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Jost Amman

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Posts posted by Jost Amman

  1. 5 hours ago, Strengthinside said:

    Okay, I saw, and read about water rework, but now, important question - fishing WHEN? Please FunPimps, gimme FISH!


    Free Stock Photo 1298-tropical_fish_0995.JPG | freeimageslive


    12 hours ago, Slasher said:

    Does the Craters, Cracks feature in random generating worlds have POI's that spawn with them and or paths within their surroundings?

    The only one who can really answer is @Crater Creator I think.

  2. 8 hours ago, BFT2020 said:


    Thank you for in-correcting me  🙄


    From my post



    So my post was:


    • There was random speed already included in the zombies behavior
    • But it is for agro only and not for shambling speed

    I could point out that you stated that there was no random speed at the moment and that I was correcting a generalization made, but I won't and take the high road😉


    I did check it out and confirmed that I was right, changing the last value to 10 on the agro rand property had a wide range of speeds of 25 @%$#ed off Arlenes chasing after me.


    But does it really matter that shambling speed doesn't have variation? 

    It's all good and well, but my point is you were correct on the wrong topic.


    You call it "shambling speed", and I'm talking about default speed... my point is it'd be cool to have random speeds for zombies: what's so complicated about that?

    I even gave you an example and you both ignored it. I think you're just arguing for the sake of arguing and ignoring the topic. But let's stop here, I don't want to start a useless banter on something so irrelevant. I don't think A21 will have random speeds anyway.

  3. 3 hours ago, zookeeper said:

    There is. Have you ever shot the policeman? Ie..

    Play it more...lol

    Both you and BFT2020 are wrong, I don't think that's what we're talking about. @BFT2020 the random part is only for the aggro speed, we're talking about the base zombie speed. Let's say you have two Marlenes in front of you, one is walking around, while the other is always sprinting. That would be much more varied, but maybe also unfair.


    Also: @zookeeper, don't go there, you'll get trashed... ;) 

  4. 1 hour ago, bdubyah said:

    As Joe already answered, TFP has always been very supportive of modders. I don't see that changing as it just keeps their game alive even longer.

    To your point about complainers just modding the game to their liking, I've noticed a lot of people here seem to have about the same feeling running a mod as turning the creative menu on. Even if it's a simple xml mod to change the values of water, they'd rather cry to TFP to change it than install a small mod to do it for them. Some kind of...purist mentality or something. But there have been several that always just shrug off the suggestion of mods as if that taints their game or something. It's real odd to me. Why just use a mod and enjoy the game when you can waste your time crying to TFP about stuff that likely isn't going to go your way, amirite?

    I can partly understand that attitude, actually. I think even those who criticize TFP, unconsciously admire the way they try to balance the game. So, if anything they ask for passes the devs test, then it's an official recognition that their idea was good and balanced.


    Maybe I'm wrong, but the core issue that many have with mods, is that modders seldom need to worry about game balance too much (if at all), so it's like winning a fixed match, and you simply can't have the same kind of feeling of achievement. The exception is for overhaul mods that often try to make explicitly the game harder and dedicate more time to connect several changes together in a more balanced (or at least in a no-nonsensical) way.

  5. IMO, making the best things (and some "gate items") craftable, would make every play through progression feel same-ish much more than having those items as rare loot.


    The Fun Pimps did the right choice there. Also, it doesn't make much sense that you can craft military grade weapons with a ragtag workbench in your backyard. Most of the time you can't nowadays, even with all the available stuff you can buy. Are we talking about common sense here, or what?


    I am talking in general, expressing my opinion on the topic.

  6. 17 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    And there was nothing out of context. Stating that going looting isn´t that much more dangerous than doing the mining for a big build is within it´s own context. It doesn´t change anything if it is a discussion on it´s own or part of a more complex discussion. The facts for it stay the same.

    Except (IMO) you're wrong. When I'm digging near (or under) my base, I have a lot of stuff from my base to help me defend from screamers.

    You can put a lot of spike traps to protect the area while mining, you can have turrets from your base ready to shoot (just in case), you can, as I often do, have a mine accessible just under your base (I often do this, and I'm also ok with SI because I know how to do it).


    See? If you took it in context, you'd probably agree with me that having screamers coming while digging at your base, is much less risky. ;) 

    Ok, now I'll refrain from bantering on the subject because I've already taken too much space from the dev diary! :israel:

  7. 15 hours ago, RipClaw said:

    I know all this, I just don't care. The Fun Pimps have assigned specific XP to specific activities. When you kill a zombie you get a certain amount of XP and when you upgrade a block you get a certain amount of XP. Apparently risk is not the only factor for the Fun Pimps. Deal with it.

    True. But it's not the least important, either. Actually, TFP seem to give risk vs. reward a very important role in how they weigh gameplay in 7D2D. That's why players who go out and fight and take risk, generally get a little better rewards than those that stay at home all day bashing blocks with their stone axe. Deal with it. ;) 


    That's the whole point of my argument here, and from what I understand, you think people who "stay at home" should be instead equally rewarded.

    I disagree with you on that.


    15 hours ago, RipClaw said:

    I only explained that you can't unlock everything via perks in A20 and that will not be able to unlock anything via perks in A21. It is just a simple fact and has nothing to do with my personal view.



    15 hours ago, Roland said:

    It will be interesting to see what happens when people actually play it. The book sets and mod schematics are still in the game as single volumes you can find to get a bonus. So that type of design is still in the game. Magazines are also in the game so you get to play both designs alongside each other. The magazine design is a lot more exciting and delivers more rewarding moments than the individual book volumes. I don't think people will think it is far worse.

    Are you serious? And what about people who absolutely don't want to go looting and don't have friends? What about them? And what about me? I don't want to lift a single @%$#ing finger because I like to look at the weather all the time. Why can't I get the same XP and stuff of the other guys in my team?


    The Fun Pimps are really cruel! They're ruining my life! :nono:


  8. 1 hour ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    Still talking to you who claimed that looting is so much more dangerous when it really isn´t that much more dangerous. @Jost Amman No matter what you discussed originally, i only reacted to that part. Or am i not allowed to do that?

    I just put my reply into context. If you can't understand I was talking about people that specifically choose to stay home, then it's your own fault.

    You can't just barge into a discussion and reply out of context. If you do that, this is what you get.


    54 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

    Why should I defend anything ? I just made it clear that building is not doing nothing. That what you claimed at the beginning.

    But you have already admitted that building is an activity and an activity is by definition not not doing nothing but doing something.

    Splitting hairs, are we?


  9. 1 hour ago, RipClaw said:

    Complain to the Fun Pimps. They've balanced it out.


    And quite honestly. You complain that you get XP for building and mining but that's all you get as a reward. Noting else.

    When you loot you get resources, weapons, tools, T2 and T3 schematics and even quality level 6 items on top of the XP.

    You're clearly changing the point here because you have no argument to defend people who choose to stay home and risk close to nothing.

    And by the way, the XP you earn "looting" is not because of the looting action only, and you know it. Most of it, is because you need to overcome the zombies outside and about and the zombies in POIs, avoid the traps, pick locks, search for treasure and so on... which is also the main point of the game: surviving the zombie threat.


    Also, when you mine you get the XP, PLUS Clay, Rock, Iron, KNO3 and Lead, so you can get a lot of stuff mining and, as said, you risk close to nothing.


    1 hour ago, RipClaw said:

    Also you can't unlock all schematics via the perks. In A21 you won't be able to unlock anything via the perks. Then T0 weapons and stone tools are the only things you can craft without magazines.

    So what? ... Players who think they should be able to unlock everything without risking anything are exactly the negative example I started with when I cited communism.

    Also, it's not as fun for most people, to be rewarded stuff in a game, without having to earn it.


    If that's your point of view, I'll acknowledge it, but I'm strongly against it since we have very different views on what "fun" and challenge is, in a game.

  10. 1 hour ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    If you make big mines near your base, you are the one who needs to learn how to play tbh. I never said anything about screamers beeing a threat to my base. I also didn´t mention magazines. Just said that when mining you can be in more unpredictable danger, espcially in big mines that you need if you want to build big,  than when you go looting.

    We're talking about people who play all the time at their base, because they only want to mine and build. And my point is that building and mining are already OP since you can mostly (depending on the available materials/tools) do everything with minimal risk. ... So, who were you talking to then?


    1 hour ago, RipClaw said:

    And what did any player do to get the "build a pipe weapon" perk? Nothing.

    Besides, you wouldn't even be able to complete the starter quest if you couldn't build anything. After all, you have to upgrade at least one block.

    Sorry, but your comparison is weak. Building allows you to build an entire base, up to cobblestone, and earn tons of XP (as I said), comparing that to a pipe weapon which is barely useful and doesn't give XP for crafting, is like comparing a four stars hotel to a run-down motel.


  11. 34 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    It can easily be one, i had big hordes in my mines when doing bigger building projects and needing lots of concrete and steel. When going out doing the "dangerous" looting, you mostly have to deal with sleepers. A bit of POI knowledge and beeing a bit cautios and pretty much every POI is a walk in the park.

    So, if looting is "a walk in the park", I don't see the problem there, just go @%$#ing looting once in a while and get those magazines.

    And by the way, all you people saying that a screamer near your base is dangerous, well, how can I say it without offending... you still learn how to play sir.

  12. 2 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    @Jost Amman Because screamers totally aren´t a thing when mining, right?

    You didn't read my post, did you? :rolleyes2:


    2 hours ago, RipClaw said:

    Building is not doing nothing. It may not be the most glorious activity or the most dangerous but it does demand time and resources.

    What did you do to earn the "building perk"? Nothing

    And it's clearly unbalanced because, as I said, you get tons of XP risking nothing.

    The risk vs. reward mechanic is way off there.


  13. 5 hours ago, RipClaw said:
    6 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    But my point is you can still do A LOT just by standing there just building. That's already fairly OP and unbalanced, IMO... what other game lets you have everything by basically doing nothing? This is becoming preposterous, it's like communism, where people who do more and have merit, get the same treatment as those who do nothing at all.

    If you call building doing nothing, you have never really built. I am currently working on a horde base. So far, I've spent an estimated 30,000 concrete and about 10,000 steel on the build. I didn't just snap my finger and the materials were there. I had to mine and process them.

    I thought I was clear, but since you replied this way, I'll clarify.


    Building is actually one of the activities in 7D2D which doesn't require perking into something to do it and progress in it.

    This means that to start building, up to cobblestone, you literally have to do nothing to earn it.


    You wanna make a forge? Need to perk into it.

    You wanna a craft a vehicle? Need to perk into it.

    You get what I mean (I hope).


    On top of that, mining + building is one of those activities that already give you TONS of XP just by doing something repetitive and (mostly) safe.


    People that go out and loot in POIs and around cities, are constantly under threat and risk their (virtual) lives, while those who stay "at home" mining and building, only may risk something when the occasional wandering horde come by. But that's expected, so they can easily be prepared for them and be basically still safe.


    So, please, don't tell me how hard it is to build a base with 30K concrete and 10K steel, because that's not hard, that's expensive, a BIG difference in meaning.

    Also, that kind of base you're talking about is something that the average player can't do before week 3 or even 4, so it's a mid-game issue only.


    Can you dig it?





  14. 43 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

    If you call building doing nothing, you have never really built. I am currently working on a horde base. So far, I've spent an estimated 30,000 concrete and about 10,000 steel on the build. I didn't just snap my finger and the materials were there. I had to mine and process them.

    Com'on, you know what I mean... you're better than that.

  15. 19 minutes ago, Grue said:

    Now that you mention it, I have hated the zombie AI since A17. 

    Please bring back the zombies that actually act like zombies instead of the conga line of structural engineers who magically detect and path to the weakest block.

    It was far less predicable and exploitable when the zombies would just swarm in waves and start beating on random parts of your walls. Now all horde bases are basically identical because the zombies are too "smart" for their own good.

    I'm sure Crater will get right on that.

    I think you bought the wrong game then... did you miss the part about "tower defense" elements? That's exactly how monsters behave in a TD game, so unless you want them to also change this game's sub-genre, I suggest you adapt your gameplay to it.


    19 minutes ago, Grue said:

    No more "Jackpot!" moments from getting lucky with a forge schematic on day 1,

    Or debating spending points to get the recipe you need vs waiting for the next trade day to try to buy one. 

    The RNG for schematics may have been fickle at times, but it also made every play though unique.

    And for most things there was a fall back of spending points to get what you could not find.

    I partially agree on the "less RNG" part, but not about the "Jackpot!" moment. I expect we'll loot many more magazines, and each one will bring us nearer to our goal, so the moment I'll find the last one I need to reach the specific schematics I'm interested in, it WILL be a Jackpot moment. :) 


    What they did is remove the frustration of having RNG work against you too much, and they also rewarded "smart looting". In A21, in fact, we'll have themed containers in themed POIs, so when you need to hunt for a specific set of magazines, you can plan an expedition to (e.g.) Pass and Gas and try to find schematics for vehicles.


  16. 8 hours ago, RipClaw said:

    To a limited extent. You can build a wood or cobblestone base but that's it without looting. For the production of cement and concrete you need a forge and a concrete mixer. You also need a workbench to build the concrete mixer. In A20 you can unlock the recipes via Advanced Engineering. In A21 you need to read a certain amount of Forge Ahead magazines.

    You can buy concrete and workstations at a trader pretty easily, then you're set.


    But my point is you can still do A LOT just by standing there just building. That's already fairly OP and unbalanced, IMO... what other game lets you have everything by basically doing nothing? 

  17. 13 minutes ago, Annihilatorza said:

    When I play I have had times where I just dont want to deal with clearing out another 5 - 10 POI to find a book or a crucible and I just craft and build and mine for the XP I need to build my horde base, but I dont have a choice now, I must go into the city and loot and kill to get what I need for the horde base.  

    Like what? You can build all you want without any books.

    Unless you're talking about electrical traps, in which case it's common sense you need to learn that stuff from somewhere.


    Actually, this gives me a good segue into something I've been complaining about for a long time.

    Why, of all skills, is building not one of those skills you have to learn?

  18. 3 hours ago, Grue said:

    Most of the time when I see someone try to give feedback, people like you (often specifically you) shout us down to defend whatever the newest questionable mechanic is as if your life depends on it. 

    Don't worry, now that @Crater Creator is Super Moderator, I'm sure he'll address all your concerns and have TFP change back any game mechanic you don't like.


    2 hours ago, smadcore said:

    Is there any way zombie AI could be tweaked to make the 'ramp up to killbox' style of base less op? 

    Maybe occasionally a zombie will ignore the vertical distance and just get as close as they can on the horizontal axis and start attacking blocks?

    Maybe sometimes their pathfinding is drastically reduced so they don't notice that convenient set of steps up to where you want them to be?

    I don't pretend to understand how all the code works. I really think a little RNG could help. 

    For every complaint like yours, I see as many (if not more) complaints about the opposite...


    *in frustrated voice*

    "Why did the zombies ignore my beautiful easy path of least resistance to just stop and bash my walls??"

    Go figure...


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