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Jost Amman

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Posts posted by Jost Amman

  1. 8 hours ago, Kiwi69 said:

    Did you guys see that?  Can you freaking believe that? So passive-aggressive all the time. OMG, please save me. 

    I think it's evident there is a "culture barrier" when you read Roland's posts.

    It will take some time, I think, to really understand the subtlety of irony and banter in English.

  2. 42 minutes ago, Kiwi69 said:

    Is this some kind of Communist Party forum where only TFP is right?

    I think that this forum is quite the opposite... we can have fun and tease each other with jokes, exactly because there's so much freedom.

    And I hope you're not referring to my example in my response to you, because that was evidently a joke (did you see the emote??). :rolleyes2:

  3. 39 minutes ago, Old Crow said:

    Which is why Lathan told Rick not to say anything about a release date during the stream.

    I'm sure it's all an elaborate prank to make Rick look bad.

    Lathan is probably having a secret meeting with everyone else @TFP while performing his best evil laugh! :heh:




  4. 37 minutes ago, Kiwi69 said:

    Communication? To me, it seems more like a one-sided announcement.🤔

    Communication in this case is "providing information to customers".

    The word itself doesn't imply two-ways communication, and that's normal when one party has all the knowledge of the facts you're interested in.


    Isn't that communication, after all, when you're watching TV, and you hear all the lies that the "propaganda machine" spews out to you? :heh:

  5. 39 minutes ago, Burrfly said:

    Well I'm sorry about posting these collages, however I did say in the first one that I was probably going to receive hate, which I really did get. That's okay. Was making them with good intentions, though 😔, but apparently it got received very bad. Said multiple times that I wasn't hating on you guys, but you did hate on me for trying to raise awareness. Cool.

    Can you quote anyone who "hated on you" instead of just disagreeing? :confused2:

  6. 17 minutes ago, Adun0608 said:

    I am a web front-end programmer and I understand the complexities of programs and bugs. What puzzles me is the propaganda strategy. First show you an almost complete piece of content that grabs your attention and tells you it's coming. Then fell silent. I understand the difficulties faced with free updates for so many years. I even bought two versions, Xbox PC and Steam. I can also accept paid DLC. But I just can't understand this situation like an old friend disappointing you.I just hope TFP can do better.

    There's no propaganda strategy going on here, just normal hype building for something they've worked on for over a year.

    They're doing exactly what they've announced in the Dev Streams: after a few of those (4), they said there would be no more, until they were ready for the Stream Weekend.


    That's it.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Burrfly said:

    ~60% of the comments on a youtube video "all alpha 21 update news", look it up if you dont believe me. Just saying, still no hatereviewsyt.thumb.png.9782876ad9cca8ad592539af0d288079.png


    That only proves that players tend to judge changes before they've even had the chance to try them.

    And in general, people are against change. Of any kind.

  8. 7 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

    I never said that my impression is objective, but yours certainly isn't either.

    Never said that, either. I guess we both gave our subjective impressions... that was my point.


    7 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

    I sometimes are visiting the channels youtubers and streamers that I know from the time of A15 and A16. Almost all of them don't build bases anymore but just stand on roofs of POIs and shoot down.

    And that's certainly a wider base of data than yourself only, BUT it's still a very narrow data pool for having a reliable impression of what the real trend is.

    On top of that, I'd say that base building is boring, and most Streamers and YouTubers will probably avoid doing that during their shows.


    Edit: Riamus beat me to it, lol

  9. 37 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

    Nevertheless, I have the impression that fewer and fewer players build a base and more and more fall back on prefabs.

    Based on what? How big is your statistical data pool?

    My impression, based on me playing the game, is the opposite of yours then. How curious! :rolleyes2:

  10. 1 hour ago, RipClaw said:

    I meant that it is meaningless to the gameplay. There is no reason to build something from scratch unless you want to. And with the Learn by Reading system, I wouldn't be surprised if players feel like they're wasting time if they're not looking for magazines every day.

    Why are you so worried about how and why other players will play?

    Relax, enjoy your own game, and let other people play as they like. :confused2:

  11. 8 minutes ago, Burrfly said:

    Yes, the user reviews are still very positive, but the newer reviews do include players that have not known this game as it was earlier. So, if I were to play 7 days to die knowing only 4 building materials, I wouldn't notice and I would give a positive review. It is however a difference if people were used to the 11 building materials (including different levels) which now have been reduced to 4. And again, not to hate, but comparitively speaking, jan2022-jan2023 has more negative reviews than jan2020-dec2021 (somewhere ~jan2022 alpha 20 released).

    Most of those complaints can be resolved with mods, which TFP have fully supported from day 1.

    So, what's the prob? :noidea:


  12. 2 hours ago, gunner1912 said:

    wasteland has never felt more difficult just more annoying due to debris and smoke to the point that i dont even want to go because of visual is there a loot multiplier or anything that makes it worth going? 

    I never understood people saying this... what would be "difficult" for you, then?

    Having your ass blasted as soon as you enter the area?

    I sincerely don't understand what difficulty is for some people. :confused2:

  13. 1 hour ago, KOLAND said:

    Hi guys, everyone. After watching the fourth stream, the developer started talking about island maps and it turns out in fact where a raft can be useful. And it turns out they can also add river monsters? Because the truth is, if you build a base on the water, walking zombies on the bottom looks pretty funny and funny)) It would be a celebration for me if they added watermark content. But I think it would be even more fun to do it in the form of a DLS as an island map and add to it several unique guns (like a harpoon, for example) and several unique types of armor. It would be cool if a similar DLS would be like fallout 4 far harbor. (if someone played) Also, players will have the opportunity to support the developer and give the project more life. I really hope that the raft will be added. I think it really diversifies the game

    Hey, KOLAND! Are you a long-lost relative of ROLAND by any chance? :suspicious: :confused2:


    Anyway, maybe you forgot, but zombies can swim! :bathbaby: :fear:

  14. 12 minutes ago, Old Crow said:

    Hoping Master Chef was moved too since cooking and strength have nothing to do with eachother.. though I'm not sure what stat it would fit better with.

    Actually, cooking and strength make sense... @madmole explained it, the first time it was introduced. Whoever does fitness and training with weights will need to know exactly what type of diet and recipes to use to have better performance. If I recall correctly, that's the reason Master Chef was put in the STR tree.

  15. 4 hours ago, RipClaw said:

    Not everyone has to. Fun is something subjective.
    Some people enjoy building a huge factory in Satisfactory, others enjoy running around in Battlefield and shooting at everything that moves.

    You misunderstood. I wasn't talking about the type of play style (and by the way, mine is more similar to yours than you think), I was talking about metagaming.

    But if metagaming is your poison, by any means, go for it!

  16. 17 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

    The most important information I take away from streamer weekends is how to avoid the mistakes of others.

    That's a bit derogatory... Most streamers, however, also make mistakes for the sake of entertainment.

    Also, not everyone plays just for efficiency and effectiveness. It's a game, and games are supposed to be for having fun.

  17. 31 minutes ago, Wilkas said:

    I'm not talking exactly about the release, bat, for example, after the release, is such an innovation even possible?

    I don't know about bats... but there were hornets in an old alpha.

    They were removed, though, and we now have vultures.


    As for horses, they already said multiple times that it's a hard pass.

  18. 3 hours ago, RipClaw said:


    4 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    I mean, you're free to ask any number of details if you so like, but my suggestion is to try it yourself when A21 is out, so that you can experience at least a bit of the thrill that you had when you first started playing 7D2D and you knew nothing. ;) 

    Actually, knowing nothing was extremely frustrating. It was building that brought me to the game. Not killing zombies or looting.

    I do it anyway because it's part of the game but actually I enjoy working on bases the most and then being able to test them on horde night.

    I never said that "discovering the game by yourself" was about fighting zombies. You can still learn the ropes by yourself on building, if that's your cup of tea.

    But I understand now, if you like metagaming, it's your choice. My approach is the exact opposite... I don't want anyone to explain to me anything about a computer game if I can learn that by myself in-game. That's why it's hard for me to understand where you're coming from.


    24 minutes ago, mstdv inc said:

    If I'm not mistaken, all firearms in the game use the mechanics of "hitscan"

    I think he's talking about Tracer Rounds, maybe? :confused2:


  19. 4 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

    The developer doesn't have to but when you see "The developer just drove over 5 scrap iron blocks and the vehicle has lost 25% durability" you prepare differently than if the vehicle has only lost 5% durability. It is only about being able to draw conclusions from what you have seen.

    I think your interest in numbers won't help you enjoy the game, in my opinion. Why would any player want to know every single numeric and detail about the game before playing it, instead of having fun discovering everything by himself in the actual game while playing?


    I mean, you're free to ask any number of details if you so like, but my suggestion is to try it yourself when A21 is out, so that you can experience at least a bit of the thrill that you had when you first started playing 7D2D and you knew nothing. ;) 

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