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Everything posted by bigstep70

  1. I'm giddy with excitement... I'm gonna pinch myself now to make sure it's all real... ouch, yep... thank goodness.
  2. Just copy the relevant poi files to another folder/location and rename it... then move it back so you can access it again in the editor.
  3. I too, like many others, look forward to the Alpha 21 CP49 release, but I shall not hound you with questions of When? and How Long? What I shall do, instead, is place my offerings upon your shrine, as I have been doing every time I visit the holy and enlightening page that is CompoPack. I have, almost daily, visited and silently read the many praises and comments afforded you by the community. Like a child at Christmas I await this greatest of gifts that you can impart on us all, the meager players of a game made oh-so much better by what you do. Peace
  4. MP5... ? Did you just say MP5? I could kiss you right now, but that would be weird. Bro-Hug?... again, weird. Handshake? Yeah,Na. How's this..."Thank You" very much, for this and all your other mods, weapons and the like. I've used most every one of your mods, in several different sessions and have always been quite pleased and wholly impressed by the love and care you have shown them. So, again, thank-you for these creations, these "labors of love", that you so graciously allow, all of us, to enjoy.
  5. placing the campfire initializes the Find the Trader part of the quest and the first trader (typically Rekt) will most likely be found in the easyest biome... Forest. If you recolored the entire map to desert than I would assume that is the problem. I'm not sure if the trader location is hard-coded to the forest biome only but I would ask around... lots of people here will help you get it figured out or give you a way to bypass or even fix the NRE you are getting.
  6. OMFG!... Its here Its finally here, I never gave up hope and I waited patiently for all the months it has been, not bothering the CompoPack team with unnecessary questions or prattling on and on about "when? when? when?" and now like a child sitting before the Christmas tree waiting for Dad to hand me my first gift, my finger quivers, shakes and twitches as it hovers above my left mouse button... the button that will eventually CLICK DOWN upon the godly and almighty DOWNLOAD link....... ...... "CLICK"... it is done. My heart flutters in anticipation and my palms grow clammy with sweat as the progress bar of the download shoots across the screen... to finally come to rest as a full green bar, complete, finished... it almost sings as if a choir of angels hover far above myself and my PC. This feeling inside, like a birthday-choocolate-christmas-@%$# all wrapped into one... I'm giddy with excitement and at the same time scared of what awaits me within the CompoPack48... ThankYouThankYouThankYou to everyone involved in the production of this newest CP.
  7. So... I tested this (above) tid-bit of code on three different maps/fresh starts and alas it does not work the way my transparency mod does. The resource overlay, unfortunately, still hovers above the items, but thanks for the input. That said, it is defiantly the nav_objects.xml file that needs to be altered not the quests.xml. I don't want to mess with the quests, just the display of the icon itself.
  8. I'm not sure if this has been addressed (modded) yet, but I can not stand the hand-holding overlay icons that hover above rocks, shrubs and nests for the coinciding early quests. I made this quick and dirty mod (aka:hack) to get rid of them. The icon-overlay is yellow in color, so I just made it black and transparent. I also took away the pulsing effect just to be on the safe side. I'm not great (or even proficient) at xpath modding so here are the code changes in the nav_objects.xml file... if anyone wants to xpath/modlet this go right ahead. I'm sure it will be appreciated by people not wanting/willing to dig thru the xml files. I only changed the color and pulse effect so as to not mess with the code too much. I know it's there to help new players, those of us that don't see to well, overly shady area under trees... etc, etc... but for those of us that have 100's or even 1000's of hours in-game I found it just a tad bit ridiculous... like, "I want my buh-buh, I want my blankie... I want my Mommy!"
  9. As others have repeatedly stated... We are all "chomping at the bit" for this release. I wish I'd had the time to help with conversion and testing but don't know that my meager skills with prefabbing and xml would be adequate. I took a long break from the game during the last months of Alpha 19 and now, with Alpha 20, the rwg/biomes and prefab structure is all a lot different. Change is great and progresses the game all the more, but damn do I ever have a lot of reading/studying and building/testing before I'm up to speed again. I have three, very rookie/noob, prefabs that used to exist within previous CompoPack(s) releases and was humbled and honored when they were included in the last few packs, so hopefully, with a little practical application I can contribute to the pack again. On that note, I dredged up some of my early (A15) prefabs from Google Drive and they beat out my later ones by a mile, so maybe I will recreate these as my first submission for the new Alpha 20. Here's a few pics of the prefabs I will need/want to recreate... links redirect to my DeviantArt account (so I'm not filling up my forum attachment limit) Show-N-Shine Automobilista .. pic 2 .. pic 3 - Basically just a carwash at the rear with a re-sale area for used cars up front, lots of little details. The Underground - Nightclub .. pic 2 .. pic 3 - A glass dance-floor that is lit from beneath, raised DJ booth/staff area... hell I'd go get drunk here just to see the dancefloor. ** All Vanilla Blocks - No Mods ** Lemme know what y'all think of these two 'cause I've been wanting to recreate/make them for the current Alpha's for quite a while and compared to the three that made it into the compopack, these two are much more thought out and detailed.
  10. Water is BRoKen as eFFFFF. It has been for as long as I've been playing (like, alpha 14) and I don't ever see it being really "fixed", after all its water, being a material, a block, an item and a terrain feature is always gonna be a pain in the a$$ to work with 'cause its never been worked on, like ever. I've never heard the Pimps make a big announcement about ever fixing water... more quests, sure... Fallout guns, sure... loads of tier 3 and 4 properties to loot (or die in) hell yes, we got that for ya too... BUT FiXed Water >>>> are you outta yer mind. They're not fixing anything... they're are just adding to the multitude of already existing problems. Its great that we have new fandango distant meshes... if it actually worked properly would be even better. Don't get me wrong, I love this game, to the point of being rather unsettling and oddly weird... but I have yet to play this new alpha, 'cause after what I've seen these last 2 weeks from streamers and zombie passionate gamers the world over, this game is a tragic mess that has lost it's bearings and flounders in a sea of thick "what-now?" fog. If the evil clouds that obscure the devs eyes and hearts don't clear soon we will have another borderlands/COD/emmo-arena mash-up that plays (and smells... pew) like all the other turds on the steam market. "Look Maw... I made a game, We's gonna be rich."... Gawd help us all if this is where we finish.
  11. Healing Bedroll recipe - cloth (10), cotton (40), sewing kit (2) item stats - health=300, burntime=100, material=mCloth conditions - must remain stationary, hands empty (to emulate sleeping) effect - buffHealHealth (1hp/2sec) I use this in my games. It is just the old A15 heal buff that is in the xml's. I make the recipe for bedroll harder to make it actually worth "worrying" about... Up the bedroll stats a bit and assign proper material... I've never appended the buff conditions to file... (this is what I'm hoping you could whip-up) Its a cheaty item, yes, but by adding a bit of challenge and condition to it, I find it works well. Besides, with grass, you can just craft dozens of bedrolls then slap them down all over the place.
  12. I have not read through all the responses to the OP, as, my thoughts are concrete. Why miss out on the experience, both literally and visually. So for me, instant travel is a big bad NO, especially with this particular game, where, being in the world "real time" is part of the experience/fun. As for the Spotify list. I personally turn music off completely and use about a 10% ambient level. I just don't see real high survival levels if I got some tunes blasting my eardrums. This game is totally visual and audio-centric, so, your survival really depends on line of sight and audio queues. I'll pass on both the instant travel and Spotify playlists thank-you, sorry to burst any bubbles, but that's just me. Hope you like being devoured by zeds as Duran Duran assaults yer eardrums.
  13. Ive been using this HUD mod for a while now and I have to say, it is great. Everything about it is exactly what Ive always wanted in a HUD mod. Super duper thumbs up for this one... Orange... orange is one of my favorite colors, so yeah. Enough of the gushing... thanks for the GUI overhaul. It was long needed.
  14. Cool. Another map generator. Always nice to see tools like this being made. Wish I had the big brain and patience to learn programming so I could do stuff like this. And yes requests for the inclusion of CompoPack (aka: prefablist) are gonna be huge for a tool of this nature. I, personally, hate playing 7 Days without the Compo pack (and all the other POI's that are, as of yet, not included, so I download and include them as they are released from the various sites I visit) I've, only just, downloaded this and have not had a chance to fire it up and get into a map, but I can't wait to try it out.
  15. sorry my mistake it was a .ttw file not .ttf (edits to compensate) temniy Not sure if this will help you but I had the same/similar thing happen (a few 7Days versions ago) but this is what I did to fix it... - Start 7 Days to Die as you normally would. - Use the built in RWG to make a map, we will call this your world template (yes it takes awhile, but that's RWG for ya) - When you spawn into the world, give it a minute to render, do a 360, smack some grass, run around in circles, whatever, just give it a minute or so - Then exit the game normally (it will auto save) - Find the save folder (X:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\GeneratedWorlds or C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Data\Worlds) and inside that look for the file called main.ttw (the world template) - Copy that file (main.ttw) to the Nitrogen\resources folder OVERWRITING the existing file (obviously BACKUP first) - ONE THING to remember is that if you RWG an 8K map, then you should NitroGen an 8K map to stay consistent (Ive used 4K templates to generate 8K worlds and not noticed anything weird but hey you never know so just stick to consistent) Now you can use Nitrogen to generate worlds and they should complete generation without hanging. I think the reason that things get stalled out is that Nitrogens main.ttw file is outdated compared to 7 Days generation rules, so updating the .ttw to current A19+ with the built in RWG kindda tricks Nitrogen into being more "compatible". If you look into some of the .ttw files inside the main 7 Days "Worlds" folder (open them with Notepad, Notepad3, Notepad++, whichever, they are small so windows notepad will suffice) you can see that the version numbers are a lot older that current Alpha 19+ builds. As is the .ttw contained in Nitrogen. Hope that sheds some light and hopefully gets you generating proper worlds again. Below is an 8K map I compiled a few days ago with the above instructions, 'cause the new A19.4(b7) just went stable not to long ago. I've been using the above method to update Nitrogen every time a new 7 Days alpha drops and I'd say 1-5 out of a 100 maps have failed.
  16. Prefab spawning via. prefablist.txt Pretty sure all you would need to do is add/remove from the included prefablist.txt that resides in the Nitrogen/resources folder. The custom sections (eg: custom_town_size_25, etc...) really helped me to get the cities looking like real cities and the towns are spread between, with villages and hamlets here and there in the wilderness. Zoning rules in the prefablist.txt file are really helpful, but they can be a lot of work/typing/mix'n'match and trial and error. POI Spacing via. config.txt (also in the resources folder) This one is governed by 3 settings in the config.txt file, POI_MIN_DISTANCE_TO_OTHER = #, MIN_DIST_OTHER_SETTLEMENT = # and MIN_DIST_SETTLEMENT_TO_CITY = #. There is really no other way in Nitrogen to assign min/max proximity for buildings/poi's. Also, as far as I can tell, the settings for terrain radius checks (eg: cityTerrainCheckRadius, townTerrainCheckRadius, etc...) can help you place larger or smaller poi's as well as tightening or relaxing the streets via. the drop-down select within Nitrogen. Experiment with the settings, change config.txt values and mess around with the prefablist.txt poi zoning rules. Eventually you may get what you are trying to acheive but don't expect miracles. I'm still fighting with config-files and poi placements to this day, but that's cause I'm more into modding the world than actually playing for any length of time.
  17. Man, that looks exactly like a hotel that was constructed in Mississauga, Ontario, on the QEW, that I used to drive by on my way to work every day. (a few years ago now) I'm all about exploring the prefab creations that people make, so yeah, like stallionsden says, I look forward to adding this into my worlds so I can wander around and explore. By the way, It looks absolutely amazing.
  18. using alone;unique should give, at the very least one instance wrong... the game will pick from a list yes, but that does not mean that your prefab will appear in the world ive played 100+ games with my AncientTomb prefab in the rotation and have never come across it in the wildernes ... like ever... even though it is in my list its all just a roll of the dice really... then there is the chance of you actually finding the prefab as you wander the world nitrogen may spawn the prefab but have fun finding it unless you cheat and fly around
  19. Cool, more junk to pack around. Just kidding. I like all the "extras" (item mods) that people are making. It gives a feeling that this rotten decrepid world once held intelligent, thoughtful life. Boardgames eh? Hmmm... may have to do a quest mod.
  20. Nice. Thanks for this xyth. I'm a rookie when it comes to unity but been messing with 3d creation since the Unreal Tournament days. I will defiantly be taking a look at these.
  21. i second this... version 355, if i recall, is the last Alpha 17 (.4b4) please release this version seperate from the newer ones sry I'm a A17 fanboy/modder
  22. Im a super-user nerdy/geek when it comes to PC's. I love putting them together. Thats half the fun of owning the damn things. If I can find a few i5/i7's that people are selling cheap I'll just cobble something together to bring me up to speed. aka, outta the dark ages... Here is my current Rig, so's y'all can have a laugh ... and yes it plays 7dtd, not at the highest visual settings or 10,000 frames per second. I'm not really worried about leaves that blow in the breeze, grass that waves in the wind or high definition tree bark when a zombie dog horde is hot on my heels. there's good in every game I'm happy that it has lasted as long as it has (with a few upgrades over the years) and as long as I take care of it, it should last another few years. Why go to all the effort of keeping that old-assed technology? some would say. Just buy a new one. Well... I'm gonna. Someday soon. But I wanna build it from scratch so I'm probably gonna buy 2-3 towers off of Kijiji at $200-500 each, plus maybe a better cpu or memory and bif-bam-boom, Bobs yer uncle.
  23. Im off Sunday and got no plans, so, maybe I can finally fire up A18 on my 10+ year old PC and give you a helping hand. No promises though as the old girl (PC) is probably not gonna play nice with A18. Been looking on Kijiji for a new PC or at least an upgrade. I will try though.
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