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Laz Man

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Everything posted by Laz Man

  1. LBL is only regards to crafting, not all skills.
  2. Looter: Did you build that roof with a 45 or 60 degree angle? Builder: No, I think a 22.5 degree angle is better. Why? Looter: Exactly, you stick to building and I'll stick to looting. Thank you very much.... No one is being punished. I empathize with those who don't like doing activity A or B, however the game has always had progression in its design and activities to explore the world. It's like saying you want to play chess but only want to use a few of the pieces but expect the same results as someone who uses all the pieces.
  3. Zom1: smh....1st world apocalypse problems....🤣
  4. Alot of people enjoy finding and giving stuff to their friends in game. Magazines will just add to that. It's like receiving more gifts on Christmas. My prediction is the hunt for magazines will be felt as an enjoyable goal for people to engage in. Unlike the RNG of books / schematics of past alphas, players have more ways to up their chances of finding the types of magazines they need. BUILDER: "Hey Roland, we really need to build workstations ASAP. Can you focus on finding more workstation mags on your next scavenge run?" LOOTER: "Matt, We are in dire need of water and food but I can see what I can do. I saw a neighborhood of houses to the east yesterday. Lots of those may have workstations I can check. Also, There is the new trader route we opened up recently. I could head over there and see if they have any workstation mags. BTW, stop telling me about your survival horror stories. Kthxbye!"
  5. I'm pretty sure Faatal is referring to A21 and not A20. You will have to wait until experimental to try it out.
  6. I hear ya. However, it's not as simple as you make it. I'm sure with enough R&D and time anything is possible. Even if there was a desire to redesign that system, we just don't have the time anymore. Game has to remain performant for up to 8 players minimum. I know there are a ton of folks out there that have servers who try to accommodate more then that as well. Okay, I will take a stab. There was a recent NRE that would occur when using one of the ingame dev tools within the prefab editor. I suspect it was caused by a recent commit due to the nature of the NRE mentioned in the unity error log. I wrote up a ticket and passed it along to our QA lead asap as it was slowing down several teammates work. Shawn comes to the rescue the very next day and fixes the bug almost immediately. Rejoice!!!!
  7. We sorta had that many alphas ago when we didn't have sleeper volume grouping. Was cool the first couple of times but was very one dimensional and not very performant. Chances are very slim at this point that there will be major POI redesigns across the board apart from art updates.
  8. This is nice and all but I wouldn't expect players to have to "game the mechanic." If players want to sneak kill attack volume sleepers, they will need the perk for that. Hiding and restealthing is another option.
  9. Regarding the start of the Z apocalypse, the story they used in the Will Smith "I am legend" movie was an interesting one. If I remember correctly, some type of vaccine or cure was given out to a large population which eventually evolved into the Z virus thus explaining how a large population was able to turn in a relatively short amount of time.
  10. Nah, only if you are discussing survival horror. Pay attention Roland!
  11. Lets not forget that players will be able to melee through holes in doors....Will leave that thought with you guys to theorycraft. 😎
  12. It does matter. You guys will have to just trust the designers on this one. We have watched enough POI playthroughs to see how disorienting / confused players can get when they decide to break through a door despite the path of least resistance. It usually results in them getting lost, lots of doubling backing, sleepers not spawning correctly, etc. It may seem futile given the world is fully destructable where the player can plow a hole anywhere they like. However, I feel we are doing pretty well creating fun/memorable experiences despite that. I'd like to add that most people would probably prefer level design add more T4/T5 POIs then revisit all existing POIs just to add lock picking to the vanilla game.
  13. Let me know which specific door in which POI you are referring to and I will be more then happy to look at it personally. Not all locked doors compromise the player path mind you. However, if there is a locked wooden door preventing the player from getting to the final loot room versus going down the "designed" player path, then we probably need to change that door.
  14. Depends on the POI. A locked/barricaded door in a current POI may cut through a significant portion of the POI. At the end of the day it will require time to revisit, analyze and adjust. Due to the push for gold, chances are slim lock picking will be added for this game. Who knows, maybe the next one
  15. Lockpicking of doors has been brought of numerous times. Keep in mind, although evervy POI is destructable, all quest POIs have an intended player path. This path serves many purposes. Combat pacing, quest clearance without having to double back on previously visited areas. Sure a player can knock down a door, but if they choose to do so, it will most likely make questing the POI take longer and/or situations where sleepers don't spawn correctly. If locking picking was ever introduced, level design would have to revist every quest POI to analyze what adjustments are needed.
  16. Never, if you install the chair in your bathroom lol...
  17. Perhaps Terraria had 10 biomes in their pre-Alpha but they cut a few before going public. Point being, it's all a matter of perspective.
  18. Think of how zombie Steve has interesting death moments. If Nabisco gave you 5 cookies to taste test but only ended up selling 3 of them to the public would you also be angry? Disappointed maybe, but thats how the cookie crumbles in early access...😅
  19. You forget to mention feral sense. Personally, I think it should be on by default during the day but understand that would boost difficulty too high for alot of players. 😅
  20. This guy sums it up pretty well where stealth currently sits. In my opinion, stealth gameplay is still very useful. For me, stealth's greatess strength is that it allows players to conserve ammo and also reduces the threat level of some encounters. (E.g. reducing the number of zeds that need to be fought concurrently). What stealth will not let you do is quietly stealth kill every encounter in the game. There will always be some encounters that will start out a certain way, and the player will have to adapt and figure out how to overcome it (e.g. attack volumes). As far as a roadmap is concerned, the missing big ticket items for gold have been mentioned several times in the dev diary. (E.g. water fix, bandits, story, art update to current HD / PBR standards etc.) Also, there will certainly be balance changes along the way. The upcoming "learn by looting" change hopefully will buff crafting back up since it has largely become an insignificant in comparison to looting/questing.
  21. Ben is a kickstarter backer and not the uncle of the owners afaik.
  22. You will probably have to mod your rwgmixer.xml file for the absolute largest cities that can be generated by RWG. There should be entries in there for min / max tile counts which you can increase.
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