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Everything posted by JCrook1028

  1. That's what I understood to be the case also. But people like to see the sky falling so they say it requiores new hardwre just to have some thing to complain about. My 2c.
  2. Wrong. Bandits will be exactly that - Human Bandits. Not friendly traders and not zombies. They will not be in A20 but A20 does a lot of stuff needed for them to be in later.
  3. Roland brought up LBD (Learn By Doing) as an example of TFP not following user criticism. THAT is the LBD we are discussing. I know it also means what you're showing but as I said, wrong LBD to be in context of the discussion.
  4. Ahh but which of their new games will be which engine is the real question. They're working on 3 after all.
  5. Screamers are not in any way timed. They are summoned forth by YOUR activity. Time of day or elapsed time have zero bearing.
  6. That number makes a lot more sense if you realize the bandits are split into 3 separate groups. White River/ The Duke and .......... hmm, the bad guys group. forget the name. SO it's only 6 types per group.
  7. To be frank, why would you want any more than Faatal answering? Sure better him that Joel that typically actually knows very little about the behind the scenes stuff. I want to hear from the man doing the work.... Faatal, Kinyaju etc. Gazz posts good info when it is a question in his area too. Just because the Devs aren't as active in here I take as a good sign. They're doing more important things. 90% of the questions asked in here either are repeats or asking for info about stuff that isn't coded yet so can't be answered accurately anyway. I used your post just as an example to all the similar idea about how bad Int is as a tree. Here's a link to a playlist from a friend of mine of an Int only build and combat isn't even close to being an issue. matter of fact it shows Int being damn near Op in combat.
  8. I think it's funny how often this gets brought up. I mine at night, almost every night in fact. I have yet to have a single zombie ever dig down to me or even try to dig down to me. I mine the same way I always have. at bedrock. I dig a shaft down from in my base then run off in cardinal directions. Problem solved. All you have to do is the same thing we've done for multiple Alpha's.
  9. Aye, that's why I have the minibikes wheels I mentioned in my original post. I've just not seen a motorcycle anywhere in Navezgane so far to wrench. Nor have any of the traders had a motorcycle wheel.
  10. Ah yes, the ultimate cheese base. sigh
  11. So turn zombie block damage down. It's in the options for a reason. Use the tools given to you by the game.
  12. There is no IF. They have stated repeatedly and for a long time that the game is built around PVE and that maybe after it is finished they will give PVP some attention.
  13. Ok, so in other words just keep doing what I'm doing. Tho I have yet to see a broken motorcycle anywhere. I did see a broken minibike but no motorcycle. Thx.
  14. Ok I gotta ask. Where do I find a motorcycle wheel? I'm on D41 level at level 47. Got 2200 zombie kills so I am out there looting daily and can't find it. I bought the chassis ans handlebars from the trader. I have minibike wheels / car wheel, car/compact/aviation and buggy engines but can't find a motorcycle engine for the life of me. Riding the bicycle is getting really old. Is it because I'm playing Navezgane? Is there like 1 special spot somewhere that it is and I haven't been there yet? Little help needed please!
  15. Yea, never go with the pre config system. Choose your own mb/gpu/cpu etc.
  16. You've not played A20 so stop acting like you know anything about the balance in it.
  17. or just open the door, stand there and stealth shot em one by one. When then come to you in that little room kill them and go call forth the next contestant. I learned that after the 1st time I did that POI. Did you not learn? Well now you know. When you say "everyone" you're almost always wrong.
  18. I'm scared they're gonna wreck her. "Ring" girl is an icon imo. Plus she's damn near a dead ringer for PokketNinja, Joel's step daughter. Pretty sure we're about to be unhappy.
  19. Yep, that illustrates the point very well. We just don't see the behind the scenes time. Same as with non early release games, it takes years before we see any of it. People have a hard time grasping that concept tho.
  20. Yep, as I said, None of it makes sense to you.
  21. Because all the BS off topic stuff gets moved to dev diary discussion in general section.. Like this post of mine will be.
  22. 8 years is not a long or uncommon time scale for a game of this depth and complexity. Not even for a larger studio. The only thing making it seems long is that we are seeing the entire process. If you can't understand that basic concept then none of it is going to make sense to you.
  23. Navezgane is a bit slower loot wise simply because of how spaced out the POI's are.
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