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A change to to Bedroll and Land claim block

Garit Jax

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Btw you can edit the bedroll range by yourself if i remember right.

But be carefull, 40 would mean that you cover more than a range of 60 (if you stand on one border) and so far i remember all above 60 can lead to problems because thats the minimum range Zombies appear ingame (so far i remember my test)


Yep. Op even mentions he already did so, so really there is no reason to try do this as it's already available via modding. Just change one number and you can protect a large poi If you want.


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The far simpler solution and one that actually might be able to be implemented would be to just add the bed roll protection radius as a server option when creating the game and default it to 15

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Again, you've already modified your sleeping bag to do so. So all you need to do is dig a block out on bottom floor,put sleeping bag down and cover it.

Again, there are drawbacks duo to the shape of the protection zones:



If you can already do it then this enhancement request is dead as it's already in the game.

And that's why there shouldn't be a better, more convenient way? Never suggest improvements for existing systems or what's your stance?

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Again, there are drawbacks duo to the shape of the protection zones:




And that's why there shouldn't be a better, more convenient way? Never suggest improvements for existing systems or what's your stance?


What drawbacks?


OP even says it extends from bedrock to Max size and out in every direction as a square. That sounds like perfect coverage.


Also in this case we've been told there is not a better or convenient way of doing it and it would be a major change all to do something that is already available by changing a single number once in a config file.


So the developers could rewrite the entire system (which I'd bet is being designed to work with bandits, npc settlements, etc ) and upset people who don't want it changed, or people who want it changed can change a single number in a file once and have it exactly the way they want.


I'm not sure about you but I know which of those two is the better and more convenient way.......


As I previously said what makes far more sense is leaving the claim blocks alone and just adding a server option to specify how many blocks a bedroll provides protection.

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Sorry brian in this case your point is not valid.


Nobody ask for a "easy button"


And it is (So far i remember) not possible with a XML only Mod to make Claimstones blocking Zombie Spawns.


You try to argument by

"Dont try to make the DEVS implementing something we dont want"

but forget the same time that the current situation is

"We can not mod it a way we want it"


Means we have

Group A is happy

Group B can not


and we want

Group A can ignore the Feature

Group B is happy or at least can mod it

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Sorry brian in this case your point is not valid.


Nobody ask for a "easy button"


And it is (So far i remember) not possible with a XML only Mod to make Claimstones blocking Zombie Spawns.


You try to argument by

"Dont try to make the DEVS implementing something we dont want"

but forget the same time that the current situation is

"We can not mod it a way we want it"


Means we have

Group A is happy

Group B can not


and we want

Group A can ignore the Feature

Group B is happy or at least can mod it


I never said to modify claim blocks. I said to modify the sleeping bag which is possible AND the OP has said he has already modified it to do what he wants.


So currently anyone can modify it to do what OP wants by modifying the sleeping bag.


So right now we have Group A who can mod it in as OP has done and Group B who is already happy.

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Yep. Op even mentions he already did so, so really there is no reason to try do this as it's already available via modding. Just change one number and you can protect a large poi If you want.


- - - Updated - - -


The far simpler solution and one that actually might be able to be implemented would be to just add the bed roll protection radius as a server option when creating the game and default it to 15


As Royal De has said there are problems with just messing around with the size of the Dead Zone of the Bedroll in the Config file.

And Pille is also right when it comes to the shape of the Zone as well, and YES it's sort of already in the game but to have it tweaked by TFP Pro's is another matter indeed.


As for your idea to add it to the server as an Op... yes that would also be an idea BUT you would STILL have the same problems with size, zombie range spawning and shape of the zone.

If you make the zone to large it can mess with the zombies spawning outside of the zone.

This my friends needs the hands of the Masters. :p

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OP even says it extends from bedrock to Max size and out in every direction as a square. That sounds like perfect coverage.


Yepp, and this is wrong or outdated (only true for A15 and older alphas). I've added the link for a reason.

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Yepp, and this is wrong or outdated (only true for A15 and older alphas). I've added the link for a reason.


Brian please read and understand

Since A16 its no more from Bedrock to sky, and more


Follow the link


Point is that you can set the range of a sleeping bag to any range you will NEVER be able to Protect a scyscrapper, and you will never be able to protect ANY POI in a multiplayer game


And undertsand me right, i build my Buildings from scratch and for me its fine.

But it would be great to play as Nomad and be able to seal a POI and know that there will spawn no Ninja Zombies inside.

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You could make the claim blocks a reward for quests or tie them to the perk system. There is no urgent reason why the claim blocks have to be craftable. There are other ways to make them available to the player. A hardcoded limit wouldn't be necessary.

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It's a moot point as the thread wasn't even about changing the way the protection works. It was about moving the protection from sleeping bags to lcb. So if you want to change the protection functionality that's a whole nother issue all together.


Again it boils down to



No it cannot be done at present. If you want to change and standardize how the protection works I'm all for that.


However the OP's suggestion of moving protection to lcb and to completely changed how they function, limit how many you can craft etc would be a MASSIVE rewrite of the game code and would effect a lot of things.


The true idea was to make an item that had a Dead Zone to stop sleepers respawning inside an already cleared and walled up base.... i only picked the Land Claim block because it's job is to protect your base from pvp players and it has no job at all in a single player game but we get it anyway (Apart from scraping it and using the iron to make your first reinforced club to bash Z's heads in that is).


The focus of the idea was not ment to be on changing the LC block i just put that in so a new block would not have to be added.

Hell add in smell deterrent if that works for ya.... as far as i know this sort of thing was talked about at the start of the Kickstarter.


Also did say if you have addon idea's pls post them.

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Its a simple thing

I know that most of the people i spoke to would like a way to make POI´s really safe against spawns inside the walls.

And most of them had bases of more than 60x60 outer walls.


* This should be balanced

* This can be expensive

* Nobody care if it is done with a Sleeping bag or a Block, or even a NPC that guards the place. Even as Mapmarker it would be fine.


The reason why we all speak about the claimstones is because there is allready a system intregrated that could be used and would need only additional features

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It might be possible to "claim" a POI in it's entirety because those bounds are known even after placement. (in A17)


However, would it be okay for one bedroll to cover a skyscraper or hospital sized area...?

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It might be possible to "claim" a POI in it's entirety because those bounds are known even after placement. (in A17)


However, would it be okay for one bedroll to cover a skyscraper or hospital sized area...?


Was just thinking it would be ok if it could be done. If I wanted to play a SP game where I take over a skyscraper and repair and refurnish it as my base that would be awesome. Gamida Towers....has a nice ring to it.

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However, would it be okay for one bedroll to cover a skyscraper or hospital sized area...?


Most people i spoke too answered this with a clear yes.

My personal meaning counts not so much on this topic, because i prefer a more realistic approach. Means i prefer to have a small underground base (i would like to claim instead of Build it by myself)


But finally i would join the yes faction.

When you claim a huge scyscrapper in real and you close all entrys there would be simply no Zombie inside if you searched decent and the Defense has no hole.

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It might be possible to "claim" a POI in it's entirety because those bounds are known even after placement. (in A17)


However, would it be okay for one bedroll to cover a skyscraper or hospital sized area...?


Imo yes. The bedroll is just a tool allowing to help the game to spawn the zombies in a reasonable way. Threats should come from outside.

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And btw.


Where is under the aspect of balance the Benefit to have a huge Base ?

It Costs more Ressources

It Cost more Invested time

You have more outer wall you need to protect

PVPlayer see you base easyer


There are 3 things that could be a benefit, and all 3 would be balanced a other way

* Endless Loot without Zombies = No Respawn

* Larger fields with crops = Crps need a rebalance so or so

* ....


forget the third if there was ever one

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It might be possible to "claim" a POI in it's entirety because those bounds are known even after placement. (in A17)


However, would it be okay for one bedroll to cover a skyscraper or hospital sized area...?


In a word Yes.... as i have said a lot of players like the idea of trying to do things from books/tv or movies...

Take movies 1978 Dawn of the dead and the 2004 remake, they take over a shopping mall - Day of the dead - underground army base, land of the dead - a skyscraper and part of a city ect... Now look at TV The walking dead - Farm, Prison, Town, Factory, Hospital ect.


Most zombie movies have some sort of base they take over and most of them are large POIs.


But this is not about laying claim to very large parts of the map... this is about finding a building, clearing it out 100% room by room, floor by floor, locking the place down and having a safe place to upgrade with workshops and stuff. Now i know TFPs don't really want players to be totally safe (and that's what the 7 day horde nights are for) but gamers evolve/adapt to games and do things Dev's did not see coming.


I just think if players claim a POI, do a full sweep and clear and then lock down the place there should not be any zombies spawning in the place unless they get in from the outside. Zombies/Sleepers that just pop up out of thin air breaks the immersion of the game for me and others.


And as you said "It might be possible to "claim" a POI in it's entirety because those bounds are known even after placement. (in A17)" which would be great, so if a new item could be added and not use the LC block that would do.


Remember this is just an idea, i'm not saying TFPs HAVE to do this... i just think it would make the game a bit better if it was.

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If LCB's and Bedrolls worked vertically from 0 to 255, then it would solve the problem, no? It would be cool if the sleeper volumes self deleted if two conditions have been met:


Fired at least once

Bedroll/LCB present


...really, the ideal solution would be to make sleepers a one shot overall, and just increase the wandering hordes and have THEM walk to sleeper volumes and "sleep", thus re-initializing the volumes... that way, if the wanderings couldn't get in, they couldn't magically occupy.

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Now THAT good sir is a great idea...

Having zombies wander into town and take up sleeper locations that have been cleared of them makes total sense to me and if they cannot get into a cleared and locked down building would fit 100%.


Guppycur i doff my cap to you. ;)

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