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Darkness Falls: They mostly come out at night...


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That place is a labyrinth. If there's a correct way to go through it I didn't figure it out, and if there's any end loot I didn't find that either.

I did get a single keycard and ... it was green, so it was all worth it (also found a lathe and both parts for a motorcycle. I don't need either, but still nice).

I got to level 75 while I was there, so I may as well make a coilcarbine before I go to the bunker.


Also, naturally, just as I was dealing with a huge POI horde of ferals and rads, a huge wandering horde of ferals and rads showed up, so that got exciting.

The game has really cruel timing with wandering hordes.

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Ran into a bug here I can provide screenshots and all that if needed but yeah; says I completed my science class quests on day 25 and here is day 45 ran into a slight problem that my science class can solve and I can't access my mastery or anything because the class page itself says I haven't completed the science class. Yeah.... I needed those anti rad pills >.> I won't get into the why.

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5 minutes ago, Dr4g0nwo1f said:

Ran into a bug here I can provide screenshots and all that if needed but yeah; says I completed my science class quests on day 25 and here is day 45 ran into a slight problem that my science class can solve and I can't access my mastery or anything because the class page itself says I haven't completed the science class. Yeah.... I needed those anti rad pills >.> I won't get into the why.

The days don't mean anything in the masteries. However your level does. If you have obtained a mastery and it removed the level info from the lock if I recall. So the mastery is open. I think you need to be at least level 40 for the mastery?

However, it sounds like you can't access the class page at all? That doesn't sound correct, so could be a problem. Did you recently die, as that will also disable various crafting, etc, skills before the timer runs out.

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yeah I'm level 79, with the science master book already read, but I did die due to of air quotes "Science" so I should have this stuff already. So it must be grim reaper sprint that is preventing me from crafting science mastery stuff, which is dumb. How does it make sense that you magically become inept at crafting when you get a buff that is solely designed to help you get your stuff back faster? One would think wanting to craft some gear real quick to get back to ones body would be a thing, oh well.

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3 minutes ago, Dr4g0nwo1f said:

yeah I'm level 79, with the science master book already read, but I did die due to of air quotes "Science" so I should have this stuff already. So it must be grim reaper sprint that is preventing me from crafting science mastery stuff, which is dumb. How does it make sense that you magically become inept at crafting when you get a buff that is solely designed to help you get your stuff back faster? One would think wanting to craft some gear real quick to get back to ones body would be a thing, oh well.

It is there to make death more relevant and have consequences. Otherwise death in 7DtD means nothing, and who cares about XP loss.

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So yeah it was grim reaper sprint holding back the science mastery, so problem solved I guess. As feedback tho, I really think time gating crafting of anything even for a few minutes is kinda dumb, people got stuff to do and don't want to wait for any real amount of time to go get their gear back, idk if anything can really be done about this beyond just not dying lol, just an opinion.

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4 hours ago, Dr4g0nwo1f said:

So yeah it was grim reaper sprint holding back the science mastery, so problem solved I guess. As feedback tho, I really think time gating crafting of anything even for a few minutes is kinda dumb, people got stuff to do and don't want to wait for any real amount of time to go get their gear back, idk if anything can really be done about this beyond just not dying lol, just an opinion.

You literally just died and respawn, and you're honestly going to tell me that temporarily losing access to crap is dumb?


You might want to stop and think about that.

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39 minutes ago, funk said:

I'm just wondering how often minor updates get released. I was thinking of waiting for 4.1.1 if there will be some incompatibilities with current maps/playerdata etc with 4.1. Anybody have any idea?


It can take a while, really difficult to say. I would suggest you can update to the v4.1.1 B1 DEV version that is available on the DF Discord Announcements channel. It does address some maps issues. I am sure Khaine will have an idea before stable drops, but I doubt it will be soon.

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1 hour ago, funk said:

I'm just wondering how often minor updates get released. I was thinking of waiting for 4.1.1 if there will be some incompatibilities with current maps/playerdata etc with 4.1. Anybody have any idea?

I'm taking 4.1.1 slow so I dont burn out. So far, it is save compatible with 4.1 and I hope it will remain like that

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For people who enjoy the dev builds, there's a new build up. The last public one was B2. This is B5, therefore patch notes for B3-B5 are included so people can see the changes.

Based on internal testing, this should be save compatible. Obviously, dev build, may have bugs, etc. 🙂


- Added Demon Lord.
- Added Succubus Matriarch and Incubus Patriarch.
- Added Empowered Demons.
- Added new model for Incubus so he looks more "human".
- Old Incubus model repurposed as "Empowered Demonic Behemoth".
- Succubus Matriarch summons Demons (Not EMPOWERED Demons) every 60 seconds (time and amount can be adjusted based on feedback).
- Fixed Succubus flying animation as I forgot to set it to loop so it only played once.
- Fixed the Succubus looking the wrong way.
- Removed Elevators from recipes  since they're busted anyways.
- Fixed unlockedby on Tailoring Workbench.
- Repairable vehicles, if damaged by a zombie or survivor, can now be fixed with appropriate materials (forged iron/forged steel) so they can then be "repaired" into a working vehicle.


- Infinite stamina while on a bicycle and under the effects of heat/cold should now be fixed.
- Added Mutated Broodmother Spider.
- Mutated Spider is now smaller.
- Smaller mutated spider no longer spawns on horde nights. The broodmother does instead.
- Performed quick and dirty edit on bloodmoon, wandering horde and scout groups so empowered demons now spawn at GS600+.
- Demon Lord spawns at GS800+.
- Mushrooms should now still be mushrooms when fertalized.
- Potatos should now be able to accept fertalizer.
- All the tech syringes should now stack to 5.
- Changed Yucca Smoothie to help vs heat instead of cold as that makes more sense.
- Changed Orange Tea so it SHOULD show up in the drinks section because people keep @%$#ing about it.
- Increased the "new mother" buff duration so animals shouldn't repopulate the earth, especially in multiplayer.
- Titanium Bolts/Arrows reduced armor but did not state this on the UI. This has been fixed.
- Increased armor penetration of Titanium Bolts/Arrows to 30% instead of 20%.
- Lowered the physical resistance granted by Fortbites and Grandpa's Moonshine as stacking them, painkillers and pain tolerance allowed the player to go WAY over 100% damage resistance.


- Living Off The Land now increases attack speed of the hoe and reduces stamina usage by 5%/lvl.
- Slightly increased the XP required to level Athletics and Mining action skills.
- Legendary weapons now state in their description that they disable demonic regeneration (let me know if I missed any).
- Flaming Arrows/Bolts now work like molotovs.
- Added Pulse Arrows/Pulse Bolts for bow users. Work like pulse grenades except you can fire them.
- Fixed some reported localization issues, mostly with loading tips.
- Slightly reduced size of both demonic behemoths so they fit through doors and crap better.


Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1J4hHqjFrGLz3KiQFnFmoRvZTViM2-APy/view?usp=sharing

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Hey checking if other people have issues with drones. We keep getting duplicates of old drones appearing. I have had up to 4 different drones at once that all follow me and have past inventories in them.

They also don't heal properly, they use medical items up and the animation happens but no healing.

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3 hours ago, Reddevil said:

Hey checking if other people have issues with drones. We keep getting duplicates of old drones appearing. I have had up to 4 different drones at once that all follow me and have past inventories in them.

They also don't heal properly, they use medical items up and the animation happens but no healing.


Duplicated drones is apparently a vanilla problem. I know it gets reported on the DF Discord now and then, but is also comes up on the vanilla Discord.

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12 hours ago, KhaineGB said:


- Repairable vehicles, if damaged by a zombie or survivor, can now be fixed with appropriate materials (forged iron/forged steel) so they can then be "repaired" into a working vehicle.

Very nice.


12 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

- Changed Yucca Smoothie to help vs heat instead of cold as that makes more sense.

hehe. That one has been vaguely bothering me for a very long time.


Thank you.

Edited by Similar
Mixed posts (see edit history)
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Yo guys, I have got two questions. Playing with a friend of mine on a LAN server with Darkness Falls V4.1.0


1) We have killed hundreds of different animals by now but could not find a single "baby" animal. What are the requirements to find one?


2) My buddy took the class farmer and spent some points in living off the land. Even if it is saying that he should farm 2 additional crops this does not work, he is always getting just a single crop. Talking about wild plants and NOT self-grown plants. Maybe this works only for self-grown ones?



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3 hours ago, PoloPoPo said:

2) My buddy took the class farmer and spent some points in living off the land. Even if it is saying that he should farm 2 additional crops this does not work, he is always getting just a single crop. Talking about wild plants and NOT self-grown plants. Maybe this works only for self-grown ones?


How is he harvesting them ? Pressing E will only ever give you 1 crop, you have to hit them with something to get the extra.


Edited by Grolbu (see edit history)
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3 hours ago, PoloPoPo said:

Yo guys, I have got two questions. Playing with a friend of mine on a LAN server with Darkness Falls V4.1.0


1) We have killed hundreds of different animals by now but could not find a single "baby" animal. What are the requirements to find one?


2) My buddy took the class farmer and spent some points in living off the land. Even if it is saying that he should farm 2 additional crops this does not work, he is always getting just a single crop. Talking about wild plants and NOT self-grown plants. Maybe this works only for self-grown ones?




Yeah, the drop for babies is random and rare. So you can be unlucky. I have also struggled to get them, while others do get drops.


I can't recall if punching or pressing E makes a different when harvesting crops, however, definitely use an IRON HOE to harvest for a bonus. Not the scrap iron hoe.

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35 minutes ago, PoloPoPo said:

I think pressing E and harvesting by hitting plants does make a difference, however, neither approach gives my buddy more than 1 crop. Will try using the hoe next, never tried that.


Baby animal drop must be EXTREMELY rare then...

The Iron Hoe is made during the farmer quests. It does mention in its tool tip that there is an increased harvest.

When you use the iron hoe it does add the additional crops. If I recall this was done as players were exploiting huge numbers of crops from Living off the land PLUS the iron hoe bonus. So I think you must use the iron hoe.

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Is there anything within the DF mod files that is in reference to sci-fi floors/blocks? My group been trying to make a permanent server using DF with the Oakraven Forest collection however so far we keep on running into "no Sci fi blocks/floors". We downloaded from the server site the supposed file they are using and still having this issue, if one of the players host it we have no issues loading in. Thank you for your time on responding.

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8 hours ago, PoloPoPo said:

Yo guys, I have got two questions. Playing with a friend of mine on a LAN server with Darkness Falls V4.1.0


1) We have killed hundreds of different animals by now but could not find a single "baby" animal. What are the requirements to find one?


2) My buddy took the class farmer and spent some points in living off the land. Even if it is saying that he should farm 2 additional crops this does not work, he is always getting just a single crop. Talking about wild plants and NOT self-grown plants. Maybe this works only for self-grown ones?




1) It's rare.

2) The bonus does NOT apply if you press E to pickup. You MUST punch or use a tool like the hoe.


17 minutes ago, FrillyZebra said:

Is there anything within the DF mod files that is in reference to sci-fi floors/blocks? My group been trying to make a permanent server using DF with the Oakraven Forest collection however so far we keep on running into "no Sci fi blocks/floors". We downloaded from the server site the supposed file they are using and still having this issue, if one of the players host it we have no issues loading in. Thank you for your time on responding.

DF doesn't play nice with other overhauls and it sounds like you have an old version running with a new version. That error has always occured when someone didn't do a clean install going from 4.04 to 4.1 and there's old files lingering, usually on the server.

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28 minutes ago, KhaineGB said:




DF doesn't play nice with other overhauls and it sounds like you have an old version running with a new version. That error has always occured when someone didn't do a clean install going from 4.04 to 4.1 and there's old files lingering, usually on the server.

that was it thank you! 

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