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Jost Amman

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Posts posted by Jost Amman

  1. On 5/24/2024 at 7:42 PM, dcsobral said:

    The downtown Business strip tweet says "hundreds of new POIS". Does that include remodeled POIs or is it hundreds of all-new POIs?

    If they've lied, who will check? :suspicious:


    Edit: just to clarify... it was a joke, I'm not really implying they would lie. I was just saying that it's hard to count so many POIs one by one! :loco:

  2. 1 hour ago, Doomofman said:


    That's not the point I was making but ok

    Yeah, sorry, not a personal attack, I'm just saying that even if they delay the "officially confirmed official roadmap planned release" , it's still... whatever. Game'll be ready for 1.0 in the next few months anyway. Some incomplete features may be added later, but in the grand scheme of things it doesn't make much difference to me. We're almost there!

  3. 2 hours ago, Doomofman said:


    Wild to hear features are still in development for a supposedly long time planned 1.0 launch that's roughly a month away, figured it'd be all bug fixes and polishing at this point

    Oh, the thrill ! I can't stand it. Will 1.0 be delivered in time, or will the world end? :ranger:

  4. 11 minutes ago, zombieron said:

    i dont use traders so i have no dog in this but isnt this pretty much the same as crafting?   in order the get bullets you have to get this and that etc

    Not exactly, because crafting recipes have a fixed number of ingredients, while each trader (and even the same trader in different days) will ask for a varied number of items or services to give you what you want. This change would also encourage exploration more, since you may want to explore POIs you'd never explore just because you need that specific item to barter.


    Also, you'd need to hurry, because if you come back tomorrow, the same trader may not need that item anymore and will ask for something else maybe.

  5. 2 hours ago, Old Crow said:

    probably why Lathan has to babysit him.

    I don't think Rick needs babysitting by anyone. He's one of the founders of TFP, if he wants (even accidentally) to leak stuff, he can.

    This narrative that has gone around for years that Rick and Joel somehow have to answer to their employees it's kind of ridiculous frankly.


    I'm not attacking you, I'm just saying this condescending attitude is kind of ludicrous, don't you think?


    7 hours ago, Yakov said:

    they could certainly use Unity's new ECS system though. but the zombies are far from the only performance issues with this game.

    I don't even know what ECS is... I'm not a programmer.


  6. 51 minutes ago, AlexsandrDark said:

    To implement a large flock, I think you can try to reduce the intelligence of mobs in 7DTD in order to free up resources, and also divide them into groups and individuals, groups will have one intelligence, and individuals will have the appearance of diversity. This is roughly how it works in Days Gone


    that won't work in 7D2D. You forget this is a fully voxel and destructible world.

    You can't calculate the path a "group" will follow because 1 entity will occupy 1 block (+1 vertically). Unless you want them all to move in a silly single line.

  7. 2 hours ago, Pinnollo said:

    Fog - imagine a toxic fog in the Wasteland. Where you cant see far and you need a mask and a Oxygenbottle to survive. Zombies should then have a, (for example), 20% chance to tear off the connection to the oxygenbottle when hitting you, so you just have a minute left before you suffocate. Im not a programmer but I cant imagine its that hard to create a fog that deals damage and 2 more items to craft. 

    Toxic Fog / Radiation damage = Potatoe / Potato in my opinion.

    The oxigen bottle idea is interesting though, since it would be basically like "going underwater".

  8. 8 hours ago, FramFramson said:
    23 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    Could you tell someone to rename that "Lumberjack Beanie"?

    I think it would be more fitting judging by the image.


    If you're an aussie, maybe. If you're Canadian. that would be a lumberjack toque.

    Look at the picture. It's made of wool, so a toque doesn't fit in my opinion.

    If it smells like a beanie, talks like a beanie, looks like a beanie... then it's a beanie! :classic_tongue:

  9. 3 minutes ago, faatal said:

    More changes for RWG coming in 1.0:


    RWG highway generation uses a new algorithm.
    RWG highway generation allows double connections between towns.
    Added RWG big cities can have two gateways per side.
    Added RWG big cities generate a highway bypass ring.

    This is a 10k, many towns with 30% wasteland. Generated in 1 minute, 12 seconds. Has 4 of the new big cities.


    Great job faatal:thumb:

  10. 1 hour ago, Roland said:

    It could be that the current internal build for 1.0 might fail such an experiment but nobody knows that.

    Well, The Fun Pimps do. 


    I don't understand all this bickering over the teaser video... the new version is either like that, or not.

    @faatal: could you please confirm if we can expect (at least) a similar video quality in 1.0 or not?


    If it's all done in post-processing in a video editor, that's fine. It's just silly to keep arguing over something you can easily clarify, isn't it? 

    Cheers :yo:


  11. 14 minutes ago, Doomofman said:

    I'm speculating because TFP haven't confirmed anything about a streamer weekend so far other than Rick saying "we'd also like to do a streamer weekend but it may be navigated through..." before Lathan stepped in

    Personally I wouldn't put much weight into it. Of course they're gonna do a streamer weekend, who cares how they label it or what they do with it in occasion of 1.0.

    Unless you mean something like a bachelor party for 7D2D...  :rockon: :whoo::juggle::peace::tea::cheer2::clap2::drum:

  12. 9 minutes ago, Doomofman said:


    There's never been a 1.0 before so things could be different. I'm just spit balling due to lack of clear information from TFP


    They could end up treating Streamer Weekend/Experimental more as Closed Beta / Open Beta or something like that

    On 4/28/2024 at 5:46 AM, faatal said:

    Yes. 1.0. No longer early access. Not gold. Not done. Continued full development exactly as if we had called it A22 and started on A23, then A24...
    Many games leave early access and the devs then continue to improve them. There is nothing weird about this.

  13. 2 hours ago, faatal said:

    I improved night vision months ago. White phosphorus.

    Ever talked between you guys about adding flares?


    Imagine how cool would be throwing a few on the ground during horde night to see better!

    Or even just throwing one into a dark room while exploring... :smokin:

  14. On 2/16/2024 at 3:19 AM, Crater Creator said:

    Storm’s Brewing (Q4 2024)

    • Weather system & biome progression overhaul (source)
    • Wardrobe system

    Will the new weather system in "Storm's Brewing" mean we'll have a deeper (or at least more dangerous) weather survival system, much like we had a long time ago?

    Will we risk dying of cold or of a stroke in hot climates?



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