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Everything posted by Maharin

  1. I'm not sure what you're talking about because Sanderson wrote at least 6 Mistborn books.
  2. Love both those series for very different reasons. Rothfuss better get his act together and release the last book, though. 😠
  3. Yeah, totally meant to say Factorio, not Terraria. Sorry about that. EDIT: But, seriously, Terraria and Factorio have both been released and updated several times since. So...
  4. As a mod, sure! As the default game? Not so much. Everyone's vision of "hard core" seems to be a little different with lots of variation on what is the extreme. I do, however, perfectly understand your argument of what should and should not be known at the start of the game. I think that's where those first few points come in to play once you've completed the "tutorial" or "newbie quest" or whatever you want to call it. Those are essentially your starting knowledge as far as I'm concerned. If this was a lot more RPG-ish then I'd even say give us something like the start of Ultima (or Project Zomboid) where we can choose a starting class of sorts that gives us a set of skills that we like. Everything else starts at zero, unable to be used until we put at least one point into it. They could even use some trick like Asheron's Call did where this introduction stuff all happens in a POI in some corner of the map, deep under water and surrounded by bedrock. No way back in once you leave and won't affect anyone's map to any significant extent.
  5. 6455.7 hours here. The only games I've had more hours in have been MMORPGs. And that's not fair Joe, this also your "job".
  6. I have used this feature many times, but thank you. I was asking if they were going to stick around after release.
  7. I expect the answer would be yes, which is why I called it a dumb question. If Steam Workshop support ever happens and it also supports old versions then... wow, I could see a whole lot free content out there in no time.
  8. Will the alpha releases still be available after gold? Games like Terraria Factorio do this on Steam, is that the plan for 7DTD? EDIT: Sorry, just realized I wrote Terraria when I meant Factorio. Sorry for the confusion folks!
  9. Since A20 is introducing "landscaping" as a way to improve maps, it might be possible to make a hammer that just converts an AOE of the top layer to match some template. Just a thought.
  10. Glib 2.27 is installed but your program is requiring 2.29. The problems I keep getting into with this are about required versions (Python 3.8 versus 3.6 was the first one) and not whether a particular lib or program is installed. I downloaded the Windows version and tried running it with Wine. It runs but crashes every time with this exception: Unhandled exception: unimplemented function vcomp140.dll._vcomp_for_static_simple_init_i8 called in 64-bit code (0x000000007b44da67). Gonna give up for now, but let me know if you want me to test anything else or give you more information.
  11. I get this error when I run the program (from the console, not working through my GUI): [28155] Error loading Python lib '/tmp/_MEIDc1As9/libpython3.8.so.1.0': dlopen: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.29' not found (required by /tmp/_MEIDc1As9/libpython3.8.so.1.0) So maybe it is a glibc issue instead?
  12. Linux Mint 19.3 here with Python 3.6 installed (the default, everything still fully supported). While I could upgrade my Python to 3.8 is there any real reason to require the later version be installed? Will it not work on older versions?
  13. One thing to add... I think it would be good if some of the harder, "higher level" skills or skill tiers would require more than one prerequisite. That would allow for balancing some of the fiercer AoE weapons, for instance, as well as some of the end game skills/tiers (like level 4 & 5 weapon skills).
  14. I voted definitely no, but I'd be willing to add skills for higher tier materials like steel and concrete. For base crafting, it needs to be available from day zero (no skills spent). Having said that if they do revisit skills I hope they do away with stats and just make trees of skills where one skill at a given level could be the prerequisite of another skill. Not a few tall trees like in Diablo and the like but lots of short trees that are only a few skills deep. If done right this would allow people to pick and choose a few trees to specialize in without requiring someone to be level 99 or so to max out a tree. There definitely needs to be more focus on building/crafting and survival in the skill trees, though, just not sure how complicated it should get. Survival and crafting are right there in the subtitle of the game, after all.
  15. I think my longest game didn't even reach 100 days. After a while it just gets too easy and I'm not the sort for creating the perfect castle or whatever.
  16. That would certainly make the death penalty very severe...
  17. That makes sense for experienced players, but would be a huge problem for people just learning the game. They will die a lot and make no progress making it easy to die again and again.
  18. Learn By Don't-ing Large Belly Dancers Ludicrous Bathing Duties Laundry Byproduct Destruction (dryer lint burns)
  19. Can we start posting alternate meanings of LBD?
  20. They are reworking random gen for the next release, but there as been no mention of smaller maps (even possible they will do away with the 4k maps and start at 6k in size). They are adding more generation options so it might be possible to get your island, though. A 4k map is small, though. Small enough to actually run from one end to another in a day or so (depending on day length).
  21. I'd recommend modding your children to keep them in line. Just kidding, don't do that.
  22. It's not difficult to change the XML files to make the game have a LOT more zombies in it. But it does currently require you to mod the game, not that it's a bad thing to do so. The game was designed to be modified.
  23. I see how you integrated twitch into your post.
  24. Can people conceive properly certain permutations causing paranoia?
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