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Dear TFP: I was wrong


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I was one of the chief naysayers, I think. I had said on more than one occasion that after FO76 released, nobody would give a ♥♥♥♥ about A17. I was salty as hell, and I wasn't the only one.


I just looked at the patch notes. Holy crap. I had no idea there would be this much content. I knew there was going to be a lot. But my most optimistic expectations were exceeded and by a lot.


Since the...cool reception....of FO76 and given these massive patch notes with REAL content, I am prepared to say it. Pending actual gameplay when the experimental drops, I will say


I was wrong. I should not have doubted. But I've been playing games for so long, and I've been burned before on other games. Makes it hard to trust devs anymore.

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I was one of the chief naysayers, I think. I had said on more than one occasion that after FO76 released, nobody would give a ♥♥♥♥ about A17. I was salty as hell, and I wasn't the only one.


I just looked at the patch notes. Holy crap. I had no idea there would be this much content. I knew there was going to be a lot. But my most optimistic expectations were exceeded and by a lot.


Since the...cool reception....of FO76 and given these massive patch notes with REAL content, I am prepared to say it. Pending actual gameplay when the experimental drops, I will say


I was wrong. I should not have doubted. But I've been playing games for so long, and I've been burned before on other games. Makes it hard to trust devs anymore.


Heh, the other day I went to buy FO76, found they won't release through Steam - fine. So I created an account on Bethesda and added FO76 to the cart. But them I thought - well, it's $60, let me read some reviews first. That was the end of that purchase. They should be criminally prosecuted for what they did to Fallout franchise ;)

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Not to mention the stellar work that they've done with Fallout 76

Might even give 7DTD some popularity, being a similar game and all, instead of taking it away.


Fo76 has to be one of my biggest disappointment for a game ever. I was so hyped to play this till I actually played it for 4 hour beta day and kinda gave up on it. But it should not be surprising really none of FO games have been very good till I modded them.

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I was one of the chief naysayers, I think. I had said on more than one occasion that after FO76 released, nobody would give a ♥♥♥♥ about A17. I was salty as hell, and I wasn't the only one.


I just looked at the patch notes. Holy crap. I had no idea there would be this much content. I knew there was going to be a lot. But my most optimistic expectations were exceeded and by a lot.


Since the...cool reception....of FO76 and given these massive patch notes with REAL content, I am prepared to say it. Pending actual gameplay when the experimental drops, I will say


I was wrong. I should not have doubted. But I've been playing games for so long, and I've been burned before on other games. Makes it hard to trust devs anymore.


I dont think its wise to admit ur wrong on the interwebz. Peoples denial on the internet is whats keeping the universe togehter, stopping it from swallowing itself into a massive black hole of guilt.


Other than that I find ur honesty refreshing, sir

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I hope 7Days can profit from Fallout's missteps. Something similar happended when Diablo Immortals announcement resulted in spikes in the sales for other ARPG's like Grim Dawn.


Funny thing about that was it was just a bad PR movie, they where working on a new Diablo for PC just did not mention it. Would saved them so much bad press.

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Great to see humility, in at least one player...


OverKill's "The Walking Dead" is another $60 POS on launch.... 6 patches and it just launched?? (good that they are patching it, bad that most of their bugs make it unplayable...)


I've seen many games and from the start, I LOVED 7D2D (A13-A14?) because of the smooth code work they have done.

Modding capabilities also drew me in deeper and seeing the quality of the code and feel of the game was a huge bonus.

MadMole is Great at keeping the game "a gamers game" and not just a Faked out AAA+ 60$ waste of money as many are these days.


Keep up the Great work TFP.

Can't wait to play tonight when we get access.



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Heh, the other day I went to buy FO76, found they won't release through Steam - fine. So I created an account on Bethesda and added FO76 to the cart. But them I thought - well, it's $60, let me read some reviews first. That was the end of that purchase. They should be criminally prosecuted for what they did to Fallout franchise ;)


Was on the fence about FO76 so I rented it for xbox thru Redox this past weekend. After 4-5hrs I was so underwhelmed that I muted the game audio so I could watch some of the A17 streams on my other screen at the same time.


After an hour of that I was so hyped by A17 gameplay that I quit FO all together and jumped into 7DTD and messed around in creative mode, trying out potential new base designs/defenses for A17.


So I think it's telling that watching OTHER PEOPLE play the new update of a "little" indie game was more entertaining to me than FO76...

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Heh, the other day I went to buy FO76, found they won't release through Steam - fine. So I created an account on Bethesda and added FO76 to the cart. But them I thought - well, it's $60, let me read some reviews first. That was the end of that purchase. They should be criminally prosecuted for what they did to Fallout franchise ;)


I played the FO76 beta, I was super hyped


After 8 hours of play I cancelled my pre-order. I have never cancelled a pre-order before. The game is an empty shell, and empty, buggy shell. You can have a sandbox game (like 7D2D) without a ton of story. You can have an engrossing RPG world with a story. If you cut the story to literally nothing without adding meaningful sandbox elements you just have an empty shell, and that's FO76


- - - Updated - - -


Great to see humility, in at least one player...


OverKill's "The Walking Dead" is another $60 POS on launch.... 6 patches and it just launched?? (good that they are patching it, bad that most of their bugs make it unplayable...)


I've seen many games and from the start, I LOVED 7D2D (A13-A14?) because of the smooth code work they have done.

Modding capabilities also drew me in deeper and seeing the quality of the code and feel of the game was a huge bonus.

MadMole is Great at keeping the game "a gamers game" and not just a Faked out AAA+ 60$ waste of money as many are these days.


Keep up the Great work TFP.

Can't wait to play tonight when we get access.




Overkill's TWD did look a bit disappointing as well. I'm going to wait and see what happens there.

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OP: Thank you.


Regarding Fallout 76:

I'll preface this by saying I'm the biggest Bethesda fan out there. I have 1000's of hours in Oblivion, Fallout 3 4 and New Vegas, and in Skyrim. I modded Oblivion and Skyrim.


When they announced FO76 I was pretty pissed that Elder Scrolls was barely in development. At best we'll see Starfield next xmas, and Elder Scrolls 6 the year after, but most likely about 3 years after Starfield ships. So From 2011 to 2020-23 for the next Elder Scrolls? I mean I was planning on playing one every 5 years minimum not every 10-12. At that pace, I get what 1-2 more elderscrolls before I'm dead if I live to be the average male? That is BS. And then to find out the reason its delayed is for more Fallout? Most likely not, as I think they subbed FO76 out to other studios mostly.


Now on to the game. First of all the graphics are literally the exact same graphics as Fallout 4. Same models, same textures, same guns, same sounds and some new stuff added. That in itself would be OK if it had been announced like New Vegas was and the quality of New Vegas. But it makes the game feel like a mod and to charge 60 for it like its a new game is BS. Its a fallout 4 professionally made mod. Now if it were actually something fun or cool, all would be forgiven or wouldn't matter.


To me the game lost its soul when the NPCs were removed and all your quests center around finding corpses. Yep he's dead. How am I supposed to get engaged with that story line? From the masters of cool story telling and compelling NPCs to amateur hour snore fest.


Then the pvp is net nanny version. This might be ok but the guy to return fire can win every time because the damage issue of the guy initiating pvp. Then there are no consequences to death, so it might as well be a little mini game virtual experience or something.


My first night playing I had to listen to some drunk guy burping and slurring. Mic is on all the time. Lame. I get it they are green to designing MP games, but really? The fact is humans are not as interesting as NPCs because they are not scripted well paid actors. We can expect them to tea bag and curse with little girl voices.


Its supposed to be a place to build, but you can't change the world. You don't even join the same server each time and when you log out your base is destroyed. Who wants to build a base every time? I know you can save it or something, but it doesn't save right if you build on a hill or whatever. You cant scrap anything. You feel like less of a part of the world than in any Bethesda game ever.


The other annoyting thing is how it feels like an MMO. Everyone ignores everyone and is doing the same thing. I had to wait 5 minutes for some guy to get off the terminal so I could finish the same quest he was doing. It just felt canned and robotic.


Perks? Just use fallout 4. I don't mind the respec part, but you get random perks instead of choosing what you want, so again no choice or consequence, instead take what you get for now then replace it later.


How to fix the game: Fallout is a nasty live by the gun die by the gun kind of world. If it were RUST in the Fallout universe, I think it would be fun. Persistent worlds, base building and raiding. Automated defenses to protect when you are offline, the works. That amount of content the game has would give Rust a serious run for its money.


Add human NPCs, at least immortal traders like we have, and allow an npc follower. Give them a random name and a few personality types and skills.


Even if it were just another Fallout 4 with a new story that you could play with a couple friends and mod, it would be glorious. Maybe the main quests have to be done forever, otherwise you can go solo and sandbox some radiant quests.


One other cool thing would be to have an NPC commander for the BOS and the Enclave, and join those factions and wage war against each other. Do little radiant quests to gain xp and feel like the world is bigger than just the two factions.


I can see a lot of ways to spin this game into a winner but they chose to not commit to anything trying not to alienate anybody and instead alienated nearly everybody. Its a bad pvp game, an annoying pve game that feels like an MMO, The story is weak. You can't build a perpetual base, there is no reason to either, the game is not dangerous. I cannot find a reason to play it. I'm playing 7 days tonight and I have 100's of hours in A17 already.

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OP: Thank you.


Regarding Fallout 76:

I'll preface this by saying I'm the biggest Bethesda fan out there. I have 1000's of hours in Oblivion, Fallout 3 4 and New Vegas, and in Skyrim. I modded Oblivion and Skyrim.


When they announced FO76 I was pretty pissed that Elder Scrolls was barely in development. At best we'll see Starfield next xmas, and Elder Scrolls 6 the year after, but most likely about 3 years after Starfield ships. So From 2011 to 2020-23 for the next Elder Scrolls? I mean I was planning on playing one every 5 years minimum not every 10-12. At that pace, I get what 1-2 more elderscrolls before I'm dead if I live to be the average male? That is BS. And then to find out the reason its delayed is for more Fallout? Most likely not, as I think they subbed FO76 out to other studios mostly.


Now on to the game. First of all the graphics are literally the exact same graphics as Fallout 4. Same models, same textures, same guns, same sounds and some new stuff added. That in itself would be OK if it had been announced like New Vegas was and the quality of New Vegas. But it makes the game feel like a mod and to charge 60 for it like its a new game is BS. Its a fallout 4 professionally made mod. Now if it were actually something fun or cool, all would be forgiven or wouldn't matter.


To me the game lost its soul when the NPCs were removed and all your quests center around finding corpses. Yep he's dead. How am I supposed to get engaged with that story line? From the masters of cool story telling and compelling NPCs to amateur hour snore fest.


Then the pvp is net nanny version. This might be ok but the guy to return fire can win every time because the damage issue of the guy initiating pvp. Then there are no consequences to death, so it might as well be a little mini game virtual experience or something.


My first night playing I had to listen to some drunk guy burping and slurring. Mic is on all the time. Lame. I get it they are green to designing MP games, but really? The fact is humans are not as interesting as NPCs because they are not scripted well paid actors. We can expect them to tea bag and curse with little girl voices.


Its supposed to be a place to build, but you can't change the world. You don't even join the same server each time and when you log out your base is destroyed. Who wants to build a base every time? I know you can save it or something, but it doesn't save right if you build on a hill or whatever. You cant scrap anything. You feel like less of a part of the world than in any Bethesda game ever.


The other annoyting thing is how it feels like an MMO. Everyone ignores everyone and is doing the same thing. I had to wait 5 minutes for some guy to get off the terminal so I could finish the same quest he was doing. It just felt canned and robotic.


Perks? Just use fallout 4. I don't mind the respec part, but you get random perks instead of choosing what you want, so again no choice or consequence, instead take what you get for now then replace it later.


How to fix the game: Fallout is a nasty live by the gun die by the gun kind of world. If it were RUST in the Fallout universe, I think it would be fun. Persistent worlds, base building and raiding. Automated defenses to protect when you are offline, the works. That amount of content the game has would give Rust a serious run for its money.


Add human NPCs, at least immortal traders like we have, and allow an npc follower. Give them a random name and a few personality types and skills.


Even if it were just another Fallout 4 with a new story that you could play with a couple friends and mod, it would be glorious. Maybe the main quests have to be done forever, otherwise you can go solo and sandbox some radiant quests.


One other cool thing would be to have an NPC commander for the BOS and the Enclave, and join those factions and wage war against each other. Do little radiant quests to gain xp and feel like the world is bigger than just the two factions.


I can see a lot of ways to spin this game into a winner but they chose to not commit to anything trying not to alienate anybody and instead alienated nearly everybody. Its a bad pvp game, an annoying pve game that feels like an MMO, The story is weak. You can't build a perpetual base, there is no reason to either, the game is not dangerous. I cannot find a reason to play it. I'm playing 7 days tonight and I have 100's of hours in A17 already.


Spot on, i thought fallout 4 was a bad game, fallout 76 is just an embarrassment.

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