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Darkness Falls: They mostly come out at night...


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On 12/30/2021 at 4:13 PM, KhaineGB said:

It's technically tomorrow for me and I want to post this before I go out and get drunk and forget. I wasn't planning a new build, but this fixes some game-breaking issues.


Same caveat applies. It's a dev build, expect broken stuff, only play if you are ok with this, etc.



- Updated Sphereii-Core.
- Survivors swapped to using UAI instead of EAI as it's smarter.
- Added Xyth's NPCCore mod (mostly disabled for now).
- Fixed coffee giving you stamina regen of the gods.
- Wall Safe loot should now be less insane.
- Weapons Bags loot should now be less insane.
- Removed casino coins from cash registers and increased old cash amount.
- Adjusted hand range values as per Jax's zombie reach modlet so zombies should feel more like earlier alphas.
- Fixed some zombies (strong ones mostly) having a 100% chance to place debuffs on the player no matter the difficulty.
- onSelfExplosionDamagedOther now works, so changed demon fireballs to use this as it should reduce the "going through walls" stuff.
- RWG DivideByZero error should now be resolved (managed to make a couple of maps, 8k and 10k).
- Fixed some more sleeper NRE's.
- Removed the code that disables vehicles on bloodmoon for now as it causes server errors.
- Moved all the White River Scouts so they're now penned in and can't move.
- Changed sledgehammers to have a CHANCE to knockdown (stone - 20%, iron - 30%, steel - 40%, titanium - 50%, power - 60%).
- Stun batons should no longer perma-stun stuff.
- Being stoned should no longer be permanent (still a bit iffy but seems ok).
- Fixed elevators breaking the game for the metal workstation.
- Steroids now work.
- Meat Burrito can now be eaten.
- Fixed the Laser Workbench not being able to accept tools.
- Fixed the output and combine windows on the laser workbench overlapping.
- Honey description adjusted to state it only has a 50% chance of curing infection.
- All zombies that naturally spawn in the world should now have correct localization, models and particle effects (where necessary).
- Loot pass on zombie loot bags (amounts, tiers, etc.
- Drone crafted quality now levels off the Yeah, Science! perk.
- Implemented workaround for drone spawning with only 1hp and dead.


MANUAL INSTALL ONLY. Delete your old mods folder. Copy the mods folder from in the zip to your 7DTD folder and you're done. Also make sure EAC is off, just like previous versions of DF.

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aWSgGP6loSEnQHvoDeZqZuc8Bh2Ug5U7/view?usp=sharing


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6 hours ago, Chivalric said:

Just went through a Working Stiff's facility, came out of it with 8 lathes (3 of them from one box), 5 tanning racks, and 3 torches. On day 1. lol B30

Yep. Known issue and potentially fixed on my local build last night... the lathes that is. I actually don't mind the racks/torches. They're gamestaged to help people get them faster.

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So I have 2 potential bugs:
1) I'm perma-stoned (on V4)
2) White River Scout's relation boosting other traders' relations seems inconsistent - first 5 points added 1 to others just fine, but now I'm at 15 and the other 2 points still haven't been added (even after reloading).

Also, since boiling water has been finally fixed in vanilla so that it doesn't take ages, could the same be done in DF?

Edited by MetalSpiderPig (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, BarryTGash said:

Quick question: is the time on fertiliser correct? I think it's about 7.5mins per single unit (through the chem station, reducing to just about 5ish with skills). It just seems a bit... excessive :)

That sounds like it needs tweaking.


1 hour ago, MetalSpiderPig said:

So I have 2 potential bugs:
1) I'm perma-stoned (on V4)
2) White River Scout's relation boosting other traders' relations seems inconsistent - first 5 points added 1 to others just fine, but now I'm at 15 and the other 2 points still haven't been added (even after reloading).

Also, since boiling water has been finally fixed in vanilla so that it doesn't take ages, could the same be done in DF?


1 and 2 both fixed.

Not planning to change water.

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3 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

Not planning to change water.

I've changed the stack size from 10 to 30 on boiled water on my end, lowering the stack amount and greatly increasing the time was a bit brutal imo. I don't mind putting the work in, but the way it was set currently made producing polymer brutal. Also, since I started a new game, none of the White River people give any quests at all anymore. Playing on test small, they worked fine on Vsmall.

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Hey Khaine,


loving your mod since A16 if i remember it right.. might be A17. Since playing your Mod i´ve never really liked the Vanilla Version again and i´m playing since A14 ^^ 😛 

Three things i encountered the last couple of days on v4 b30 & the largest map and im not aware if theyre anywhere present to you or not. Hope it helps bringing the mod forward. 



The first thing happend in another Save game also -> After dieing and getting the reaper buff off after x minutes, all stats stay the same as with the buff... health, stamina, and even the perks... hp, and stamina wouldn´t bother me that much, but the perks kinda suck.
Leveling up with the buff still on or after doesn´t change that effect. And hp & stamina dont grow after that with your level....they stay where they were at the point of your death

And what makes this even worse is the fact that they do stack up.... wich is the reason i started a new game after dieing three times. I permanently only had about 50 hp & stamina.



Second thing -> Happens while the reaper buff is still on... i had nearly infinite stamina while running.... didnt even droppped one point... swinging an stell sledgehammer took some, but the regen was so fast, my stamina was full again just after the animation. 



Third thing -> Found the Trader Base of that Razor NPC dude in the woods.... there were 5 of these guys and im pretty sure they all took something special.... they were freakin around like a raver on speed ^^ ... still managable to talk to them tho // need to correct myself.... still playing wihle writingthis. Its now about ten or more of them after doing a bunch of digging quest. One of them even managed to leave the base and going on vacation 

Edited by SurvivorStu (see edit history)
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Just had another enormous wandering horde spawn and come at me and I was not in a POI. I have defeated a couple of these hordes and gotten some good loot from red loot bags. However this one was impossible to beat with my gear and skills on Day 17. Behemoths don't die easily when you don't have the mod to stop their regen.


Does your modlet "Wandering horde frequency" work with vanilla DF? Will I need to start a new game or can I use my current game save and continue with the added mod working?

Edited by Akrux (see edit history)
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7 hours ago, SurvivorStu said:


The first thing happend in another Save game also -> After dieing and getting the reaper buff off after x minutes, all stats stay the same as with the buff... health, stamina, and even the perks... hp, and stamina wouldn´t bother me that much, but the perks kinda suck.
Leveling up with the buff still on or after doesn´t change that effect. And hp & stamina dont grow after that with your level....they stay where they were at the point of your death

And what makes this even worse is the fact that they do stack up.... wich is the reason i started a new game after dieing three times. I permanently only had about 50 hp & stamina.



Cant edit my post... 

The Perks are back now, after starting the save game again.


Hp & Stamina are coming back slowly, but dont grow active on level up 

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On 1/9/2022 at 11:24 PM, SurvivorStu said:

Hey Khaine,


loving your mod since A16 if i remember it right.. might be A17. Since playing your Mod i´ve never really liked the Vanilla Version again and i´m playing since A14 ^^ 😛 

Three things i encountered the last couple of days on v4 b30 & the largest map and im not aware if theyre anywhere present to you or not. Hope it helps bringing the mod forward. 



The first thing happend in another Save game also -> After dieing and getting the reaper buff off after x minutes, all stats stay the same as with the buff... health, stamina, and even the perks... hp, and stamina wouldn´t bother me that much, but the perks kinda suck.
Leveling up with the buff still on or after doesn´t change that effect. And hp & stamina dont grow after that with your level....they stay where they were at the point of your death

And what makes this even worse is the fact that they do stack up.... wich is the reason i started a new game after dieing three times. I permanently only had about 50 hp & stamina.



Second thing -> Happens while the reaper buff is still on... i had nearly infinite stamina while running.... didnt even droppped one point... swinging an stell sledgehammer took some, but the regen was so fast, my stamina was full again just after the animation. 



Third thing -> Found the Trader Base of that Razor NPC dude in the woods.... there were 5 of these guys and im pretty sure they all took something special.... they were freakin around like a raver on speed ^^ ... still managable to talk to them tho // need to correct myself.... still playing wihle writingthis. Its now about ten or more of them after doing a bunch of digging quest. One of them even managed to leave the base and going on vacation 


I actually removed some of the effects from near death with the build the testers just got, so hopefully that'll be sorted.

Razor is fixed in the current testing build (not public)


20 hours ago, Akrux said:

Just had another enormous wandering horde spawn and come at me and I was not in a POI. I have defeated a couple of these hordes and gotten some good loot from red loot bags. However this one was impossible to beat with my gear and skills on Day 17. Behemoths don't die easily when you don't have the mod to stop their regen.


Does your modlet "Wandering horde frequency" work with vanilla DF? Will I need to start a new game or can I use my current game save and continue with the added mod working?


I'm gonna be blunt. It is literally IMPOSSIBLE to get a huge wandering horde unless you have some kind of mod running that multiplies the numbers. The absolute max number of zombies I set for it is 40, whcih starts around GS 80 and does not have any behemoths in it.

And those numbers were tested and reported as fine.


16 hours ago, Marinxar said:



Is it possible to tone down the wasp sound a tad. It blew out my ear drums with each shriek ... I know it's not a priority issue, but would be a very nice QoL change. 


I'd have to do it in audacity and re-export.


9 hours ago, JJJ said:

Is it the right topic to make suggestion about balancing ?


I also have one question :


why is the muscle car so slow instead of being real fast ?


Because I had to mess with the mass in unity to fix some other bugs. The car is being removed in A20 since the unity project is now gone. (HDD fail)

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On 1/11/2022 at 3:03 AM, KhaineGB said:


I'm gonna be blunt. It is literally IMPOSSIBLE to get a huge wandering horde unless you have some kind of mod running that multiplies the numbers. The absolute max number of zombies I set for it is 40, whcih starts around GS 80 and does not have any behemoths in it.

And those numbers were tested and reported as fine.


When you get overrun by 40 zombies, they may feel like hundreds :) 


I tried to count, and most probably they are not more than 40. On the other hand: such big hordes arrive even at day one (Game Stage: wooden club), so maybe there is something wrong with the adjustment of the game stages.

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1 hour ago, guilgamesh said:

Hey, I'm a huge fan of this mod, congratz on your hard work. Btw, do you got an ETA on the new patch?

At some point towards the end of this month, all going well.



41 minutes ago, Falaffel said:

When you get overrun by 40 zombies, they may feel like hundreds :) 


I tried to count, and most probably they are not more than 40. On the other hand: such big hordes arrive even at day one (Game Stage: wooden club), so maybe there is something wrong with the adjustment of the game stages.

They CANT spawn on Day 1. It's hard coded. Wandering Horde calculations don't start until midnight of Day 2.

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On 1/10/2022 at 9:03 PM, KhaineGB said:


I'm gonna be blunt. It is literally IMPOSSIBLE to get a huge wandering horde unless you have some kind of mod running that multiplies the numbers. The absolute max number of zombies I set for it is 40, whcih starts around GS 80 and does not have any behemoths in it.

And those numbers were tested and reported as fine.



Yes it most definitely was a behemoth and I certainly had no other mods running. One possibility is that the Mithixdino glasses I found early might have been messing up the loot stage. They added 45 to the loot stage and I wore them constantly for days until I found some +10% experience goggles. Now I only wear the Nithixdino for looting or turning in a quest. The other change I made was I downloaded your Wandering Horde Frequency mod, unzipped it  and installed it in the mod file. I am not sure which change made the difference but the end result is that the wandering hordes are back to normal. Assuming around 30 mobs with a few nasties mixed in at day 24 is normal.


Great mod by the way and the mutant spiders were a surprise.


Posted the above and then had 3 zombie titans (5k HP) spawn in the next wandering horde. The horde looked to be about 30ish in number. There were more regular mobs coming on the right not included in the picture. Not complaining just not sure how to deal with zombie titans with my gear and skills.



Edited by Akrux (see edit history)
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8 hours ago, Akrux said:


Yes it most definitely was a behemoth and I certainly had no other mods running. One possibility is that the Mithixdino glasses I found early might have been messing up the loot stage. They added 45 to the loot stage and I wore them constantly for days until I found some +10% experience goggles. Now I only wear the Nithixdino for looting or turning in a quest. The other change I made was I downloaded your Wandering Horde Frequency mod, unzipped it  and installed it in the mod file. I am not sure which change made the difference but the end result is that the wandering hordes are back to normal. Assuming around 30 mobs with a few nasties mixed in at day 24 is normal.


Great mod by the way and the mutant spiders were a surprise.


Posted the above and then had 3 zombie titans (5k HP) spawn in the next wandering horde. The horde looked to be about 30ish in number. There were more regular mobs coming on the right not included in the picture. Not complaining just not sure how to deal with zombie titans with my gear and skills.




 love the mod, and reaaaally appreciate all the time and effort put in to it, but as a fellow victim of this, I would petition, if time permits, a look in to the possibility of toning this down, or setting the real evil @%$#ers behind a GS wall.

Edited by Marinxar (see edit history)
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