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Everything posted by bdubyah

  1. Xyth answered you already. Entitygroups.xml...
  2. Shhhhhhhhhhhhh. Just shhhhh. And yes, I already know you have a bajillion hours. And no, I dont care.
  3. Being able to use specific quality level items in recipes would be good for this. Have a Q1 pistol and a couple parts for it? Craft a Q2 with it, assuming your perk level is high enough.
  4. Expecting changes simply because you give feedback is kind of silly. SCore is changing constantly but until it is tested it usually isn't released to the masses. Same with NPCmod updates. And I don't think every NPC should be hireable at all. Not everyone would be willing to help you no matter how much you'd pay them. Look at them as others just trying to make it on their own. Certainly not a waste of CPU. And what is easier than commenting out an entity in xml? What do you want, an entirely new menu or something? It would be that or making each entity it's own mod, and that's asking more than you probably realize. Making a few small changes to the xml is not hard. So either learn that or deal with whatever entities you dont like.
  5. No, a lot of us are just tired of all the simplification of the game and when people come in crying that things take too much time and they want it easier, you're gonna get a negative reaction. Especially when they immediately throw out the "live in your mom's basement" nonsense just because we want more to do than COD zombies has. If your super important life doesn't give you enough time to make what you consider acceptable progress, then up the rates. That's the whole point of those options, to speed up progress for the impatient types.
  6. What version of the mod are you running? I just made a new game, maxed Luck and in the wasteland biome I had somewhere around 50-60 Lootstage after hitting level 8. I even made another new game and went to the wasteland before even reading the books and stood on the roof of the prison in Nav and read my books, gave myself level 8, and spent a point in Lucky Looter and was at like 59. I may still tone it down some, but if you go that hard into Luck it will gimp other things, so it's not that bad.
  7. Gee, that's real helpful. Maybe provide some details? Any details...?
  8. Aren't wandering sleepers still on the table for a21? I don't know the exact implementation obviously, but it if works how you think it would I'd bet the majority of volumes would change to use that. Or at least they should. I think that would make things a lot better.
  9. I'll look into the Rad Z. Anything raider related is known and will be fixed with the next update.
  10. This kind of stuff always reminds me of my friend that would constantly fat-finger "E" in ARK while on a flyer dino. This obviously resulted in him dying numerous times and losing his stuff a few times when his bag got camped by a bunch of dinos. Even had a 30+ minute "rescue" mission where I kept grabbing him with my pteranodon and dropping him into the swamp where his bag was, along with the 10 or so boas that kept killing him. We still laugh about that now, a few years later. He ultimately changed his keybind for dismount to "R" or something a little less likely to be hit. Moral of the story? Hell, I don't know. Lol. Maybe don't be so uptight about it, and laugh about it instead? Although the fact you actually rolled the save back, losing time, just to keep that death counter pristine tells me all I need to know there. Haha. Hope none of you call BS the next time you die. Might be the longest "no death" run ever.
  11. It doesn't update till you reload the save. I just meant it's easier if you're doing both to copy them over while in the game. Mainly pointing out it won't hurt anything as some people think it will.
  12. A complete restart is needed for adding assets, like new models or icons. Reloading a save is fine for xml. You can reload UI stuff while using "xui reload" I think it is in the console while in game. Localization doesn't require a full restart, but it is kind of backwards to xml. Localization only gets updated when the main menu is loaded. So, either when first loading the game, or when exiting a game back to the main menu. So to update it, you need to do it before launching the game, or you need to be in a game and make your changes, then exit to the main menu and then load back into a save. You can also overwrite your xml while in a game, so I usually do both then if editing xml and localization.
  13. Was in Unity so it's in the asset file, not the xmls. So everyone would need it.
  14. It absolutely needed a good nerf. When you can carry a pipe machinegun around from day 1 and never run out of ammo while also never crafting any, is ridiculous. Now, if they would just turn to those 500 block supply drop/quest rewards...
  15. The zombie trampling still needs to come back as well. Maybe make animals attracted to them as well.
  16. I think I fixed that already, but I do need to test it. That was a regular feral ghoul. He does minor rad damage. Think of him as a feral, and the stronger one as a Glowing One. The more normal one is a regular ghoul someone made for me a while back. It looked like it was set to block his rad buff, but I noticed the same as you when I was testing the sleepers for that POI. I made some changes but still gotta test it to be sure.
  17. Yes, it only works on the first one of each attribute you find.
  18. You don't "use" it. It's like a bobblehead from FO. Once you pick it up, it adds +1 to the attribute it is for. Then you can do whatever with it. Place it as deco, scrap it, sell it. Whatever.
  19. I haven't tested 20.1, but from what I've heard it should be okay. There might be some loot issues/changes, but that's all I've heard of. Now that I finally have the nav object issue sorted I might update to 20.1 and see for myself.
  20. I have a channel in Gup's server. There's a link in the Tutorial forum section here. Look for "Unofficial Modding Discord".
  21. Eh, item mods are kind of beyond the scope of my mod. They are made to work like vanilla. If you don't want vultures to attack you or whatever, then there are mods that do what you posted. It is cool, and I might do something like that in my other mods, but for the AIO that's on the user if they want to add that sort of stuff.
  22. Yeah, I'll get the icon changed. It used to only have the body and then used dye in the recipe. Forgot the icon when I changed it over. I'll have to look at the vultures. I can add a buff maybe so you don't take as much damage. But it seems to transfer damage entities do to vehicles to the driver, so even in bigger vehicles where they can't get to you, they can still hurt you. Probably intentional by TFP, but can be annoying. I've never really had many problems in helis though. Thanks, think I've got it fixed.
  23. Because simply reading the last page or two of the Dev Diary shows that faatal is currently trying to fix the bug. It's partially fixed in the 20.1 EXP build but more work is being done. And keeping up with that would have informed him they struggled to reliably repro the bug before, but now in A20 the origin shifts, which are the culprit, happen more often so it made it more obvious. And not a fanboy at all, you can easily find me criticizing TFP on multiple decisions. But judging by you jumping to calling me one, you don't strike me as the type to pay enough attention to things to realize that I'm not. Whatever floats your boat. 👍
  24. I'll take a look tomorrow. Might be the same type of issue I just fixed in another POI above. And I do think I finally got the nav objects issues sorted.
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