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Jost Amman

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Posts posted by Jost Amman

  1. 1 minute ago, wolfbain5 said:

    yeah something to do with trader's increased secret stash?


    doll arm pointed up, so Increase

    the deodorant brand is "Secret"

    and consensus agrees last word is stash

    I already posted almost this same solution, but my post is marked as hidden! 

    I don't understand why...:noidea:

  2. Thanks to Melange for the great intuition on the last part.

    I think I solved it!


    My take on the hint:

    • The doll (Barbie) is raising her hand, word = RAISING
    • The deodorant stick (I searched) could be on specific product which is named like in the picture below:

      Secret Outlast Xtend Technology Antiperspirant/Deodorant reviews in ...

      So the word should be: SECRET

    • And as Melange said, the last word should be: STASH


    So the solution could be: RAISING SECRET STASH

    Basically, they've raised the loot reward for the secret stash


    Or the doll could represent Traders, in which case it means that the Traders can now give you a Secret Stash mission. :confused2:

  3. 23 minutes ago, Cr0wst0rm said:

    While im not dissapointed by LbL system, (i think it is better than LbC system), i am more dissapointed by lack of features. The water system is a great addition but when looking at confirmed feature list, it feels kind of short to be fair.... Some graphic changes are the most of things i can make out of this list. No bandits is a def. killer for me. I work for some other game studio, and i was able to implement 3 subsystems for that game, being animal skinning system, ambient music system (combat, suspense etc crossfades) and fall damage system. While it may sound like something easy and absolutely unnoticeable in details, i feel it is almost the same as this list of features offers. (water logic excluded). Mostly visuals, that could be solved in just few seconds by purchasing some decent assets and then puting them in substance painter for sec, that should be it. And not putting it in "feature list", because people dont care that much about graphics, you can do placeholders for time being and do graphics when gameplay elements are done....

    All those systems you mentioned you've worked on, however, don't seem to need any kind of balancing (maybe only the skinning system regarding how much stuff you get from skinning?). In the case of TFP's systems that they're working on, there's A LOT of rebalancing going on. I can only imagine the huge amount of work they're doing just on the loot tables alone. After that, they need the QA staff to test and give feedback, and then if something needs rebalancing, they need to do it all over again.


    Most people see only one small slice of the cake and think that those changes are (pun intended) "a piece of cake" to do.

    I don't think that's the case here.


  4. I think the current moniker for the new system isn't the best one... we should probably call it "Craft by Looting" (CBL) from now on, IMO.

    I've read on Steam people that got confused and thought that you'll only learn skills and perks from books from now on.

  5. 2 hours ago, faatal said:

    Basically 0% chance at this point. I'm putting my efforts towards must-fixes, before we even start the MF list. Also various features that are not quite done, and code changes to support balancing changes as people who are play testing discover issues.

    While I understand that shipping incomplete/buggy bandits is a no-go for "professional" reasons, I also think that you're all missing an opportunity for early feedback on what actually is ready. So, unless you're in a completely draft phase of development for the bandit AI, I would advise Rick, Joel and everyone in the team, to reconsider adding at least some basic wilderness spawning for bandits.


    This way you would have early feedback on how players like/dislike the NPCs (from a graphical/looks perspective), if players like the animations and how throwing in bandits along with zombies feels for most players.


    Thanks :yo:

  6. 7 hours ago, Gamida said:

    That is a weird way to get a point across isn't it. Just saying we are nitpicking to win an argument. I am not trying to win any argument. I am just adding my opinion same as everyone else.

    Yes, you're adding your opinion by replying to my opinion with (IMO, lol) partially unfitting counterarguments.

  7. 21 minutes ago, Roland said:

    I’d say that this is all we are asking pedestrians to do. Actually cross the bridge and report on oscillations. The good news about our venture is that no real lives are in danger by doing so. 

    Excluding faatal's if he doesn't get it right with bandits, of course... :heh:


    No pressure | Memes sarcastic, Funny memes sarcastic, Humor


  8. 1 hour ago, Gamida said:

    Interesting... but has nothing to do with my example, though. :)


    In this case the "pedestrian" pointing out the flaws, was not a common person, but a student who dedicated his thesis on the specific building, not a random person living in the building or working inside it.


    Also, we're not talking about people suggesting frivolous changes to the building which could impact its stability (like some players do with 7D2D when they ask features that could make the game crawl down to 1 FPS), but that guy is someone pointing out structural flaws that could compromise the building itself. It's like if some player found out a section of code that when activated could format your hard drive. Instead, those arguing the game will be doomed if TFP don't change/revert feature X, are like people saying that if the engineer doesn't put an elevator in the building, it will collapse! :lol:

  9. 6 hours ago, Magnus33john said:

    Rather missed the point i see.


    A engineer can build a perfectly functional bridge but it could look like ass.

    They see things from their perspective which is function and don't always think about other things.


    The function must always  be balanced with the needs and the wants.


    The blackberry phone was a perfect example of this. Great function and reliability ,but failed because it's aesthetics never kept up with what people wanted.


    The best engineers are going to learn function isn't everything and get better.

    No, I didn't miss the point. You did.


    My example was about letting professional do their jobs and not have their decisions skewed by "popular vote".

    As Fiorello La Guardia once said: "There's no democratic or republican way to clean the streets.", and I agree.


    Many requests from the average player are made without considering performance, development time, cost or any other factor that a dev studio will know. Following the bridge example, it's like if some pedestrians asked the engineer to make the bridge in such a way that it'd be impossible to build in a stable way, just because they want it aesthetically pleasing. Furthermore, In TFP's case, they also know (on average) how to make things work fine (programmers) and look good (designers and graphic guys).


    As Roland said, you can't please everyone. So, if you start changing the game by listening to one group, you may very well @%$# the other off.

    I like more TFP's approach. They know what they want, but they also (sometimes) let some good feedback influence their decisions. That's all.

  10. 3 hours ago, Magnus33john said:

    They are not always going to get things right but as long as they listen to the players mistakes can be fixed.

    I completely disagree with this statement. That's like saying that an engineer building a bridge should listen to the pedestrians, so that his "mistakes" can be fixed.

  11. 5 hours ago, Melange said:

    When the drone was introduced, for me it was a matter of "well, that wasn't on my wish list".


    I've tried it. Given it a fair chance. The heal-me benefit is nice, especially during a horde battle. But its not become part of my everyday play.


    It's been suggested that having skins for the drone might be an option to consider, that is one might have a hovering calico cat or parrot or whatever. But keep it at base. Let it greet you at the door with "How was your interaction with the undead today?" And it can call me Darling or Luv or Sweet Heart instead of Master. Or even Boss (most of us have one, no?). But its a start, so it may develop.


    I know, we can't have everything. Where would we put it? The drone can't carry it all.

    I think they should add an option for the drone where you put in its storage things you want to sell, and then you can tell him to go and sell them to the trader.

    He will disappear for a while, and then come back with your money.


    This same game mechanics has been already used in the past in other games. It's not a new idea, but I think it could give players additional motivation to use the drone when they go adventuring. :)


    2 minutes ago, kaetting said:

    Sorry if it is a dubble post, havent read all posts here.


    But something I missed is when I had to rebuild my base and demolish 30+ steelblocks, even with help it takes too much time.


    Make better use of the ”Timed Charge” and change it so it ”always” destroys own/party block.


    One Time Charge one block gone.

    That charge is intended more for safes. Not for walls.

    I think the best option right now against walls and blocks in general, would be dynamite.


  12. 1 hour ago, AmishMan53 said:

    nah i get it.. like i said in my post i'm with roland on the camaraderie thing, but on the flipside, to what extent is that group truly caring about the loot perks?  When i play with my friend, when he had more points into the loot perk i let him open the primarily important containers (hardened chests, gun safes, etc.).  I would loot things that don't have the greatest things like trash piles, cupboards and such.  But that's my group, and we share a base for only a few horde nights before going on our own.  Some people play PVP as friends.  Some simply play in a co-existing fashion.. not playing supportive of each other or against, just existing in the same world and enjoying the game having those moments "duuuude i just got a sniper rifle quality 5".. other guy "awesome man, good find."  If your friends are being toxic to a degree that you can't enjoy it, you'll likely find new friends to play with on your own.. don't need some PR head telling you to find new friends when you express complaints with the game you play with them.  Either way.. that's just one instance of too large amount of Roland completely disregarding players concerns and standing on the attitude of "don't like it, too bad" or "the problem is you, not the game."

    Well, what you see as Roland not caring about that player/customer, I see as Roland explaining how the devs intended the game to be played, or in the specific case hoe COOP is "supposed" to be played. Sometimes using the short version of the word, we forget that the origin of COOP is Cooperative, which means that if you play it with people that don't really cooperate with you, you're not going to enjoy the benefits of that type of gameplay (to the least).


    So, from my point of view, it's not much about them (Roland/TFP) giving you advice on how you should choose your friends, but is more about them explaining how the game rules and balancing will affect you if you play that way.


    "Don't ask the devs what the game can do for you, but ask yourself what YOU can do with the game." :heh: (JFK - Joking Funny Kidding)

  13. 1 hour ago, Matt115 said:

    I know that you ask him but... behemot could be  just bulletsponge with big anti block AOE. this would be mean that during Late stage players would have to create many wall because demolisher could make holes very fast and spend time on repairing them.  And why big would be better that for example demolisher - well it would be just lord of the rings troll while demolisher is just .... zombie with C4 so don't looks too much powerful. Not only gameplay is important but design too - kill just guy with c4 - Ok i'm going to sleep. Kill big mountain of muscles and skin armor? that's something

    From what I remember, the issue with the Behemot wasn't clipping, it was path finding.

    It's already very complicated to do the path finding for two-blocks-high entities, it would have been a nightmare for an entity that is probably 2x2x3 blocks!

  14. 3 hours ago, Gronal said:

    Then simply break the door whilst not standing in the flames and run through. Unless the flames can't be hit through, but that would feel kinda wrong.

    I'm suggesting simply the damage over time fire debuff isn't enough for the fire hazard to act as an actual obstacle, as you can just drink to put out the fire.

    I think the best way would be to have any explosives or gunpowder in your pockets to go off if you're on fire. :boom:

  15. 1 hour ago, blueboyxg said:

    @Roland Asking from my side. I saw video talking about Bandits that they are not gonna be in Alpha 21 "maybe". Question from my side then is - If you guys hire someone who mod 7 days to die from side  like Darkness Falls who has npcs Ai in there modpack if there is chance to hire they "owner" or someone who mod this pack to help you guys with Bandits Ai/Movement or there is chance for them ? Just asking if this could help or not. Or maybe you have code for bandits and those stuff to send privatetly to them or something ? Or there is some other way ? Or it´s definitely no for Bandits for Alpha 21 ? - sorry for bad spelling not my main Language 

    As great as I think Darkness Falls mod is, I wouldn't take that mod's NPCs AI as a blueprint for the new bandits, lol :lol:

  16. 7 minutes ago, Alexandus said:

    Please don't remove spear throwing, it made spears unique and interesting - buffing the numbers while dumbing down the mechanic is the opposite direction the game should move in imo 

    This whole discussion on the spear is pointless... :heh:

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