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CSMM - Cloud hosted server manager


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  • 3 weeks later...
I looked through all the pages and didn't see this question but, when you self host do you still need to do the donor plan thing to access the extended features?


Nope. Selfhosting is only stressing your own hardware/infrastructure. So all is available without contributing.



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A few days ago, someone requested a way for players to exchange their ingame currency into CSMM currency. That is not really supported by CSMM but Prisma had an idea on how to do it with a CSMM hook! After some regex magic and testing, we had the feature done. Looking back at it, I thought it was an excellent example on how to compose several CSMM & CPM features together to create a new, unique and powerful feature.


I explain how we built this feature here:



Hope you enjoy :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I never thought I would ever do this ... but:


I strongly advise against using CPM!


As for why:

  • I haven't checked in detail, but while I don't think it actually violates any license basing your whole work on a lot of other open source code and then saying "you may not even look at mine" (not even talking about reusing / modifying here) is an ass move
  • The code is highly based on other peoples work. So far I know of at least Coppi's mod and mine, parts of it just copied 100%. Not even mentioning it.
  • It's closed source and furthermore even obfuscated binary
    • negatively impacting performance
    • even worse it makes it hard to verify what it is doing. Remember that any code you load into your game can do anything on the system within the limits of the user permissions the game runs on
    • even obfuscated all third party code it heavily relies on (like the whole LiteDB, Harmony, Coppi's and my code)

    [*]It's not an encouraging behaviour for a modding *community*

As I said, (probably) nothing "illegal", just something that I don't like to see happening in our community and something I would be very worried about as a server admin.

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I totally agree with these points:


1. If you load obfuscated code you are functionally handing over control to your local machine to someone you don't know. At any point that person or someone who gains control of their system can leverage your blind trust to do you harm. If the code was reviewable, this community at least could check it periodically for potentially dangerous code. As it is that wont happen. Be warned.


2. Using other folks code without crediting them or obtaining their permission shows everyone you are not part of this sharing community. It's a dick move. Stop.


I hope these issues are addressed and changed, otherwise this mod should be removed from these forums for the safety and integrity of the community.

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It has allways been stated that cpm is a fork of coppi's mod (i was the one maintaining coppi's mod for a year, after Danilo abandonded it because he became a father and had no time anymore. With his permission and also permission to continue under another name). It is still on the intro on the website where cpm can be downloaded. So many new unique features were added that no other api mod has since then its not even close to coppi's anymore by any means. For encrypting the dll i have my own personal reasons, none of them being harmfull or bad intentions. That will not change. I dont know where this is coming from all of a sudden, but it doesnt take much for me to quit using this forum for update notifications. That stops now. This thread is CSMM only again starting right now. Have a nice life.



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With respect to all, there are a lot of considerations of both sides here. I can appreciate the developer looking out for the interests of its paying customers by advising against anything that is hidden or suspicious. But those words carry some dangerously heavy weight, too. The modding communities, bot developers, etc. are very important to the developers and the broader community. If it becomes a back and forth like this (as I have seen in other games) it will kill the game off. Communities run the servers and promote the game. They offer ideas and are the catalyst to evolution. I really hope Prisma doesn't walk away from this project (and the community who GREATLY appreciates his work). That would be a loss to everyone. Including the developers. My 2c.

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I am disgusted with what I see and the turn it has taken.


Your accusations are false. On the site it is written that it is made from Coppi mod.

The performances are the same with or without CPM, ie bad.

Do you really think he has bad intentions when hiding his code?


Seriously, I have been defending TFP from the start but it is getting more and more difficult.


You say :

"It's not an encouraging behavior for a modding * community *"


This modder works FREE for a whole community of admins for whom the management of a server is highly improved because the game does not have these functionalities.


The ass moove is not where you think it is.

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Your accusations are false.

When giving such a statement you should at least make sure that's correct.



On the site it is written that it is made from Coppi mod.

Never claimed it was not, but I suppose the line you're referring to can be interpreted that way:

The code is highly based on other peoples work. So far I know of at least Coppi's mod and mine, parts of it just copied 100%. Not even mentioning it.

That highlighted part was basically going together, didn't think about that when I was writing that line. The fact that it's based on Coppi's was from the web site, as I don't know Coppi's mod by heart. Only thing I was trying to make the statement about 100% copy and no mention was mine, because I know that code and have seen it being used in there.


That whole point is still mostly a follow up on the first one:

I haven't checked in detail, but while I don't think it actually violates any license basing your whole work on a lot of other open source code and then saying "you may not even look at mine" (not even talking about reusing / modifying here) is an ass move

The thing is: You get a lot from the community, not only in knowledge, but also in actual work spent, and then you just take that but all your stuff is then suddenly so much more worth than anything else done so far (including the base game btw...) that no one is allowed to even look at it? If every modder here was this protective of his own work there would be nothing at all because everyone would have to start from scratch as there's no information to learn with. That's my major gripe with that "I am allowed to completely copy stuff but others might not even take a look for ideas or anything" attitude.




The performances are the same with or without CPM, ie bad.

The performance of the vanilla code isn't impacted of course, but running obfuscated code is still unnecessarily slower, so any place where vanilla code executes part of the mod is slower. Was just giving one of the reasons obfuscation is bad practice here.




Do you really think he has bad intentions when hiding his code?

Well, as you said yourself, there's no payment involved in this mod. So not a commercial product. So what reasons could he have (even more so even stating he won't even disclose the reasons)? Of course it could just be the above mentioned attitude of not wanting others to learn anything from his code, could also just be to hide the fact how much is copied (not saying it is a lot, just saying it could be a motivation!), but as well could be bad intentions. The thing is: No one can know if there's anything bad without quite some work involved reading through that obfuscated code. And that's what I was warning about: Running obfuscated code on your servers, where it's *very* unlikely anyone checked what it does.




This modder works FREE for a whole community of admins for whom the management of a server is highly improved because the game does not have these functionalities.

There's a lot of others who do the same, also for free. Never seen anyone hide what they do though.




Actually one outcome of this thing I can take away for me is that I'll see if we enforce a rule about not allowing obfuscated code to be advertised/shared on this forum or workshop later on at all ...


Also, if there's more you want to say, please make a thread for it, we captured Catalysm's thread for long enough now. Feel free to @mention me if you do make a thread and actually want me to read it.

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Hello. i am someone that has 17000+ hours in the game + years of experience of running one of the most populated servers around. During this time i have seen over 35000 players come through our server and i know this for sure: This forum post disgust me do to the fact cpm has made it managable to even run a server in this bugged filled game. Without the work this coder has done to improve the game it wouldnt have lasted this long on the pvp side. Without a doubt he is one of the best modders / coders in the game i know and someone i have followed over the years. Never has he been dishonest or anything to that effect to me and he always has gone out of his way to help anyone make this a better place to play. This guy should be on TFP payroll. Its a shame and a great loss to the community if he leaves.

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I must say that Prisma did a lot of work to make server maintenance and servicing nice and easy. He spent a ton of his private time just to hear this in the end, Alloc? TFP cant even add a part of these server manager tools that Prisma done. Pure vanila server is vulnerable to cheaters and impossible to implement any features like special zones, some unique commands and etc. He is a realy good coder and his job must be appreciated in a good way, not by public throwing weird stuff on fan. Honestly I dont care why his code is obfuscated just because it implements a lot of things. I would rather want to see Prisma in a dev team than to read that your message @Alloc . Prisma did not ask any $ for his work, any donations were free.

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Plus, it's modding. Should be community driven. When did this all become a competition? *Why* is it a competition? Makes no sense.

I do not know the context of this comment as far as the posting but in other things In life this is a great way of looking at things. Competition between friends can only lead to anger and jealousy and it is just unnecessary. Bob painted five paintings but Billy only painted one, now Billy hates Bob, but at least Billy did not do this or that, right.


Sorry for commenting out of context of the post but I love what you said here. You are a wise man Guppycur.

Edited by bobrpggamer (see edit history)
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I don't say much in this forums, I am here because I was looking to see an update to cpm and to my surprise the site was down so came here to see why and I see these allegations.I'm not into drama ♥♥♥♥ so i will just put my experience with the mod instead.To start I have to say csmm is a wonderful server manager and cpm for me compliments it well.First thing that got my attention was the more robust map cpm has and the ability to make zone right from there.Before I even downloaded it and put it on my server it was to my understanding that 1.) coppi no longer develops his mod and 2.) that cpm is a fork/continuation or very least cpm was inspired by coppi .As a person who is familiar with source code and development I can say there are various reasons why code can be closed off but we all must not jump to conclusion that it for malicious reasons.I have not seen or experienced any issue running cpm on my server tho it relatively small as it just me and my family that play and have fun.I do hope to see a revival of it which seems unlikely and I don't blame the creator (Prism) if he is not motivated to do so.

Lastly I like to give a big thank you to csmm and cpm developers for their contribution to this community to enhance our fun to this game we all love.

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  • 2 months later...

Forgot to post here yesterday but CSMM is working for A19! Make sure you grab the patch for Allocs fixes (I posted it in the announcements channel on Discord but I'm sure it's floating around in other places aswell). You will need this unofficial patch until a new update for the official fixes comes out

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