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Khelldon's Modlets


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Oh nice! I'm not sure how to do that exactly. I may message you for assistance on that later if i can't figure it out. Thank you!


Simply place the aitask you want first above the others so it may for example look like aitask 3. Aitask 1 aitask 6 etc then simply re number the aitask so it's in numerical order

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About: This modlet changes all the zombies so they are tiny, about 3 apples tall. Eventually I hope to make more of this mod be tiny little things so everything is small. I called this Gulliver's Travels for obvious reasons, if you haven't read the book, it's about a guy who survives a shipwreck only to awaken in a place where everyone is tiny.



- Tiny Zombies

- Reduced health and all stats.

- Zombies spawns increased by 2000%

- Bloodmoon Fix by Guppycur


Notes: This is a funny modlet I whipped up for a laugh with some friends. I hope you get a giggle out of it too. This modlet may add a bit of lag to your game as there are just so many tiny zeds.

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New Modlet Available!


About: This is a very silly modlet that makes it so if a stripper zombie touches you, you get herpes. Herpes is not curable other than by dying and will cause no one to want to sleep with you ever again. Getting herpes causes no negative game effects, it's really only a mod to make your friends laugh. Great for streamers, content creators, teams and server admins.

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hello khelldon can you make a mod get green without wastland and burnt forest because i like desert and snow


Hi there, I really have no interest in making that mod. But you can turn my "Get Greener" mod into that your self quite easily. In my mods folder open biomes.xml and change "snow" to "burnt_forest" and desert to "wasteland" in both places at the top and for the name of each added biome. Hope that helps. It's very easy. :-)



Haha, these mods.. creative! And baby bears :love-struck:


I'm curious, is character profile customization (new hairstyles) possible with xpath?


Yes it sure is to a point. You can't add new hairstyles or no one has figured out how to yet but you can change them enough to make completely different looking people. I'm not 100% sure exactly how to do it the best way possible. But each new entry in "archetypes" will add a new preset to the profile. For an example of this check out the UMA zombies modlet.

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New Modlet Available!



The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch




A Reading from the Book of Armaments, Chapter 4, Verses 16 to 20:

Then did he raise on high the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, saying, "Bless this, O Lord, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy." And the people did rejoice and did feast upon the lambs and toads and tree-sloths and fruit-bats and orangutans and breakfast cereals ... Now did the Lord say, "First thou pullest the Holy Pin. Then thou must count to three. Three shall be the number of the counting and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither shalt thou count two, excepting that thou then proceedeth to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the number of the counting, be reached, then lobbest thou the Holy Hand Grenade in the direction of thine foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it."


About: This is a very simple modlet that adds The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch to the game. It's a 'just for fun' modlet, a tribute to Monty Python. I made the model and textures but the "heavenly voices" audio clip was downloaded from a free wav site then edited by me.


Instructions: Equip to tool belt. Aim far away. I mean it. FAR away! Hold Left Mouse Button, just like you would to fire an arrow. Count to 3 and release mouse button to throw it!


Effects: A heavenly choir of angels followed by one of the most gigantic explosions ever to hit 7 days to die


Where you can find this: The Holy Hand Grenade is available as quest rewards only. Ammo or Ranged weapon rewards to be exact. Since this is so powerful, you will have to work for it. Your only other option is creative mode.


IMPORTANT: Please copy these few lines into your 7 Days To Die directory at the bottom of the text file: "/Data/Config/Localization.txt" in order for the new item to have a proper name and description. You can open this file with any text editor.

khelldonHolyHandGrenade,items,Gun,EnChanged,The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch,,,,,
khelldonHolyHandGrenadeDesc,items,Gun,KgNone,"Bless this, O Lord, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy.",,,,,

The modlet will function correctly without adding these lines, it just will not look nice :D


WARNING!!!! This item causes a HUGE explosion that will absolutely kill you if you don't throw it far enough away. Do not drop it. Think of it as a glass jar filled with the fury of god. lol



DOUBLE WARNING!!!! This item causes a HUGE explosion that can pause servers or in extreme cases even crash servers if used improperly. NOT recommended for public server use. Keep it among friends. :-)


Note: This was formerly a SDX mod for a16 I released and am just now porting over to a17. :-)

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Thanks for the info Khelldon. I've requested hairstyle additions in the past, and always wondered if any existing could be edited, let's say in PS, and then reintroduced. I'm probably way off base lol, but just had to ask since you were able to create an actual zombie profile, which is impressive btw.


Keep 'em coming, the family's getting a kick out of what you're creating here. HH vfG1C8t.jpg




EDIT: All Bad Co's rock! ;-)

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Thanks for the info Khelldon. I've requested hairstyle additions in the past, and always wondered if any existing could be edited, let's say in PS, and then reintroduced. I'm probably way off base lol, but just had to ask since you were able to create an actual zombie profile, which is impressive btw.


Keep 'em coming, the family's getting a kick out of what you're creating here. HH vfG1C8t.jpg


Actually all credit for the Zombie profiles go to Bad Company. I didn't design or create any of the UMA zombies. I merely updated them for a17 in modlet form and tweaked the parameters. I asked permission before doing so. But yeah I definitely am not the one who made that happen. So StompyNZ, Guppycur, Valmar and more are the ones responsible for those. :-)


So happy you are enjoying the modlets. If you have any ideas for more, don't hesitate. :-)

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Hi Khelldon.


I am getting this error on the baby bear modlet

2018-12-25T11:30:38 89.333 WRN XML patch for "spawning.xml" from mod "Khelldon - Baby Bears" did not apply: <append xpath="/spawning/biome[@name='pine_forest' and @name='burnt_forest' and @name='snow']"


There is no other modlets installet. The bears are avalible in the entity spawner.

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Hi Khelldon.


I am getting this error on the baby bear modlet

2018-12-25T11:30:38 89.333 WRN XML patch for "spawning.xml" from mod "Khelldon - Baby Bears" did not apply: <append xpath="/spawning/biome[@name='pine_forest' and @name='burnt_forest' and @name='snow']"


There is no other modlets installet. The bears are avalible in the entity spawner.


Thank you very much for reporting that. All fixed. Please update.

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Info: This modlet adds around 100 new zombies into the game as well as giving the player the ability to choose to look like a zombie when they pick their character. These Zombies were created by the great modders over at Bad Company. They were ported to a17 by me and recoded to inherit the properties of the default zombies.


- Adds 100 New Zombies into the game

- Choose to look like a Zombie when creating character

Notes: I have prepared localization for these zombies but the game currently doesn't show zombies names so you DO NOT need to copy these lines. They are here in case things change and we can see zombies names again. If you would like to add these lines anyways, please copy these few lines into your 7 Days To Die directory at the bottom of the text file: "/Data/Config/Localization.txt" in order for the new item to have a proper name and description. You can open this file with any text editor.



The text needed for the zombies exceeds the character limit of this forum. Please Download Localization.



My question is, if modders can do this so easly what is TFP's excuse for not making more zombies?


- - - Updated - - -


Baby Boomers are my favorite. =) Stompy made some creepy little frackers...


I haven't seen them but sounds like those damn suicide bombing babys in silent hill. Hated thos damn things as they were creepy as hell, they made noise when they were around but its usually so dark you have a hard time spotting the little creepers.

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My question is, if modders can do this so easly what is TFP's excuse for not making more zombies?


No clue, you'd have to ask them. Guess it's not a priority.





UPDATED: Screamer bears with new bad ass screamer bear skin.


Please note this WILL NOT overwrite the vanilla bears. It's a new skin on a new entity. Regular bears will still spawn as usual.

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