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Jost Amman

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Posts posted by Jost Amman

  1. I see a lot of people here focusing on one topic at a time and then hammering it to death.

    Last time it was the "unacceptable" water change. Before that it was Bandits not coming in A21.

    Now it's the low amount of zombie variations.


    All this bantering is from the player perspective, so most people don't understand that @madmole is trying to make us understand that their decisions are not as straightforward as we think, and that each choice is made taking into account many levels of interest and weighing them up. Also, I'd suggest to everyone to take a step back and look at all this in perspective. We will get a great game in the end, I'm sure of it, and I can tell because, all in all, 7D2D is already a great game in alpha. :cool2:

  2. 45 minutes ago, Crypted said:

    I really like the outfit but I think it suits a hiking outfit rather than a desert gear outfit as they call it. A different outfit should be made for the desert gear outfit. 

    This was an actual AfrikaCorps outfit (Germany):




  3. 1 hour ago, AlaricBalthi said:

    ChatGPT: "This appears to be a sentence written in Pig Latin, which is a form of word play where the first consonant or consonant cluster of each word is moved to the end of the word, followed by the letters "ay". The sentence translates to: "means they might show some sneaky peaks of stuff they didn't quite finish or went on yet"."

    Congrats!! You know how to use ChatGPT! :thumb:

    Now, the next step is to start using your own brain! :heh:

    1 hour ago, faatal said:

    Well....there is that raft prototype I did last year. Works, but with a few bugs. That may become a feature at some point.

    I hope The Fun Pimps (if you know who I'm talking about...) will consider at some point to develop more "water gameplay".

    • Submerged POIs
    • New gear that can help you when you're inside water (fins, a breather, O2 tanks)
    • A raft to better traverse bigger bodies of water
    • Zombies that are slower than you while inside water (if you know how to swim) so that we can go back to using moats

    The possibilities are many in my opinion. :cool2:

  4. 2 hours ago, Roland said:

    I don't remember that either, btw. I remember there being multiple set spawn points which showed up as stars on the map and you could select where you would spawn but I don't remember ever being able to lay down multiple bags and select from among them where you would spawn.

    Yeah, I remember that too on the old Navezgane map... the stars as spawn points, but I too don't remember anything about bedroll spawns. :confused2:

    @Guppycur: are you sure it wasn't one of your mods? 


  5. 12 minutes ago, Blake_ said:

    @Gazz , I noticed in the stream that primitive weapons and tools like stone axe, bow and club have the exact number of resources needed for crafting. Shouldn't they have a bit of progression in order to not make crafting previous quality levels useless? I mean, a bow costs 8 wood and 3 fibers to craft, I expected higher quality levels to use like 12 wood and 6 plant fibers , and the poor quality one to use the intended original amount  , just to put an example.

    Makes sense to me.

  6. 15 minutes ago, DuHast_Play said:

    If I'm not mistaken, in the old versions, in the very first alphas, it was possible to make several sleeping bags and, accordingly, on any of them it was possible to be reborn after death. If I'm confused, correct me) But if not, please specify why this system was removed and is it possible to return it? it would be convenient to respawn on any comfortable sleeping bag (I like to make several shelters within the reach of merchants. I hope I'm not the only one)

    No, there was never the possibility of multiple bedroll respawn choice after death.

    The only option has always been to choose between spawning on the bedroll or near the bedroll.

    In A21, for the first time, we will have the option to spawn at the location where we dropped the backpack after dying.

  7. 3 hours ago, beerfly said:

    I hope you know you are a legend, sir. 

    You're right! :heh:




    48 minutes ago, vergilsparda said:

    Keeping my reply semi-on topic but for anyone on the dev team who sees this and feels like answering, is painting still an issue going forward, with regards to the texture limit, and if so, are there going to be custom blocks for POI builders that feature new or different textures than that in the painting menu?

    I think I remember Rick saying in the Dev Stream that there's probably only one or two textures which were "deprecated" and replaced with new ones.

  8. 31 minutes ago, beerfly said:

    I wonder, just a bit, but enough, what is @Kuosimodo`s opinion on first stream about A21 ? :) 


    *hiding under the bed*

    Well. That's easy.


    @Kuosimodo: you can put a reaction to this post of mine this way:

    • "Like" - if you liked the Dev Stream
    • "Thumb Down" - if you didn't like it
    • "Knuckle Rub" - if you liked some things and didn't like other things (not impressed / average)


  9. 4 hours ago, HeLLKnight said:

    After watching the stream, in my opinion the new assets and POIs in the game look very nice and a huge job has been done. Don't kill me but... precisely this makes the outdated graphical parts of the game engine more visible than ever. The poor lighting system, very outdated effects like ambient occlusion or not so good anti-aliasing, lack of upscaling, and many many more that we are missing. In some respects 7d2d is still a game that causes rejection at first glance for new buyers. Every time I try to introduce friends on Lan parties showing 7d2d at 4k/ultra settings, the reaction is the same: "man, feels like a ps3 game", "my god that pop-in". Not my opinion, but there it is.

    How can I put this in words without sounding too "fanboy-ish"... those who play 7D2D don't play it for the graphics.

    For me, Priority n.1 is gameplay. Anything they can improve on the graphics side, is icing on the cake. But the cake is a lie! :P


    5 hours ago, Beelzebubs Ghost said:


    This will be my final post re: Content.



    Just as I suspected, mostly fluff that no-one needs, such as text lore on in game paper for a game that doesn't have any sense of coherent story, and no new zombies.


    The game has gone to the dogs in my opinion, whether or not Rick Huenink was exaggerating when he said 1000 doors/variants updated (even a paltry number such as 100 new ones added) while new zombies has been neglected is just pathetic.


    Clone army was a tiring turn off in the previous alpha - and as long as there's no inclusion of new zombies in this iteration, neither I; nor the bunch of friends I got into this game, will touch it.


    I also share the sentiment of the 'Omg wowzers a new quest!' criticism.


    Increased density of the same clones in any given area may be new in the sense the density wasn't the same as previous alphas, but that is little different to adding 'new' forest biomes by simply placing more grass and trees. Yeah, no.


    Now bring on the hate, disapproval, dislikes, and la de dah. I will keep an eye out for A22 but as for A21, no thanks.


    For those wondering why I'd post then not play, it's in hope that any dev reading this can relay the overbearing sameness up the chain and maybe they can dedicate the time to adding more zombies, even a few new ones would make all the difference.

    Party pooper! :pout:


  10. 1 hour ago, bdubyah said:

    And also, it seems optimization has been a focus as they mentioned more than once that the game should be smoother now. Again, not new features but signs of a game being close to finished. So just because there isn't a long list of new things doesn't mean they haven't been working.

    Actually, there are around 48 pages of changes for A21.


    But more than that... players only look at what's "apparent": it's like they're looking at a car, and they only see the color of the paint and the interiors... but the car has been improved on the engine, suspensions, fuel efficiency, and so on... For example, they don't consider all the changes and improvements to the Random World Generation, or the optimizations to the AI, or simply even cleaning up the code to be more maintainable in the future. That's all mostly irrelevant to them.


    Most of them want new guns, new vehicles, new zombies. That's all they want and look for.

  11. 11 minutes ago, Roland said:

    You got flagged by Steams auto moderation bot and the post will be hidden until a steam mod can check to make sure it contains nothing malicious. The 7 Days to Die mods can't do anything until steam verifies it is okay and then makes it visible again.

    Thanks for the info... that's too bad. And to think that they want to use Bots and AIs to control important stuff! :rolleyes2:

  12. 1 hour ago, meganoth said:

    I could not find or access it. But steam discussion board seems to have had problems half an hour ago, maybe that had something to do with it.

    Update: you're right! Someone apparently deleted my post!

    I don't think it's been moved since I checked the other sub-forums and even some other discussions to check if it was merged. :pout:

    I asked help to the mods, I hope they find out what happened because I put a lot of effort in it. :confused2:

  13. 10 minutes ago, meganoth said:

    I could not find or access it. But steam discussion board seems to have had problems half an hour ago, maybe that had something to do with it.

    Yeah, Steam has been acting weird for hours now... but the topic is there: just try to run the link more than once until it works. ;) 

  14. 5 minutes ago, Cr0wst0rm said:

    Feel sorry for the devs, but the water showcase at the stream? I was rolling on floor all I can say... Could this issue be related to the fact it is surrounded by snow? Either way I wish good luck on fixing this issue. Because for me this is something like magnum opus of alpha 21...

    Even if they used the "wrong block", water looked fine to me.

    Way better than what we have now in A20 in my opinion.

  15. 6 minutes ago, Roland said:

    Rick always does that in every stream or interview he does. He is always hopeful and optimistic…haha. In this case I’d say that it is definitely likely. 

    Talking about Rick... he mentioned something about Character Skins and selling skin DLCs in the future?

    Did I get it right?

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