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Jost Amman

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Posts posted by Jost Amman

  1. 2 hours ago, RipClaw said:

    That is correct but you can collide with the driftwood on the ground. 

    Try that in real life with your car, and then come back and tell me how much you spent on repairs...   :car:           :peep: :bump:

    Those are like tree chunks for all intents and purposes. You should get collision damage!

  2. 2 hours ago, RipClaw said:

    I generally try to avoid hitting objects, but when driving through the desert or wasteland you will inevitably hit objects. I have no problem repairing my vehicle.


    My question was whether the damage values you see in the stream are the final balancing for the Experimental or if they were raised to show what a badly damaged vehicle looks like in the stream without having to drive against walls for 5 minutes.

    They never mentioned changing those values for the Dev Stream, so I don't expect they did. Unless...


    Note: when you drive in the desert, you can drive through smaller "obstacles" (like e.g. trash, small rocks, small plants and such...) without any consequence.

  3. 23 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

    Does this mean that the damage values have been increased for the stream? That the damage is too high is one of the criticisms I heard in pretty much all the summaries of the stream.

    No, it means that if you don't normally ram into obstacles while you drive, you will have to repair your vehicles much, much less.

  4. 15 minutes ago, hiemfire said:


    "Dismembered limbs sometimes have "giggling" effects on the mutilated part."


    🤔 Severed legs giggle like a kid that hid someone's shoes instead of jiggle like jello???

    Typo! Thanks for pointing that out, lol

  5. 21 minutes ago, meilodasreh said:

    Of course you wanted to say "dives"...I mean "lives"...I mean "wives" ...I mean "hives" ...I mean "jives" ...I mean.........I'm a trowl. Don't feed me.

    I wanted to say "gives" lol :lol:

  6. 6 hours ago, Space4Ace said:

    Are you kidding? The Programmers are at the heart of the game, pumping blood in all areas. They are the unsung heroes! Praise the progs!!!

    I know, I wasn't saying that... I'm saying that you can't have beautiful pictures and videos to show how you optimized the game to get +3.5 FPS on the main thread... :caked:

  7. 14 minutes ago, Kiril said:

    Всем привет. Не знаю, задавался ли кто-нибудь этим вопросом, но сможет ли кто-нибудь из присутствующих на этом форуме ответить мне, что будет с пвп? Я понимаю, что эта игра больше подразумевает себя как чистая PVE-игра, но мне все равно очень нравится режим pvp здесь, хотя на мой взгляд он недоработан. И у меня было несколько вопросов о будущем. Я буду очень рад, если вы, ребята, сможете мне ответить. 1) Итак, первый вопрос: что будет с телом игрока после выхода из игры? Он также полностью исчезнет из игры при выходе из сервера? Или я очень надеюсь, что тело игрока останется на сервере, где подобные механики также реализованы в таких играх, как rust, ark и Conan. Просто не очень приятно, когда ты тратишь много времени на набеги на дом, а его хозяин может просто положить в себя кучу ценных вещей и спокойно выходить, не опасаясь за свое барахло. Разве разработчики не думают о том, чтобы добавить такой момент? 2) Есть ли какие-то планы по балансировке куба, дающего вам права на территорию? (извините, я живу в Германии и пишу через английского переводчика, потому что я плохо его знаю, поэтому это может быть непонятно) Например, чтобы куб не давал защиту ваших построек х10, а просто не позволял строить рядом со своей территорией и если бы вы хотели захватить базу игрока, вы бы разбили куб и поставили свой и забрали базу себе. 3) Планируют ли они улучшать анимацию при получении оружия? Например, доставая револьвер, персонаж вращал его на пальце, а также мачете, таким образом, скажем так, «играя с оружием», крутил мачете, нож, биту. Когда он вытаскивает винтовку, он дергает затвор и тому подобные анимации. Только в обиду не скажут, но давайте договоримся, что сейчас это выглядит коряво и некачественно на уровне старых игр 2000-х годов. 4) Отображение одежды, которую носит 1 человек? + реализм))) 5) добавление вида от 3-х лиц? Я знаю, что он есть у админов, но выглядит он немного так себе, я бы тоже хотел осмотреть своего персонажа при запуске, но в принципе это не важный вопрос. 6) Самое главное для меня. Это возможность забрать транспорт убитого вами игрока. Меня реально бесит, что я застрелил игрока на велосипеде, а он просто заблокирован И Я НИКАК НЕ МОГУ ЕГО СЕБЕ ЗАБРАТЬ. ОТМЫЧКИ НЕ РАБОТАЮТ. Может быть, найдется что-то в виде замка, который можно взломать или сломать? И возьмите транспорт себе. В принципе, это все, что меня интересует. Буду нереально рад, если мне кто-то ответит. Я оставлю этот пост в двух разделах. Спасибо модераторам и сообществу!!!!

    Hi all. I don't know if anyone has asked this question, but will anyone on this forum be able to tell me what will happen to pvp? I understand that this game is more like a pure PVE game, but I still really like the pvp mode here, although in my opinion it is underdeveloped. And I had a few questions about the future. I will be very happy if you guys can answer me. 1) So, the first question is: what will happen to the player's body after leaving the game? Will it also completely disappear from the game when you leave the server? Or I really hope that the player's body will remain on the server, where similar mechanics are also implemented in games such as rust, ark and Conan. It's just not very nice when you spend a lot of time raiding a house, and his owner can just put a bunch of valuable things in himself and calmly go out without fear for his junk. Aren't the developers thinking about adding such a moment? 2) Are there any plans to balance the cube giving you territory rights? (sorry, I live in Germany and I write through an English translator, because I don’t know him well, so this may not be clear) For example, so that the cube does not give protection to your buildings x10, but simply does not allow you to build next to your territory and if you wanted to capture the player's base, you would break the cube and place your own and take the base for yourself. 3) Do they plan to improve the animation when getting weapons? For example, taking out a revolver, the character rotated it on his finger, as well as on the machete, thus, let's say, "playing with weapons", twisted the machete, knife, bat. When he draws his rifle, he pulls the bolt and similar animations. Only they will not say offense, but let's agree that now it looks clumsy and of poor quality at the level of old games of the 2000s. 4) Displaying the clothes worn by 1 person? realism))) 5) adding a view from 3 persons? I know that the admins have it, but it looks a little so-so, I would also like to inspect my character at startup, but in principle this is not an important issue. 6) The most important thing for me. This is an opportunity to pick up the transport of the player you killed. It really @%$#es me off that I shot a player on a bike and it's just blocked AND I CAN'T TAKE IT FOR MYSELF. LOCKPICK DOES NOT WORK. Maybe there is something in the form of a lock that can be picked or broken? And take your own transport. Basically, that's all I'm interested in. I would be really happy if someone answers me. I will leave this post in two sections. Thank you moderators and community!

  8. @faatal : speaking of animations... there's currently a bugged animation (or glitch) where sometimes zombies do a sudden crouch, without any movement between the standing and crouched positions. That's pretty annoying because sometimes makes it very difficult to aim. Is there any news on this in A21? Thanks

  9. 1 hour ago, hiemfire said:

    So buzzard horde? Like already spawns in the game?

    Similar... but these should attack you no matter what your health is. :cool2:


    36 minutes ago, minisith said:

    I do not know how being thankful in life is being tyrant....

    Everything can be offensive! Don't you know? :suspicious:


  10. 4 hours ago, minisith said:

    Some people are more thankful in life than others.  Are you offended he is thankful for something?

    Yes. And now that I think of it, I'm offended for closed windows and doors too! 

    Yes... yes... they should all be open! You tyrants! :mmph:


  11. 3 hours ago, khzmusik said:

    Can we all just take a breath for a second, and say thank you to TFP for putting in all the new windows and doors? They look awesome.

    Microsoft has been doing windows for years, yet nobody thanks them.

    And by the way, I didn't thank those who built my house for putting all the windows and doors in... it's just expected. :heh:

  12. 10 hours ago, Old Crow said:

    Zombie chickens!

    Actually, that would be even better... if we had a dozen of small and fast zombie chickens or rabbits, that could attack you doing 1/2 HP at a time, but are hard to hit, that would be crazy and scary! :cool2:

  13. 12 minutes ago, Philipp said:

    An idea for a quest: the trader says that he got the information that a huge flock of birds is flying towards the city.  For example, the activation point for the quest is this small tower POI that can be found downtown.  (I can't think of the name, but I don't mean the skyscrapers, but really a small tower).  When activated, many birds will spawn in the air at a distance, maybe up to 100 depending on the difficulty?  It also has to work with the performance.  Wouldn't it be great?  The flock of birds must therefore be warded off.

    "Wandering Flocks" would actually be a cool alternative to wandering hordes! :laser::flypig: :flypig: :flypig::flypig::flypig: :flypig: :flypig:

  14. 5 hours ago, Old Crow said:

    They could have waited. Infestation isn't new. It's literally just a slightly harder Clear.

    You could say the same with games like State of Decay, when you have to clear out infestations... so what?

  15. 43 minutes ago, Riamus said:

    I did think of this, but if that's the case, I'd expect to see it on the ground as they have done before.  Without that, it looks like a "typo" which is distracting to see.

    It was put into the TTrain Station POI.

  16. 22 minutes ago, meilodasreh said:

    @Jost Amman 

    I like that episode most, where that one guy munches down the health potion including the glass flask 😆

    But that one about "gender armor" is also great. These people really got that sense of humor I love!

    I wish they did a new series titled "7D2D Logic"... imagine that! :lol:

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