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Jost Amman

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Posts posted by Jost Amman

  1. 8 hours ago, unholyjoe said:

    i just looked and you havent been paying for your 10 yr home here. i'll get with our finance department and see if she will process the full itemized bill for you freeloading here. :)

    FYI - there will be steep interest rates!

    The Fun Pimps : easy to get in... impossible to get out! :spy:

  2. 28 minutes ago, Neminsis said:

    You could ask the same question of me since I haven't played the game for a year besides a couple instances of helping someone create content for their channel, but perhaps my answer might offer another perspective on what @IzPrebuilt was saying and why.

    I've got about 10,000 hours combined play time in this game since console. With the last couple thousand focused on helping produce content for a small YouTube channel. That last couple thousand was the closest I've ever come to actually hating this game. Every single day was a struggle to come up something new to make the game seem interesting to watch. There's the different play through scenarios, mods, tips and tricks, tutorials, different game mechanics, and base building videos, and the best performing videos were always the news about the upcoming alpha and the first playthrough of that alpha. You see, that peak players is also peak viewers, and for guys like @IzPrebuilt that literally built their channel on an upcoming alpha it's harder to justify the hours spent without that peak pending, YouTube certainly doesn't pay enough when you're a niche creator. 

    I've also encouraged my partner to shift away from 7days and not just to broaden the appeal of the channel but because the game runs out of viable content too quickly. The tutorials, tips and tricks, all of the above are only one shot per alpha and if you're doing even 2 videos a week you're going to be running on fumes 6 months into the year and milking it until the next alpha comes out and you get to do them all over again. This is both why we hang around the forum waiting for any news and why dropping a short video of a guy making sounds for the minibike can seem insulting and drive the crankier among us a little closer to the edge. We can't even do anything with that. 

    Now me, I'm bored to death of 7days as it is, I've earned that boredom over long hours of dedication to it, but except for the vile suggestion that I take up modding, there isn't anything left in the game for me until the next alpha comes out and it just can't come out soon enough.

    Now let's all get back to arguing about jars and learn by looting because that's never boring 🙄

    I think the issue is clear... have you really bet all your "ScrewTube livelihood" on ONE game that's still in development:suspicious:

    I mean, it's great for the 7D2D community that there's people like you, but you need to also think about the wider picture here, if you don't mind me saying.


    Also, you may want to consider that these last few years of development for 7D2D, will all be kind of like the last months: the devs are evidently clenching their butts for the final sprint and have less time for sharing and PR. That maybe a mistake on their part, but it is what it is. IMO, they're doing the right thing here: would you rather have a worse meal because the cook has been praising all the time the things he's doing while cooking, or would you rather wait impatiently for dinner but later have a great meal because the cook was completely focused on cooking?

  3. On 3/1/2023 at 3:42 AM, Cr0wst0rm said:

    Not everyone is like you, we want to see new things in the game. The guy has a valid point. The lack of interest of devs (or management) was clear from the beggining of this alpha and the "sound" post is just another clear indication.

    That is only "clear" for you, maybe.

    What I see, is a team that's working behind closed doors, and some entitled customers who feel butthurt because they have no access to the "behind the scenes".


    On 3/1/2023 at 3:42 AM, Cr0wst0rm said:

    Only decent change coming this alpha is the water logic. The building team has done awesome job with level design, but with constantly changing perk systems, constantly changing spawn chances for items, balancing etc, we will get nowhere... These are the kinds of things you do after releasing the CORE GAMEPLAY features.

    Game development is not about showcasing some half assed Substance Painter cars, which do not even have interiors to begin with..... They could've just taken some assets from unity asset store and retexture them. It would turn out better if not for the best with interiors present.

    Noted. I'm sure your own startup dev studio will be much more successful than TFP... good luck.


    On 3/1/2023 at 3:42 AM, Cr0wst0rm said:

    You are DEAD WRONG. Since shader model 3, you can do GPU instancing, which basically allows you to draw milions if not billions of same looking objects with many color variations. It is a HARDWARE specification of all current modern GPU's, therefore it runs FAST. The game could have streets polluted with hundreds of cars (with interiors) with no performance cost whatsoever! I keep @%$#ing about this, because I know I have a valid point. And the guy has too. Otherwise we would not talk of it at ALL!

    Have you considered that maybe, just maybe, they have a good reason not to use that?

    I mean, if you're such a genius I'd gladly see you as part of the 7D2D team, they need all the help they can get after all.


  4. 45 minutes ago, IzPrebuilt said:

    So all my goodwill is gone. I know you don't care. And I'll tell you another thing, i'm not the only person who hates what you're doing/have done, I'm just one of the few who is stuck with some skin in the game in the form of my youtube channel, a source of secondary income for me, and as a result can't simply walk away from the game. No matter how badly i want to wash my hands of it.

    Nobody cares, really (or maybe your friends do). This is a game forum, we play, and we get some entertainment from this game.

    If you struggle with your "job", and you think it's TFP's fault, you should drop it yesterday and find a new one.


    The only thing you achieve by coming here and nagging the devs, is @%$#ing off the other forum users (or at least me).

    It's like someone being dumped by his GF because he plays 7D2D too much, and then blaming the devs for it.


    And by the way... who tf are you??

  5. 3 hours ago, RipClaw said:

    This is not always true.

    I could use that line for almost anything... :heh:


    2 hours ago, beerfly said:

    Wait ! A buff that adds some sort of health degradation during rain (temporary), to make us go inside a POI or under a roof, but full of zeds/bandits, while full of loot and crap. This is excellent idea, mate. 


    Also, just when a one feels save at a situation described above, a short "quack" sound from near our feet goes out. For pure cold sweat and panic.  

    It would also be a def PITA.


  6. 4 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    Little to do in valheim? there is always to do in valheim.

    I admit I didn't play up to the levels you have probably reached in that game, but yes, after 10/15 hours I got bored and the stuff to do looked all the same, and it was an infinite grind instead of a fun game.


    The landscape has very little to explore: there's a forest, and some flowers, some caves and a few ruined buildings... wow! So, much, fun.

    Are you really trying to compare a random gen map in 7D2D with what little Valheim has to offer? :confused2:


    Yes, I stand by my point: in 7D2D there's so much more to do than in Valheim because there's so much more content.

    And you know that just by looking at the actual content you can find in the maps you play in.


    4 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    In valheim you have to worry  in black forest about shamans and brute if you have bronze eq . So if you get silver eq you can just walking there like in park just do stuff and that's it .

    7DTD -  low gamestage forest near trader - normal zombies

    7dtd - higher gamestage  near trader - bikers  + screamers xd 

    so what is a point to get better EQ if  worlds get better too like in oblivion? In oblivion you have iron armor? bandits have iron armor. You have deadric armor? sup bandits get deadric armor - you had to hit bandit 15 times on begining of the game and after 40 hours of game you have to do this same. At least in oblivion you don't have level up ( you level up during sleep) so you can progress by looking on specifc weapons so you can  reduce number of hit from 15 into 10


    You saying that is always this same stuff - if you play a little bit - yeah this can looks this same but stuff get crazy - slime have resistans against piercing damage, lox against blunt damage etc. so you have think  what do you want to use later - you made a spear but want to fight with bonemass - you will deal 1/4 of dmg.

    Then silver weapons get specific damage - Draugt bow - poison, frostner - cold with slowing down. And then magic showing up crossbow + harpoon which is realy useful.

    But you have to safe feathers for better arrows so you mostly fight melee 


    7dtd after junk guns - you find junk shotgun - ammo is everywhere so you don't have to worry anymore. Another shotgun just faster reloading and 2 bullet and a little bit more dmg but just a little bit then just change magasine and rate of fire. And that's it.

    In my opinion, you're confusing difficulty with progress.


    In 7D2D difficulty ramps up as game-stage grows. On the other hand, progress is made by your own actions, depending both on how you invest in your perks, and by what you can learn (magazines) and find (loot) in the world. In 7D2D, each progress you make is permanent.


    In Valheim, from what I've seen (and what I understand), difficulty ramps up with biomes (islands), but progress is just temporary, like in a hamster's wheel. You go into biomes/islands that are more difficult, but then you need to make progress with your gear to beat the new difficulty. After you do that, you start back again in the next biome, because all your progress is nullified by the new difficulty level of the monsters.


    Valheim is using the well known MMO grind routine that some (like you) like, and some others, like me, don't like at all. For that reason, I think 7D2D is better in that regard: you can use the basic club you craft in the beginning, to kill both the "basic zombie" at the start of the game, and the feral zombie you fight in later stages.


    A club is a club: you can use better clubs later, but your original club still works fine (you just learn to use it better maybe).


    So, in the end, all that stuff that you call "complexity" and that you say is better, it's just some poor excuse for a grind mechanic that Valheim is using to keep players "busy".

  7. 29 minutes ago, spud42 said:

    heard of a game called GO ? just a grid and black and white tokens. simlpe game. surround the opponents tokens and turn thm into yours. person with the most tokens wins. simple premise but  very subtle and complex .


    6 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

    That's a great example.  I was thinking of chess myself.  Each piece has a set of moves and that is all, but mastering the game is not simple, even though the pieces have simple moves.

    Ok, then we have very different definitions of "simple" and "complex".

    When I define something complex, I don't stop at the basic understanding of it.


    I define something simple or complex by considering the overall simpleness or complexity of it.

    Otherwise, it's like I said before, if someone only knows "half of the story" (doesn't really know the game) he will think it's simple, just to realize later he was wrong.


    But the original point was: is 7D2D a complex enough game? Matt115 thinks it's not.

    In my opinion, however, simple or complex is irrelevant; the real question is: is it fun for you?

  8. 7 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    In valheim in theory you can put everywhere but you have to remember that enemies can brake easy you harvest - plus you have seed harvest and edible harvest

    And in 7D2D you have to craft a Farming Plot and collect the right ingredients. Then you have to remember that your crops must have access to light.

    So what?


    It seems to me that you like Valheim better. Great! 

    Go play Valheim! But don't try to change 7D2D into Valheim, they're two completely different games with different play styles.


    I tried Valheim, but I simply get bored after a while because there's so little to do, and so little to interact with compared to 7D2D. Of course, that's just my opinion, but I don't go on the Valheim forums and try to change Valheim into 7D2D, because I know the devs of that game have their own plan about their game and have their own "style" they wish to give to their own game.


    In Valheim, IMO, they just give you the impression of progress. You always repeat the upgrade cycles over and over, but it's always the same stuff, they just give it a different skin and put a +1 on it. That's an old "trick" that MMOs all around the world have always used to entice people into keep playing. I don't like it.


    In 7D2D, when you acquire an advantage (a new weapon, a workstation) that advantage is real, and it's meant to stay. When you start making concrete for the first time, it's a pivotal point in base building. You don't have to start over again to get Titanium, or Diamond (lol) to build a stronger base because the monsters have been granted a +1 or +2 in a new Biome.

  9. 5 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    Simple games can be complicated too - Valheim is simple at first - find wood, made workbench make cube upgrade and kill boss then look for higher tier items and reapet. But then you have resistances, some plains can't grow everywhere, many types of baits, diffrent animals eats diffrent type of food, enemies have diffrent resistance and deal diffrent type of damage, in some areas water will slow your done or cold will  slowly kill you and drain stamina . Simple base but many complicated submechanics.

    That's not simple... it's just that the player starts not knowing the game much.

    Exactly like in 7D2D: you start by doing simple stuff, and after a while you find out about much more complicated stuff.

  10. 25 minutes ago, Dimasic-Colbasic said:

    Are you friends with the developers? If yes, then I have no questions, although they can keep secrets from friends in order to arrange a surprise. It's just that about 5 years ago I was watching a stream of developers and Joel himself said that there would be friendly NPCs on the map. Like faction wars. I don’t understand then why add factions at all if there will be only bandits from the villains? About a year ago there was a stream and the developers themselves said that people from the white river faction are good guys and you can make friends with them. We launch alpha 16 and open the console and see that in addition to the bandits there are ordinary surviving NPCs, and when such an NPC spawns, it will not attack the player (it will only be slightly modified and such a man will already perfectly complement the game) Perhaps the developers will not want to add such an extended dialog system, but that doesn't mean there won't be friendly NPCs in the game. Even duke bandits will be able to join a faction (according to the developer) and bandits of the 3rd faction are aggressive towards everyone. However, I still will not give up and will sometimes ask about this system and about tame dogs or a wolf.

    I'm not friends with the developers. I follow this forum and listen when they speak.

    Just recently faatal, one of the lead programmers, stated as much when asked.


    From what I understand, adding factions before 1.0 would mean at least 2 more years of development, which I don't think The Fun Pimps are willing to consider.

    Also, you can have factions, without having "real" NPCs, meaning that they could add job givers (like traders) also for the bandit faction, and call it a day.

  11. 3 hours ago, Dimasic-Colbasic said:

    Dear developers, please tell me if you plan to introduce perks like Speech and Barter into the dialogue system? For example, an ordinary NPC guy from the White River faction ran up to you and asked if it was safe in that house. And perk eloquence adds you the ability to deceive him and lead him into a trap to the walking dead. Or, for example, you meet an evil inadequate NPC who talks rudely to you and with the help of pumped skills, for example, "Strength", you intimidate him. He apologizes, gives up all his gear, and runs away in fear. I remember when I played fallout new vegas there was an awesome skill "Scary Man" it was very nice to use. It seems to me that such skills will greatly enhance the role-playing component in the game and the world will seem much more alive.

    Don't worry about that, because there are no "traditional" NPCs planned. Only bandits... and the only way we'll be "interacting" with them, is guns. :heh:

  12. 36 minutes ago, Dreyseth said:

    now I'm confused.  Isn't that the current old way that is being removed for A21? 

    No. Empty Jars are being removed.

    Have you missed all the discussions where some players were @%$#ed off because it makes no sense to not be able to fill empty jars with water?

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