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Mad Mole MIA


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This typically means it's nose to the grindstone time. They're working hellacious hours to get bugs squashed so they can release. No free time for screwing around.


Don't do it Joel, you're too important for that amount of effort. Get your nose off the grindstone before you injure your mountain-man beard and strain your C# skills. Just acquire some minions, make them do all the tedious grunt work and make a YouTube video showing them jumping through hoops as you sit back with a cold beer and a Sham Sandwich.

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Don't do it Joel, you're too important for that amount of effort. Get your nose off the grindstone before you injure your mountain-man beard and strain your C# skills. Just acquire some minions, make them do all the tedious grunt work and make a YouTube video showing them jumping through hoops as you sit back with a cold beer and a Sham Sandwich.


LOL exactly! ;)

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Yeah I'm betting they're all a little burned out by now.


Deadlines for Alphas are never a good idea.


As much as I really want to see A17, another extra month won't kill us.

We'll be on life support and whining like dogs but..... we'll live. :Cry:


Smooshing bugs is worth a little wait. [Emphasis on little]


Don't push too hard Joel.

Beard-Strain is a real and ever present danger.









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I would agree that an update video would be nice since we been wishing for a17 on every Monday and now it’s rumored to be released in September. It would relieve some expectancy.


But I have not idea how much time madmole has avalible to make a video. So I do not demand for a video so that we don’t pressure any of the fun pimps any more than they are.

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All I can say about this matter is that it's not fair. To either to customers and to themselves.



1. If the new unity caused so many bugs they have a 3-4 month delay. So september // december release.

- Why not say so. But then a lot of the hype and attention dies till that date is reached. Forum numbers would collapse till weeks before release.


2. It would be insane to work day n night to still reach that release goal of august, if there's just a gazillion new bugs or graphic stuff to fix. Take a holiday, have a beer. We can wait.


I just wish they'd communicated differently. Cause in the end this will only cause burn outs and irritated players.



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How many AAA games are released with no bugs? I mean it's one thing if there are constant persistent, game-breaking bugs or CTD's, but the game is still in Alpha so it's understandably not going to be perfect. I hope they get to the point where it's good enough pretty soon.


Consider the Diablo III launch fail, or the years it took No Man's Sky to finally get most of the features the game was supposed to have at release. Most of us aren't expecting a "perfect" finished game right now and also don't want to wait until 2019 for the next Alpha version.

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I'm not really in a rush for the update. I'm hoping that the longer they take, the more features make it in. Mad Mole videos on the other hand, satisfy my 7 Days craving for about 2 weeks at a time depending on the video.


Yeah even a video just giving us an update on the process.


Let us know how the last leg of A17 is going.





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I'm sure they are not rushing. I mean, it's been 14 months since A16E was released.. I don't think that equals rushing A17.

Some info would be nice. And if there's a video, here's to hoping it's not another one showing the Jeep, showing Perishton, and showing another POI :)

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I'm sure they are not rushing. I mean, it's been 14 months since A16E was released.. I don't think that equals rushing A17.


I see what you're saying but all relative isn't it?


"I'm sure they're not rushing building that Great Pyramid... I mean.... It's been how many years now?"


It all depends on the size and difficulty of the task.


I think people forget there was a major update to the Unity engine in there as well and that slows things down for a time.

Only they know what other difficulties they ran into during this build.





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I see what you're saying but all relative isn't it?


"I'm sure they're not rushing building that Great Pyramid... I mean.... It's been how many years now?"


It all depends on the size and difficulty of the task.


I think people forget there was a major update to the Unity engine in there as well and that slows things down for a time.

Only they know what other difficulties they ran into during this build.


The perspective and nuance that you just gave is getting dangerously close to "white knighting," so be careful. *eye roll*

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The perspective and nuance that you just gave is getting dangerously close to "white knighting," so be careful. *eye roll*


I'm not sure what you mean by him "White knighting", but I also would rather wait as long as it takes to get the npcs and settlements in. I don't want to rush them in the slightest because after npcs get in really all that's left is animal taming if they do it and hopefully fishing/boats. After the npcs my next biggest concern for me personally would be the fishing, then small boats.

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I'm not sure what you mean by him "White knighting"


It's what trolls accuse people of doing whenever they defend somebody (in this case, TFP). My point is that Lucky posted good reasons for a delay, but the trolls would call it a defense. Sense pretty much is out the window for them.


I wonder what the opposite of "white knighting" would be. "Black skullduggers"? I wouldn't mind responding to trolls with "that's enough of your black skullduggery."

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For a nice recent example...

White knights like you are what are wrong with gaming communities. I've seen game after game fall prey to a lack of feedback early in the dev process, and the culprit time after time was that the dev team surrounded themselves with sycophants and yes men who saw no evil and spoke no evil.
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Don't do it Joel, you're too important for that amount of effort. Get your nose off the grindstone before you injure your mountain-man beard and strain your C# skills. Just acquire some minions, make them do all the tedious grunt work and make a YouTube video showing them jumping through hoops as you sit back with a cold beer and a Sham Sandwich.


I don't think Joel does any programming, just artwork, FWIW.

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I know Joel and he will NEVER put out a video if the game is ugly and until they get the shaders fixed it is ugly. Right now the sky is messed up, many of the entities and blocks look like plastic, and many textures are off. It is just a visual thing. The game plays fine but unless it is pretty, he will not show it. That is the reason for the famine of videos.

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