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this is one of my favourite prefabs of all time. ABSOLUTELY AMAZZZZZZZZING! Is there any way you could make some of the buildings fit into Random Gen city blocks (which i *think are 44x44). I absolutely love this, It's a shame to see such amazing work be in navezgane only :D keep up the brilliant work, pleasepleaseplease consider making some prefabs for random gen!!!! C
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[QUOTE=Xamllew;303986]Fun Pimps need to hire you to work on prefabs, I'm not even kidding.[/QUOTE] Absolutely agree. I've just loaded up the latest version and it is absolutely amazing, the detail is nothing short of staggering. If they could break down elements of this (such as the highway) to add to random gen, and extract some of the brilliant buildings to put into cityhubs or "city slums" it would be absolutely jawdropping.
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[QUOTE=alexander_q;304177]I can't believe what I'm seeing. I might be one of the few who've never played in Navezgane, but now I have to. The slum is 150 x 262. Is there an upward limit for RWG prefabs? What do you reckon Laz Man and Magoli? Can it be done?[/QUOTE] sadly no - the limit for rwg is about 100X100 blocks. Bigger Prefabs makes trouble in different kinds at this current gameversion. Mag
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I think its possible through a custom hub layout. I confirmed it with my prison already. The one varible that needs more testing is if I can make things spawn only once. I shelved my testing until we get more documentation from kinyajuu. He mentioned providing us some in a few weeks.
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[url]http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/631980743384561505/F20CE7F2D5998220FB1A4A3A73ABA94C1E46DC2C/[/url] [url]http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/631980743384560687/10F3AA05FC35182DD38DCA5E1F219FD20CE18F9B/[/url] [url]http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/631980743384559894/EC30D679555C93C80D5C9B940168EB2139EBBDA4/[/url] [url]http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/631980743384557739/5EE68BEF5209A98E691B554962BF09C43E9EFC90/[/url] [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] you should be able to get this into rwg. just make your own biome with this in it. Maybe. If i have read it right. you could name it Pikeros biome or what not. make it a certain size put a rough area of the biome that would fit it in. Only issue you woould know exactly where it is every time i think. But i dont see why this wouldnt work. But I am a novice.
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[QUOTE=stallionsden;304328][url]http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/631980743384561505/F20CE7F2D5998220FB1A4A3A73ABA94C1E46DC2C/[/url] [url]http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/631980743384560687/10F3AA05FC35182DD38DCA5E1F219FD20CE18F9B/[/url] [url]http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/631980743384559894/EC30D679555C93C80D5C9B940168EB2139EBBDA4/[/url] [url]http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/631980743384557739/5EE68BEF5209A98E691B554962BF09C43E9EFC90/[/url] [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] you should be able to get this into rwg. just make your own biome with this in it. Maybe. If i have read it right. you could name it Pikeros biome or what not. make it a certain size put a rough area of the biome that would fit it in. Only issue you woould know exactly where it is every time i think. But i dont see why this wouldnt work. But I am a novice.[/QUOTE] thats not neccessarily a bad thing, Im considering a world with fixed POIs, so this would work for me :D
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[QUOTE=Laz Man;304045]Yeah it needs tweaking if you want it in rwg. There is also a ton of loot containers but mostly card board boxes I think. Due to the large size of the prefab, it probably is best to have it spawn as its own hub (not a wilderness poi).[/QUOTE] Awesome ...so does anyone know how to actually make the mixer spawn it .?? I don't care if it has to be its on biome , that's fine . But how do u get it in the file and working . I put the decoration type line in and it doesn't seem to do anything . Help ?
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[QUOTE=alexander_q;304177]I can't believe what I'm seeing. I might be one of the few who've never played in Navezgane, but now I have to. The slum is 150 x 262. Is there an upward limit for RWG prefabs? What do you reckon Laz Man and Magoli? Can it be done?[/QUOTE] I imported it successfuly to RWG. There is probably some limit but this one does not reach it. But I dint used rwg mixer to randomly spawn it. I just spawned it on exact location/coords where I want it. I want these special prefabs like this and TWD prison spawned only once in RWG. Near cetral city for example. Anyway @pikero this is incredible prefab man...when I saw it first time, I could not believe it... This will be nice area for PvP in RWG...
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[QUOTE=Deccypher;304540]edit rgwmixer [/QUOTE] Hey decchyper, Is the wildernessPOI code necessary or is it to add even more possibility for the slum to spawn? From my testing, adding large POIs to the wilderness group works but can cause clipping issues with other wilderness prefabs generated nearby. Edit: just realized the "Wilderness POIs" was probably just a copy/paste typo. Should have been "pikero_slum_prefab"?
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