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Jost Amman

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Posts posted by Jost Amman

  1. 1 hour ago, Aldranon said:
    • Crafting skill is increased by finding and reading magazines

    This is from TFP

    Sorry, but for me, crafting is not about "Skills", it's about recipes.

    But now I understand why you would say that, they used the words "crafting skill" when it's just a crafting tier.


    From your wording, I thought you were talking about the normal skill trees.

  2. 2 hours ago, meganoth said:


    I am not talking about this as it is a reason to visit any of the other biomes. Sure, there may be reasons why someone likes this or that biome better, but generally the other biomes just offer the same loot boost in different strength. 


    But you have a very good argument why the loot bonus of the snow biome should be reduced. It seems generally too easy for its loot bonus. And it would be nice if the wasteland were a biome unlike any other, alone at the top in every respect.



    Add back REAL cold and frost burn consequences :smow: and there you go, rebalancing is done.

  3. 51 minutes ago, Selevan said:

    Yeah, not like i would want to discuss with you. Last time when you asked me for arguments, i wrote a 500 words big essay, which suspringly, you ignored. 

    Duh?? What? ... I must have missed it, I don't remember any reply from you. :confused2:

    But you're right, I hate long walls of text. :frusty:

  4. 5 hours ago, Burrfly said:

    Hi everyone I'm curious to see how this game will become. I just wanted to mention out one thing.

    Don't make the same mistake as a lot of devs do which is focussing on graphics and visuals instead of mechanics and (new) interactive features. We don't care if something VISUAL is in detail or hyperrealistic. Btw I actually hate visual hyperrealism. We rather have cool new gameplay mechanics! :D Thank you for reading

    This has been explained to death... :deadhorse:

    Don't worry, the guys who work on graphical stuff ARE NOT the guys who work on "features" and mechanics.

    So, basically, we can eat the cake and have it too! :caked:

  5. 1 hour ago, Diragor said:

    Imagine your life being so boring and uninteresting, that you cry about a release Date 🥱

    it's done when it's done. DO something else while waiting for it. Go to the gym for example ;)

    Prime has released a Half-Life mod you can use in the meantime, while you wait.

    It was developed as a "side project". :heh:





  6. 5 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    To be honest... i feel like 7DTD change too much into.... Doom. I know it's sounds crazy that's why i will explain why 😜

    Let's take days gone POI's as example - windows, opened door and except few places like university.... that's it. state of decay - like a days gone, project zomboid - some door are closed right but it's just.. normal. dayz ? similiar.

    7dtd - almost every Poi is like some type of maze. Why? I know because "gAmEpLaY" But A13 - house was just... house. Complicated building are ok if there is a reasons - school, unviersity, military base, office, but Bar without stairs? Okay someone can say that dunno -  there was a nuke and that's why - i would agree but... collapsing stairs and left building intact? sounds too naive. Military? would sounds correct but if... this would happends in few buildings not in most of them + lack of military stuff on streets.  If this would dunno random furnitures on stairs would have much more sense. Plus most 70-80% should be just... "empty" no barricades, strange holes in  floors just simple building in and out - this would make looting crates more easier? Yes. so maybe..... reduce number of duff bags crates by 50%? It would be logical if most POI's had just basic stuff + junk. someone can say 'but but but fUn because always chance for loo......" SPOILER : you can use... logic! For example - you want gun? look at police station. Food , almost everywhere right? but tools? more probably DIY store. Project zomboid made when you can find loot much more better and logical

    If it was YOU making the POIs, I bet they would be much more realistic/believable, but also much more... boring. :yawn:

  7. 2 hours ago, Darthjake said:

    Probably because you downvoted him before, you've downvoted my posts and I've seriously considered doing the same to you several times.

    FYI: there's no downvoting... thumbs down don't count in any way, shape or form towards your "ranking" :) 


  8. 10 hours ago, bachgaman said:

    For you, anyone who plays better than you is a min maxer? I just choose the right decisions and try to be better

    No. A min-maxer is someone who can only enjoy the game by playing it in the most efficient way.

    I mean, there's nothing wrong playing like you want, but sadly you'll never understand the other play-styles or the reasons why we play like we do.

  9. 7 hours ago, bachgaman said:

    This is what I'm talking about. At the moment, the game forces you to do this. The most efficient way to play is build your base next to a trader and grind the same high level POI 200m away. Again and again. The same POI. From day to day. No point in world generation and explore world

    You're a min-maxer : there's no cure for that.

  10. 6 hours ago, bachgaman said:

    People are always looking for excuses for their mistakes. In any shooter, people cry about bad hitboxes and bad game engines, supposedly because of this they cannot hit the target. But we know why this happens.

    So you're saying there's no bug, and all the people complaining, and even video proof is all baloney?

    Thanks for officially clarifying this, we were all waiting for your expert opinion! :) 

  11. 14 minutes ago, vergilsparda said:

    Not sure if appropriate for A21 discussions since it might not happen in A21 or at all, but is the (non?)issue of vehicles not keeping their momentum going to be changed, updated, or fixed? It's increasingly annoying, especially on the bicycle, to get up to speed with pedalling faster via Shift, and then immediately have all that progress lost when your stamina runs out. The bicycle returns almost immediately to its normal speed, when in real life and really any other vehicle-having game the momentum slowly drops over time.

    You need to keep the SHIFT key pressed when you release the W key.  ...shift...> :car:

  12. 1 hour ago, Blake_ said:

    @Roland do you know if content lock has already started? Any info that you can provide will be used against the calm and quiet of the forums.

    And @Roland, remember that these are unacceptable answers:

    • "It's done when it's done"
    • "It's not ready yet"
    • "We don't know"
    • "We're working on it"
    • "We're not there yet"
    • "Soon (tm)"
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