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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Together with a buddy you already have two 15 block squares available to safeguard against spawns. Add to that 3 Land Claim Blocks per player so you can safeguard even more space. I assume you are aware of the methods to prevent zombies from wandering in from the streets? Even if you have such a big base that it can't be made spawn-safe with all bedrolls and LCBs at your disposal you can always build separate higher floor "panic rooms" that make you afk-safe there. Using POIs as bases is such a powerful method that saves you tons of materials and time compared to building it yourself, I almost have a guilty conscience when I am using one. Probably it is quite good for the balance of the game that there is a big disadvantage to using big sturdy tier4 POIs as a base.
  2. Please use "Discussions and Requests" for this. Thread moved.
  3. This forum section is only for listing actual mods by their authors and talking with them directly. Thread moved to "Discussion and Requests"
  4. This section is reserved for listing actual game mods and not about weapon mods. I have moved this thread to "General Support"
  5. Are you sure those are small tweaks? AAA games are so expensive to make because they put such importance on graphics. It surely isn't the sometimes meagre content.
  6. You are talking as if this were a known bug. But is it known to TFP? i.e. on their bug list? If not, is it possible that it is only happening to you? Or have you heard of others having the same problem? If only happening to you, is it possibly because of a mod? You said it happens in vanilla too. But did you really start a new vanilla game to test it? Or did you just delete the mods in your current game (as you explained in the second paragraph) and expected it to be vanilla now? Hint: It isn't the same. Removing mods can even break previously well-working games.
  7. Antivirus software on your computer usually inspects every single file you write on your disk for virus signatures. Now imagine an update to the game or some data (that the game writes constantly to disk while playing) by chance looks like a virus signature and gets blocked. Suddenly some code or data is corrupted. I don't know if this is the problem you have specifically. This is just an example of how this can suddenly happen. And AFAIK the built-in antivirus software from Microsoft can not be turned off, you can only turn off detection for specific directories.
  8. Please post the full logs. Instructions are in a pinned thread here in the support section
  9. Forum account and email verification is quite standard procedure for forums and sadly necessary as any weakness in a website is immediately exploited by hackers. Without email verification a simple script could create thousands of accounts per minute and flood the forum with spam or useless reports, just as an example. You should not need to turn on 2FA as far as I know, that should still be optional (if that is what you were refering to with the verification account)
  10. Thanks. It means longer ranges are impossible to test. But we are talking about short range now anyway. Another thought (untested, from memory): I have the impression that zombies standing up seem to be invulnerable to melee weapons as well. But one possibility would be that they are not, but there is simply no hit feedback as there is no animation for this available. So standing up has always to conclude before the zombie can show anything happening to him.
  11. Not that I know of, we mods are much too lazy to do stuff for you automatically 😉. If you want to report a bug, be sure to use the red button above and follow the instructions there.
  12. Does the hit-circle count at the moment you release the arrow or when the arrow arrives at the target location?
  13. Stop that. It's silly. Very silly indeed.
  14. Damn, again needs a reply: I am not aware of a single word posted by any mod in this thread in his function as a mod. All words were "forum-user-words"(tm). Some could have been even created by an AI or a monkey randomly typing on a typewriter, but to my knowledge not a single word fizzled and crackled with any sort of mod-power
  15. Many people seem to have played 7D2D *and* Valheim. And the games have somewhat different "niches", because valheim is much more survival and less cross-genre than 7d2d, and much less moddable. And IMHO there is not much replayability in valheim. So a simple answer could be anyone who wants more survival in a game. I play Valheim currently with 2 friends, but if I could only play one of the games it would be 7d2d without a question.
  16. Damn. This still needs a reply. Can't check right now, but probably the only place where 7 days to die currently refers to jars is in the name "jar of water" which they probably kept to reference the quantity, or forgot to change or most likely thought it totally unneccesary to change. And if that were the only problem TFP would probably have no qualms changing that to say "pint of water" or "water". Is that what you need for your realism? It would be the request most likely to succeed from all we discussed and may be even on their to-do list for further polishing, who knows? While you are at it maybe give the Valheim devs the hint they should rename their "meat platter" as that might lead to discussions, not that I think it would. Valheim players need food as much or even more as 7 days to die players need a weapon. Playing without is just a theoretical option for people who have finished a Mario Brothers game using only their nose or killed the end boss of skyrim in under 10 minutes, for bragging rights. I have not played many survival games but any I have played had very different mechanics, there is no universal requirement for survival games to have a "find container, get water" mechanic. And as we know TFP doesn't listen to "but this was once in the game but then they removed it" arguments and I don't care about past alphas and their rules as well. 7d2d had so many mechanics that were tried but are no more, if that disturbs you I can give you the old "Wait for the game to release, don't play alpha" treatment. This brings us back to your question "Why would players of Valheim expect it to be a "correct" survival simulation as it never has been nor tried to be?" to which I ask back why do you expect 7d2d to be a correct survival simulation? Only if 7d2d tried to be a simulation would there be a need to simulate what a survivor had to do in real life as closely as possible. Neither valheim nor 7d2d claim to do that. Neither need empty jars nor empty platters or bowls to be survival games.
  17. Oh right. Sorry. Still a good time to drop the endless discussion
  18. dedicated server doesn't need a real steam account for downloading and running. Both use the anonymous user account of steam. Case in point: I have never needed any credentials on my dedicated server or do any configuration work for steam access, but the server still makes steam connections when starting up. And it is obvious at download since the usual ways is to log in as anonymous user to download a new version.
  19. I disagree. To be a "correct" survival simulation Valheim would need plates and bowls for the food, and flask for the potions. It doesn't and leaves that to the imagination just like 7D2D does now for all containers. Maybe this doesn't create a problem in the same degree as with water for the average player, but the parallels are there and quite obvious. And you are intelligent enough to do that abstraction if you wanted. So I have proven that it is you doing the sleazy 😉. Now, since we are at the point to throw the first mild insults at each other it is also a good point to stop the discussion. I am sure you can agree to that at least.
  20. This is actually answering my question in a roundabout way. If you see the complete process as one BASIC FUNDAMENTAL as you say then only going back to the old ways will fully satisfy you (which we know is unlikely to happen). Though the question remains if the ability to get water from a lake, even without jar, would help you with immersion or not. And the same question could be posed to the OP if he still were discussing here with us. In other words, you described this as a two step process, "find container, get water". Now lets suppose that TFP were only willing to re-add one of the two steps and the other would be an absolute no-go. Wouldn't it then be interesting to know if people have a major problem with only one of those two steps or both? For TFP as well, since they probably won't change anything without being sure it would help. All this further discussion was not with the OP by the way, but because theFlu and I have been discussing exactly these motivations, though in a way that didn't get us any step further. Even you seemed absolutely adament to not answer the simple question I posed to you about the "what if" Was my reply to the OP helpful? I very much doubt in hindsight. But on the other hand I still believe that making people understand why some change happened and how it fits can help when that change likely won't go away. Neither did any of the other poster before me acknowledge that point or refer to it in a way the OP could understand. So what? This is a discussion forum and everyone can chime in and give him HIS opinion about the case, even theFlu could just give the OP a better answer than mine instead of endlessly discussing with me (which we know by now will lead to nothing as our views are just too different). I just talked about one specific issue that I see happening with the change where just the right perception might help. In a game where there are no containers (and a player never playing it WITH containers) the absence of such containers even for water will feel natural. Not as natural as if you had containers for everthing, but natural enough that this isn't discussed in forums again and again. Hundreds of RPGs (I hope you have played a few of those at least) show that nobody will complain about missing empty potion bottles, unless they are suddenly removed from the game. The maximum is a video making fun of that. Is water the great exception? I doubt that. Again suppose TFP changed the game so you could simply get water from a lake, but without any empty jars in the game. I say there is a good chance new users would find it very natural/intuitive to just go to a lake without any containers and get water from it. You maybe won't or only after a long time, as you are used to needing a jar from previous alphas. OP won't at the moment as he has played 700 hours with jars. Ok, this is a culture clash problem as people in my country are used to more direct speech than US citizens. Saying "yes, you are ..." before starting my argument is essentially small talk that says "If you feel that way then you feel that way" and it in no way says anything about my understanding of his issue, but if it helps, ok, I can try to add this next time.
  21. Yeah sure, if you don't know Valheim then my question is moot. Since Valheim was often a topic for comparison with 7days and many people on the forum seem to have played it as well I thought it almost common knowledge. To answer your question: I don't doubt that removing the jars combined with the other changes to water are a controversial issue and are talked about a lot. But the water changes are quite a few changes lumped together and it seems clear that many have objections to different parts of the change. While I completely understand why people have problems with the "can't get water from the lake" change, the other change to remove jars is simply about perception. There are hundreds of games out there that leave that part of reality completely to imagination and not simulate it. And nobody complains, maybe because they never experienced that that part was in the game once and then suddenly removed. PS: One question you might be able to answer even if you don't know anything about valheim: If TFP changed the game so you would get filled water jars when scooping up water from a lake but you still never found nor could create empty jars, would then ALL of your immersion issues with the water changes be solved?
  22. I was bringing up and comparing to another game!!! A horrible crime it seems. Though there is someone on this forum who overuses this a bit in my opinion I hadn't thought that this was impossible and at best without any relevance at all. Or a shady method that allows any measures of retaliation.
  23. This is why I was not asking about water jars in valheim but about plates and bowls. See, you are almost fanatically determined to not let anyone differentiate between "missing containers" and "missing ability to get water from a lake". Like here were you add missing water jars as if that was part of the original question I posed. Sure, you probably don't mean it that way, but from my viewpoint this looks like a rethorical manipulation. I assume the discontinuity you are refering to is that the second question can include the changes of the third question. I treated the second question as if without any further changes because that provides more information about my opinion. Otherwise they would simply be one combined question which I answered as well. For example that purifying station would need to be expensive enough or somehow limited so the player can't just build 10 of them. So that station can't be just the fire place, it could be something similar to the dew collector and surely would replace it. Though if it were expensive a player would not necessarily get it in the first days and then he would be cut off from making ANY water himself (no problem for veterans, but definitely for most new player). Possible solutions would be that the player finds clean water again or that there exist two types of murky water. Whatever solution is taken could also decrease realism again. Whether that then is as good or better than now would have to be playtested. Whether I would want such a version depends on whether it is **noticable** better to warant all the redesign work (which might be more useful elsewhere). Since I don't care much for the realism part it would have to change the game to be more fun. I don't see yet where that fun should come from. Maybe from less micro-management in late game(!??).
  24. I assume you are asking me here. Then "yes, if unlimited", "not for me personally", "depending on the limitations it could probably be worse, equal or better"
  25. Nothing beats asking directly. This is why I am asking Meilodesrah instead of asking you to psychoanalyze him and be his speaker.
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