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Everything posted by Maharin

  1. There are no kids in this apocalypse. No kid zombies either. People are born adults, duh.
  2. Most likely it is some library/tool/framework they are using which is the culprit. I certainly would not expect them to suddenly start using the registry for anything like what the XML is used for.
  3. I play 7DTD on Linux, which does not have a registry. The only non-XML settings I've seen are for the launcher and Unity.
  4. Truth. It's like someone stepped on a dog with a squeaky toy in its mouth.
  5. Agreed, but programming an infinite inventory interface that is also efficient is harder than it sounds. But even if the hard cap was 20 rows of inventory it would be more than enough to do what you are talking about.
  6. Maybe he's a newbie tweaker?
  7. The number of bleeding wounds might just be the amount of damage taken per tick while bleeding. So instead of more wounds it is really a greater wound. This is my guess, I know I can tell a difference with more wounds applied, especially when you play on a higher difficulty.
  8. Which is exactly what the current perk in the game does. Which would be fine if we had more inventory slots available (another row would be perfect, in my opinion).
  9. I suspect that 7DTD with a weight based system would be horrible. If bicycles were a bit more accessible to start then it would make things a bit better (like not requiring a perk to make, just finding/building parts). But I also like the idea of having an even smaller backpack to start and building bigger ones as you go.
  10. We should really only have two slots available, one for each hand. Sucks to be you when you sprain or break an arm.
  11. Sticks and stones may break my bones but encumbrance excites me?
  12. Welcome! It can be scary here at times but most of us are willing to help. Remember that humans will never ask for your brains. Telemarketing zombies are the worst!
  13. Visit the top floor of a mega book store and you won't need much paper after that.
  14. I missed almost all of A18 because of the same. I came back just before A19 was released.
  15. I've always restarted long before day 250. I almost always restart about the time I start accessing steel, sometime longer, depending on how easy the game feels at that point. At this point, though, I'm not playing much and awaiting Alpha 20.
  16. I know I've heard Roland say as much. Well, he typed it and I read it but the results are the same.
  17. Sorry, my fault. I tend to wander the apocalypse licking the ink from the pages. No clue why I do it, but I suspect it is because I'm a jerk.
  18. Healing damage naturally costs food. If you regenerate faster you use food faster. That is most of what you are seeing. If you use healing items then you use less food to heal. If you generally take a lot of damage while you explore or fight then you will find that you will burn a LOT more food. I would suggest you find a steady food supply before investing in Healing Factor.
  19. There are several really tall buildings (at least 6 that I can think of) as POIs and some large, spread out ones (like the football field). I'm sure many more POIs will be added before launch. They add some new/redesigned ones every release or so. A20 should include a much better RWG engine so the options will only get better. They already have mini towns that include several related POIs, like the old west style one, so the college campus could be possible. You won't likely see underground POIs added back yet because they are a nightmare for SI, but maybe before release from what I've read. And the only way you will see trains with tracks is if someone gets inspired and finds a way to make roads way better and then can easily convert that code into train track generation.
  20. And if you serve it on 304 stainless steel plates then maybe there is the solution?
  21. I've had times where I've received experience even if the DoT did all of the damage or even just delivered the killing blow. It's not random, it's just not simple, either.
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