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does sp use internet data?


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does single player use internet data? this just a question on my mind, and I not sure if single players games or mode use internet data.


The world you are playing is stored on your local computer, your character data too. The only internet data that might be stored in your character (at least in A17) might be your steam-id AFAIK.

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You can play it offline in SP. No problem in A16.


I don´t like the idea of data stored online for SP maybe coming A17. Not at all. It would suck big time if you need internet for SP. Usually a reason to not buy a game.


Hoping this won´t come.


What kind of 3rd world country you live for internet to be any issue?

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You can play it offline in SP. No problem in A16.


I don´t like the idea of data stored online for SP maybe coming A17. Not at all. It would suck big time if you need internet for SP. Usually a reason to not buy a game.


Hoping this won´t come.


If you are refering to the steam-id I mentioned, it is not exactly data stored online. in A17 single player mode will just be multiplayer mode with only one player in the game. Since in multiplayer you are identified by your steam-id (to make sure you are always the same character even if you log in from a different computer), this will happen in A17 even if you play single-player. But technically you are not storing something on the internet but storing internet data (your steam-id) locally. And your steam client knows your steam-id even if you play in offline-mode.


The data that is really stored on the internet is, like Damocles said, the steam statistics, like how long you played a specific game. And you can always turn on oflline mode, which allows you to play without internet. The statistics will still be eventually stored on the steam servers, but you can play offline.

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Today's games always use the net in someway even console games do. Most of the time its a small drm check, or checking for a update nothing bandwith intensive at all. Steam always uses the net even in offline mode, offline mode is just set to let you play games if you currently lack a connection, if you have one when in that mode it most likely uses the net for something. As for data amount used, its probally very small in 7dtd even if your playing on a server. Couple kbytes/second, most of it will probally be used when first connecting.


Also when you play Single player in 7dtd its still useing a server, its just a local one, your pc. Since its just you thought it doesn't bother to open a net connection at least till a17. in a17 there is no sp or mp, its all MP just that if your by yourself it'll act like the old single player game namely the ability to pause it.


Currently if you were to start a single player game and say a friend wanted to join you, you currently in a16 need to do some wizardry with the save file and other files to convert it to a multiplayer map. In a17 they can just join via your ip or something, or thru steam friends list etc.

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Today's games always use the net in someway even console games do. Most of the time its a small drm check, or checking for a update nothing bandwith intensive at all. Steam always uses the net even in offline mode, offline mode is just set to let you play games if you currently lack a connection, if you have one when in that mode it most likely uses the net for something. As for data amount used, its probally very small in 7dtd even if your playing on a server. Couple kbytes/second, most of it will probally be used when first connecting.


Also when you play Single player in 7dtd its still useing a server, its just a local one, your pc. Since its just you thought it doesn't bother to open a net connection at least till a17. in a17 there is no sp or mp, its all MP just that if your by yourself it'll act like the old single player game namely the ability to pause it.


Currently if you were to start a single player game and say a friend wanted to join you, you currently in a16 need to do some wizardry with the save file and other files to convert it to a multiplayer map. In a17 they can just join via your ip or something, or thru steam friends list etc.


Why get rid of single player? i rarely play multiplayer.

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What kind of 3rd world country you live for internet to be any issue?


I have internet most of the year. Unless we are in the cabin. Up on a mountain. With the next neighbour half an hour away. Also this isn´t a matter of 3rd world country. I sometimes also wanna play on my balcony, using the laptop. I don´t see why i have to install a cable there for an SP game....


@meganoth Well, that makes sense. But we still have pause, right?

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just tested it in a16.4 and in a17 (unplugging my cable modem to test this)... you WILL get a message about no internet and gives options to "retry" (which basically loops), "play offline" (which is grey'd out so its useless) and "quit" (being the only option that actually works).


now here is the gist... if you have internet... log into steam and then choose "Go Offline" then choose 7dtd tp play, you will get the same warning box only this time the option to play offline is usable now.


1. https://imgur.com/a/Z3nrO7P

2. https://imgur.com/a/qxpFGHU

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just tested it in a16.4 and in a17 (unplugging my cable modem to test this)... you WILL get a message about no internet and gives options to "retry" (which basically loops), "play offline" (which is grey'd out so its useless) and "quit" (being the only option that actually works).


now here is the gist... if you have internet... log into steam and then choose "Go Offline" then choose 7dtd tp play, you will get the same warning box only this time the option to play offline is usable now.


1. https://imgur.com/a/Z3nrO7P

2. https://imgur.com/a/qxpFGHU


Thank you for confirming that.


Also thank you for confirming my suspicions that all QA testers are Digital Humans.

[Your Avatar is a dead giveaway.]

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What kind of 3rd world country you live for internet to be any issue?


Heh, North Dallas area here, I'm surrounded by high-end fiber. All it takes is a semi-trained Frontier tech with fat fingers. Your personal data line gets bent just a touch too far, you loose your connection and the first appointment window is in four days. Happened twice this year so far. Needless to say, I prefer to have one or two offline games just in case ;)

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I have internet most of the year. Unless we are in the cabin. Up on a mountain. With the next neighbour half an hour away. Also this isn´t a matter of 3rd world country. I sometimes also wanna play on my balcony, using the laptop. I don´t see why i have to install a cable there for an SP game....


@meganoth Well, that makes sense. But we still have pause, right?


Yes. TFP said that as long as only one player is in the game, pause works. As far as I can see, nobody just playing the game will really notice a difference to A16.


Too bad steam offline mode doesn't really work as intended (thanks UnholyJoe for the tests), but maybe TFP can fix this eventually.

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What kind of 3rd world country you live for internet to be any issue?


I had this issue in Afghanistan. We would download games at the morale tent, only to discover the games needed internet when returning to our barracks. Super frustrating.

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