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Everything posted by bdubyah

  1. Can't see that on my phone. I can look later when I'm at my pc unless you wanna use pastebin or something.
  2. Gonna need more info than that. I make several mods. And find your log and post it here.
  3. Water overhaul, bandits, and the wandering sleeper mechanic is what I'm hoping for. Anything else is just icing. I really hope wandering sleepers become the new Active sleeper in that they are used the most. I feel like having the vast majority as wandering sleepers would make them seem more organic, almost like they aren't sleepers at all.
  4. If it took you months to get a mod to load, then I'd say that definitely seems like a you problem.
  5. Good stuff as always, Mumpfy. I'd definitely buy one of those SM shirts, though I'm surprised your OCD let you use a shotgun not in the game.
  6. Seems a lot of people are using it without issue. Maybe you didn't install it properly, or tried using other mods that conflicted? Just a suggestion...
  7. Can look in entitygroups.xml. There are wasteland specific groups. I have removed NPCs from the night wasteland spawns for the next update so that might help as well.
  8. Oh, yeah. Sorry. May have forgotten. Lol. <append xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='npcMeleeTemplate']"> <property name="SoundRandom" value="malehateroam"/> <property name="SoundAlert" value="malehatealert"/> <property name="SoundSense" value="malehatesense"/> <property name="SoundHurt" value="malehatepain"/> <property name="SoundDeath" value="malehatedeath"/> <property name="SoundAttack" value="malehateattack"/> </append> Add this into Wasteland's entityclasses.xml somewhere. Easiest would be at the top or bottom. Just make sure it is outside of any other append or insert function. This will add the voices to all NPCs that you have, even friendlies unless they have the properties set individually. Keep that in mind.
  9. Maybe try adding <requirement name="!IsBloodMoon" /> to that buff effect group? The ! inverts it and would mean "Is not Bloodmoon". Not sure if it will work, but can try.
  10. I haven't released it yet. It's just a little xml. I can post the bits when I get home tonight as I'm not sure how long it'll be before I update again.
  11. Thanks for the info. The scorpion issue is actually an extra line in NPCmod's template. Xyth should be fixing that soon. If you want to fix it yourself, go into entityclasses.xml and look for the animalTemplateHostileWalking template. There is a <property name="LookAtAngle" value="50"/> line that is causing the issue. Just delete that line. And I will check out the mod prices. Thought I went through them but guess I missed some. The mutant hound ragdoll issue is also fixed. Thanks for the reports.
  12. I will look at the animals when I get a chance.
  13. I watched that as well. Seems like a solid foundation and assuming they do what needs to be done to smooth the rough edges it seems like it could be good. I'm not super interested to get one though the thought of being able to play some 7 Days on my lunch break is kind of tempting. Haha.
  14. I've experimented with other ways of limiting spawns but haven't found anything better so far. I'll keep testing things.
  15. I hope at least one of you have posted an actual bug report about this...
  16. If they don't allow you to turn off auto updates for your server I'd find another host. Lol.
  17. Install them all together. Should look like:
  18. Just pushed 2.87. Reduced the spawn rates a bit further. I meant to add the voices back. I honestly didn't realize they had been removed. Lol. I'll get them in the next update.
  19. Can't see the video as it is private, so can't see what you mean...
  20. The rates probably do need tweaking but day 1 always seems to be a bit crazy and then it levels off after that. I hope to start a game tonight or tomorrow and just play some and see how it feels. I just guesstimated the rates as I have way more entity entries now than I had before. So I went a good bit lower but it likely needs some refinement.
  21. I remember someone wanting to remove the recoil from the dev super digger a while back. I never could get it to go away completely. There seems to be a minimum no matter what you set unless it changed. Maybe try really small numbers like .01 or something and see if it changes anything.
  22. Alright, just pushed an update to Wasteland to fix the dedi issue as well as a few other minor bugs.
  23. Some are a pain, but they weren't meant to be used outside of the POI I made them for. Only other thing I could say is dig underneath them and see if they will fall. I'll take a look at them once I can get Wasteland's dedi issue solved.
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