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Jost Amman

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Posts posted by Jost Amman

  1. 1 hour ago, Nimeni said:

    I have not posted here in while, so here we go.

    I m no sure if it was asked before ( i m not gonna read 200+ pages), Will this be the biggest alpha so far?  I mean this alpha is 3 months overdo (so far), the usual releases was around Christmas, and no, i m not gonna ask when its out...( When it s done!)

    We don't have enough details to know if this will be the biggest alpha yet.


    From my (not professional) understanding, the more they get near the release of 1.0, the more stuff they have to fix, check and rebalance when they make ANY change. So, my educated guess is that it's taking more time because they need to be more careful with each change they make and test if it hasn't broken something else.


  2. 26 minutes ago, Prydonian said:

    I don’t want it used as an adjective because it’s a crime against language.

    Well, then you'll be horrified hearing that it has been already used as a verb! :heh:

    By the way... sorry for the misunderstanding. I thought you were one of those language SJWs. :rolleyes2:

  3. 2 hours ago, Prydonian said:

    It’s a testament to my frayed nerves that I thought for minute you might actually do that.  With that in mind, for the love of all that’s holy, I beg you to stop using it as an adjective.  For me.  As a favor.  

    Then you should also ask the IGF to stop using the word "handicap" to express a disadvantage... it's offensive toward people who have a real handicap.

    If we start controlling how words are commonly used and start to take offense on everything, we'll end up deleting most of the people's daily jargon.


    When people use the word OCD that way it's in no shape, way or form, intended as an offense against people who have real OCD.

    The same way as the word handicap in golf is not intended to offend people with a real handicap.


    So, please stop with this victimhood mentality and get rid of it, you'll live better.

    You think I'm harsh? No, I'm not. I'm treating you exactly as I would treat any other forum member: it's also a form of respect. Peace.

  4. 6 hours ago, KenGross said:

    is it strange to own an anvil?  I am not a metal worker but sometimes you need to bend a bracket and the vice or bench do not suffice for a surface for my 10 lb sledge to swing at.   

    Well, if you're a professional, there are nowadays electric machines that do that with pinpoint precision on the bending angle. :) 

  5. 6 hours ago, Roland said:

    The artists are adding assets to the game as they finish them. If the artist decided to fix the buttons (if they AREN'T his own little joke after all) then it won't hold up A21 at all. Any art assets that are done in time will be added and any that aren't done in time will be added later. There are changes that do impact other systems but since the buttons don't actually work and are just for show there is no impact or delay at all. The vending machine got a face lift but it still works the same as it always has. It is a container with a menu that will let you spend dukes to get items inside that have no dynamic connection to what is seen through the glass as you walk up to it. You won't be inserting dukes and pushing buttons and watching your item spiral out to fall into the slot below.

    Thanks for the thorough reply, but my post was more intended as a hyperbole to point out that some things, even if still feedback, have, in my opinion, a very low priority for most players. I would say that something that doesn't impact gameplay at all, is probably low priority for a lot of people beyond me.


    6 hours ago, Mumpfy said:

    the party girl zed model is missing a triangle


    I always suspected that she was missing the triangle bush... ehm... mesh... whatever. :confused2:


  6. 6 minutes ago, Mumpfy said:

    it has be stated many times by the pimps that they take so long making things because there is a difference between modders and devs quality in the game assets and such.

    so one would expect devs quality and not weird ass looking buttons.


    maybe if they never said that you could go like meh.... but they did so... well...

    No. The real difference is that the devs have to deeply balance vanilla, and everything in it, with whatever they introduce or change.

    That takes more time the closer we get to release, because every change can potentially impact many other systems and in-game objects.


    What people are talking about now is not "quality", it's OCD.


  7. Has the entire forum gone crazy? :suspicious:

    What does it matter if the buttons don't make sense? It's not like you have to really use that vending machine! :madgrin:


    But I understand... you have nothing better to discuss, I guess.

    The Fun Pimps: RELEASE THE KRAKEN!! :director:

  8. 58 minutes ago, Riamus said:

    I also don't like how that danger thing is currently being displayed.  I posted about that earlier, so won't repost it.  But I have a feeling it'll get adjusted and hopefully made optional.  If not, I'm sure a mod will take care of that.  I don't mind having that, but it just needs to not take much space.

    It would be cool if, at some point, they added a voice warning to the drone when you are near danger.

    Like an optional mod with "motion sensors" that will warn you of incoming dogs, zombies or nasty POIs.


    That way it'll be justified in some way, and fit with the game theme, IMO.





  9. 51 minutes ago, DuHast_Play said:

    Of course, I could be wrong, but it’s more suitable for a tractor of this format. The excavator needs to be bigger and the boom angle is too steep.


    Yes, it could be... but since we can't see if it has tracks, we can't know for sure. :) 

  10. 37 minutes ago, DuHast_Play said:

    Is it just me, or is there a tractor to the left of the flag with a blade in front and an excavator bucket in the back? and this is not a set of blocks, but looks like a complete model

    I think it's an excavator, not a tractor... but, yes.

  11. 9 minutes ago, Adam the Waster said:

    I make weapons, and armor funny enough games like 7DTD and Ark inspired me.

    my first forge i made was like 7DTDs but made from concrete rocks.... Thats how you make a bomb in your backyard (concrete explodes/pops in high heat)
    i also used a cast ior frying pan as my anvil....... and a Blowing ball 

    im working on making the iron armor set but i need to make new tools

    Interesting... but what purpose do medieval weapons and armor have today?

    Is it just a hobby? Do you sell them to somebody? ... Anyway, it's cool. Good for you! :thumb:

  12. 1 hour ago, Annihilatorza said:

    Would you be able to do all of us a small favour and give a comparison screenshot of before and after of the update of POI's.

    Why are you even asking? You know he signed an NDA.

    He can't show content unless TFP themselves authorize him.


    6 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

    my anvil has it all the way on the end. 

    Why TF have you got an anvil?? :suspicious:

    Do you shoe horses? :confused2:


  13. 36 minutes ago, NekoPawtato said:

    the old forge model can already look different depending on whether it's on or off (presence/absence of fire), same with campfire and chem station, so wouldn't that mean it already can do dynamic stuff to a certain extent?

    I'm no expert, but my guess is those are just "particle effects", not a block model change.

  14. 3 hours ago, DuHast_Play said:

    Well, don’t be so abrupt ... otherwise they will believe, some kind of petition will go ... otherwise they threw the idea ...

    Actually, that was something we used to say here in the past, when development of a new alpha took too long and we got impatient asking every day. ;)

  15. 14 hours ago, Code6 said:

    If you love the game and wish to provide further monetary compensation to TFP, then simply purchase additional copies of the game.  Then you can give them away to friends or even strangers.

    Well, to be completely honest... that way you'll also very much be supporting Steam too, since they always take their cut. :hat:

  16. 3 hours ago, faatal said:

    Terrain voxels by themselves are diamonds, so they can't fill a block voxel, which is a cube. Terrain voxels only fill a cube when blending into adjacent terrain or multiple terrain voxels together blending into air blocks, but that shape is a spike in that direction. Adjacent terrain spikes merge together and then remove hidden faces. You can change an adjacent block voxel's density to blend terrain into it, but that is a spike, not a flat face.

    So... you mean that COVID-19 was made with Voxel technology? :suspicious:

    I mean, it has spikes after all. :confused2:

  17. 1 hour ago, Druid_Koldun said:

    Ребята, скажите, пожалуйста, будет ли новая модель в alpha 21 с новыми качественными текстурами? или новая модель символов была портирована на alpha 22?


  18. 15 minutes ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    I agree.

    Survival is only challenging on days one to three after that it is trivial.

    bring some need to continually hunt as in food spoils, crap allow snow to be packed into a freezer to slow decay use the snow like a fire uses wood.

    I used to enjoy farming & cooking aspect but now it’s just a waste of points to focus on those things. Bacon & eggs is all you ever need. Once you have several crops planted farming becomes irrelevant.

    Bring back watering plants, bring back zombies “attacking” plants. Making stuff not so permanent brings back purpose.

    This is a big change but I’d like to see food work like it does in Valheim. Meals give boosts to health or stamina or a mix of both. Eat in a way that matches your play style.

    I too, would like more survival aspects in the game, but I must disagree, in part, on food becoming irrelevant later.

    I think The Fun Pimps wanted to give food a different "role" than what we're arguing on.


    We are focusing completely on the survival aspect of food, but, as far as I can understand, the current iteration of food is more focused on giving food a "boosting" role if you invest in the relevant perks. What I'm saying is that we're only discussing the "fill the food bar" aspect of food, but the game currently points you towards a more advanced use of food which could be comparable to a perk-effect of sorts. With the higher level recipes, for example, you can boost your stamina and other attributes, for some time. That has to account for something.


    In that regard, I can understand the choice TFP made: making early game not so hard on new or casual players, but at the same time, giving veteran or hard-core players a way to use food in middle to later game as a source of improvement / boost / bonuses.

  19. 5 hours ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    I do not claim to be an expert, Empyrion uses Unity and it allows pretty much everything to be destroyed with similar exceptions to 7D2D like certain POIs and place holder asteroids. Seems pretty similar to 7D2D to me.

    As far as I know, Empyrion doesn't have terrain physics.

    The terrain is handled in a "granular"(?) way and you can dig however you want and terrain will never collapse on you (like in Minecrap).

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