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Giant worm tunnels?


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So I was disassembling a car, parked behind some kind of factory, in their parking lot. When I wrenched the last bit of HP from it, the car disappeared as normal, but the parking lot collapsed underneath me! A hole a little larger than the entire car just fell into the ground, dropping me before I could do anything.


I fell into a giant, mostly circular tunnel stretching off into the distance under the factory. Since I had a broken leg from the fall, I splinted up and then flipped on my NVGs, then snuck down the tunnel to see what I would find. It ended up being just a long, mostly horizontal tunnel, big enough for a subway car to pass through - it looks exactly like a giant worm came through and tunneled it out. It ended under an intersection on the far side of the factory, and there was no loot or zombies inside of it, though there were a couple of exposed iron ore spots that I plan to exploit later.


Is this something totally random, or should I be paranoid about wrenching cars down for scrap, from now on?

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video or screen shots or it didnt happen. no body will believe it if you dont. :)

we do not have pre-made tunnels as described <this is meant as a teasing... hey let me see some pics and not as a smart remark>


seriously tho, sounds nice but suspicious too. type of game sp or mp dedi or p2p, rwg or navezgane , how many people on at time and mods. :) <this is asking about circumstances so i can try to see same thing because i dont on my regular game server>


seed name and coords to see if anybody else gets same results. <self explanatory>


oh btw, i am not treating this as a bug report because its in wrong place so i figured you are sharing this moment with us and thanks. <which i am stating, you didnt post this in bug report section so i wasnt gonna treat it as i do bug reports... did not saying anything was wrong and i wanted to hear more>

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Sounds like the car's providing just enough SI to keep things together. The tunnel sounds like the tunnels we see all over the place. Sometimes they're generated a bit above ground level leaving weird "trenches" which will have stalagmites here and there.




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Yes, this is not even all that unusual. Those "worm tunnels" are just the way that caves spawn now in RGW. Sometimes you'll even see ones that spawn too close to the surface so they just look like a long trench or scar across the landscape.


The other component here is that for whatever reason, wrenching a car to death damages the terrain underneath it. Take a look whenever you're about to give a car that last whack and you'll see the ground deform.


Put these things together and it explains what happened to you: there was a cave spawned only one block from the surface, you inadvertently destroyed one of those blocks by wrenching the car, screwed the SI calculation and created a cave in.

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Thanks OP for clearly telling / explaining your story! I love exciting things when they happen like this :D I've seen this plenty of times - It's just an odd cave that lead to a nice surprise.







He certainly did not deserve the pointed asshattery you threw at him. I've noticed ever since your name turned light blue you've gained an imperious attitude along with it. While I don't think you're actually like that all the time nor do I dislike you - there are times it does comes through.


Anyway, not trying to start a huge thing. Much love - Goodnight.


I'm not deleting this because I think it's intended as constructive criticism. However, you've made your point now and further discussion in this thread will be removed as off topic. - Moderator


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https://imgur.com/Dxt3dzM This is an aerial view of it. I switched to debug mode to get pics of it.


https://imgur.com/N7hyIS3 This is the ground level view, where the yellow sedan used to be, and where the ground fell in.


https://imgur.com/qU67h1C Jumping down into the tunnel and looking down it from where the car fell in.


https://imgur.com/W9ZinHj This is about 1/3 of the way down the tunnel, under the factory. You can see the iron deposits.


https://imgur.com/qMT3qAi The far end of the tunnel, which started to angle up towards the surface, then stops.


https://imgur.com/T3Y9cA7 The map view, showing where I ended up at the end of the tunnel. You can see the hole in the parking lot to the SE of the factory.


The seed is "zombie", the map coords are in the last pic linked above.

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Yeah, this looks like a normal RWG cave. It's maybe a little narrow, and normally you have stalagmites & mushrooms on the ground, and I thought they didn't go under PoIs... but other than those oddities, this is expected.


There is a lot more 'random zombie damage' in this version of the game than I remember. I used to see zombies clawing through a big boulder because of stubborn rage, but I've noticed it all over the place lately. Concrete walls of the military base, buildings here and there, it's like they wake up and destroy stuff, then vanish, even while I'm nowhere near the place.


I thought maybe a wandering horde spawned under ground, then walked/chewed their way along until time expired or something and they despawned. No moss or stalagmites in the tunnel had me sure it was going to be full of zeds or one of Frank Herbert's sandworms.

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