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Spawnrate menu


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Yeah I mean we used to have like 20-30 wandering zombies in an area now there are 20-30 sleepers and maybe 1 or 2 wandering zombies.


Don't get me wrong I LOVE sleepers. Just not *that* much. Having a combination like 50/50 would be perfect because you'd be too distracted by the walkers to notice the sleepers. As it is right now usually I just sneak around and one-shot every sleeper and well...

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So it´s less choices for us players now. Always a bad idea. And replaced? That´s not replacing, that´s dumbing down.


i could understand taking it out for getting better backfeed for balancing the game at default settings and reintroducing it later again. But this...


Also i didn´t feel there is more zombies the further i progress. Just different ones. Been a while since i played tough.


Why can´t we have gamestage and percentage? Why take away settings that can give you different experiences with the game, aka people getting bored earlier?


And don´t get me with, too many options will confuse people. Just make a seperate menu with more options if you really fear people could be confused.

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just keep putting sub-menus in the menus for more advanced concepts.


"menu" "advanced menu" "slightly more advanced menu" "even more advanced menu" "very advanced menu" "this menu is distinctly distinct from editing xml because it is a menu menu"

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just keep putting sub-menus in the menus for more advanced concepts.


"menu" "advanced menu" "slightly more advanced menu" "even more advanced menu" "very advanced menu" "this menu is distinctly distinct from editing xml because it is a menu menu"


Dude, in only said that due to someone from TFP telling that to many options will confuse players like ages ago in some topic (forgot what it was about tbh).

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  • 2 weeks later...
So it´s less choices for us players now. Always a bad idea. And replaced? That´s not replacing, that´s dumbing down.


i could understand taking it out for getting better backfeed for balancing the game at default settings and reintroducing it later again. But this...


Also i didn´t feel there is more zombies the further i progress. Just different ones. Been a while since i played tough.


Why can´t we have gamestage and percentage? Why take away settings that can give you different experiences with the game, aka people getting bored earlier?


And don´t get me with, too many options will confuse people. Just make a seperate menu with more options if you really fear people could be confused.


Too many options don’t confuse people. Too many options muddy the waters. The developers want to test and balance game stages. Right now during the development phase you bet there are restrictions on player choices. Madmole has already said they plan to give back many options after the game goes gold. But for now they are doing what they need to test. They aren’t putting things in to benefit us having a finished game play experience. They are putting things in to benefit their development of the game and that means forcing default settings in some instances.


You signed up to be a part of this process. Making demands that the developers treat this like a finished product like you want it to be isn’t going to be effective. If you don’t have the patience or are worried you’ll burn out before the end when all the refinements and options are put in...take a break.

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Nothing is final until it is final. Giving feedback on how you think gamestages could be improved is welcome. I, too, would love a spawn rate slider.


Is saying that I wish gamestages would go away (outside of perhaps horde nights) and be replaced by areas that are more or less dangerous helpful?

Preferably adjusted via a spawn rate slider... :-)


I do nonetheless greatly appreciate the explanation for why the slider went away. I can and have modified the XML, but I do miss that slider and look forward to hopefully having it back.

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I am not very fond of the idea of areas. The beauty of this game is that you can go everywhere whenever you like and basically do what you want.


Different areas would be another measure that takes away choices. This is finally a game with as less borders as possible. Let´s not take that away.


It would basically be a level system like you have it in linear games. Been there, done that in a bazillion of games.

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I am not very fond of the idea of areas. The beauty of this game is that you can go everywhere whenever you like and basically do what you want.


Different areas would be another measure that takes away choices. This is finally a game with as less borders as possible. Let´s not take that away.


It would basically be a level system like you have it in linear games. Been there, done that in a bazillion of games.


I think this comes down to a personal vision for what a sandbox game could or should be in principle. With the possible exception of the wasteland biome and the top levels of a few sky-scraping POI, there is virtually nothing off-limits to a Day 1 survivor in the vanilla game. While this may leave things very open, it ultimately means for practical survival concerns there is little reason not to immediately hunt down a city in RWG and spend 99+% of your time constructing and looting buildings with little concern as to their inhabitants. I'm hoping at some point in the future TFP shores things up a bit to include the feeling of soft-gated difficulty by doing something along the lines of

1) Restricting useful POI to certain biomes and providing those biomes with a zombie difficulty bump.

2) Simply buffing the encounter tables for useful POI.


These are already in effect to an extent for the aforementioned skyscrapers and wasteland biome -- but there is really nothing special about the loot at said locations.

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Agree with BloodDeacon, it's just too homogenous at the moment. Everything is everywhere always, nothing has any value, except brass, solar cells and the 3 or 4 "progession" items you want to get your hands on and half of those you find conveniently placed for free use during day time in the traders. Find a nice spot close to trader and town and dig one hole and you pretty much have it all. The incentive to travel and try to find rare places was rather low for me this season overall. Quest system might change that up a bit hopefully and send you on some journeys. Even if it's just likely a simple fetchquest.


Wasteland and burnt should be top hazard zones and contain the harder locations with the better lewts. And I don't think that would heavily restrict other more laid-back playstyles especially if the trader option to obtain said lewts is kept open in a reasonable way.

Oh and yeah: Bring back Hub City or a similar concept of "urban biomes" deviating from the standard random town with their own set POIs full of hazards, enemies and exclusive items.



Different areas would be another measure that takes away choices. This is finally a game with as less borders as possible. Let´s not take that away.


It would basically be a level system like you have it in linear games. Been there, done that in a bazillion of games.


Idk, I think this is somewhat different as we're talking randomly generated maps here, not perfectly designed single player campaigns. (excluding Navezgane on purpose) The only restrictions introduced with the areas concept is varying difficulty of single POI within the areas. I see nothing wrong with that. It's not going to be linear at all, we're not advocating for stuff like invisible walls, or some guard on a bridge instictively knowing you're still not level 50 and he therefore can't let you pass.

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Sure. Others have voiced a preference for area based difficulty as well.


I think a "POI Density check" per region would be a great way to increase the wandering zombies and realism.

like 0-1 =normal 1-2... 1-5 POI = normal +3... 6-10 = Normal +5... 10-20 = Normal +7... 20+ =normal +8 at a time...etc...


Because in a large city you would see more zombies than an empty biome... Cities and towns would become a challenge...



Imagine having 10-20 zombies walking around in your line of sight in the streets of your city vs the now 1-2...

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