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Don't like a17


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don't get me wrong but for EA some of the stuff are getting worse

1 poor performance 10~30 fps lowest settings 800x600 (USED TO PLAY AT `50~120 FPS)

2 Vultures are deadly as dogs

3 zombies too smart ignoring the spikes in the front of the door and they go hitting the side walls instead of the door which is wooden

4 it's hard to hit the head of the zombie (sometimes)

5 FOV option is missing

6 no looting the zombies (WHY)

7 no XP for upgrading and digging (this is not realistic)

8 Forge at level 20 (WHY)

9 items like feather and seed's can slow you if placed in the black places in your inventory (WHAT?)

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don't get me wrong but for EA some of the stuff are getting worse

1 poor performance 10~30 fps lowest settings 800x600 (USED TO PLAY AT `50~120 FPS)

2 Vultures are deadly as dogs

3 zombies too smart ignoring the spikes in the front of the door and they go hitting the side walls instead of the door which is wooden

4 it's hard to hit the head of the zombie (sometimes)

5 FOV option is missing

6 no looting the zombies (WHY)

7 no XP for upgrading and digging (this is not realistic)

8 Forge at level 20 (WHY)

9 items like feather and seed's can slow you if placed in the black places in your inventory (WHAT?)


1. This usually is a combination of hardware and the fact that its experimental. A degree of polishing will occur in the stable phase of A17.


2. Haven't had too many issues with vultures so far, what difficulty level are you playing on?


3. Most people I suspect would consider this a big bonus, indeed, the improved AI has been a major selling point of A17.


4. Haven't had this issue myself, except for the "Fat Mother" zombies.


5. Hadn't checked that actually.


6. Yay for this - zombies should be a threat, not a loot source I reckon - and the occasional time they DO drop loot, it tends to be better loot rather than random trash. This is a big win imho.


7. Hmmm, I'm getting XP for digging.


8. Yeah, I don't like the level gates. I do hope TFP reconsider that.


9. Encumbrance is in. I know some don't like it, but TFP are keen on it, and imho, the system they've gone with is pretty simple to follow I reckon.

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6. Yay for this - zombies should be a threat, not a loot source I reckon - and the occasional time they DO drop loot, it tends to be better loot rather than random trash. This is a big win imho.

It might be in terms of loot volume, but I'm finding people I'm watching/myself farming zombies more than ever simply because of the need to level up to actually get to a point where the game is fun again. I used to only kill the zombies necessary to loot a POI or that were directly threatening me (I'd sometimes go entire days in A16 without killing a zombie), and now I find myself chasing down every zombie I see.

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It might be in terms of loot volume, but I'm finding people I'm watching/myself farming zombies more than ever simply because of the need to level up to actually get to a point where the game is fun again. I used to only kill the zombies necessary to loot a POI or that were directly threatening me (I'd sometimes go entire days in A16 without killing a zombie), and now I find myself chasing down every zombie I see.


Well, that's a slightly different issue, and yes, I do think zombies give a bit too much XP, and it ties in to the level gating as well. If that wasn't in, and zombie XP wasn't so high, I think the situation would be better.


But I still do think that the primary threat in the game should be, more or less, ONLY a threat, not a major source of loot, just personally.

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don't get me wrong but for EA some of the stuff are getting worse

1 poor performance 10~30 fps lowest settings 800x600 (USED TO PLAY AT `50~120 FPS)

2 Vultures are deadly as dogs

3 zombies too smart ignoring the spikes in the front of the door and they go hitting the side walls instead of the door which is wooden

4 it's hard to hit the head of the zombie (sometimes)

5 FOV option is missing

6 no looting the zombies (WHY)

7 no XP for upgrading and digging (this is not realistic)

8 Forge at level 20 (WHY)

9 items like feather and seed's can slow you if placed in the black places in your inventory (WHAT?)


I suggest you get a better toaster 10-30 frames is pretty bad they should outlaw potatoes as computers.


i have this right now and the biggest differance came from upgrading my ram to 16gb i used to only have a gtx 650 boost 2gb video card and a i3 2100




this gets me stable play on higest settings some lag but barely even while i record.

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don't get me wrong but for EA some of the stuff are getting worse

1 poor performance 10~30 fps lowest settings 800x600 (USED TO PLAY AT `50~120 FPS)

2 Vultures are deadly as dogs

3 zombies too smart ignoring the spikes in the front of the door and they go hitting the side walls instead of the door which is wooden

4 it's hard to hit the head of the zombie (sometimes)

5 FOV option is missing

6 no looting the zombies (WHY)

7 no XP for upgrading and digging (this is not realistic)

8 Forge at level 20 (WHY)

9 items like feather and seed's can slow you if placed in the black places in your inventory (WHAT?)


Because its A17 :smile-new:

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Well, that's a slightly different issue, and yes, I do think zombies give a bit too much XP, and it ties in to the level gating as well. If that wasn't in, and zombie XP wasn't so high, I think the situation would be better.


But I still do think that the primary threat in the game should be, more or less, ONLY a threat, not a major source of loot, just personally.


zombies give to much xp? The grind is so painful as it is now, unless you're suggesting raising xp for other tasks?


I don't have any trouble killing the zombies... other than it takes soo long to kill them with arrows. My favorite part of the game before was killing zombies with melee weapons. Now though, I only rush in when I knock them down.


Dogs I didn't have much trouble with, The vultures, die fairly quickly, but when you have your bow out and they surprise attack, you can't just shoot a quick shot (half draw) to protect yourself, you're just getting hit since the half draw cancels the bow attack all together.


This has been the least enjoyable start for me because it is level gated so severely. If I knew how (or had the time) I'd remove perks/skills completely and just enjoy the game. Well, encumbrance and the weather system would have to go too.


and the stamina jump drain. Is there a way to lessen that? If not I'd mod that out as well.


Also it's frustrating that you can craft a bow but you can't boil an egg or cut meat and crack an egg into a pan over a fire.


Perks. are.... perks. this is a confusing and messed up skill system that is not intuitive.


Yes, people will learn I suppose.


I realize the fun pimps are transitioning it into an rpg, but it was far more fun as a survival sandbox.

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zombies give to much xp? The grind is so painful as it is now, unless you're suggesting raising xp for other tasks?


Actually, first thing I do with a new version is modify the parameters of the progression.xml file to speed up the leveling.


So, yeah, I'm certainly not advocating that Zombie XP should be unilaterally lowered, but brought more into line with other activities.

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Like everyone else that does not like the update you are trying to play 17 like itwas 16 stop..........it is a new game you never played before. Forget your old habits. Forget going straight to the city and looting. Forget a forge in the first hour of play. Also forget how bored you are by day 14 because you are set with everything you could want. That game is gone. No matter who or how many complain it is what it is. Nothing is going to change that. So as a community ban together and relearn the game. Leveling is easy. Work with a friend keep the target between you and keep hitting it with arrows. Feathers are everywhere. Deer go down one shot. Use that learn to eat off the land not out of the can. Scrap everything down instead of carrying crap around. Think about how you do things. Your inventory expands in time. Points come to you faster as you put in the EFFORT. Game is not all as hard as you make it to be. Difficulty 4 I leveled to 9 in about 3 hrs.


- - - Updated - - -


Well if people want to ruin the game by changing things that is their right. I would not expect TFP to do that for you. This team has a vision for their game and this update was carefully done. These are the changes here to stay learn to work with them it is hard if you stop looking for the fast way out of everything the game would advance. Or you can just use admin cheats and say you are a winner and not a cheater. It is a survival game so SURVIVE.

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Just for some perspective, the developers love playing at every stage of the game. They love the primitive stage and then spending time with iron tools and being weak and vulnerable and then becoming more powerful through perks, armor, weapons, and bases. The developers love the idea that unless actively defended there is a risk that a base can be breached and you have to fall back and perhaps abandon.


Nobody on the dev team rushes to try and skip "the boring early stuff" so they can get all the best things in the first week or two.


So if your play preference is to quickly progress because you can't stand the grind of the using brown stone tools for more than a day and you like to rush to the top stuff, then you are going to have mod out the level gates, and increase the xp gains, and increase the loot % from zombies, and whatever else you want to have fun because it's not so much that they are transitioning to an rpg froma survival sandbox as they are very interested in making every stage of the game they have designed signficant and something to be experienced rather than skipped.

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Just for some perspective, the developers love playing at every stage of the game. They love the primitive stage and then spending time with iron tools and being weak and vulnerable and then becoming more powerful through perks, armor, weapons, and bases. The developers love the idea that unless actively defended there is a risk that a base can be breached and you have to fall back and perhaps abandon.


Nobody on the dev team rushes to try and skip "the boring early stuff" so they can get all the best things in the first week or two.


So if your play preference is to quickly progress because you can't stand the grind of the using brown stone tools for more than a day and you like to rush to the top stuff, then you are going to have mod out the level gates, and increase the xp gains, and increase the loot % from zombies, and whatever else you want to have fun because it's not so much that they are transitioning to an rpg froma survival sandbox as they are very interested in making every stage of the game they have designed signficant and something to be experienced rather than skipped.


Couldn't agree more - even as I make a few minor mods to the files to suit myself.


I don't expect my own personal preferences to become the default settings.

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I don't expect my own personal preferences to become the default settings.


Indeed, for starters, the default setting/features must reflect the game's genre(s). A17 was a huge step towards that end. Not to mention that the whole game is based on the concept of progression and a lot of early/mid-game content was not properly exploited (still find that progression rate is a little too fast for the mid-game). But it's natural for people used to being instantly gratified to complain after such a big change.

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Is this some kind of joke release? It's now day 3 in game and I'm struggling to find water, food, anything of value to my progression of the game. I know for an absolute FACT I will be spending day 7 horde underground until they go away..... the game has become exponentially less fun with this release. Everything gated behind level, half of the skills being "meh" to say the least...

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But it's natural for people used to being instantly gratified to complain after such a big change.
It's not about being instantly gratified, at least for me. It's the part of the game that's mostly stand around and wait that I hate. Waiting on stamina regen, waiting for personal heat to decay, etc. just isn't very engaging. And no, it's not because I need action every second (I have almost 700 hours playing XCOM2) It's because standing around doing nothing isn't fun. I'm not spending that time thinking about my tactics, or contemplating what I need to do next, I'm simply waiting for a number to rise or fall.


It probably doesn't help that I don't really like hardcore survival games. If this is what the developers want, and nobody (including me) wants to make a mod that will bring the game more in line with something I consider fun, that's cool. I spent <$10 on the game and have gotten over 500 hours out of it, so I've more than gotten my money's worth. It just seems like such a massive shift from how the game was before that it was kind of unexpected.


I really wanted to try some fun base builds against the new AI, though...


(Before anyone suggests it, no, I'm not interested in creative mode. It's no fun for me to just have everything with no effort. But when I get attacked by a wolf and my first thought is "Thank god, I'll finally have something to eat now" not "Oh god, wolf, run!" we've reached a point where this isn't the sort of game for me.)

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what are you talking about I am playing 7 days to die from alpha 1 I like every update except A17 I hope they do some performance patches because is literally unplayable I can adapt to the new changes but somehow it does not feel right "this is my opinion you don't need to be rude"

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How the hell is better AI a bad thing??


Well, not to split hairs, but I do believe there is a point at which Zombie AI could be too good.


Bandits should be smart as tacks. Zombies not so much.


Now, I haven't played anywhere near enough A17 to know whether, for me, Zombies have past that point though.

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"1 poor performance 10~30 fps lowest settings 800x600 (USED TO PLAY AT `50~120 FPS)"


WHAAAAT? I have an R7 360, only lagging a bit when big hordes spawn, running the game almost on ultra (switched off a few things like motion blur that give me motion sickness....) My graphic card is a low-end card and is handling the game

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I suggest you get a better toaster 10-30 frames is pretty bad they should outlaw potatoes as computers.


This is a stupid comment. No offence to you but anyone who immediately drops to the "you must get better kit" as an answer just doesn't understand that (a) that is genuinely not a path available to some, and (b) nobody is going to spend hundreds of £/$/€ just for one game when other similar titles can run at a decent speed.


"1 poor performance 10~30 fps lowest settings 800x600 (USED TO PLAY AT `50~120 FPS)"


WHAAAAT? I have an R7 360, only lagging a bit when big hordes spawn, running the game almost on ultra (switched off a few things like motion blur that give me motion sickness....) My graphic card is a low-end card and is handling the game


FPS issues has been reported almost across the board, whether it slices a chunk of the top of your frame rate (especially in POIs or with numerous zombies) or rendering the game pretty unplayable due to lag.


I am happy for you that you seem to have a sweet spot with your computer and A17, but just a cursory glance around the forum will show that you are very much in the minority.

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but just a cursory glance around the forum will show that you are very much in the minority.


That's a bit of a leap.

You can't come to any statistical conclusion from forum posts.

People with a complaint will always have, in a free and open discourse, a louder voice than those without any complaint.

When those people are a minority, we have a name for it, 'the vocal minority'.

I do not know and neither do you, what the percentage of people with issues versus people without truly is.


I have an RX580 8G and the game runs better than A16 and looks better than A16.

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