully satisfied with, but I wanted to see a new variation eventually. For example in Slay the Spire, though I can't think of a single fault I could lob against that game. I am sure the maker of the old hardcore mod True Survival voted with his labor as well. But only to show his own tastes in games, since for most players True Survival was unplayably hard and grindy so I heard. On the other hand there was a mod (at the same time) that showered you with advanced weapons on day 1. Does that mean the game at that time was too easy and not grindy enough and too hard and too grindy? Or is it simply the tastes of the modders that differ from the taste the game tries to satisfy?
  8. A nice idea to slow down trader advancement and add exploration to the mix would be that you need a different trader for each trader tier advancement. Example: You would do 7(?) quests for trader 1 and would advance to tier2 quests with him. Then you need to find another trader and do 7 quests for him to advance to tier2 and do 7 quests at another trader to advance to tier3. And there should be some mechanic to prevent doing lots of tier1 quests to advance everywhere. So either you need to do quests of the directly lower tier to advance to next tier or quests of higher tiers give you more "points" for the advancement. Maybe the latter is even already in the game? I did not check, but it would be sensible and still allow for lower tier quests to finally advance someone, but not in a fraction of the time.
  9. And me having played a mod in Factorio means it is a vote for something being wrong with Factorio? People mod games for more reasons than that the game is kaputt. Because they want variety or they simply have different tastes than the makers of the game or ...
  10. Well, that is damning evidence. @Roland How do you plead? 😁
  11. I actually agree with you about miner/motherload because the difference between 1 point in them and max perked out may be too much. But that seems a balancing issue. The game is balanced for a player who does everything but some things not well and others much better. And it is ok that he is not the best in everything. I can play the game with max mining and I will use that to for example to build bigger than usual. But I can play the game with no mining skil as well and just use whatever I am good at, for example explosives in a necessarily smaller base. I don't need to be "optimal" as a miner to mine (or more generally to get basic resources any way I can) I play SP at the moment and as AGI player i am bad at ALL resource gathering skills. Still I wrench sometimes for parts. I need more time per car, but I will still get parts, motors and batteries just like the master wrencher. I will not mine much and try to get most materials through buying or shoveling resource blocks in POIs. I am a bad farmer at LotL1 but my farm still supports me. I don't have much resources for building but with the help of a POI as foundation I still build nice horde bases. I just don't build a palace as home base, I build functional, not for looks. Now YOU, specifically, are someone who seems to be a "miner" or a builder player, i.e. mining or building for you seems more important than the rest of the game, someone who might have switched over from minecraft. Nothing wrong with that, but you play the game for a different reason than probably most players and TFP themselves. If you are only happy if you are mining master then for example you could install a mod that just makes max miner69/motherload reachable without any points in STR. I am very very sure that TFP will not give what you want for vanilla, no matter how often or long you critisize that same issue, because I think that is exactly how they want it, as an incentive to play differently each time.
  12. The new lbr system was implemented to fix crafting and only crafting. The overall progression system with perks was not changed except to remove all the recipes that are no longer in the game. So I don't see rpg as broken, I only see people now having too much focus on magazines even though crafting is not even important currently as the quest rewards are not well balanced at the moment. Note that this biome-difficulty was designed by TFP as a way for **experienced** players to have a fast track for the XP/perk and equipment progression if the normal game is too boring or slow for them. Whether that works out, depends on the player. If you can easily survive wasteland then you should increase overall difficulty until even snow gets you to get into trouble. If you are already on insane then you need to mod the game because you are just too good for the difficulty range vanilla offers.
  13. Sorry about "firewall" I meant "anti-virus software". Some of them need exceptions for the folders the game uses. And even if you haven't installed anything, you still have Microsoft Defender installed The last part was **in case** you used special programs that promise to optimize game play. Even nvidia control panel may have a detrimental effect, if possible try to set everything to default if you haven't had that already when the problems started. schwanz9000 did not complain about your GPU so you should be fine. Though you definitely should set texture size to lowest and turn down settings generally.
  14. Sure, but traps and explosives can be seen as different ways of doing horde base. As an explosive expert I build either a spacious room with multiple heavy doors (so they last longer) to me, so zombies mass up fast. Or a pit where I try to drop them into (with the help of a pusher turret for example). While as INT player I have electrictal traps that slow them down and kill them, so a long narrow high pathway is ideal. In this case pusher turrets are not for "collecting" the zombies, instead they are just thrown off so they have to reenter the parcour and get damaged by traps a second time. Especially as a single player you do base building, whether you are INT or something else. And even in a group the people who like to build bases may want to play different attributes every new playthrough, so a design that pushes the builder to INT may not be ideal.
  15. I don't remember them saying that bit about "not modifications of existing ones"
  16. Interesting line in the log: WRN NET: LiteNetLib: SendData requested for unknown client EntityID=553, PltfmId='Steam_76561198970031981', CrossId='EOS_0002cc0255d94fa2835680d09b1846df', OwnerID='Steam_76561198970031981', PlayerName='HeyLook' Only a warning, only a developer could tell us if that is in any way relevant. Though I wonder why the client is called unknown, his id is known in all detail? Did it lose the IP address?
  17. Possible things to try out: Use the games launcher to clear your settings (alternate tab). Make exceptions in your firewall rules for program folder and data folders below appdata/roaming. Throw out any optimization utilities that change how the GPU is used.
  18. Two-block AFK bases were one reason to add digging zombies back. But another reason was that zombies were intented to attack in all directions all along. They did actually dig in early alphas, but the unfinished AI of those early versions made it necessary to deactivate the digging until the AI rewrite. If the faulty AI made it necessary to keep zombies out of a specific biome for a few alphas, nobody would have expected that that would stay that way for eternity, right?
  19. The client log is from 9th of July, the server log from 10th of July at a different time of day. Did that user have the problem both days?
  20. To spam craft you need easy to get materials and something that is really worth much more after crafting out of only easy to get materials. I seem to remember TFP balanced the value of items because of this. So there might or might not be such items left. I want a practical example so I can test if it really works with A21. One tier1 quest gives a single player about 1800 dukes if he sells everything he gets from the POI (did a test game to check this out a few days ago). If he doesn't want to waste time shoveling all the resource piles I would guess it would be more like 1500 dukes but the quest plus travel and trader-interaction would be done in about 10 minutes(?) real-time by a normal player. Now show me for this case how that same player can acquire materials, craft something with them, sell them and reach anything in the vicinity of 1500 dukes in about 10 minutes. Quest rewards are part of the trader balance (for me). Naturally the trader can't give out steel stuff as quest rewards for higher tier quests. See this older post from me in this thread where item 2) is about the item rewards of quests: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/28129-alpha-21-dev-diary/?do=findComment&comment=529609 And I'm not sure that loot is unbalanced compared to crafting. It may still need some fine-tuning but really not that much.
  21. I always assumed that the semi was there if a player wanted more control aka single shots with an automatic weapon. Not useful for oh sh** weapons but maybe for one where you try to clear POIs with less ammo waste. The burst and automatic are upgrades for non-automatic IF you want a higher fire rate, i.e. pistol comes to mind.
  22. But reducing dukes isn't really hard. Getting a good balance may be more difficult than just throwing away choices for the player, but the reward is a much better game as you can't simply buy anything you want and have to make difficult decisions where you want to set your priorities. Instead of dukes losing all value in mid game and only getting melted for brass, or the stacks filling up chests in MP because there is nothing worth buying with all that money. Even if players eventually always reach that point of dukes getting inflationary it is worth the effort to make that point getting reached later in the game, because until players reach that point they will value their money and play the "money mini-game". Oh please tell me those other easy sources of money.
  23. My impression was that before the nerf too many magazines dropped (not necessarily in SP, but definitely in MP where every quest gave (9 * number of players) magazines. So they reduced drop chance. But now another imbalance showed up which might have been simply hidden before because the massive drop rate of reward bundles dominated as a source. I think that when less cooking magazines and some more of the other magazines drop we might already have a good balance between crafting and looting (but not the trader).
  24. This doesn't really tell me anything without at least another comparable run where you do the same without LuckyLooter. (Actually to really make a substantiated claim you would need multiple runs as well)
  25. If the player doesn't have the money to buy all the easily accesible systems then it does work. Ignore my comment if lots of money was part of what you meant with "easy access"
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