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Darkness Falls: They mostly come out at night...


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My own mod fails to find the following XML entries when applied after DF:

  • <item name="drinkJarGrandpasForgettingElixir">
  • lootcontainer1, lootcontainer2 ...,  eg <lootcontainer id="1" with xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[starts-with(@id, '1')]"
  • <entitygroup name="ZombieBurntGroup">, eg xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombieBurntGroup']


Please, could someone give me a hint on what these become in DF ?

Thanks a lot !

Edited by Umbrella (see edit history)
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Loot container ID numbers were REMOVED as TFP have said they are not needed and this is intended from A21.

Forgetting Elixir has been removed.

Let me make this absolutely clear.

THIS IS AN OVERHAUL. It's not designed for you to yeet modlets at. If you want your mod to work, get digging in the XML.

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Thanks a lot KhaineGB for the clarification, and taking the time to write the high level answer. That's all I wanted to know.

I am not designing anything dedicated to, or on top of DarknessFalls. It's just that players try whatever mod combinations they want.


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I haven't played DF since the version where you could buy the laser workbench (lwb) if you had all of the bartering perks maxxed and got lucky. The current design requires that the 'final mission', the wasteland research lab, be done for Anna in order to unlock access to the lwb. That seems backwards to me from an adventure design perspective. The old mode was to get access to the lwb and use its capabilities to craft yourself ready for the final mission. There was a point to getting access to the lwb, a use for it. Now, it's awarded after the game is narratively over. It's like 'Hey, here's access to the features that you don't really need any more, because beating the big challenge of the game is what you did to get access to the features.'


It just seems unsatisfying to me to be given access to the lwb at a point in the game where the only use for it is something that I have to make up. Like giving Perseus the mirror shield for beating the Medusa. Uh, thanks, but the real use for this is already past.


Still love DF and appreciate Kaine's relentless devotion to being a better Fun Pimp than the people who use the name. This change, for me, detracts from the sense of story that all of these DF-specific missions cultivate.

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19 minutes ago, BulletDodgeFail said:



I agree that I prefer laser workbench to be available in Anna's lab prior to adventuring to the Research Lab, however I believe it was making things too easy. I believe there is still a final POI that is being built for a final mission, or something similar. So the LWB is not a waste of time from a story point of view, as the story is still incomplete.


However, I still prefer the easier option of having the LWB available at Anna's, just I realise those who know better were exploiting its level 80 combining a lot. Unsure if there were other problems.

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1 hour ago, BulletDodgeFail said:

That seems backwards to me from an adventure design perspective. The old mode was to get access to the lwb and use its capabilities to craft yourself ready for the final mission. There was a point to getting access to the lwb, a use for it.

And THAT is why it was changed. It was NEVER intended to be like that. Ever. The ability to buy/access the laser workbench was put in because people keep insisting on using RWG, not getting a lab and then complaining that they can't get the bench.

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2 minutes ago, KhaineGB said:

And THAT is why it was changed. It was NEVER intended to be like that. Ever. The ability to buy/access the laser workbench was put in because people keep insisting on using RWG, not getting a lab and then complaining that they can't get the bench.

It was the intention that I wished to address. What I intended was to give you a heartfelt sentiment as a member of the appreciative audience of the story you are telling. Classically, the magic MacGuffin is needed to defeat the Evil Wizard Foozle. The tension of the story is in the quest for access to the MacGuffin and the wisdom needed to activate it and use its power as a hero. It's seems less narratively satisfying to me to defeat Foozle and on the last page of book be awarded the magic McGuffin with no clear application of its use.


The mapping of these story elements into DF components is entirely my own twisted model. But it's how I perceive playing the game. A great part that DF adds to 7DTD is the sense of doing things for a reason. In the current implementation, I ask myself "Why do I need a laser workbench?" and the only answer I have is "to deal with the mission I had to complete in order to get access to the laser workbench. Now that I have it, I don't really need it."

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1 hour ago, BulletDodgeFail said:

It was the intention that I wished to address. What I intended was to give you a heartfelt sentiment as a member of the appreciative audience of the story you are telling. Classically, the magic MacGuffin is needed to defeat the Evil Wizard Foozle. The tension of the story is in the quest for access to the MacGuffin and the wisdom needed to activate it and use its power as a hero. It's seems less narratively satisfying to me to defeat Foozle and on the last page of book be awarded the magic McGuffin with no clear application of its use.


The mapping of these story elements into DF components is entirely my own twisted model. But it's how I perceive playing the game. A great part that DF adds to 7DTD is the sense of doing things for a reason. In the current implementation, I ask myself "Why do I need a laser workbench?" and the only answer I have is "to deal with the mission I had to complete in order to get access to the laser workbench. Now that I have it, I don't really need it."

Oh trust me, for people who want to get absolutely murdered...

Accessing the bench AFTER the lab will have a use. ;)



Also I still have another POI and quest AFTER that to do.

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1 hour ago, KhaineGB said:

Oh trust me, for people who want to get absolutely murdered...

Accessing the bench AFTER the lab will have a use. ;)



Also I still have another POI and quest AFTER that to do.

OH! Well, that changes the tone of everything completely, then. The wasteland lab IS the fight to get the MacGuffin. The Evil Wizard Foozle is yet to be revealed. Thanks, that makes me feel like I'm in the middle of a story rather than at a bizarre end of one, and that's exactly what I wanted. Cheers!

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Hi all. I wrote before where I was having install issues and it seems after wiping the whole game and directory and re-installing the way Khaine tells us to in the first place, most of my problems are gone. However, I still have some POI's where it seems like some texture (glass) is replaced by some kind of carpet material although having 3,000hp. I have never once been "infected" despite taking a lot of damage and the (sorry that I do not know the name), the well bunker in the snow biome (part of the story) was super easy as there were no zombies in it at all. I am not sure if these are issues, or how it is supposed to work. I am also using one of the DF maps "Large 1 with PEP" I think? Just curious if my install is still messed up. But again, I wiped 7D2D entirely, deleted all folders and fresh installed both 7D2D and DF the exact way I was supposed to. I am plying with 1 other person so not sure if their install is not correct, it would cause these problems? The server is on my system.  I don't really need "help" as much as I am just curious to know if this is wrong. 

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48 minutes ago, tommymsw said:

Hi all. I wrote before where I was having install issues and it seems after wiping the whole game and directory and re-installing the way Khaine tells us to in the first place, most of my problems are gone. However, I still have some POI's where it seems like some texture (glass) is replaced by some kind of carpet material although having 3,000hp. I have never once been "infected" despite taking a lot of damage and the (sorry that I do not know the name), the well bunker in the snow biome (part of the story) was super easy as there were no zombies in it at all. I am not sure if these are issues, or how it is supposed to work. I am also using one of the DF maps "Large 1 with PEP" I think? Just curious if my install is still messed up. But again, I wiped 7D2D entirely, deleted all folders and fresh installed both 7D2D and DF the exact way I was supposed to. I am plying with 1 other person so not sure if their install is not correct, it would cause these problems? The server is on my system.  I don't really need "help" as much as I am just curious to know if this is wrong. 

That's the Windows mod it's in there to increase fps. If it has 3k hp then it's bulletproof glass. If your rig can handle the regular glass just remove that mod.

Edited by wanderinpaladin (see edit history)
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I didn't intend to post this so early, but I uploaded to my backup repo which some server hosts are apparently using for some reason.

So.... 4.1.1 is out!


Darkness Falls V4.1.1 Patch Notes.

- Added ocbMaurice's waypoint mod to allow players more waypoint icons that can also be coloured.
- Added a hidden buff that kicks in from levels 2-10 to give the player a small amount of cold/heat resist to help out in the beginning. Amount decreases every level.
- Added Grilled Tomato item. Works like Grilled Yucca.
- Added Demon Lord.
- Added Succubus Matriarch and Incubus Patriarch.
- Added Empowered Demons.
- Added new model for Incubus so he looks more "human".
- Added Mutated Broodmother Spider.
- Added Pulse Arrows/Pulse Bolts for bow users. Work like pulse grenades except you can fire them.
- Added "frame shapes" for cobblestone, concrete and steel, which cost half of the normal shapes, have half the hit points, can be picked up and upgrade into the "normal" shape version with full hp. Total cost would be the same as if you crafted the shape.
- Added a harvesting penalty depending on your difficulty setting, starting from WARRIOR. The reduction is 20%/40%/60%. (Warrior/Survivalist/Insane)
- Added missing recipes for underground Rice and Cannabis plants.
- Added grumpybeards extra lockable storage.
- Fixed Master Survivalist not unlocking the titanium crossbow and bolts. Also fixed the localization and unlockedby.
- Fixed the Hunter/Survivalist bow crafting tiers as they weren't properly swapped over.
- Fixed various medical item bundles giving back the wrong items/needing not enough items to make/bad localization.
- Fixed display disparity on broken leg (and other broken/sprained injuries).
- Fixed Baked Carrot cooking time so it's the same as Baked Potato.
- Fixed unlockedby on Tailoring Workbench.
- Fixed Titanium Bolts/Arrows not stating they reduce armor on the UI.
- Fixed infinite stamina while on a bicycle and under the effects of heat/cold.
- Fixed some reported localization issues, mostly with loading tips.
- Fixed infection not working, so you can now be infected again.

- Fixed the bolognaise buff disappearing.
- Fixed shotgun shells not showing an unlocked by.
- Fixed incorrect bundle amounts for crushed sand and clay.
- Fixed various incorrect localization entries and unlockedby entries.
- Fixed a couple of resource bundles giving back the incorrect amount of resources when opened.
- Fixed and tweaked lots of PEP POI's.
- Remade the paramedic kit again as issues with bleed were reported.
- Ghillie Suit Hood is now properly locked.
- Adjusted loot list of stumps.
- Slightly adjusted loot list of army trucks.
- Fatigued should no longer give players infinite stamina.
- Remade VSmall2-PEP to fix the scout issue.
- Renamed Knife Guy to Blade Guy and Blade Master to Knife Master to reduce "Will blade master work with spears" questions.
- Succubus model replaced with a new one.
- Old Incubus model repurposed as "Empowered Demonic Behemoth".
- Succubus Matriarch summons Demons (Not EMPOWERED Demons) every 60 seconds (time and amount can be adjusted based on feedback).
- Removed Elevators from recipes since they're busted anyways.
- Repairable vehicles, if damaged by a zombie or survivor, can now be fixed with appropriate materials (forged iron/forged steel) so they can then be "repaired" into a working vehicle.
- Mutated Spider is now smaller.
- Smaller mutated spider no longer spawns on horde nights. The broodmother does instead.

- Mushrooms should now still be mushrooms when fertalized.
- Potatos should now be able to accept fertalizer.
- All the tech syringes should now stack to 5.
- Changed Yucca Smoothie to help vs heat instead of cold as that makes more sense.
- Changed Orange Tea so it SHOULD show up in the drinks section because people keep complaining about it.
- Increased the "new mother" buff duration so animals shouldn't repopulate the earth, especially in multiplayer.
- Increased armor penetration of Titanium Bolts/Arrows to 30% instead of 20%.
- Lowered the physical resistance granted by Fortbites and Grandpa's Moonshine as stacking them, painkillers and pain tolerance allowed the player to go WAY over 100% damage resistance.
- Living Off The Land now increases attack speed of the hoe and reduces stamina usage by 5%/lvl.
- Slightly increased the XP required to level Athletics and Mining action skills.
- Legendary weapons now state in their description that they disable demonic regeneration (let me know if I missed any).
- Flaming Arrows/Bolts now work like molotovs.
- Slightly reduced size of both demonic behemoths so they fit through doors and crap better.
- Increased the cost of cobblestone shapes.
- Lowered Insane gamestage addition from +400% to +300%, so it's still harder than 4.04 but not as hard as 3.6.
- Cryogrenades should now do the same damage as molotovs, and scale in the same manner to make them more useful.
- Slight adjustment to the "levels" for temperature buffs so it shouldn't be quite as punishing.
- Gave a salvage amount bonus to the ratchet, impact driver and laser multi-tool while also increasing their block damage a small amount for faster harvesting without losing resources.
- Changed bio and tech boost level requirements from flat 125 to 110/110/125/125/140 because players apparently don't read and realise that, while they can make the shots, they didn't have the required levels. Also this increases the level requirements to get all levels as per a suggestion.
- Painkillers and Codeine can now be chain-chugged for healing if necessary.

- Slightly increased attack speed and damage of power fist so it should be closer to, or better than, titanium knuckles.
- Since infection is now more deadly, made honey SLIGHTLY more likely to actually start a cure.
- Updated all vehicles so they have 1500 health per grease monkey/mastery needed to make them. So bicycle/golf cart start at 1500, mastery is 9000. Purchasable flying vehicles are considered mastery vehicles and have a health of 9000.
- Increased stack size of Anti-Rad pills.
- Steak and Potato meals are no longer sold in bundles. (vanilla bug)
- Lowered range of the iron hoe.
- Gamestages.xml updated to fix a small bug.
- Increased most raw food stack sizes to 250
- Increased stack sizes of a lot of raw resources.
- Increased all coilshells to stack size 300 instead of 150 since normal bullets stack to 600.
- Mechanic mastery vehicles now all require the V8 Engine.
- Playing on the easiest difficulty will now HALVE your gamestage for players who want a much easier experience, starting from level 2.
- Made and added some posters to the Mo Power stores just to add some "life" to the world.
- Golf Club is now appropriately tiered and should scale with Weapon Crafting.
- Slightly tweaked loot list of birds nests (more feathers but the chance remains the same) and munitions boxes (no melee weapons, more likely to drop ammo).
- Resource Bundles can now stack to 10 instead of 5.
- Scout now carries herbal antibiotics instead of honey.
- PEP_Littleleague seems to be fixed from randomly falling apart (at least in my tests).
- Anna's laser workbench is now a little more difficult to get to.
- Anna has been locked up so she can't wander as far.
- Laborer now needs to make Cobblestone Frame Shapes instead of Cobblestone Shapes.
- Large DF specific lootable vehicles now only spawn on roads, not POI's.
- Increased boiled water stack to 20.
- Sterile Bandages/First Aid Bandages/First Aid Kits/Paramedic Kits now properly stack healing.


Download Link: https://dev.azure.com/KhaineUK/_git/DarknessFallsA20 (click the 3 dots, select download as zip)
Alt Download Link: https://gitlab.com/KhaineGB/darkness-falls-a20/-/tree/main (click the icon next to clone and then zip)

You SHOULDN'T need a new save, but it is very strongly recommended. Nexus will be uploaded in the morning after sleep.


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ok, question for you all. 

My friend has a computer in his house, he set up a DF server and it works amazingly well, for everyone but him and his wife.

they were able to log in at first, but once he restarted the server (day 5) now him and his wife both are no longer able to get back in ( i will try and have him send me a screen grab of the exact issue, but its something about the game no longer recognizing him or his wifes steam account. they can start and log into personal games, just not the new server.


Any ideas?

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Just curious... For me, I never use the traders for anything other than missions or solar. I get WAY better stuff looting than trading. I wonder if it would be fun if the loot was all just "regular stuff" and you had to loot and sell to save up for good stuff from the trader. Like better weapons and armor. I can find a level 59 swat helmet early game when the trader is still selling crappy stuff. I don't ever "trade" with the "traders". Do any of you? 

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14 hours ago, tommymsw said:

Just curious... For me, I never use the traders for anything other than missions or solar. I get WAY better stuff looting than trading. I wonder if it would be fun if the loot was all just "regular stuff" and you had to loot and sell to save up for good stuff from the trader. Like better weapons and armor. I can find a level 59 swat helmet early game when the trader is still selling crappy stuff. I don't ever "trade" with the "traders". Do any of you? 


Well, besides missions, I mainly use the trader for selling items. I don't usually bother with the solar. So Yeah, I don't really mind how the traders were reworked, as long as I can still buy my high end helicopter stuff from them and sell things.

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On 12/3/2022 at 11:20 PM, tommymsw said:

Just curious... For me, I never use the traders for anything other than missions or solar. I get WAY better stuff looting than trading. I wonder if it would be fun if the loot was all just "regular stuff" and you had to loot and sell to save up for good stuff from the trader. Like better weapons and armor. I can find a level 59 swat helmet early game when the trader is still selling crappy stuff. I don't ever "trade" with the "traders". Do any of you? 

And if I did that, everyone would @%$# the loot is crap

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On 12/4/2022 at 12:20 AM, tommymsw said:

Just curious... For me, I never use the traders for anything other than missions or solar. I get WAY better stuff looting than trading. I wonder if it would be fun if the loot was all just "regular stuff" and you had to loot and sell to save up for good stuff from the trader. Like better weapons and armor. I can find a level 59 swat helmet early game when the trader is still selling crappy stuff. I don't ever "trade" with the "traders". Do any of you? 

And they can sell receipts, skills and even mastery books.

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So I just found the legendary bow 1st ever seeing it which the name is (something) fail-not . Sorry I'm currently not playing. But it says in the description it never misses it mark. Its pretty strong (yes I'm doing bow and explosives only this run) but can't seem to figure out what exactly it does. Does anyone have insight on it? 

No it it's not homing but it's hella accurate for sure.  I know like the other legendary weapons (hammer gloves black sky shots it stop regen but they all have other perks to them) wondering what this one does. 

Edited by suga13 (see edit history)
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Hazmat Suit crafting is listed as unlockable once you become Master Scientist but I'm playing with friends on a Server and my friend can craft them. She is playing as Mechanic & Survivalist classes. I don't understand why she's able to craft Hazmat Gear itself. (Radiation Ready mod is under Science Crafting and is fine though).

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