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Xyth's A19 - A17 Modlet Collection


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I don't know if RavenH might change things (it shouldn't) but the Theater Screen is configured in Unity to read files from a fixed directory path, specifically for video00 it is:




So if your seeing a video, it has to be coming from that directory.


Correct, we kept the pathing the exact same as what you find in Xyths download. I have noticed that the encoding can be slightly tricky depending on what you use to convert your videos? I use an online converter, that i believe i linked somewhere in this thread and the videos i have made run fine with it.

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Added a modlet called Patch_Entity that removes the error caused when entities die with a bleeding buff on them. It "should" also remove the bleeding effect left on the player on respawn, but that was not tested, just should be a nice side effect. That modlet is on my repo and in the mod launcher. I'm not adding it to the index yet until its used a while.

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  • 2 months later...
Added a modlet called Patch_Entity that removes the error caused when entities die with a bleeding buff on them. It "should" also remove the bleeding effect left on the player on respawn, but that was not tested, just should be a nice side effect. That modlet is on my repo and in the mod launcher.



I'm completely new to the installation of a mod that handles more than an XML, and when I attempt to install it by putting the 'Radio' folder into my friends and I's dedicated server, it gives off this message in the live console, after restarting once I upload it via FTP

[size=1][i]2019-07-24T09:28:15 5.556 INF Persistent GamePrefs saved
2019-07-24T09:28:15 5.633 INF StartAsServer
Unable to open archive file: C:/TCAFiles/Users/----/67950/7DaysToDieServer_Data/../Mods/Radios/Resources/Radios.unity3d
2019-07-24T09:28:23 13.976 ERR Loading AssetBundle "C:/TCAFiles/Users/-----/67950/7DaysToDieServer_Data/../Mods\Radios/Resources/Radios.unity3d" failed!
2019-07-24T09:28:23 13.976 ERR Model '#@modfolder(Radios):Resources/Radios.unity3d?Jukebox_X' not found on block with name JukeBox
2019-07-24T09:28:23 13.976 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'blocks.xml' failed
Exception: Model '#@modfolder(Radios):Resources/Radios.unity3d?Jukebox_X' not found on block with name JukeBox
2019-07-24T09:28:24 14.987 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'items.xml' failed[/i][/size]


This followed by a server spam that references an unknown color or something along those lines. Im new at this kind of thing but I'd like to learn how to install the Radios mod, and can't seem to be able to get it to work. Its obvious that its nothing to do with things being clientside, so I have not a clue.

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What is the proper way to install the "Radio" mod? I come up with an error that actually prevents my dedi server from running and it attempts a restart after it callsback errors trying to read the .xmls, and the , once restarting it after I upload it into my /Mods directory. Fairly new to it modding up dedis. Get a callback in the live console as it starts about errors pertaining to loading the .xmls, and the unity3d file, then an error spams the console with a reference to an 'unknown color'. (Im probably posting twice because my posts are taking forever to be approved, sorry. The first one had my copypaste server log.)


I can no longer recreate the server log, the only thing I receive instead of the aforementioned errors is this:

2019-07-24T11:29:01 6.256 INF Persistent GamePrefs saved
2019-07-24T11:29:01 6.333 INF StartAsServer
Initializing Microsoft Media Foundation failed. It seems that the Microsoft Media Foundation is not installed on this machine or a newer version of Microsoft Media Foundation is required. To install the necessary libraries please install the Media Feature Pack from https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/search/result.aspx?q=Media+Feature+Pack for your version of Windows. 
Initializing Microsoft Media Foundation failed. It seems that the Microsoft Media Foundation is not installed on this machine or a newer version of Microsoft Media Foundation is required. To install the necessary libraries please install the Media Feature Pack from 


I can assume that this is due to the server provider's machines (HostHavoc) , which actually sucks if windows media is required to make this work. Or is there some alternative to getting this to work outside of just this method?

Edited by Trist (see edit history)
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No special install tricks needed. Radios Mod is vanilla compatible so no code or scripts load. The dedi should have a folder named "Mods" in the same directory as the game executable. The radio mod goes into the Mods folder. By looking at your log file it seems likely there is a pathing error as it can seem to find the mod to load it.


As to the windows media foundation, if you want to play .mp4 files on a windows server I think that option is standard on the install, but perhaps your provider chose not to load it.

Edited by xyth (see edit history)
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Xyth. Love the mods man. I was thinking about how cool it would be to be able to switch the TV's on with a remote control, switch the video to next video etc. Not sure if its possible to do this but man would it kick butt. Keep up the good work and keep the mods coming. More content=more fun. Thanks!

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There are hard limits what can be done without using code. I have not tested this but you can try adding this property to the blocks.xml in the mod to see if you can change the channel from a greater distance: <property name="ActivationDistance" value="20"/> where 20 is the max distance in blocks that you can activate the TV. Change the number to more or less as suits. This might replace the need for a remote.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Is it possible/how do we push custom videos through a dedicated server without sending the video file to each player? I've gotten custom videos to play but I was only able to do it through the client theaterscreens/resources folder rather than the server folder.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello. (Before continuing I apologize for lousy English.)


I wanted to know if there is any possibility to modify the radios so that they link to an online station instead of pointing to a game file.


I mean modify for example:




And change it to: "#@"



I know that with images it was possible because I managed to do it, but I don't know how to edit the Radios.unity3d file, which I suppose is the one that indicates which file each radio should play.


Greetings and thanks for the great work you do, because you give the game another life.

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Xyth AND Spider:


Thanks for all your work maintaining these modlets, and moderating the community.


With the "Monty Haul" focus on looting encouraged by A18, I find your Junk modlet really useful for lowering the overall value of loot, while still maintaining the thrill of finding full containers during scavenging. It also synergizes well with Stallionsden's Pallet modlet, by balancing the increase in lootable containers. When/if you have time, any chance of an A18 update or even additions, on the Junk modlet?



Edited by Cernwn (see edit history)
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There are two issues with cameras right now. First, the cameras stop panning if you get too far from them. I may need to turn off the panning and just increase the horizontal FOV. Second, if you do not turn off the new occlusion setting in the video menu, then objects will get culled out of view when those objects are more than 8-10 blocks away (except for trees and a few other things).


You could never see more than your arms and weapons on a added camera. That is why I dont release working mirrors.


Without adding code Im not sure if we can fix the second issue. I left it A17 only until we decide if those things are manageable for A18.

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There are two issues with cameras right now. First, the cameras stop panning if you get too far from them. I may need to turn off the panning and just increase the horizontal FOV. Second, if you do not turn off the new occlusion setting in the video menu, then objects will get culled out of view when those objects are more than 8-10 blocks away (except for trees and a few other things).


You could never see more than your arms and weapons on a added camera. That is why I dont release working mirrors.


Without adding code Im not sure if we can fix the second issue. I left it A17 only until we decide if those things are manageable for A18.


Yep, Now that you mention that I did notice just a few moments ago that certain things were not in view. Currently can only see a shadow of arms and item in hand.


Thanks for the reply.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am almost finished converting the Salvaged Bats modlet to A18. The vanilla bat and its mods are now merged into the mod, so you can use my modifiers on the TFP bat of put TFP modifiers on the plain wood bat. Since TFP decided to do full mesh overlays for their melee item modifiers, the Aluminum bat cant wear the TFP visible modifiers like the chains and spikes. My question to anyone interested is feedback on what properties each of the modifiers provide. Fire and Elec. mods are obvious, but how to best distinguish the crown bat modifier from the others like the mace or axe. Damage type is one difference, knockdown maybe? For grips or the sweetspot, like weights? This doesn't have to be perfect, but since I put zero effort into it for A17 I'd like the A18 version to make more sense.

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A18 version uploaded. There is some duplication of the modifiers added ability so suggestions are needed. No balancing done yet, and some TFP modifiers will stack with my modifiers but hopefully wont make things over powered. Crown bat AOE buff is untested as it needs another player to test. TFP's Bat uses full mesh overrides which complicated the merging but everything should work as expected based on my limited testing.

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