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Jost Amman

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Posts posted by Jost Amman

  1. 8 hours ago, unholyjoe said:

    as a  refresher... it was said that we wont be doing taming pets in 7dtd but... 7dtd2 may bring some new surprises and technology to allow for the newer stuff and some missed opportunities. we can only hope :)

    The Cake is a lie!

  2. 34 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

    Just because a system works for all players in one game doesn't mean it will work for all players in another game. Especially when a game is a blend of different genres and attracts different types of players.

    And just because the new system doesn't work for all players of 7D2D, doesn't mean they have to scrap it.

  3. 35 minutes ago, Old Crow said:

    I'm wondering if the individual attributes will go back to being more than just "Oh, you have a higher chance of dismembering zombies with X weapon." I feel like a higher fortitude should result is more natural damage reduction or more HP, higher strength should result in more melee damage, etc. Right now the attributes (yes I know they allow for higher levels of other perks) just feel too samey and homogenized.

    Well, if you want to go there... I really liked how they implemented attributes in Prey, where each new tier also allowed you to use your perks/skills on more stuff or do better or more difficult actions.

  4. 1 hour ago, KhaineGB said:

    It does not have all of the pathing issues fixed, but it's WAY better in A20 than it was in previous alphas.

    And yes, I ripped it, re-rigged it and stuffed it back in the game. You can even dismember it if you want ;)

    Did you ever try to add zip-lines in your mods? :rapture2:

  5. 1 hour ago, Gamida said:



    I think they will announce the streamer weekend before even experimental gets released so would guess there is still a bit of time to play a game or two of A20


    And by "a bit of time", you mean months, am I right? :sad:

  6. 1 hour ago, meganoth said:

    First of all it was not my suggestion but Amman's and Callum's. I was just arguing with them about details of their suggestions.

    What?? I never suggested nerfing canned food in loot!

    I was just talking about a "general rebalance". Please don't put words in my mouth.

    8 minutes ago, crazywildfire said:


    Around 7 or 8 people.  Been around for years so already know they not balancing for mega servers. But we have several groups. Spread across the map. Maybe you play on a server as one but not everyone does. Once you spread out things start to not spawn regularly once you get around 7 to 8 people on. If they are only balancing for single player and servers that play together then so be it. But you don't need 9 plus people for spawns to act up. Even bloodmoons, we have several people that hardly get a full bloodmoons. But that a different story. But back to animals we get to day 40 and if it wasn't for can food / farming we would struggle even more if we just counted on meat. We got to a point where we did mod for animal traps just to get meat to make better food because animals hardly spawn unless you talking about zombie animals and those don't give raw meat. But like I said if they are balancing for only single player and group play only then it is what it is. 

    They should simply add a "hidden" animal spawn multiplier based on the number of players. Problem solved.


    1 hour ago, meganoth said:

    Oh yes, general advice to all people feeling there is not enough meat arround because they are blind to the environment (like me): One point into the hunter skill in perception is absolutely essential to notice and hunt chickens and rabbits.

    Yes, but not more than one point, because at 2 (or was it 3?) it bugs out and doesn't work until you reach max.

    Unless they fixed it for A21 that is...


  7. 1 hour ago, meganoth said:

    But not to what you say above. Because as I said IF they had added it to the **current** mechanics in a way that time and effort is similar to hunting then there won't be a relevant difference.

    Yes, there wouldn't be a relevant difference... since food survival is already unbalanced right now. :) 


  8. 5 hours ago, Crater Creator said:

    Why do people assume that, if TFP did add a new feature like fishing, they’d just throw it in without accounting for the effect it had on balance? I don’t mean to single you out - this critique seems to come up frequently whenever users propose changes. Sometimes we see a proposal for something that really would break the balance in a fundamental way, like crafting an unbreakable block. But I’m sure they could adjust the numbers so food scarcity is easier, the same, or even harder with fishing than without. “What if it’s not balanced?” presupposes the devs will do a bad job, and is not a good reason to shoot down an idea.

    Maybe I wasn't clear enough... I'll try to clarify: I think A20's food survival is currently too easy (unbalanced), hopefully before gold they'll make it better.

    As for fishing, I wanted to say that IF they add it to the current survival mechanics, they will have to rebalance all the food survival numbers (basically what you said).

  9. 11 minutes ago, meganoth said:


    Not with practically infinite sources. If fish just provide meat and you need the same effort to get meat from animals or fish, then they are interchangeable sources. If an area is temporarily empty from hunting you can go to a different area or to a pond.


    There could be a minimal advantage if the area you have hunted has a pond so you save on moving 500 meters. But if that were a problem (which I doubt) they could link animal frequency to fish frequency in an area.



    10 minutes ago, Riamus said:

    Not really.  If it takes around the same amount of time and effort to get food, then it doesn't matter where it comes from.  You won't get more by having another source.  And if they wanted, they can increase time to catch a fish and have chance to catch other stuff - Stick (1 wood), weed (2 grass) to help - keep it slower.  It can even be implemented to be less efficient overall than hunting while still allowing those who enjoy fishing to have it.  Balance really doesn't have to be a problem.  Extra sources don't have to break balance either.


    Sorry, but you're both missing my point. I believe that A20 is currently unbalanced. Food is too easy to procure in A20.

    I remember someone from TFP saying that in A21 they're rebalancing stuff all around, I think that includes food (hopefully).


    Anyway, my point is that currently the only way to rebalance food, to make it again an early-to-mid game challenge like they are doing with water, is to either make it much more scarce (hunting/looting), or to add food spoilage (like Aldranon said before).


    Now, this is all hypothetical of course, since fishing won't be in A21... BUT, if they did add fishing, AND if A21 was really rebalanced to make food more scarce, then adding a new food source would break that balance. Suppose that in A21 they put a very low limit on the number of animals that can spawn in an area, this would create the situation where hunting would only work for a few days, after which, you'd have to move farther and farther away to find game. This would be a challenge to food survival, of course. But if fishing was added to the game, players would only get half the intended effect if they hanged around a lake, pond, or river.

  10. 3 hours ago, meganoth said:


    I don't think food balance would be a problem. In the same time that you hunt for meat walking around you could consume your time with fishing. If it was fishing with a spear you would also waste some stamina. Same effort in time and stamina, same random risk to even find anything to hunt or fish at all. And the result would be 5 meat as well if they want to keep the recipes simple.


    Well, you're talking about the effort to get food and how much food you'd get... but that's not all what balance is.

    I was talking more about the fact that there would be an additional possible source of food. That has to account for something, don't you think?

  11. 49 minutes ago, UnicornSkull said:

    If there is hunting in the game, then why not fishing? It would be possible to implement drying, smoking of fish and meat.

    Fishing has always been controversial, because hunger is an already very easy early game problem to solve.

    If you add yet another way to get food to the game, you can as well remove hunger completely, because it would become a non-issue, and as such, a grind.


    If they'll ever add fishing, they'll probably have to find a way to rebalance ALL food in the game, so that every way to get food stays relevant.

    At least, that's my understanding of why fishing has not been a thing 'till now. Maybe I'm wrong.

  12. 4 hours ago, RipClaw said:

    The bottleneck is not the schematics but the beaker that you need to build one. There have been several threads in this forum from players who couldn't find a beaker even in the late game.


    Yes, you can buy the chemistry station from the trader if he offers it. And you can also get it as a quest reward when you complete the tier 3 quests. But this is all RNG.

    They should add the possibility to craft the Beaker, maybe as one of the last recipes in the Tools magazine series.

    That way it'll become "deterministic" but you'll have to work hard to get there if RNG fails and find the necessary high grade materials and stuff as ingredients.

  13. 1 hour ago, meilodasreh said:

    I tend to become overly attached to my stuff over time, so no thx, not for me.


    In fact, I would rather see my stuff getting a little bonus e.g. in damage, fire rate, critical chance, when I keep it in perfect condition.

    You know what? You gave me a great idea (I think). What if we had "weapon experience" (like for celestial powers in Grim Dawn), where the more we use one specific weapon, the more we become accustomed to it and at some point we "level up" and we get some kind of bonus?


    It makes sense IMO, it's like using the same knife or handgun for months... after a while you can compensate for every little defect or quirk of that specific weapon. :laser:

  14. 4 minutes ago, zztong said:


    I tried making a river stamp and I've not yet found a satisfying combination. The trouble is they don't look like rivers, but like a lake. The S shaped one that comes with the game looks like an oxbow lake, which is cool, but those are found near rivers.


    I tried making a very large river system stamp with the idea that it might overlay the entire map. The troubles were (1) it got placed more than once, (2) it got scaled up/down, (3) and other stamps overlayed it making a river with weird connecting lakes and very weird paths through mountains.


    While I'm entirely cool with using stamps for terrain and the speed of map generation they represent, but I'm wondering if rivers need to be generated to look good.

    You can use Teragon while we wait for the news from vanilla.

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