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Jost Amman

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Posts posted by Jost Amman

  1. 1 hour ago, Blake_ said:

    @Roland do you know if content lock has already started? Any info that you can provide will be used against the calm and quiet of the forums.

    And @Roland, remember that these are unacceptable answers:

    • "It's done when it's done"
    • "It's not ready yet"
    • "We don't know"
    • "We're working on it"
    • "We're not there yet"
    • "Soon (tm)"
  2. 8 minutes ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    Where did you get I am demanding?

    I am not. I am perfectly fine with “we don’t give dates” or better “we are trying make it by end of the year and it may slip”

    I do not like “When it’s done” because no answer was given.

    Well, you said yourself that "it's done when it's done" is unacceptable.

    Logic would suggest that the opposite is required then: if between A and B you can only accept "NOT A", then you're basically leaving B as the only answer. :) 

  3. 3 hours ago, Gamida said:

    I thought so too.

    We could debate back and forth until game is gold so this is my last thoughts on it.

    Demanding, asking nicely same thing. You are looking for info that is not released.

    No, again. You got it all wrong.

    I wasn't asking info, I was asking when they estimate some info will be finally released to the public.


    Fanatical_Meat, instead, was demanding for a release date because he said it's unacceptable to reply "it's done when it's done".

    Do I have to spell it out for you? This is also my last post on the matter, but please, stop projecting someone else's attitude on me.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    Again you’d never say that to someone face to face so why is it fine with anonymity? 

    Actually, that's exactly the reason they use those words.

    You're as anonymous to them as they are to you, so there's no personal attack or malice in that reply: it's the same for everyone.


    And by the way, what would you do if you were face to face with them, and they answered that way? Hit them?

    That would be an assault charge and legal problems for you (on top of not getting the answer).


    I don't understand why you've suddenly become so demanding and easily offended.

    As I said before, this is a game forum. Let's save our indignation for far more serious matters!

  5. 3 hours ago, Gamida said:

    Little bit of contradictory posts there isn't it :)

    See, we are all subject to the itch of information.

    Not at all. The only one to see contradiction in my posts is you.

    Asking if they're going to release more info on the upcoming update is not even in the same ballpark as demanding for a release date. :rolleyes2:

  6. 10 minutes ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    Point is imagine any other business using that line. How would it make you feel?
    Imagine depositing a check and when asked at what time will the funds be available they said “When it’s done”. Personally I’d be pretty @%$#ed off that is literally the worst answer to a question.

    Why the pimps spout this term when you know you’d never use it in nearly any other context or even face to face with another person is beyond me.

    Except you didn't "deposit" any check. You bought a pair of socks, and you're acting like you own the business now.


    TFP is a GAME dev studio... next time you want to complain about not having hard cut-off dates or shareholder reports, I suggest you do it with the Microsoft customers department, or with any other "regular" business.


    Also, being professional, and being serious are not necessarily the same. "It's done when it's done" is perfectly fine for a dev studio which doesn't have a publisher breathing down their necks. They chose to have this kind of freedom so that they could take their time to create their own dream game (Joel's and Rick's words).

  7. 46 minutes ago, Roland said:

    There has been no A21 video footage yet for anything. You haven't missed anything yet.

    Did you hear of any tentative date (or week/month) when The Fun Pimps could start releasing more info about upcoming content?

    We're starving here and simply words don't cut it anymore... we need pictures, videos, dev streams! :hungry:

  8. I've always wondered if, when shooting zombies with a bow/gun, there is also a "Hit Chance" check like in traditional RPGs.


    I ask this question because many times I've heard people complaining about shooting a zombie right in the head, also from afar, and missing it, even if they were sure they were spot on targeting the hit-box.


    Some say it's just the wonky hit-boxes not working as they should.

    Others say even if you hit the hit-box you still have the game check the hit against your "skill" in (e.g.) bows or the gun.

    Others think it's a "lag" issue (but this also sometimes happens in SP, so...).


    Can anyone confirm this from an official source or know the answer?



    @faatal @Kinyajuu @Roland @schwanz9000

  9. 5 hours ago, Roland said:

    Want to learn something new about A21? Get off your ass and figure it out!


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    I think the first part is more something like:


    MULTITHREADED (many threads on the loom)

    CALCULATIONS (the mathematicians that helped NASA with the calculations)

    MOVED (the arrow)

    ??? (I don't know)

  10. 4 hours ago, Roland said:

    Im not sure what you mean. Are you talking about walking under a tree or going inside a POI where the windows are all barricaded and there are not any light sources?  If the former. I haven’t seen that, myself, and if the latter, it’s intended for you to either use a head lamp, a flashlight, or break open the windows to let light in, or stumble around in the dark. 

    It's the latter, Roland, but the issue is that it also happens when you're just in a partially enclosed space. I remember faatal saying something about the lighting changing when the game "considers" if you're inside or not. That part works ok for rain, but not so much for lighting, since you only need to be surrounded by a few blocks (and one on top of your head) to trigger the "dark mode".


    In the end, I think it's just a question of refining the current way or create a new, separate one, specifically for the lighting part.

  11. 11 minutes ago, Roland said:

    like every other container in the game. It is no worse than not getting an empty bowl or plate after eating a meal, or not getting an empty canister after using gas or acid.

    Well, if I had to do the devil's advocate, I could say that, unlike water will do in A21 with streams/pools, you WILL get fuel canisters by wrenching cars... so how do you explain that? If fuel worked like water, you shouldn't be able to get fuel from Fuel Pumps and by wrenching cars.

  12. On 3/16/2022 at 7:02 PM, Roland said:

    Trader Changes

    • New Trader compounds
    • Trader inventories rebalanced with the new crafting progression
    • Removal of Secret Stash
    • Further specialization of traders and what they carry

    So, we got it right... :sad:

  13. 59 minutes ago, wolfbain5 said:

    we are with you in spirit, except Snowdog, he is wandering around in his trench flashing the strippers and peeping on you in the bath. he is the reason the magazine pages are sticking together when you find them

    He even ruined one of Matt's newsstands that way... now they're "worst enemies"! :spy: :fear:

  14. 3 hours ago, Laran Mithras said:

    Item Degradation is already in the game. Items degrade, have to be repaired. Any further "Item Degradation" "enhancement" is just tedium to placate masochists. I don't want to have my M60 go from breaking to exploding into nothing to satisfy someone's idea of "Item Degradation Enhancement."


    Let the excellent modding community put that kind of tedium up for offer.

    Why did I receive a notification that you quoted me? :confused2:

    I didn't write anything on the matter. :noidea:

  15. 28 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

    Sounds like a lot of grind to me. You would have to complete 7 jobs per level at every trader. If the traders are far away from each other then you either have to build an outpost in each city or travel long distances.

    Yeah, I get that, but haven't we been complaining about traders being OP all the time?

    Well, IMO, this goes in that direction (making traders less OP).

  16. 5 minutes ago, Annihilatorza said:

    For me, secret stash should be hidden behind your trader level once you unlock the next trader do you get access to the SS but it's also tied to your gamestage and or LBR level.


    Currently it's just button click to get access to it and nothing secret about it

    That's actually a great idea, IMO! :nod:


    The Secret Stash should only be available after you complete at least Tier 1 of the trader quests.

    I would even go as far as to say the level of Secret Stash you can access should go hand in hand with the level of job tiers you've completed for the trader!



  17. 23 minutes ago, bdubyah said:

    The same could be said about several features and changes they've made over the years. With them pushing towards making looting even more important, item degradation just seems like such an obvious thing. Their main argument on the forums I saw from MM and maybe faatal was always what to do with the mods if the item drops a tier and loses a mod slot, and that is easily fixed by not allowing the repair until the mods are removed. Which to me is yet another good change as being able to carry repair kits and repair items in one second while in the middle of a fight is dumb.

    I think the model they're reaching for (IMO) is more like the one that is used by games like Diablo, Torchlight and Grim Dawn.

    They have no gear degradation, but the variety of modifiers you can have on armor and weapons is astounding, so looting never gets old.


    I hope they can achieve something similar, to a degree, when (if) they introduce legendary items.

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