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Sneak Peak: B404 upcoming feature


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Hi and welcome to a special kind of post today.


FTP has some amazing news for you regarding a future iteration of 7 Days to Pie. To be more specific: B404.


Our development team is working hard to deliver a whole new experience for you. And to achieve that we are striving to implement a new feature to the game.


This button is the first step to it.




Here you can put in your payment information whether its a bank account, credit card, PayPal and even Bitcoin.


Its a fair question to why you should do that. And we like to clarify the reasons.


Development has been a blast and we are on the track to deliver a final AI7 within the next weeks. And as you guys may know we have so much more ideas we want to come true for the game. But it is also a fact, that we need a constant stream of money to be able to do that.


Many talks were held to how we can actually achieve that. And it took us about two months to narrow down the perfect option for us and you - the players.


Don't worry, FTP won’t beg for pledges or anything like that.


Instead the goal is to implement a form of microtransaction system. We call it: PayZ


And it will overcome more than just the issue of money but also the issue of some players not being happy with a few changes we made.


"How?“ you may ask.


We will allow to get perks, increase or decrease the difficulty, activate or deactivate zombies or their abilities by paying for them with real money instead of having to be a specific level or the need of experience points or mod the game.




Your time is limited and grinding levels is making it hard for you to enjoy the game? No problem, just get all the perks you need at level 1 and play the game the way you want.


Or you think theres is no challenge? No problem as well. With the click of a button you can activate one of the new upcoming features we will integrate called ‚Horde Overwhelming‘ which activates an endless stream of zombies. How long can you withstand?


You are probably concerned about the pricing. So were we when we started going for this approach.


To give you peace of mind: All features will cost the same.


And we will price it at just 10 cent each!


We found in our testings that 99% of the time the testers never used this feature more than 10 times. Spending just 1 dollar in total.


How this will improve the future of 7 Days to Pie?


First things first. The usage of PayZ is on a per game basis. This means that getting the forge perk in a previous game doesn’t give it right away when you start a new one.


That way a constant stream of income will be generated.


With that in mind FTP finance gurus predict the following curve of income.




And with this curve in mind we can assure you that our future development of 7 Days to Pie will be extraordinary. Hiring of new team members will be easy and development will be sped up greatly.


So, watch out for B404.


As always we won’t tell you when it will be released. But we are closer than ever.


We hope you are as excited as we are and wish you a great week.




FTP Development Team



Disclaimer: This ain’t a real news and I’m also not part of The Fun Pimps (TFP). This is a very late April’s fool. Appreciate the laugh and don’t be mad. Happy halloween.

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