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  1. cant wait A21 UDL!!!! And... Is there any chance you would lower the HP of zombies at the beginning of the early game stage or enhance primative weapons? I feel it a little insane at early stage but too easy when I get better weapons.
  2. B20, I can hardly find any chothes or armors , it was a easy way to get some dye to make inks. Is that on purpose? B20, honey can cure infected, but not EVERY time it shows correctly . once I got infected, I eat a honey, it didnt work, then I eat another one ,still nothing. I thought maybe honey has a "cure chance",so I keep going. Later the infection suddenly disappears, I guess it worked but not show correctly. this happened only once. B20,my water is 70, I drink 5 bowl of water in a row , should be 70+5*5=95 or 94, it turns out only 90,maybe the game didint do a simple math in a short time Same on use sevaral bandages in a short time. cant wait playing B21 or B22
  3. B20, there is a critical bug about Game Stage I think. At first,I played Insane difficulty. Day 7 bloodmoon, I'm Lv20, the demolisher came, I thought maybe you increase the difficult in Insane,so I dicide to play Warrior difficulty. Until Day6 , I feel it becomes harder than I expected, so I checked game stage,here you are: so something is wrong , it's 20+6 *6 =132, I thought it should be 20+6 *2 =52. By the way, I was died in this Tier II infested misson,after I died, I checked the game stage, it shows 52, which I think it is correct. And there is a minor bug about crouch, try this: crouch into a 1meter high hole, stand up before you go out the hole, then go out, your move speed still like crouch. this didnt happen in B19. Thank you khaineGB, for the fantastic MOD !
  4. Cant‘ wait playing DF A21, when will you release A21 version?thank you
  5. In 4.1.1 VSmall1-NoPep(maybe also others) , the most nearest merchant from born position still has a chance is Anna,not regular white river merchants.
  6. Hi, KhaineGB . What's the ETA of DF 4.1? can't wait
  7. ver 2.5.82 ,Day 21,I didn‘t find any beaker. discover 2 merchants and they didn't sell beaker. what are the odds?
  8. 好的!回头我试试,A20现在不打头几乎没伤害,魅魔这种垂直攻击的打头好像挺困难,回头我试试64。感觉得用跳楼机了吧,刀片陷阱感觉肯定修不过来,一个军肥爆炸就没了,3个机器人大锤肯定打不过来。 It is hard to do headshot on succubus cause it attacks vertically. Any suggestions?
  9. 我玩的少你别骗我,我看更新说明说是魅魔(天上飞的那种色色的女性怪)可给增强了,实际上我感觉也确实增强了,原来魅魔也就2-4k血量,现在都是满血8000,激光手枪都打不死,可要命了。 而且之前V3.6的时候我都没见过满血的3格高的那种大恶魔,基本都是3000/8000血这样的,现在好家伙直接满血8000的冲过来要打好半天。 A19的时候一直用coilsniper+silencer+trigger mod auto一般一梭子都能搞定,没用过弩。不过A20好像消音器不完全潜行了,或许后期弩有用了。 之前A20第一个档没有刻意压人物等级,还是像A19一样疯狂卖桥升级,90级了还没把商人找全,都没找到废墟地,结果血月完全打不过,今天开个新档压个等级试一下,回头看看有没有新发现。 Yes,A20(v4) seems like easier than A19(v3.6), killing corridor still works ,even get better thanks to frame has more shapes(1/2 center and bar and LADDER which save a lot of iron) btw,I think the DF mod did a great work , which is make early stage easy, than get harder and harder,and not boring in end game stage. Just like most games did. Vanilla and other mod is very difficult at the beginning, than get easier and easier. It is like in real world, not a game. DF is the best mod I've played so far. ------------------- there are oceans in V4 DF maps NoCP(Vsmall and small),treasure quest is hard to finish,I can hold breathe for 100seconds, but dive into the bottom takes 40s, I have to give it up, make me sad
  10. I guess maybe in desert? I just bought lead from trade Rekt
  11. 炒锅对于原版实在是太简单了,7天就可以出雷管一直扔就好,血月过于枯燥,而且我印象中不造炒锅就造普通房子也能一直扔雷管炸,这招对于亡灵遗产mod也有效。 Nail bomb is not that effective as vinalla and Undead Legacy Mod. 浮空房我一直没有造过,跳楼机我不喜欢用,毕竟都是送上门的宝贵的经验(A20需要压制等级似乎可以用,结果这版本血月可以开车了)。 A20 is easier cause you can drive during bloodmoon. 我后来就一直没有试过DF MOD 64血月了,这版本大章鱼我还没发现哪里强,我之前担心的是如果出几只魅魔的话该如何处理。之前的版本由于我不造浮空和跳楼机,所以哪怕是初期血月夜行者多了我也搞不定,物块伤害太高了。A19的时候我是用3个机器人大锤过血月基本没什么压力,A20的话第一个7天需要用刀锋陷阱( 所以我其实不知道后期血月64会不会出一堆魅魔?如果不会我还真想试试64血月了) Didn't try 64Zombies in bloodmoon cause succubus is too powerful. 像我之前说的,在A19疯子难度单人玩,我感觉7天过后,就基本没法搜房子了,屋子会有着火的恶魔没法处理,即使运气爆炸早期拿到M60,弹药也吃不消。需要靠挖铁跑商卖桥买书拆,直到50级出了coil喷子才勉强能打。稳妥的话需要75级出了coil狙击和机枪才能打恶魔僵尸。所以在A19的时候,基本上LV30-LV75期间都很枯燥。 A19 insane level was hard beacuse the demons came up too early.If you reach lv30+ in day 8th, you dont have effective weapons to deal with them until you are lv50/75. 然而我感觉A20虽说修改了人物等级和游戏等级的关系,但似乎也推后了恶魔怪出现的等级,所以好像没有以前那么难了。又由于开局只给一本书,又稍微增加了开局前7天的难度。又因为加入了侦查商人的任务,提高了增加商人友好度的速度,游戏又简单了一点儿。最重要的是,埋藏的补给4/5级任务有几率开出10000金币,彻底不用卖桥跑商了。 A20 is much better, buried supply 4/5 give you dukes,so there is no need to sell bridges for duke and exp.
  12. Google Translate is terrible. A20 is easier than A19, just play it in a new way. A20不需要炒锅不需要浮空房不需要跳楼机更不用去地堡实验室等无敌房,跟A19一样简简单单的做一个火柴盒,给僵尸设计一个最薄弱的点让他们寻路过来,边打边修,无伤解决。军肥手动用枪解决,炸弹人打头别打胸,不过还是大概率会炸,基本上这时候也至少是钢块儿了,炸了就修,一个炸弹人也就炸一半儿血,除非连续炸俩炸弹人否则是可以修回来的。听到炸弹滴滴响就后退,完全不会炸到自己。 A20 does not need a frying pan, does not need a floating room, does not need to jump off a building machine, does not need to go to an invincible room such as bunker laboratory, and A19 simply makes a matchbox, designs the weakest point for zombies to let them find their way, repair while fighting, and solve it without injury. Military fat manually with a gun to solve, bomberman head do not hit the chest, but there is still a high probability of blowing up, basically at this time at least the steel block, blown up, a bomber will also blow up half of the blood, unless the continuous explosion of two bombermen can be repaired back. When you hear the bomb dripping, you retreat, and you won't blow yourself up at all. 就像我之前说的,开局必出劳工职业,10级可以做大熔炉坩埚炼钢,20级就可以做高级熔炉批量锻钢了,同时疯狂做任务,用商人花钱解锁技能省下大量技能点儿,金钱通过4/5级的埋藏的补给获得,不需要卖吊桥了,僵尸不打多余的,压制自己的等级,疯狂拆书学习新职业,至少学会科学家(做抗辐射药)/机械工(摩托车的提速插件提高做任务效率),如果多人开黑,那分工就更简单了,而且不需要那么多技能点。火烧地的小实验室随时可以去,50级有辐射药了去辐射地挖矿,之后75级有了coilsniper就能打地下军营了,然后做防止怪物回血的武器插件,就ok了。多人的话,等级应该可以更低就去,毕竟2人的话就是2倍火力。 Like I said before, the beginning must be out of the labor class, level 10 can do melting furnace crucible steelmaking, level 20 can do advanced furnace batch forging steel, while doing crazy tasks, using merchants to spend money to unlock skills save a lot of skill points, money is obtained through 4/5 level buried supplies, no need to sell suspension bridges, zombies do not fight excess, suppress their own level, crazy book breaking to learn new classes, at least learn scientists (do anti-radiation drugs)/mechanics (motorcycle speed plug-ins to improve the efficiency of doing tasks), If multiple people hack, the division of labor is simpler, and there is no need for so many skill points. The small laboratory of the burning land can be visited at any time, level 50 has radiation medicine to go to radiation mining, and then level 75 has coilsniper to fight the underground camp, and then do the weapon plug-in to prevent monsters from returning blood, it is OK. If there are many people, the level should be lower, after all, 2 people are 2 times the firepower. 另外我都是单人自己玩,单人才是生存游戏。之前试过和朋友一起玩简直就是欢乐游戏基本没有难度,当然DF mod 最高难度血月也就是默认8僵尸,64的话后面一堆恶魔/魅魔实在太厉害。 In addition, I play it alone, and single-player is a survival game. I have tried to play with friends before is simply a fun game with basically no difficulty, of course, the highest difficulty of DF mod Blood Moon is the default 8 zombies, and a bunch of demons/charms behind 64 words are too powerful. 再不行,A20血月是可以用载具的,骑摩托跑一宿也可以。 No, the A20 Blood Moon can be used with vehicles, and it is also possible to ride a motorcycle for a night.
  13. I've played Insane difficultly ,A20 is easier than A19(V3.6) I think. In A19, I walways choose Labor and mechanic, reached about LV25 at 7th day, LV30 after the 1st bloodmoon by using 3 robot sledgehammers ,After that,I cant go any POI because there will be demons I cant handle. At this point, I can only do buried supply and mining(kinda boring) until lv75(coilgun 2). you cant handle demons before lv75 at insane if you wanna 0 death. In A20,things get better. Labor for start,do scout quest and traders quest as much as you can, and try to keep you LV low,means dont kill extra Zombies or sell bridges for duke. you will see the game stage is much lower than A19. Use blade trap for the early bloodmoons. Make motocycle ASAP,then do lv4/5 buried supplies(in A20,there are 2 waves, think how to do the quest without kill any zombies, they are too powerful to handle ) and lv1/2 scout quest(ezpz),pay 100000 duke for each master skill,hamzat is hard to find in A20,make anti-rad pill and go to wasteland ASAP,then you will handle demons. also,try baidu tieba, you could get some help I think. I have to say,A20 V4 is much better than A19(v3.6),KhaineGB makes the mod better and better.V4 is a brand new game.
  14. pear smoothie shows add 10 water , but add 15 in fact.
  15. Robotic drone do heal animate and cooldown but no healing effect with bandage ,first aid bandage, I guess all healing stuff.
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