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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. I think you are completely right. Chickens are birthed in hot oil, live in card board boxes and have a crust. They can't lay eggs. But you can order an egg salad with the chicken, though the eggs were never touched by that chicken in any way. Chickens also can't fly, otherwise we would call them vultures.
  2. Not my native language, but I thought "chicken" is the zoological term for the whole race, including (female) hens! Is that wrong?
  3. All the looters must be throwing pitchforks at TFP because there is always a delay when opening a box. We are sooo not playing the game all the time we loot a kitchen. Lowering yield is exactly what you would be doing if you were using the lower-tier tool that fits your stamina regen. With a stone axe your yield may not be great but you can easily mine without pause. Naturally as a player you know from previous sessions how it feels to stomp through earth with a steel axe and then a stone axe feels just whimpy and inadequate.
  4. Current balance is for early game to not have any iron or steel tools. Why would you need blackstrap if you only have a stone axe? In mid game you just need sexrex 2 and normal coffee (which is nicely doable for everyone without specializing in strength) to hack away for minutes before your stamina runs out. If you absolutely can't have that (some people think their inflexibility is OCD), go a little deeper and get sexrex 3. Unless you are really specializing in strength, don't use steel tools.
  5. Explanation could be that there is no path to him. When you stand on a big block of concrete they probably all go into destroy mode.
  6. Boring. I built a short round race track (partly through a house, partly with turrets and electric wire and partly underground). Didn't test it on horde night yet, but it probably will be "one of those interesting times" your enemies wish you to live in.
  7. post in english. Only the english language guards you from Corona 😉. And it's in the rules.
  8. So you listed multiple zombie abilities added and called it removing choice. You complain about vanilla being too easy and at the same time complain about the easiest cop outs of horde night made difficult or impossible. You could ask DFs KhaineGB sometime if he would have allowed easy horde night evasion in his mod if TFP hadn't closed that hole already. You complain about vanilla as if it is vanillas job to keep experienced players occupied indefinitely, while most players by now know that thats the job of mods. Vanilla is the entry level.
  9. I dream of the following scenario: The map is split by a mountain range. On one side is a big lake on a higher elevation, you start on the other half. Through some event or quest in mid game a dam breaks and slowly (over say 2 weeks) the half you are in is flooded with water. In the 2 weeks you have to find a place on the other side emerging out of the water to build your new base in and transfer your most precious stuff to it. While all the usual stuff like horde nights happens in between and your old base slowly sinks.
  10. All true. But remember how in previous alphas the SI calculations of collapsing buildings brought your FPS down to single digits and nowadays got much much better? My theory is that it was eventually put into its own thread because it is a task that can run perfectly parallel to everything else. The same (imagined?) treatment could help with water: Have a low-priority thread running that distributes all water that has an air block below or more than the level of water in the surrounding blocks. If the difference of one block is less than would be needed to increment the surrounding blocks each by the minimum step it simply is removed (it evaporates) and not distributed anymore. That way a lake will always level itself out. Drop a few bottles of murky water into it and it will make a small ripple and everything is level again after 3 seconds. Drop one block full of water into it and it will make lots of ripples outward until it eventually vanishes and the water level will return to its previous height everywhere. Drop enough water to increase the water level by one step and it will actually increase water level a step (in practice you'll need to be careful about the order of updates to the blocks to achieve this) On a powerful server that low-priority thread would have a core for itself. And on small and slow CPUs it would only get the leftover CPU cycles.
  11. Air block, full block. And new... wet full block. Done. 😉
  12. I was specifically refering to the edit history function. Try to compare a two pages long report by looking alternatingly for differences and you know what I mean. Without using a diff utility that highlights differences you can outright forget that. And as I said, many people can not see edits from others.
  13. On the other hand a tester does not get a notification if you edited your post and it is a pain in the ass to find out what exactly you edited if he notices by chance. And don't expect everyone being able to read your edits (for example Jugginator probably can't do that). By making a new post in the thread you tell everyone there is new information and exactly what changed or what had to be corrected.
  14. AFAIK: Frequency=6, Range=2 Frequency=5, Range= 4 Frequency=4, Range=6 AFAIK the next blood moon is always calculated from the previous one, so the blood moons after the first won't follow a regular pattern anymore. I.e. in your last example the next BM could be on day 8 or day 20. I don't think they would expend developer time to add such a minor variation to a working feature. ATM a small bug is that the explanation text for "blood moon range" in serverconfig.xml is misleading and saying the range is like you want it.
  15. Ah, thats the information I was looking for. Obviously "MechanicalLens" and "meganoth" are two of those alternate accounts and you are just faking this conversation. Oh wait, who am I then? Just a split personality of Adam? Why don't I remember anything about that? Is this the twilight zone? 😉
  16. Mmmh, weapon being readied, sounds like A PERSONAL ATTACK. I'll just have to convince the other squeamy mods and I can mass-ban everyone here. MUAAHAAHAA. 😉
  17. These are the forum rules. In addition there is the Dev Diary, which is considered Madmoles blog where he imposes his own off-topic rules when some discussion is going on and on. Lots of stuff is off-topic in Dev Diary but allowed somewhere else. The "jokers" are probably ok with pushing people away from giving their opinions, when it is different from theirs, so your appeal isn't really working. There is no rule to not argue other ideas. If you post here you have to endure that others post their dissent or agreement. If they get personal you can report them and moderators will intervene, but don't expect a friendly welcome by dissenters if you post controversial opinions. Biting sarcasm and irony are not forbidden and the internet is a rough place. The rule to not mention mods isn't about Madmole getting heart attacks whenever someone mentions a mod, it is good practice to not let forum users change the subject. (which is vanilla A19 in the dev diary). That you like a feature or change in some mod better is not a reason for that feature being implemented in vanilla. The only reason to change vanilla is if something isn't working correctly in vanilla. They will look for the solution themselves, because their solution will likely be different (they have other constraints than the mod author). Mention the mod if you like, but TFP will simply not care.
  18. Probably you missed the announcement that makeshift pipe weapon will appear in A20 as T0 weapons, including a pipe shotgun that will replace the blunderbuss
  19. 1. You know which word isn't even once on the kickstarter page? sim or simulation. except for "Our physics system simulates real-time structural identity...". 2. You are correct in one respect, accuracy isn't affected directly. The arrow perk only influences draw speed and aiming speed (i.e. the time for the target cross to narrow). Interestingly they diminished the time so much already (yay), that the faster aiming speed is not even noticable anymore. But the drawing speed reduction is noticable. Quality and type of the bow increases projectile velocity, Which indirectly influences accuracy and range for effectie ve shots. I'm not mixing up RPG with Gatchas. In a shooter player-skill determines how well you hit your enemy. In an RPG your characters abilities and your weapon stats predict how well you hit enemies, and this is usually simulated through random rolls where you can influence the chance not only through perks but also equipment, distance, height, sometimes even weather or whether you are prone or standing, The target circle has RPG written all over it, and rng is an ingredient of that formula 3. I'm saying that the primitive bow is a short range weapon, long-range it is not effective because your hit chance is low. Adam is not bad at aiming, he probably just uses the bow at an ineffective range. Please change your accusation to "Git gud" 😉 Just do this in the game. Have a bow with arrow in your hand. Click left mouse button. Notice you are shooting an arrow instantly without aiming. The feature is already in, just not in Gangsta-style 😉
  20. All weapons hit a random location inside the inner circle formed by the target cross. The bigger the circle the less accurate the weapon. So unless you are near enough to an enemy that the circle is filled completely with its head you have a chance to not hit the head even if you pointed absolutely accurately at it. This is done because this is an RPG where the abilities of your character are important and not only the accuracy of your mouse hand like in a shooter. If you want to be accurate with a bow, get yourself a composite (because the target circle is much smaller than with primitive and wooden bow) and invest in stealth so you can get near enough to your target.
  21. Maybe explain why bows are hard to aim. The only reason I see for it being hard is because you have to adapt to the ballistic trajectory. But that is exactly the reason why the bow is not boring and the crossbow is.
  22. Blasphemy! Get yourself a crossbow and leave the bow alone.
  23. Sounds like the shovel was balanced by Gazz. 😉
  24. Yes, you have the right to be upset. The question is at whom? My opinion is that everyone has some part of the blame to take. That includes small blames for TFP and Telltale for making a game that eventually might leave two differently developed versions of the game in the market or would massively prevent the PC version from reaching its full potential. In hindsight this seems obvious but 7 years earlier I probably wouldn't have thought of that. I wouldn't even blame Telltale much for doing this deal as they were on a good way to actually make good on their promise for a patch. Note it was Telltale that promised the patch, not TFP. We could blame Telltales managers for mismanaging their company into the ground, but the market for games is so random that in hindsight every failed company looks like idiots. Make the test, look at any failed games company and you usually can see mistakes of misjudging their market or development costs that should not have happened (with our knowledge of what really happened). So, who is left to blame? Buy a vacuum cleaner today and a week later that company could have filed bankrupty and you would not even get replacement parts a month later and the guarantee time you were promised is gone. The cleaner company surely didn't want to fold, so blaming them for going under is like blaming them for having bad luck or having better competitors destroying their market share. You could also blame TFP for buying the licence back but not upholding the promise made by Telltale. But they didn't buy Telltale with their connections and their deal with IG (I assume that was terminated shortly after bancrupty by IG because they did not get money anymore). They just bought back the licence and rights to the game. Continuing would have needed a costly restart of everything, with a high chance that they can't even find a publisher who would touch that potato that offers practically no revenue.
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