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Jost Amman

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Posts posted by Jost Amman

  1. 7 hours ago, Crater Creator said:

    We had generic books many alphas ago, that scrapped for like 20 paper. They’ve steadily removed intermediate items like that from the game, so I can't see them reversing direction now. The fishing weights might be the last thing we have that isn't directly usable, a raw material, or multipurpose.

    I remember now... but in this case it would make sense to add them back, because with the new crafting system magazines will be again front and center of the looting routine.

  2. 1 hour ago, Aldranon said:

    Will the curbside newspaper stands have the critical documents we need to advance?

    I'm actually hoping they don't and just have paper (maybe also a toilet pistol because I do like them!)


    I'll be tempted just to do that for 2-3 days and then destroy them, so I don't look in them again.

    I'll probably let my role-play self, win most of the time and not do that, but it will be tempting...

    I know it's just a small detail... but I'd rather have them add a new type of item named "ruined book/magazine" that you can scrap to paper. Lots of people complain about finding tons of paper in the bookshelves of a Crack a Book store, and don't understand the paper represents ruined books and magazines.


    That would add a bit of "realism" IMO and ease players into understanding why so much scrap.


  3. 14 minutes ago, crazywildfire said:

    From my understanding glue is under consideration so a possible chance something might change on it. But we don't know for sure so as far as we know it is the same so....

    The last comment from the devs on Glue was that it WILL use clean water instead of murky, so...

  4. 17 minutes ago, Grue said:

    I see you are not a fan of thinking ahead to avoid mistakes.

    Have you heard the saying, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" or perhaps, "Measure twice, cut once"?

    The time to correct course is before the mistake is made.

    With your own words, though, you're handling me the perfect example to explain why I disagree.

    Yours (ours) comments, are vastly uninformed for now, or to the most, they're educated guesses.

    Basically, we're measuring twice something that we can't actually measure.


    So, in the end, you're "correcting" something without really knowing what it is that you're correcting.

    Does it make sense now? At least, that's my opinion on why we should discuss possible changes only after we play the A21 experimental.


    The only alternative would be for The Fun Pimps to share their internal documents (if any) where they lay out in detail what the change is, how it works (even the XMLs) and how the new water survival mechanic blends with the rest of the game. That would probably be the bare minimum to be able to give real feedback, instead of opinions on speculations.

  5. 46 minutes ago, Riamus said:

    Water is going to be no problem within a few days even with the change, so why bother?

    As far as I understand, it's not like that.


    There are two levels of "water survival":

    1. You must find water or you'll die of dehydration
    2. After you've finally covered the basic needs (4/5 days?), you still have a limited quantity of water available for other stuff (glue, cooking, and so on...)

    If that's the case, the changes to water are meaningful both for the early game, AND the middle game.

    In late game, of course, water shouldn't be an issue at all.

  6. 3 hours ago, zztong said:

    While I believe this is a true statement and support the Devs in their search for a way to extend the early game and their overall ability to experiment with game issues, I don't accept that "realism" has absolutely nothing to do with the game. At some point a lack of reality undercuts the game. If they were to take away gravity then it becomes hard to say the game is set in Arizona.


    Perhaps gravity is too "out there" to compare to water availability, but we are talking about water. It covers 71% of the Earth's surface. All of the plant life shown in the game and all of the animals depend upon it and they're obviously living. (I've no idea if zombies need water.) Comparing it to gravity isn't so much of a stretch to me.

    Except, they already took away gravity... with the magical backpack that is immune to item weight, you know. :heh:


    3 hours ago, zztong said:

    A perfect simulation is not the goal. But I do suggest at some point a lack of reality changes the game.

    That's not the point. The point is that since this is a game, the devs can bend and twist "realism" whenever they need to achieve the goals they envisioned for it.

    And, BTW, I think the word you're searching for is "believability", am I right?


  7. 49 minutes ago, Grue said:

    And yet you still managed not to address the points made in the argument.

    Thanks for your non-contribution.

    I don't need to address them, because I think the current A21 implementation could be the right choice.


    I could discuss any number of theories about how the game should be, but why? The devs make educated choices on their game. I can agree or disagree with them, like them or not, but I won't discuss John Doe's theories on how the game should be, because I'm only interested, to the most, in discussing feedback. This is not feedback, this is preemptive whining based on how you imagine the game will play out.


    I'll gladly discuss feedback on A21 experimental when it's out, though.

  8. 2 hours ago, Grue said:

    Players want to play in a sandbox, not a cattle chute

    Every time I see someone speaking for "a group" I think how weak their argument must be.

    The water changes have been made for game balance, stop.


    Realism or believability have nothing to do with it.

    Why don't you complain about carrying TONS of materials in your backpack?

    I'll tell you why: BECAUSE IT'S A @%$#ING GAME! :rolleyes2:

  9. 1 hour ago, Zipcore said:

    I just want that they add it at some point. Such things need to be smoothed out so they are not just a half baked thing which disappoints the players. And it's a lot of work to get this type of thing done right. they have their reasons to delay this feature for soooo long.

    The real problem for devising a good Bandit AI is the environment the bandits will be moving in.

    Most games have static maps, with static path-finding, where devs can even hand-tailor scripted behaviors for the AI.


    In 7D2D you have an environment that can change at any time, with 1.2K variations of blocks that could, or could not, be passable, and that could or could not be considered cover depending on the rotation vs. where the player is. And that's just the beginning of the issues you have to overcome.


    It's in these times that I'm grateful I'm not a programmer and that this @%$# is handled by someone else (hopefully someone up to the challenge).

  10. 7 hours ago, mstdv inc said:

    YouTube also had freedom until the big advertisers came and set the conditions for the videos in which their ads would be displayed.All analogs of YouTube are doomed either to failure or to repeat its fate. ¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯

    No, it won't happen with Rumble: that entire platform was devised precisely for freedom of speech and expression, by people who were fed up with YouTube censorship. But, don't worry, you have the freedom to choose to stay in jail and think it's the Waldorf Astoria. ;) 


  11. 3 hours ago, Gamida said:

    I was wondering about how the new Youtube policy is going to affect 7 Days To Die.

    ScrewTube has become pure dictatorship. I can't understand how people keep going to the same lame "places" on the internet, when it's clear they've become jails.

    There are some, much more free, alternatives out there. Personally, I like how Rumble is coming up. Has already got a gazillion users, and there's much more freedom.


    People should get smart with their choices, and we should always remember that WE (the people) give the power to those "giants", not the other way around. :peace:

  12. 1 hour ago, ElDudorino said:

    So some alarmist on the Steam forums is freaking out over the new crafting system and he says you won't be able to get Q4/5/6 items in loot, as quest rewards, or from trader stock. I tried searching this thread but didn't see any indication of that. I had seen long ago that a dev was considering the possibility of making Q6 craftable but I never saw confirmation it would be for sure.


    So, apologies for not catching up on the last 100+ pages, but will Quality 4/5/6 be lootable, buyable, and obtainable as quest rewards? And has Q6 crafting been confirmed or will I still have to mod that in?

    It's a lost fight on Steam... believe me. I try to keep people there informed with as much "official" information I can gather here, but even after they get it, they start again complaining about stuff that's not even been mentioned by the devs. :rolleyes2:

  13. 1 hour ago, Callum123456789 said:

    me personally i would prefer more game features over graphical overhauls for assets

    You can have both. Most features are worked on by different devs than the ones who work on graphics assets.


    5 minutes ago, meilodasreh said:

    funny fact is that no one ever said that the graphics are "too bad" or "should be better" or else alike.

    No, and neither did I make it my point in my post.

    I was just saying that it's unfair to state that the graphics improvements from 2013 to now are "meh".


    Anyone saying that is either nearsighted or biased IMO.

  14. 19 minutes ago, IzPrebuilt said:

    It has not really gotten much better.

    Unbelievable! With this statement, you lost any credibility, sir.


    Is 7D2D up to par with the latest graphical improvements in other more recent games? No

    Does 7D2D look way better than when it first started in 2013? Absolutely!



    May | 2013 | 7 Days to Die

    Best 7 Days to Die Mods: Try These While Waiting for Alpha 2


  15. 52 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

    The second date is the "Steam Spring Sale" between March 16 and 23. That is more likely. Maybe the experimental will even be released at the end of February so that the stable is available on this date.

    You're way too optimistic IMO.

  16. 41 minutes ago, Roland said:

    I don’t think Flurry of Blows ever affected the axe anyway so if you enjoyed using it before you should be able enjoy it the same in the future. 

    I think he has confused SexRex with Flurry... just to clarify, do tools have their own SexRex skill now?


    @faatal What happens when a vehicle reaches zero HP? Does it blow up? Does it just stay there broken? It would be cool if in some conditions your vehicle could completely blow up instead of just breaking down... (e.g.) if you crush into a wall and you go below (i.e.) -50 HP then you also blow up. What are the plans on this? 

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